Visible to the public An efficient parallel algorithm for hash computation in security and forensics applications

TitleAn efficient parallel algorithm for hash computation in security and forensics applications
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsKishore, N., Kapoor, B.
Conference NameAdvance Computing Conference (IACC), 2014 IEEE International
Date PublishedFeb
KeywordsAlgorithm design and analysis, application program interfaces, collision probability, Conferences, Cryptographic Hash Function, cryptography, data preservation, digital forensics, digital signature, digital signatures, file organisation, hash computation, hashing algorithms, Information security, MD5, Multicore processing, Multicore Processors, OpenMP, OpenMP API, parallel algorithm, parallel algorithms, probability, Program processors, SHA-1, SHA-1 algorithm, standard hash function, Standards

Hashing algorithms are used extensively in information security and digital forensics applications. This paper presents an efficient parallel algorithm hash computation. It's a modification of the SHA-1 algorithm for faster parallel implementation in applications such as the digital signature and data preservation in digital forensics. The algorithm implements recursive hash to break the chain dependencies of the standard hash function. We discuss the theoretical foundation for the work including the collision probability and the performance implications. The algorithm is implemented using the OpenMP API and experiments performed using machines with multicore processors. The results show a performance gain by more than a factor of 3 when running on the 8-core configuration of the machine.

Citation Key6779437