Visible to the public Security on RFID technology

TitleSecurity on RFID technology
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsKannouf, N., Douzi, Y., Benabdellah, M., Azizi, A.
Conference Name2015 International Conference on Cloud Technologies and Applications (CloudTech)
Keywordsbuilding access, computing technologies, counterfeiting, Noise measurement, pubcrawl170112, radio frequency identification, radiofrequency identification, RFID, RFID data security, RFID systems, RFID technology, security of data, Security on RFID, Supply chains, telecommunication computing, tracking livestock

RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) systems are emerging as one of the most pervasive computing technologies in history due to their low cost and their broad applicability. Latest technologies have brought costs down and standards are being developed. Actually, RFID is mostly used as a medium for numerous tasks including managing supply chains, tracking livestock, preventing counterfeiting, controlling building access, and supporting automated checkout. The use of RFID is limited by security concerns and delays in standardization. This paper presents some research done on RFID, the RFID applications and RFID data security.

Citation Keykannouf_security_2015