This project investigates the risks instigated by malicious hardware modifications (hardware Trojans) in the nodes of a wireless network and aims to develop remedies, thereby enabling secure deployment and fostering technology trustworthiness. Due to the lack of assurance mechanisms in the globalized integrated circuit (IC) supply chain, hardware Trojans have recently become the topic of intensified concern. At the same time, wireless networks constitute an indispensable part of modern electronic systems and their ability to communicate data that is typically encrypted over public channels makes them a prime attack target. Accordingly, this project provides a synergistic approach that combines information theory with IC design and test practices.
This project focuses on (1) modeling the risk induced by hardware Trojans in wireless networks, (2) elucidating this risk by designing realistic hardware Trojan-based attacks on both the baseband processor and the RF front-end, (3) developing countermeasures for preventing insertion and facilitating detection of hardware Trojans in wireless networks, and (4) demonstrating attack feasibility and countermeasure effectiveness using popular experimentation platforms enhanced with custom-designed Trojan-free and Trojan-infested Radio Frequency ICs. The investigators participate in outreach activities organized by Cybersecurity Research and Education Institute at the University of Texas at Dallas.