Visible to the public A Raspberry-Pi Prototype of Smart Transportation

TitleA Raspberry-Pi Prototype of Smart Transportation
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsTayeb, S., Pirouz, M., Latifi, S.
Conference Name2017 25th International Conference on Systems Engineering (ICSEng)
Keywordsactive experiments, automobiles, Autonomous vehicles, Computational modeling, cyber physical systems, Human Behavior, human factors, Internet of Things, Internet of Vehicles, IR sensor, level 3 autonomous vehicle, merging, Metrics, microscopic level, mobile robots, nearby vehicles, passive experiments, pubcrawl, Raspberry Pi, Raspberry-Pi prototype, Resiliency, road vehicles, road-side units, Roads, security, Sensors, smart cities, smart transportation, system-on-chips, Vehicular Clouds

This paper proposes a prototype of a level 3 autonomous vehicle using Raspberry Pi, capable of detecting the nearby vehicles using an IR sensor. We make the first attempt to analyze autonomous vehicles from a microscopic level, focusing on each vehicle and their communications with the nearby vehicles and road-side units. Two sets of passive and active experiments on a pair of prototypes were run, demonstrating the interconnectivity of the developed prototype. Several sensors were incorporated into an emulation based on System-on-Chip to further demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed model.

Citation Keytayeb_raspberry-pi_2017