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Essra, A., Sitompul, O. S., Nasution, B. Benyamin, Rahmat, R. F..  2017.  Hierarchical Graph Neuron Scheme in Classifying Intrusion Attack. 2017 4th International Conference on Computer Applications and Information Processing Technology (CAIPT). :1–6.

Hierarchical Graph Neuron (HGN) is an extension of network-centric algorithm called Graph Neuron (GN), which is used to perform parallel distributed pattern recognition. In this research, HGN scheme is used to classify intrusion attacks in computer networks. Patterns of intrusion attacks are preprocessed in three steps: selecting attributes using information gain attribute evaluation, discretizing the selected attributes using entropy-based discretization supervised method, and selecting the training data using K-Means clustering algorithm. After the preprocessing stage, the HGN scheme is then deployed to classify intrusion attack using the KDD Cup 99 dataset. The results of the classification are measured in terms of accuracy rate, detection rate, false positive rate and true negative rate. The test result shows that the HGN scheme is promising and stable in classifying the intrusion attack patterns with accuracy rate reaches 96.27%, detection rate reaches 99.20%, true negative rate below 15.73%, and false positive rate as low as 0.80%.

Elgzil, A., Chow, C. E., Aljaedi, A., Alamri, N..  2017.  Cyber Anonymity Based on Software-Defined Networking and Onion Routing (SOR). 2017 IEEE Conference on Dependable and Secure Computing. :358–365.

Cyber anonymity tools have attracted wide attention in resisting network traffic censorship and surveillance, and have played a crucial role for open communications over the Internet. The Onion Routing (Tor) is considered the prevailing technique for circumventing the traffic surveillance and providing cyber anonymity. Tor operates by tunneling a traffic through a series of relays, making such traffic to appear as if it originated from the last relay in the traffic path, rather than from the original user. However, Tor faced some obstructions in carrying out its goal effectively, such as insufficient performance and limited capacity. This paper presents a cyber anonymity technique based on software-defined networking; named SOR, which builds onion-routed tunnels across multiple anonymity service providers. SOR architecture enables any cloud tenants to participate in the anonymity service via software-defined networking. Our proposed architecture leverages the large capacity and robust connectivity of the commercial cloud networks to elevate the performance of the cyber anonymity service.

Eskandanian, Farzad, Mobasher, Bamshad, Burke, Robin.  2017.  A Clustering Approach for Personalizing Diversity in Collaborative Recommender Systems. Proceedings of the 25th Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization. :280–284.

Much of the focus of recommender systems research has been on the accurate prediction of users' ratings for unseen items. Recent work has suggested that objectives such as diversity and novelty in recommendations are also important factors in the effectiveness of a recommender system. However, methods that attempt to increase diversity of recommendation lists for all users without considering each user's preference or tolerance for diversity may lead to monotony for some users and to poor recommendations for others. Our goal in this research is to evaluate the hypothesis that users' propensity towards diversity varies greatly and that the diversity of recommendation lists should be consistent with the level of user interest in diverse recommendations. We propose a pre-filtering clustering approach to group users with similar levels of tolerance for diversity. Our contributions are twofold. First, we propose a method for personalizing diversity by performing collaborative filtering independently on different segments of users based on the degree of diversity in their profiles. Secondly, we investigate the accuracy-diversity tradeoffs using the proposed method across different user segments. As part of this evaluation we propose new metrics, adapted from information retrieval, that help us measure the effectiveness of our approach in personalizing diversity. Our experimental evaluation is based on two different datasets: MovieLens movie ratings, and Yelp restaurant reviews.

Jo, Changyeon, Cho, Youngsu, Egger, Bernhard.  2017.  A Machine Learning Approach to Live Migration Modeling. Proceedings of the 2017 Symposium on Cloud Computing. :351–364.

Live migration is one of the key technologies to improve data center utilization, power efficiency, and maintenance. Various live migration algorithms have been proposed; each exhibiting distinct characteristics in terms of completion time, amount of data transferred, virtual machine (VM) downtime, and VM performance degradation. To make matters worse, not only the migration algorithm but also the applications running inside the migrated VM affect the different performance metrics. With service-level agreements and operational constraints in place, choosing the optimal live migration technique has so far been an open question. In this work, we propose an adaptive machine learning-based model that is able to predict with high accuracy the key characteristics of live migration in dependence of the migration algorithm and the workload running inside the VM. We discuss the important input parameters for accurately modeling the target metrics, and describe how to profile them with little overhead. Compared to existing work, we are not only able to model all commonly used migration algorithms but also predict important metrics that have not been considered so far such as the performance degradation of the VM. In a comparison with the state-of-the-art, we show that the proposed model outperforms existing work by a factor 2 to 5.

Assaf, Eran, Basat, Ran Ben, Einziger, Gil, Friedman, Roy, Kassner, Yaron.  2017.  Counting Distinct Elements over Sliding Windows. Proceedings of the 10th ACM International Systems and Storage Conference. :22:1–22:1.

In Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, an attacker tries to disable a service with a flood of seemingly legitimate requests from multiple devices; this is usually accompanied by a sharp spike in the number of distinct IP addresses / flows accessing the system in a short time frame. Hence, the number of distinct elements over sliding windows is a fundamental signal in DDoS identification. Additionally, assessing whether a specific flow has recently accessed the system, known as the Set Membership problem, can help us identify the attacking parties. Here, we show how to extend the functionality of a state of the art algorithm for set membership over a W elements sliding window. We now also support estimation of the distinct flow count, using as little as log2 (W) additional bits.

Acquaviva, J., Mahon, M., Einfalt, B., LaPorta, T..  2017.  Optimal Cyber-Defense Strategies for Advanced Persistent Threats: A Game Theoretical Analysis. 2017 IEEE 36th Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS). :204–213.

We introduce a novel mathematical model that treats network security as a game between cyber attackers and network administrators. The model takes the form of a zero-sum repeated game where each sub-game corresponds to a possible state of the attacker. Our formulation views state as the set of compromised edges in a graph opposed to the more traditional node-based view. This provides a more expressive model since it allows the defender to anticipate the direction of attack. Both players move independently and in continuous time allowing for the possibility of one player moving several times before the other does. This model shows that defense-in-depth is not always a rational strategy for budget constrained network administrators. Furthermore, a defender can dissuade a rational attacker from attempting to attack a network if the defense budget is sufficiently high. This means that a network administrator does not need to make their system completely free of vulnerabilities, they only to ensure the penalties for being caught outweigh the potential rewards gained.

Pirkl, Jutta, Becher, Andreas, Echavarria, Jorge, Teich, Jürgen, Wildermann, Stefan.  2017.  Self-Adaptive FPGA-Based Image Processing Filters Using Approximate Arithmetics. Proceedings of the 20th International Workshop on Software and Compilers for Embedded Systems. :89–92.

Approximate Computing aims at trading off computational accuracy against improvements regarding performance, resource utilization and power consumption by making use of the capability of many applications to tolerate a certain loss of quality. A key issue is the dependency of the impact of approximation on the input data as well as user preferences and environmental conditions. In this context, we therefore investigate the concept of self-adaptive image processing that is able to autonomously adapt 2D-convolution filter operators of different accuracy degrees by means of partial reconfiguration on Field-Programmable-Gate-Arrays (FPGAs). Experimental evaluation shows that the dynamic system is able to better exploit a given error tolerance than any static approximation technique due to its responsiveness to changes in input data. Additionally, it provides a user control knob to select the desired output quality via the metric threshold at runtime.

Abdeslam, W. Oulad, Tabii, Y., El Kadiri, K. E..  2017.  Adaptive Appearance Model in Particle Filter Based Visual Tracking. Proceedings of the 2Nd International Conference on Big Data, Cloud and Applications. :85:1–85:5.

Visual Tracking methods based on particle filter framework uses frequently the state space information of the target object to calculate the observation model, However this often gives a poor estimate if unexpected motions happen, or under conditions of cluttered backgrounds illumination changes, because the model explores the state space without any additional information of current state. In order to avoid the tracking failure, we address in this paper, Particle filter based visual tracking, in which the target appearance model is represented through an adaptive conjunction of color histogram, and space based appearance combining with velocity parameters, then the appearance models is estimated using particles whose weights, are incrementally updated for dynamic adaptation of the cue parametrization.

El hanine, M., Abdelmounim, E., Haddadi, R., Belaguid, A..  2017.  Real Time EMG Noise Cancellation from ECG Signals Using Adaptive Filtering. Proceedings of the 2Nd International Conference on Computing and Wireless Communication Systems. :54:1–54:6.

This paper presents a quantitative study of adaptive filtering to cancel the EMG artifact from ECG signals. The proposed adaptive algorithm operates in real time; it adjusts its coefficients simultaneously with signals acquisition minimizing a cost function, the summation of weighted least square errors (LSE). The obtained results prove the success and the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. The best ones were obtained for the forgetting factor equals to 0.99 and the regularization parameter equals to 0.02..

Jeon, H., Eun, Y..  2017.  Sensor Security Index for Control Systems. 2017 17th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS). :145–148.

Security of control systems have become a new and important field of research since malicious attacks on control systems indeed occurred including Stuxnet in 2011 and north eastern electrical grid black out in 2003. Attacks on sensors and/or actuators of control systems cause malfunction, instability, and even system destruction. The impact of attack may differ by which instrumentation (sensors and/or actuators) is being attacked. In particular, for control systems with multiple sensors, attack on each sensor may have different impact, i.e., attack on some sensors leads to a greater damage to the system than those for other sensors. To investigate this, we consider sensor bias injection attacks in linear control systems equipped with anomaly detector, and quantify the maximum impact of attack on sensors while the attack remains undetected. Then, we introduce a notion of sensor security index for linear dynamic systems to quantify the vulnerability under sensor attacks. Method of reducing system vulnerability is also discussed using the notion of sensor security index.

Harb, H., William, A., El-Mohsen, O. A., Mansour, H. A..  2017.  Multicast Security Model for Internet of Things Based on Context Awareness. 2017 13th International Computer Engineering Conference (ICENCO). :303–309.

Internet of Things (IoT) devices are resource constrained devices in terms of power, memory, bandwidth, and processing. On the other hand, multicast communication is considered more efficient in group oriented applications compared to unicast communication as transmission takes place using fewer resources. That is why many of IoT applications rely on multicast in their transmission. This multicast traffic need to be secured specially for critical applications involving actuators control. Securing multicast traffic by itself is cumbersome as it requires an efficient and scalable Group Key Management (GKM) protocol. In case of IoT, the situation is more difficult because of the dynamic nature of IoT scenarios. This paper introduces a solution based on using context aware security server accompanied with a group of key servers to efficiently distribute group encryption keys to IoT devices in order to secure the multicast sessions. The proposed solution is evaluated relative to the Logical Key Hierarchy (LKH) protocol. The comparison shows that the proposed scheme efficiently reduces the load on the key servers. Moreover, the key storage cost on both members and key servers is reduced.

Metongnon, L., Ezin, E. C., Sadre, R..  2017.  Efficient Probing of Heterogeneous IoT Networks. 2017 IFIP/IEEE Symposium on Integrated Network and Service Management (IM). :1052–1058.

The Internet of Things leads to the inter-connectivity of a wide range of devices. This heterogeneity of hardware and software poses significant challenges to security. Constrained IoT devices often do not have enough resources to carry the overhead of an intrusion protection system or complex security protocols. A typical initial step in network security is a network scan in order to find vulnerable nodes. In the context of IoT, the initiator of the scan can be particularly interested in finding constrained devices, assuming that they are easier targets. In IoT networks hosting devices of various types, performing a scan with a high discovery rate can be a challenging task, since low-power networks such as IEEE 802.15.4 are easily overloaded. In this paper, we propose an approach to increase the efficiency of network scans by combining them with active network measurements. The measurements allow the scanner to differentiate IoT nodes by the used network technology. We show that the knowledge gained from this differentiation can be used to control the scan strategy in order to reduce probe losses.

Guarnizo, Juan David, Tambe, Amit, Bhunia, Suman Sankar, Ochoa, Martin, Tippenhauer, Nils Ole, Shabtai, Asaf, Elovici, Yuval.  2017.  SIPHON: Towards Scalable High-Interaction Physical Honeypots. Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Workshop on Cyber-Physical System Security. :57–68.

In recent years, the emerging Internet-of-Things (IoT) has led to rising concerns about the security of networked embedded devices. In this work, we propose the SIPHON architecture–-a Scalable high-Interaction Honeypot platform for IoT devices. Our architecture leverages IoT devices that are physically at one location and are connected to the Internet through so-called $\backslash$emph\wormholes\ distributed around the world. The resulting architecture allows exposing few physical devices over a large number of geographically distributed IP addresses. We demonstrate the proposed architecture in a large scale experiment with 39 wormhole instances in 16 cities in 9 countries. Based on this setup, five physical IP cameras, one NVR and one IP printer are presented as 85 real IoT devices on the Internet, attracting a daily traffic of 700MB for a period of two months. A preliminary analysis of the collected traffic indicates that devices in some cities attracted significantly more traffic than others (ranging from 600 000 incoming TCP connections for the most popular destination to less than 50 000 for the least popular). We recorded over 400 brute-force login attempts to the web-interface of our devices using a total of 1826 distinct credentials, from which 11 attempts were successful. Moreover, we noted login attempts to Telnet and SSH ports some of which used credentials found in the recently disclosed Mirai malware.

Harrington, Joshua, Lacroix, Jesse, El-Khatib, Khalil, Lobo, Felipe Leite, Oliveira, Horácio A.B.F..  2017.  Proactive Certificate Distribution for PKI in VANET. Proceedings of the 13th ACM Symposium on QoS and Security for Wireless and Mobile Networks. :9–13.

Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANET) are the creation of several vehicles communicating with each other in order to create a network capable of communication and data exchange. One of the most promising methods for security and trust amongst vehicular networks is the usage of Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). However, current implementations of PKI as a security solution for determining the validity and authenticity of vehicles in a VANET is not efficient due to the usage of large amounts of delay and computational overhead. In this paper, we investigate the potential of PKI when predictively and preemptively passing along certificates to roadside units (RSU) in an effort to lower delay and computational overhead in a dynamic environment. We look to accomplish this through utilizing fog computing and propose a new protocol to pass certificates along the projected path.

van der Heijden, Rens W., Engelmann, Felix, Mödinger, David, Schönig, Franziska, Kargl, Frank.  2017.  Blackchain: Scalability for Resource-Constrained Accountable Vehicle-to-x Communication. Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Scalable and Resilient Infrastructures for Distributed Ledgers. :4:1–4:5.

In this paper, we propose a new Blockchain-based message and revocation accountability system called Blackchain. Combining a distributed ledger with existing mechanisms for security in V2X communication systems, we design a distributed event data recorder (EDR) that satisfies traditional accountability requirements by providing a compressed global state. Unlike previous approaches, our distributed ledger solution provides an accountable revocation mechanism without requiring trust in a single misbehavior authority, instead allowing a collaborative and transparent decision making process through Blackchain. This makes Blackchain an attractive alternative to existing solutions for revocation in a Security Credential Management System (SCMS), which suffer from the traditional disadvantages of PKIs, notably including centralized trust. Our proposal becomes scalable through the use of hierarchical consensus: individual vehicles dynamically create clusters, which then provide their consensus decisions as input for road-side units (RSUs), which in turn publish their results to misbehavior authorities. This authority, which is traditionally a single entity in the SCMS, responsible for the integrity of the entire V2X network, is now a set of authorities that transparently perform a revocation, whose result is then published in a global Blackchain state. This state can be used to prevent the issuance of certificates to previously malicious users, and also prevents the authority from misbehaving through the transparency implied by a global system state.

Khalil, K., Eldash, O., Bayoumi, M..  2017.  Self-Healing Router Architecture for Reliable Network-on-Chips. 2017 24th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS). :330–333.

NoCs are a well established research topic and several Implementations have been proposed for Self-healing. Self-healing refers to the ability of a system to detect faults or failures and fix them through healing or repairing. The main problems in current self-healing approaches are area overhead and scalability for complex structure since they are based on redundancy and spare blocks. Also, faulty router can isolate PE from other router nodes which can reduce the overall performance of the system. This paper presents a self-healing for a router to avoid denied fault PE function and isolation PE from other nodes. In the proposed design, the neighbor routers receive signal from a faulty router which keeps them to send the data packet which has only faulted router destination to a faulty router. Control unite turns on switches to connect four input ports to local ports successively to send coming packets to PE. The reliability of the proposed technique is studied and compared to conventional system with different failure rates. This approach is capable of healing 50% of the router. The area overhead is 14% for the proposed approach which is much lower compared to other approaches using redundancy.

Dolev, Danny, Erdmann, Michael, Lutz, Neil, Schapira, Michael, Zair, Adva.  2017.  Stateless Computation. Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing. :419–421.

We present and explore a model of stateless and self-stabilizing distributed computation, inspired by real-world applications such as routing on today's Internet. Processors in our model do not have an internal state, but rather interact by repeatedly mapping incoming messages ("labels") to outgoing messages and output values. While seemingly too restrictive to be of interest, stateless computation encompasses both classical game-theoretic notions of strategic interaction and a broad range of practical applications (e.g., Internet protocols, circuits, diffusion of technologies in social networks). Our main technical contribution is a general impossibility result for stateless self-stabilization in our model, showing that even modest asynchrony (with wait times that are linear in the number of processors) can prevent a stateless protocol from reaching a stable global configuration. Furthermore, we present hardness results for verifying stateless self-stabilization. We also address several aspects of the computational power of stateless protocols. Most significantly, we show that short messages (of length that is logarithmic in the number of processors) yield substantial computational power, even on very poorly connected topologies.

Pasquier, Thomas, Han, Xueyuan, Goldstein, Mark, Moyer, Thomas, Eyers, David, Seltzer, Margo, Bacon, Jean.  2017.  Practical Whole-System Provenance Capture. Proceedings of the 2017 Symposium on Cloud Computing. :405–418.

Data provenance describes how data came to be in its present form. It includes data sources and the transformations that have been applied to them. Data provenance has many uses, from forensics and security to aiding the reproducibility of scientific experiments. We present CamFlow, a whole-system provenance capture mechanism that integrates easily into a PaaS offering. While there have been several prior whole-system provenance systems that captured a comprehensive, systemic and ubiquitous record of a system's behavior, none have been widely adopted. They either A) impose too much overhead, B) are designed for long-outdated kernel releases and are hard to port to current systems, C) generate too much data, or D) are designed for a single system. CamFlow addresses these shortcoming by: 1) leveraging the latest kernel design advances to achieve efficiency; 2) using a self-contained, easily maintainable implementation relying on a Linux Security Module, NetFilter, and other existing kernel facilities; 3) providing a mechanism to tailor the captured provenance data to the needs of the application; and 4) making it easy to integrate provenance across distributed systems. The provenance we capture is streamed and consumed by tenant-built auditor applications. We illustrate the usability of our implementation by describing three such applications: demonstrating compliance with data regulations; performing fault/intrusion detection; and implementing data loss prevention. We also show how CamFlow can be leveraged to capture meaningful provenance without modifying existing applications.

Ehrlich, M., Wisniewski, L., Trsek, H., Mahrenholz, D., Jasperneite, J..  2017.  Automatic Mapping of Cyber Security Requirements to Support Network Slicing in Software-Defined Networks. 2017 22nd IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA). :1–4.
The process of digitalisation has an advanced impact on social lives, state affairs, and the industrial automation domain. Ubiquitous networks and the increased requirements in terms of Quality of Service (QoS) create the demand for future-proof network management. Therefore, new technological approaches, such as Software-Defined Networks (SDN) or the 5G Network Slicing concept, are considered. However, the important topic of cyber security has mainly been ignored in the past. Recently, this topic has gained a lot of attention due to frequently reported security related incidents, such as industrial espionage, or production system manipulations. Hence, this work proposes a concept for adding cyber security requirements to future network management paradigms. For this purpose, various security related standards and guidelines are available. However, these approaches are mainly static, require a high amount of manual efforts by experts, and need to be performed in a steady manner. Therefore, the proposed solution contains a dynamic, machine-readable, automatic, continuous, and future-proof approach to model and describe cyber security QoS requirements for the next generation network management.
Ehrlich, M., Wisniewski, L., Trsek, H., Mahrenholz, D., Jasperneite, J..  2017.  Automatic Mapping of Cyber Security Requirements to Support Network Slicing in Software-Defined Networks. 2017 22nd IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA). :1–4.
The process of digitalisation has an advanced impact on social lives, state affairs, and the industrial automation domain. Ubiquitous networks and the increased requirements in terms of Quality of Service (QoS) create the demand for future-proof network management. Therefore, new technological approaches, such as Software-Defined Networks (SDN) or the 5G Network Slicing concept, are considered. However, the important topic of cyber security has mainly been ignored in the past. Recently, this topic has gained a lot of attention due to frequently reported security related incidents, such as industrial espionage, or production system manipulations. Hence, this work proposes a concept for adding cyber security requirements to future network management paradigms. For this purpose, various security related standards and guidelines are available. However, these approaches are mainly static, require a high amount of manual efforts by experts, and need to be performed in a steady manner. Therefore, the proposed solution contains a dynamic, machine-readable, automatic, continuous, and future-proof approach to model and describe cyber security QoS requirements for the next generation network management.
Nembhard, F., Carvalho, M., Eskridge, T..  2017.  A Hybrid Approach to Improving Program Security. 2017 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI). :1–8.

The security of computer programs and systems is a very critical issue. With the number of attacks launched on computer networks and software, businesses and IT professionals are taking steps to ensure that their information systems are as secure as possible. However, many programmers do not think about adding security to their programs until their projects are near completion. This is a major mistake because a system is as secure as its weakest link. If security is viewed as an afterthought, it is highly likely that the resulting system will have a large number of vulnerabilities, which could be exploited by attackers. One of the reasons programmers overlook adding security to their code is because it is viewed as a complicated or time-consuming process. This paper presents a tool that will help programmers think more about security and add security tactics to their code with ease. We created a model that learns from existing open source projects and documentation using machine learning and text mining techniques. Our tool contains a module that runs in the background to analyze code as the programmer types and offers suggestions of where security could be included. In addition, our tool fetches existing open source implementations of cryptographic algorithms and sample code from repositories to aid programmers in adding security easily to their projects.

Sulavko, A. E., Eremenko, A. V., Fedotov, A. A..  2017.  Users' Identification through Keystroke Dynamics Based on Vibration Parameters and Keyboard Pressure. 2017 Dynamics of Systems, Mechanisms and Machines (Dynamics). :1–7.

The paper considers an issues of protecting data from unauthorized access by users' authentication through keystroke dynamics. It proposes to use keyboard pressure parameters in combination with time characteristics of keystrokes to identify a user. The authors designed a keyboard with special sensors that allow recording complementary parameters. The paper presents an estimation of the information value for these new characteristics and error probabilities of users' identification based on the perceptron algorithms, Bayes' rule and quadratic form networks. The best result is the following: 20 users are identified and the error rate is 0.6%.

Elattar, M., Cao, T., Wendt, V., Jaspemeite, J., Trächtler, A..  2017.  Reliable Multipath Communication Approach for Internet-Based Cyber-Physical Systems. 2017 IEEE 26th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE). :1226–1233.

The vision of cyber-physical systems (CPSs) considered the Internet as the future communication network for such systems. A challenge with this regard is to provide high communication reliability, especially, for CPSs applications in critical infrastructures. Examples include smart grid applications with reliability requirements between 99-99.9999% [2]. Even though the Internet is a cost effective solution for such applications, the reliability of its end-to-end (e2e) paths is inadequate (often less than 99%). In this paper, we propose Reliable Multipath Communication Approach for Internet-based CPSs (RC4CPS). RC4CPS is an e2e approach that utilizes the inherent redundancy of the Internet and multipath (MP) transport protocols concept to improve reliability measured in terms of availability. It provides online monitoring and MP selection in order to fulfill the application specific reliability requirement. In addition, our MP selection considers e2e paths dependency and unavailability prediction to maximize the reliability gains of MP communication. Our results show that RC4CPS dynamic MP selection satisfied the reliability requirement along with selecting e2e paths with low dependency and unavailability probability.

Ivars, Eugene, Armands, Vadim.  2013.  Alias-free compressed signal digitizing and recording on the basis of Event Timer. 2013 21st Telecommunications Forum Telfor (℡FOR). :443–446.

Specifics of an alias-free digitizer application for compressed digitizing and recording of wideband signals are considered. Signal sampling in this case is performed on the basis of picosecond resolution event timing, the digitizer actually is a subsystem of Event Timer A033-ET and specific events that are detected and then timed are the signal and reference sine-wave crossings. The used approach to development of this subsystem is described and some results of experimental studies are given.

Kogos, K. G., Filippova, K. S., Epishkina, A. V..  2017.  Fully homomorphic encryption schemes: The state of the art. 2017 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EIConRus). :463–466.

The challenge of maintaining confidentiality of stored and processed data in a remote database or cloud is quite urgent. Using homomorphic encryption may solve the problem, because it allows to compute some functions over encrypted data without preliminary deciphering of data. Fully homomorphic encryption schemes have a number of limitations such as accumulation of noise and increase of ciphertext extension during performing operations, the range of operations is limited. Nowadays a lot of homomorphic encryption schemes and their modifications have been investigated, so more than 25 reports on homomorphic encryption schemes have already been published on Cryptology ePrint Archive for 2016. We propose an overview of current Fully Homomorphic Encryption Schemes and analyze specific operations for databases which homomorphic cryptosystems allow to perform. We also investigate the possibility of sorting over encrypted data and present our approach to compare data encrypted by Multi-bit FHE scheme.