Visible to the public Users' Identification through Keystroke Dynamics Based on Vibration Parameters and Keyboard Pressure

TitleUsers' Identification through Keystroke Dynamics Based on Vibration Parameters and Keyboard Pressure
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsSulavko, A. E., Eremenko, A. V., Fedotov, A. A.
Conference Name2017 Dynamics of Systems, Mechanisms and Machines (Dynamics)
Date Publishednov
ISBN Number978-1-5386-1820-2
Keywordsauthorisation, Bayes methods, Bayes rule, biometrics (access control), complementary parameters, Correlation, correlation between biometrie attributes, data protection, Dynamics, error probabilities, error statistics, Human Behavior, human factors, keyboard pressure parameters, keyboard vibration, Keyboards, Keys pressure, keystroke analysis, keystroke dynamics, message authentication, Metrics, multilayer perceptrons, perceptron algorithms, probability density, pubcrawl, quadratic form networks, Sensors, special sensors, time characteristics, Time-frequency Analysis, unauthorized access, user identification, vibration parameters, Vibrations, wide artificial neural networks

The paper considers an issues of protecting data from unauthorized access by users' authentication through keystroke dynamics. It proposes to use keyboard pressure parameters in combination with time characteristics of keystrokes to identify a user. The authors designed a keyboard with special sensors that allow recording complementary parameters. The paper presents an estimation of the information value for these new characteristics and error probabilities of users' identification based on the perceptron algorithms, Bayes' rule and quadratic form networks. The best result is the following: 20 users are identified and the error rate is 0.6%.

Citation Keysulavko_users_2017