Visible to the public Information Theoretic Security over α-µ/α-µ Composite Multipath Fading Channel

TitleInformation Theoretic Security over α-µ/α-µ Composite Multipath Fading Channel
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsKundu, M. K., Shabab, S., Badrudduza, A. S. M.
Conference Name2019 IEEE International Conference on Telecommunications and Photonics (ICTP)
ISBN Number978-1-7281-5080-2
KeywordsCapacity planning, channel capacity, channel parameters, Communication system security, composite multipath fading channel, confidential information, eavesdropper, fading channels, Human Behavior, human factors, information leakage, information theoretic security, mathematical expressions, Metrics, Monte Carlo methods, Monte-Carlo simulations, multipath channels, multipath fading, non-zero secrecy capacity, policy-based governance, probability, pubcrawl, Receivers, resilience, Resiliency, Scalability, secrecy, secrecy matrices, secure outage probability, security, shadowing, Signal to noise ratio, telecommunication security, wireless channel, Wireless communication, α-μ distribution

Multipath fading as well as shadowing is liable for the leakage of confidential information from the wireless channels. In this paper a solution to this information leakage is proposed, where a source transmits signal through a a-m/a-m composite fading channel considering an eavesdropper is present in the system. Secrecy enhancement is investigated with the help of two fading parameters a and m. To mitigate the impacts of shadowing a a-m distribution is considered whose mean is another a-m distribution which helps to moderate the effects multipath fading. The mathematical expressions of some secrecy matrices such as the probability of non-zero secrecy capacity and the secure outage probability are obtained in closed-form to analyze security of the wireless channel in light of the channel parameters. Finally, Monte-Carlo simulations are provided to justify the correctness of the derived expressions.

Citation Keykundu_information_2019