Title | A Game-theoretic Framework for Security-aware Sensor Placement Problem in Networked Control Systems |
Publication Type | Conference Paper |
Year of Publication | 2019 |
Authors | Pirani, Mohammad, Nekouei, Ehsan, Sandberg, Henrik, Johansson, Karl Henrik |
Conference Name | 2019 American Control Conference (ACC) |
Keywords | attack signals, attacker decision, attacker-detector game, cyber-physical attacks, detector decision, Detectors, game leader, game theoretic security, game theory, game-theoretic framework, Games, human factors, Monitoring, Nash equilibrium, Networked Control System, networked control systems, optimal sensor placement strategy, optimisation, Predictive Metrics, pubcrawl, Scalability, security, security of data, security-aware sensor placement problem, sensor placement, Stackelberg Equilibrium, Symmetric matrices, system L2 gain, trees (mathematics), undirected topology, undirected tree, zero-sum game |
Abstract | This paper studies the sensor placement problem in a networked control system for improving its security against cyber-physical attacks. The problem is formulated as a zero-sum game between an attacker and a detector. The attacker's decision is to select f nodes of the network to attack whereas the detector's decision is to place f sensors to detect the presence of the attack signals. In our formulation, the attacker minimizes its visibility, defined as the system L2 gain from the attack signals to the deployed sensors' outputs, and the detector maximizes the visibility of the attack signals. The equilibrium strategy of the game determines the optimal locations of the sensors. The existence of Nash equilibrium for the attacker-detector game is studied when the underlying connectivity graph is a directed or an undirected tree. When the game does not admit a Nash equilibrium, it is shown that the Stackelberg equilibrium of the game, with the detector as the game leader, can be computed efficiently. Our results show that, under the optimal sensor placement strategy, an undirected topology provides a higher security level for a networked control system compared with its corresponding directed topology. |
DOI | 10.23919/ACC.2019.8814443 |
Citation Key | pirani_game-theoretic_2019 |