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Kurihara, Tatsuki, Togawa, Nozomu.  2021.  Hardware-Trojan Classification based on the Structure of Trigger Circuits Utilizing Random Forests. 2021 IEEE 27th International Symposium on On-Line Testing and Robust System Design (IOLTS). :1–4.
Recently, with the spread of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, embedded hardware devices have been used in a variety of everyday electrical items. Due to the increased demand for embedded hardware devices, some of the IC design and manufacturing steps have been outsourced to third-party vendors. Since malicious third-party vendors may insert malicious circuits, called hardware Trojans, into their products, developing an effective hardware Trojan detection method is strongly required. In this paper, we propose 25 hardware-Trojan features based on the structure of trigger circuits for machine-learning-based hardware Trojan detection. Combining the proposed features into 11 existing hardware-Trojan features, we totally utilize 36 hardware-Trojan features for classification. Then we classify the nets in an unknown netlist into a set of normal nets and Trojan nets based on the random-forest classifier. The experimental results demonstrate that the average true positive rate (TPR) becomes 63.6% and the average true negative rate (TNR) becomes 100.0%. They improve the average TPR by 14.7 points while keeping the average TNR compared to existing state-of-the-art methods. In particular, the proposed method successfully finds out Trojan nets in several benchmark circuits, which are not found by the existing method.
Ndichu, Samuel, Ban, Tao, Takahashi, Takeshi, Inoue, Daisuke.  2021.  A Machine Learning Approach to Detection of Critical Alerts from Imbalanced Multi-Appliance Threat Alert Logs. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data). :2119–2127.
The extraordinary number of alerts generated by network intrusion detection systems (NIDS) can desensitize security analysts tasked with incident response. Security information and event management systems (SIEMs) perform some rudimentary automation but cannot replicate the decision-making process of a skilled analyst. Machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) can detect patterns in data with appropriate training. In practice, the majority of the alert data comprises false alerts, and true alerts form only a small proportion. Consequently, a naive engine that classifies all security alerts into the majority class can yield a superficial high accuracy close to 100%. Without any correction for the class imbalance, the false alerts will dominate algorithmic predictions resulting in poor generalization performance. We propose a machine-learning approach to address the class imbalance problem in multi-appliance security alert data and automate the security alert analysis process performed in security operations centers (SOCs). We first used the neighborhood cleaning rule (NCR) to identify and remove ambiguous, noisy, and redundant false alerts. Then, we applied the support vector machine synthetic minority oversampling technique (SVMSMOTE) to generate synthetic training true alerts. Finally, we fit and evaluated the decision tree and random forest classifiers. In the experiments, using alert data from eight security appliances, we demonstrated that the proposed method can significantly reduce the need for manual auditing, decreasing the number of uninspected alerts and achieving a performance of 99.524% in recall.
Li, Hongrui, Zhou, Lili, Xing, Mingming, Taha, Hafsah binti.  2021.  Vulnerability Detection Algorithm of Lightweight Linux Internet of Things Application with Symbolic Execution Method. 2021 International Symposium on Computer Technology and Information Science (ISCTIS). :24–27.
The security of Internet of Things (IoT) devices has become a matter of great concern in recent years. The existence of security holes in the executable programs in the IoT devices has resulted in difficult to estimate security risks. For a long time, vulnerability detection is mainly completed by manual debugging and analysis, and the detection efficiency is low and the accuracy is difficult to guarantee. In this paper, the mainstream automated vulnerability analysis methods in recent years are studied, and a vulnerability detection algorithm based on symbol execution is presented. The detection algorithm is suitable for lightweight applications in small and medium-sized IoT devices. It realizes three functions: buffer overflow vulnerability detection, encryption reliability detection and protection state detection. The robustness of the detection algorithm was tested in the experiment, and the detection of overflow vulnerability program was completed within 2.75 seconds, and the detection of encryption reliability was completed within 1.79 seconds. Repeating the test with multiple sets of data showed a small difference of less than 6.4 milliseconds. The results show that the symbol execution detection algorithm presented in this paper has high detection efficiency and more robust accuracy and robustness.
Tao, Yunting, Kong, Fanyu, Yu, Jia, Xu, Qiuliang.  2021.  Modification and Performance Improvement of Paillier Homomorphic Cryptosystem. 2021 IEEE 19th International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC). :131–136.
Data security and privacy have become an important problem while big data systems are growing dramatically fast in various application fields. Paillier additive homomorphic cryptosystem is widely used in information security fields such as big data security, communication security, cloud computing security, and artificial intelligence security. However, how to improve its computational performance is one of the most critical problems in practice. In this paper, we propose two modifications to improve the performance of the Paillier cryptosystem. Firstly, we introduce a key generation method to generate the private key with low Hamming weight, and this can be used to accelerate the decryption computation of the Paillier cryptosystem. Secondly, we propose an acceleration method based on Hensel lifting in the Paillier cryptosystem. This method can obtain a faster and improved decryption process by showing the mathematical analysis of the decryption algorithm.
Chen, Liming, Suo, Siliang, Kuang, Xiaoyun, Cao, Yang, Tao, Wenwei.  2021.  Secure Ubiquitous Wireless Communication Solution for Power Distribution Internet of Things in Smart Grid. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics and Computer Engineering (ICCECE). :780–784.
With rapid advancement of Smart Grid as well as Internet of Things (IoT), current power distribution communication network faces the challenges of satisfying the emerging data transmission requirements of ubiquitous secure coverage for distributed power services. This paper focuses on secure ubiquitous wireless communication solution for power distribution Internet of Things (PDİoT) in Smart Grid. Detailed secure ubiquitous wireless communication networking topology is presented, and integrated encryption and communication device is developed. The proposed solution supports several State Secret cryptographic algorithm including SM1/SM2/SM3/SM4 as well as forward and reverse isolation functions, thus achieving secure wireless communication for PDİoT services.
Diamant, Roee, Casari, Paolo, Tomasin, Stefano.  2021.  Topology-based Secret Key Generation for Underwater Acoustic Networks. 2021 Fifth Underwater Communications and Networking Conference (UComms). :1—5.
We propose a method to let a source and a destination agree on a key that remains secret to a potential eavesdropper in an underwater acoustic network (UWAN). We generate the key from the propagation delay measured over a set of multihop routes: this harvests the randomness in the UWAN topology and turns the slow sound propagation in the water into an advantage for the key agreement protocol. Our scheme relies on a route discovery handshake. During this process, all intermediate relays accumulate message processing delays, so that both the source and the destination can compute the actual propagation delays along each route, and map this information to a string of bits. Finally, via a secret key agreement from the information-theoretic security framework, we obtain an equal set of bits at the source and destination, which is provably secret to a potential eavesdropper located away from both nodes. Our simulation results show that, even for small UWANs of 4 nodes, we obtain 11 secret bits per explored topology, and that the protocol is insensitive to an average node speed of up to 0.5 m/s.
Hariyale, Ashish, Thawre, Aakriti, Chandavarkar, B. R..  2021.  Mitigating unsecured data forwarding related attack of underwater sensor network. 2021 12th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT). :1—5.
To improve communication underwater, the underwater sensor networks (UWSN) provide gains for many different underwater applications, like Underwater Data-centers, Aquatic Monitoring, Tsunami Monitoring Systems, Aquatic Monitoring, Underwater Oil Field Discovery, Submarine Target Localization, Surveilling Water Territory of the Country via UWSN, Submarine Target Localization and many more. underwater applications are dependent on secure data communication in an underwater environment, so Data transmission in Underwater Sensor Network is a need of the future. Underwater data transmission itself is a big challenge due to various limitations of underwater communication mediums like lower bandwidth, multipath effect, path loss, propagation delay, noise, Doppler spread, and so on. These challenges make the underwater networks one of the most vulnerable networks for many different security attacks like sinkhole, spoofing, wormhole, misdirection, etc. It causes packets unable to be delivered to the destination, and even worse forward them to malicious nodes. A compromised node, which may be a router, intercepts packets going through it, and selectively drops them or can perform some malicious activity. This paper presents a solution to Mitigate unsecured data forwarding related attacks of an underwater sensor network, our solution uses a pre-shared key to secure communication and hashing algorithm to maintain the integrity of stored locations at head node and demonstration of attack and its mitigation done on Unetstack software.
Wang, Yahui, Cui, Qiushi, Tang, Xinlu, Li, Dongdong, Chen, Tao.  2021.  Waveform Vector Embedding for Incipient Fault Detection in Distribution Systems. 2021 IEEE Sustainable Power and Energy Conference (iSPEC). :3873–3879.
Incipient faults are faults at their initial stages and occur before permanent faults occur. It is very important to detect incipient faults timely and accurately for the safe and stable operation of the power system. At present, most of the detection methods for incipient faults are designed for the detection of a single device’s incipient fault, but a unified detection for multiple devices cannot be achieved. In order to increase the fault detection capability and enable detection expandability, this paper proposes a waveform vector embedding (WVE) method to embed incipient fault waveforms of different devices into waveform vectors. Then, we utilize the waveform vectors and formulate them into a waveform dictionary. To improve the efficiency of embedding the waveform signature into the learning process, we build a loss function that prevents overflow and overfitting of softmax function during when learning power system waveforms. We use the real data collected from an IEEE Power & Energy Society technical report to verify the feasibility of this method. For the result verification, we compare the superiority of this method with Logistic Regression and Support Vector Machine in different scenarios.
Fu, Shijian, Tong, Ling, Gong, Xun, Gao, Xinyi, Wang, Peicheng, Gao, Bo, Liu, Yukai, Zhang, Kun, Li, Hao, Zhou, Weilai et al..  2021.  Design of Intermediate Frequency Module of Microwave Radiometer Based on Polyphase Filter Bank. 2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS. :7984–7987.
In this work, an IF(intermediate frequency) module of a hyperspectral microwave radiometer based on a polyphase filter bank (PFB) and Discrete Fourier Transformation (DFT)is introduced. The IF module is designed with an 800MSPS sampling-rate ADC and a Xilinx Virtex-7 FPGA. The module can achieve 512 channels and a bandwidth of 400M and process all the sampled data in real-time. The test results of this module are given and analyzed, such as linearity, accuracy, etc. It can be used in various applications of microwave remote sensing. The system has strong expandability.
Huong, Truong Thu, Bac, Ta Phuong, Long, Dao Minh, Thang, Bui Doan, Luong, Tran Duc, Binh, Nguyen Thanh.  2021.  An Efficient Low Complexity Edge-Cloud Framework for Security in IoT Networks. 2020 IEEE Eighth International Conference on Communications and Electronics (ICCE). :533—539.

Internet of Things (IoT) and its applications are becoming commonplace with more devices, but always at risk of network security. It is therefore crucial for an IoT network design to identify attackers accurately, quickly and promptly. Many solutions have been proposed, mainly concerning secure IoT architectures and classification algorithms, but none of them have paid enough attention to reducing the complexity. Our proposal in this paper is an edge-cloud architecture that fulfills the detection task right at the edge layer, near the source of the attacks for quick response, versatility, as well as reducing the cloud's workload. We also propose a multi-attack detection mechanism called LCHA (Low-Complexity detection solution with High Accuracy) , which has low complexity for deployment at the edge zone while still maintaining high accuracy. The performance of our proposed mechanism is compared with that of other machine learning and deep learning methods using the most updated BoT-IoT data set. The results show that LCHA outperforms other algorithms such as NN, CNN, RNN, KNN, SVM, KNN, RF and Decision Tree in terms of accuracy and NN in terms of complexity.

Bouteghrine, Belqassim, Tanougast, Camel, Sadoudi, Said.  2021.  Fast and Efficient Chaos-Based Algorithm for Multimedia Data Encryption. 2021 International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME). :1—5.
With the evolution of the communication technology, fast and efficient tools for secure exchanged data are highly required. Through this research work, we introduce a simplified and fast chaos-based scheme for multimedia data encryption and in particular for color image encryption application. The new algorithm is based on an extracted four-dimension (4-D) discrete time map. The proposed 4-D chaos system includes seven (07) nonlinear terms and four (04) controllers to generate a robust chaos that can satisfy the encryption requirements. The performance of this image encryption algorithm are analyzed with the help of four important factors which are key space, correlation, complexity and running time. Results of the security analysis compared to some of similar proposals, show that our encryption scheme is more effective in terms of key stream cipher space, correlation, complexity and running time.
Tseng, Yi-Fan, Gao, Shih-Jie.  2021.  Efficient Subset Predicate Encryption for Internet of Things. 2021 IEEE Conference on Dependable and Secure Computing (DSC). :1—2.
With the rapid development of Internet technologies, emerging network environments have been discussed, such as Internet of Things. In this manuscript, we proposed a novel subset predicate encryption for the access control in Internet of Things. Compared with the existing subset predicate encryption schemes, the proposed scheme enjoy the better efficiency due to the short private key and the efficient decryption procedure.
Ahmedova, Oydin, Mardiyev, Ulugbek, Tursunov, Otabek, Olimov, Iskandar.  2021.  Algebraic structure of parametric elliptic curves. 2021 International Conference on Information Science and Communications Technologies (ICISCT). :01—03.
The advantage of elliptic curve (EC) cryptographic systems is that they provide equivalent security even with small key lengths. However, the development of modern computing technologies leads to an increase in the length of keys. In this case, it is recommended to use a secret parameter to ensure sufficient access without increasing the key length. To achieve this result, the initiation of an additional secret parameter R into the EC equation is used to develop an EC-based key distribution algorithm. The article describes the algebraic structure of an elliptic curve with a secret parameter.
Tantawy, Ashraf.  2021.  Automated Malware Design for Cyber Physical Systems. 2021 9th International Symposium on Digital Forensics and Security (ISDFS). :1—6.

The design of attacks for cyber physical systems is critical to assess CPS resilience at design time and run-time, and to generate rich datasets from testbeds for research. Attacks against cyber physical systems distinguish themselves from IT attacks in that the main objective is to harm the physical system. Therefore, both cyber and physical system knowledge are needed to design such attacks. The current practice to generate attacks either focuses on the cyber part of the system using IT cyber security existing body of knowledge, or uses heuristics to inject attacks that could potentially harm the physical process. In this paper, we present a systematic approach to automatically generate integrity attacks from the CPS safety and control specifications, without knowledge of the physical system or its dynamics. The generated attacks violate the system operational and safety requirements, hence present a genuine test for system resilience. We present an algorithm to automate the malware payload development. Several examples are given throughout the paper to illustrate the proposed approach.

Mehner, Luise, Voigt, Saskia Nuñez von, Tschorsch, Florian.  2021.  Towards Explaining Epsilon: A Worst-Case Study of Differential Privacy Risks. 2021 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops (EuroS PW). :328–331.

Differential privacy is a concept to quantity the disclosure of private information that is controlled by the privacy parameter ε. However, an intuitive interpretation of ε is needed to explain the privacy loss to data engineers and data subjects. In this paper, we conduct a worst-case study of differential privacy risks. We generalize an existing model and reduce complexity to provide more understandable statements on the privacy loss. To this end, we analyze the impact of parameters and introduce the notion of a global privacy risk and global privacy leak.

Pisharody, Sandeep, Bernays, Jonathan, Gadepally, Vijay, Jones, Michael, Kepner, Jeremy, Meiners, Chad, Michaleas, Peter, Tse, Adam, Stetson, Doug.  2021.  Realizing Forward Defense in the Cyber Domain. 2021 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC). :1–7.

With the recognition of cyberspace as an operating domain, concerted effort is now being placed on addressing it in the whole-of-domain manner found in land, sea, undersea, air, and space domains. Among the first steps in this effort is applying the standard supporting concepts of security, defense, and deterrence to the cyber domain. This paper presents an architecture that helps realize forward defense in cyberspace, wherein adversarial actions are repulsed as close to the origin as possible. However, substantial work remains in making the architecture an operational reality including furthering fundamental research cyber science, conducting design trade-off analysis, and developing appropriate public policy frameworks.

Tekgul, Buse G. A., Xia, Yuxi, Marchal, Samuel, Asokan, N..  2021.  WAFFLE: Watermarking in Federated Learning. 2021 40th International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS). :310–320.

Federated learning is a distributed learning technique where machine learning models are trained on client devices in which the local training data resides. The training is coordinated via a central server which is, typically, controlled by the intended owner of the resulting model. By avoiding the need to transport the training data to the central server, federated learning improves privacy and efficiency. But it raises the risk of model theft by clients because the resulting model is available on every client device. Even if the application software used for local training may attempt to prevent direct access to the model, a malicious client may bypass any such restrictions by reverse engineering the application software. Watermarking is a well-known deterrence method against model theft by providing the means for model owners to demonstrate ownership of their models. Several recent deep neural network (DNN) watermarking techniques use backdooring: training the models with additional mislabeled data. Backdooring requires full access to the training data and control of the training process. This is feasible when a single party trains the model in a centralized manner, but not in a federated learning setting where the training process and training data are distributed among several client devices. In this paper, we present WAFFLE, the first approach to watermark DNN models trained using federated learning. It introduces a retraining step at the server after each aggregation of local models into the global model. We show that WAFFLE efficiently embeds a resilient watermark into models incurring only negligible degradation in test accuracy (-0.17%), and does not require access to training data. We also introduce a novel technique to generate the backdoor used as a watermark. It outperforms prior techniques, imposing no communication, and low computational (+3.2%) overhead$^\textrm1$$^\textrm1$\$The research report version of this paper is also available in, and the code for reproducing our work can be found at

Tekinerdoğan, Bedir, Özcan, Kaan, Yağız, Sevil, Yakın, İskender.  2021.  Model-Based Development of Design Basis Threat for Physical Protection Systems. 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering (ISSE). :1–6.

Physical protection system (PPS) is developed to protect the assets or facilities against threats. A systematic analysis of the capabilities and intentions of potential threat capabilities is needed resulting in a so-called Design Basis Threat (DBT) document. A proper development of DBT is important to identify the system requirements that are required for adequately protecting a system and to optimize the resources needed for the PPS. In this paper we propose a model-based systems engineering approach for developing a DBT based on feature models. Based on a domain analysis process, we provide a metamodel that defines the key concepts needed for developing DBT. Subsequently, a reusable family feature model for PPS is provided that includes the common and variant properties of the PPS concepts detection, deterrence and response. The configuration processes are modeled to select and analyze the required features for implementing the threat scenarios. Finally, we discuss the integration of the DBT with the PPS design process.

Nguyen, Huy Hoang, Ta, Thi Nhung, Nguyen, Ngoc Cuong, Bui, Van Truong, Pham, Hung Manh, Nguyen, Duc Minh.  2021.  YOLO Based Real-Time Human Detection for Smart Video Surveillance at the Edge. 2020 IEEE Eighth International Conference on Communications and Electronics (ICCE). :439–444.
Recently, smart video surveillance at the edge has become a trend in developing security applications since edge computing enables more image processing tasks to be implemented on the decentralised network note of the surveillance system. As a result, many security applications such as behaviour recognition and prediction, employee safety, perimeter intrusion detection and vandalism deterrence can minimise their latency or even process in real-time when the camera network system is extended to a larger degree. Technically, human detection is a key step in the implementation of these applications. With the advantage of high detection rates, deep learning methods have been widely employed on edge devices in order to detect human objects. However, due to their high computation costs, it is challenging to apply these methods on resource limited edge devices for real-time applications. Inspired by the You Only Look Once (YOLO), residual learning and Spatial Pyramid Pooling (SPP), a novel form of real-time human detection is presented in this paper. Our approach focuses on designing a network structure so that the developed model can achieve a good trade-off between accuracy and processing time. Experimental results show that our trained model can process 2 FPS on Raspberry PI 3B and detect humans with accuracies of 95.05 % and 96.81 % when tested respectively on INRIA and PENN FUDAN datasets. On the human COCO test dataset, our trained model outperforms the performance of the Tiny-YOLO versions. Additionally, compare to the SSD based L-CNN method, our algorithm achieves better accuracy than the other method.
Nawaz, Alia, Naeem, Tariq, Tayyab, Muhammad.  2021.  Application Profiling From Encrypted Traffic. 2021 International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (ICCWS). :1–7.
Everyday millions of people use Internet for various purposes including information access, communication, business, education, entertainment and more. As a result, huge amount of information is exchanged between billions of connected devices. This information can be encapsulated in different types of data packets. This information is also referred to as network traffic. The traffic analysis is a challenging task when the traffic is encrypted and the contents are not readable. So complex algorithms required to deduce the information and form patterns for traffic analysis. Many of currently available techniques rely on application specific attribute analysis, deep packet inspection (DPI) or content-based analysis that become ineffective on encrypted traffic. The article will focused on analysis techniques for encrypted traffic that are adaptive to address the evolving nature and increasing volume of network traffic. The proposed solution solution is less dependent on application and protocol specific parameters so that it can adapt to new types of applications and protocols. Our results shows that processing required for traffic analysis need to be in acceptable limits to ensure applicability in real-time applications without compromising performance.
Hassell, Suzanne, Beraud, Paul, Cruz, Alen, Ganga, Gangadhar, Martin, Steve, Toennies, Justin, Vazquez, Pablo, Wright, Gary, Gomez, Daniel, Pietryka, Frank et al..  2012.  Evaluating network cyber resiliency methods using cyber threat, Vulnerability and Defense Modeling and Simulation. MILCOM 2012 - 2012 IEEE Military Communications Conference. :1—6.
This paper describes a Cyber Threat, Vulnerability and Defense Modeling and Simulation tool kit used for evaluation of systems and networks to improve cyber resiliency. This capability is used to help increase the resiliency of networks at various stages of their lifecycle, from initial design and architecture through the operation of deployed systems and networks. Resiliency of computer systems and networks to cyber threats is facilitated by the modeling of agile and resilient defenses versus threats and running multiple simulations evaluated against resiliency metrics. This helps network designers, cyber analysts and Security Operations Center personnel to perform trades using what-if scenarios to select resiliency capabilities and optimally design and configure cyber resiliency capabilities for their systems and networks.
Tushar, Venkataramanan, V., Srivastava, A., Hahn, A..  2020.  CP-TRAM: Cyber-Physical Transmission Resiliency Assessment Metric. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. 11:5114—5123.
Natural disasters and cyber intrusions threaten the normal operation of the critical electric grid infrastructure. There is still no widely accepted methodology to quantify the resilience in power systems. In this work, power system resiliency refers to the ability of the system to keep provide energy to the critical load even with adverse events. A significant amount of work has been done to quantify the resilience for distribution systems. Even though critical loads are located in distribution system, transmission system play a critical role in supplying energy to distribution feeder in addition to the Distributed Energy Resources (DERs). This work focuses on developing a framework to quantify the resiliency of cyber-physical transmission systems. Quantifying the resiliency of the transmission network, is important to determine and devise suitable control mechanisms to minimize the effects of undesirable events in the power grid. The proposed metric is based on both system infrastructure and with changing operating conditions. A graphical analysis along with measure of critical parameters of the network is performed to quantify the redundancy and vulnerabilities in the physical network of the system. A similar approach is used to quantify the cyber-resiliency. The results indicate the capability of the proposed framework to quantify cyber-physical resilience of the transmission systems.
Conference Name: IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
Keshk, Marwa, Turnbull, Benjamin, Moustafa, Nour, Vatsalan, Dinusha, Choo, Kim-Kwang Raymond.  2020.  A Privacy-Preserving-Framework-Based Blockchain and Deep Learning for Protecting Smart Power Networks. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 16:5110–5118.
Modern power systems depend on cyber-physical systems to link physical devices and control technologies. A major concern in the implementation of smart power networks is to minimize the risk of data privacy violation (e.g., by adversaries using data poisoning and inference attacks). In this article, we propose a privacy-preserving framework to achieve both privacy and security in smart power networks. The framework includes two main modules: a two-level privacy module and an anomaly detection module. In the two-level privacy module, an enhanced-proof-of-work-technique-based blockchain is designed to verify data integrity and mitigate data poisoning attacks, and a variational autoencoder is simultaneously applied for transforming data into an encoded format for preventing inference attacks. In the anomaly detection module, a long short-term memory deep learning technique is used for training and validating the outputs of the two-level privacy module using two public datasets. The results highlight that the proposed framework can efficiently protect data of smart power networks and discover abnormal behaviors, in comparison to several state-of-the-art techniques.
Conference Name: IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
Keshk, Marwa, Turnbull, Benjamin, Sitnikova, Elena, Vatsalan, Dinusha, Moustafa, Nour.  2021.  Privacy-Preserving Schemes for Safeguarding Heterogeneous Data Sources in Cyber-Physical Systems. IEEE Access. 9:55077–55097.
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) underpin global critical infrastructure, including power, water, gas systems and smart grids. CPS, as a technology platform, is unique as a target for Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs), given the potentially high impact of a successful breach. Additionally, CPSs are targets as they produce significant amounts of heterogeneous data from the multitude of devices and networks included in their architecture. It is, therefore, essential to develop efficient privacy-preserving techniques for safeguarding system data from cyber attacks. This paper introduces a comprehensive review of the current privacy-preserving techniques for protecting CPS systems and their data from cyber attacks. Concepts of Privacy preservation and CPSs are discussed, demonstrating CPSs' components and the way these systems could be exploited by either cyber and physical hacking scenarios. Then, classification of privacy preservation according to the way they would be protected, including perturbation, authentication, machine learning (ML), cryptography and blockchain, are explained to illustrate how they would be employed for data privacy preservation. Finally, we show existing challenges, solutions and future research directions of privacy preservation in CPSs.
Conference Name: IEEE Access
Thushara, G A, Bhanu, S. Mary Saira.  2021.  A Survey on Secured Data Sharing Using Ciphertext Policy Attribute Based Encryption in Cloud. 2021 8th International Conference on Smart Computing and Communications (ICSCC). :170–177.
Cloud computing facilitates the access of applications and data from any location by using any device with an internet connection. It enables multiple applications and users to access the same data resources. Cloud based information sharing is a technique that allows researchers to communicate and collaborate, that leads to major new developments in the field. It also enables users to access data over the cloud easily and conveniently. Privacy, authenticity and confidentiality are the three main challenges while sharing data in cloud. There are many methods which support secure data sharing in cloud environment such as Attribute Based Encryption(ABE), Role Based Encryption, Hierarchical Based Encryption, and Identity Based Encryption. ABE provides secure access control mechanisms for integrity. It is classified as Key Policy Attribute Based Encryption(KP-ABE) and Ciphertext Policy Attribute Based Encryption(CP-ABE) based on access policy integration. In KPABE, access structure is incorporated with user's private key, and data are encrypted over a defined attributes. Moreover, in CPABE, access structure is embedded with ciphertext. This paper reviews CP-ABE methods that have been developed so far for achieving secured data sharing in cloud environment.