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Zhang, Qiaosheng, Tan, Vincent Y. F..  2021.  Covert Identification Over Binary-Input Discrete Memoryless Channels. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. 67:5387–5403.
This paper considers the covert identification problem in which a sender aims to reliably convey an identification (ID) message to a set of receivers via a binary-input discrete memoryless channel (BDMC), and simultaneously to guarantee that the communication is covert with respect to a warden who monitors the communication via another independent BDMC. We prove a square-root law for the covert identification problem. This states that an ID message of size exp(exp($\Theta$($\surd$ n)) can be transmitted over n channel uses. We then characterize the exact pre-constant in the $\Theta$($\cdot$) notation. This constant is referred to as the covert identification capacity. We show that it equals the recently developed covert capacity in the standard covert communication problem, and somewhat surprisingly, the covert identification capacity can be achieved without any shared key between the sender and receivers. The achievability proof relies on a random coding argument with pulse-position modulation (PPM), coupled with a second stage which performs code refinements. The converse proof relies on an expurgation argument as well as results for channel resolvability with stringent input constraints.
Conference Name: IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
Giechaskiel, Ilias, Tian, Shanquan, Szefer, Jakub.  2021.  Cross-VM Information Leaks in FPGA-Accelerated Cloud Environments. 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST). :91–101.
The availability of FPGAs in cloud data centers offers rapid, on-demand access to hardware compute resources that users can configure to their own needs. However, the low-level access to the hardware FPGA and associated resources such as PCIe, SSD, or DRAM also opens up threats of malicious attackers uploading designs that are able to infer information about other users or about the cloud infrastructure itself. In particular, this work presents a new, fast PCIe-contention-based channel that is able to transmit data between different FPGA-accelerated virtual machines with bandwidths reaching 2 kbps with 97% accuracy. This paper further demonstrates that the PCIe receiver circuits are able to not just receive covert transmissions, but can also perform fine-grained monitoring of the PCIe bus or detect different types of activities from other users' FPGA-accelerated virtual machines based on their PCIe traffic signatures. Beyond leaking information across different virtual machines, the ability to monitor the PCIe bandwidth over hours or days can be used to estimate the data center utilization and map the behavior of the other users. The paper also introduces further novel threats in FPGA-accelerated instances, including contention due to shared NVMe SSDs as well as thermal monitoring to identify FPGA co-location using the DRAM modules attached to the FPGA boards. This is the first work to demonstrate that it is possible to break the separation of privilege in FPGA-accelerated cloud environments, and highlights that defenses for public clouds using FPGAs need to consider PCIe, SSD, and DRAM resources as part of the attack surface that should be protected.
Wai, Fok Kar, Thing, Vrizlynn L. L..  2021.  Clustering Based Opcode Graph Generation for Malware Variant Detection. 2021 18th International Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust (PST). :1–11.
Malwares are the key means leveraged by threat actors in the cyber space for their attacks. There is a large array of commercial solutions in the market and significant scientific research to tackle the challenge of the detection and defense against malwares. At the same time, attackers also advance their capabilities in creating polymorphic and metamorphic malwares to make it increasingly challenging for existing solutions. To tackle this issue, we propose a methodology to perform malware detection and family attribution. The proposed methodology first performs the extraction of opcodes from malwares in each family and constructs their respective opcode graphs. We explore the use of clustering algorithms on the opcode graphs to detect clusters of malwares within the same malware family. Such clusters can be seen as belonging to different sub-family groups. Opcode graph signatures are built from each detected cluster. Hence, for each malware family, a group of signatures is generated to represent the family. These signatures are used to classify an unknown sample as benign or belonging to one the malware families. We evaluate our methodology by performing experiments on a dataset consisting of both benign files and malware samples belonging to a number of different malware families and comparing the results to existing approach.
Tanakas, Petros, Ilias, Aristidis, Polemi, Nineta.  2021.  A Novel System for Detecting and Preventing SQL Injection and Cross-Site-Script. 2021 International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET). :1–6.
SQL Injection and Cross-Site Scripting are the two most common attacks in database-based web applications. In this paper we propose a system to detect different types of SQL injection and XSS attacks associated with a web application, without the existence of any firewall, while significantly reducing the network overhead. We use properly modifications of the Nginx Reverse Proxy protocols and Suricata NIDS/ IPS rules. Pure work has been done from other researchers based on the capabilities of Nginx and Suricata and our approach with the experimental results provided in the paper demonstrate the efficiency of our system.
Tronchin, Davide, Francescon, Roberto, Campagnaro, Filippo, Signori, Alberto, Petroccia, Roberto, Pelekanakis, Konstantinos, Paglierani, Pietro, Alves, João, Zorzi, Michele.  2021.  A Secure Cross-Layer Communication Stack for Underwater Acoustic Networks. OCEANS 2021: San Diego – Porto. :1–8.
Underwater Acoustic Networks (UANs) have long been recognized as an instrumental technology in various fields, from ocean monitoring to defense settings. Their security, though, has been scarcely investigated despite the strategic areas involved and the intrinsic vulnerability due to the broadcast nature of the wireless medium. In this work, we focus on attacks for which the attacker has partial or total knowledge of the network protocol stack. Our strategy uses a watchdog layer that allows upper layers to gather knowledge of overheard packets. In addition, a reputation system that is able to label nodes as trustful or suspicious is analyzed and evaluated via simulations. The proposed security mechanism has been implemented in the DESERT Underwater framework and a simulation study is conducted to validate the effectiveness of the proposed solution against resource exhaustion and sinkhole attacks.
Paul, Rajshakhar, Turzo, Asif Kamal, Bosu, Amiangshu.  2021.  Why Security Defects Go Unnoticed During Code Reviews? A Case-Control Study of the Chromium OS Project 2021 IEEE/ACM 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE). :1373–1385.
Peer code review has been found to be effective in identifying security vulnerabilities. However, despite practicing mandatory code reviews, many Open Source Software (OSS) projects still encounter a large number of post-release security vulnerabilities, as some security defects escape those. Therefore, a project manager may wonder if there was any weakness or inconsistency during a code review that missed a security vulnerability. Answers to this question may help a manager pinpointing areas of concern and taking measures to improve the effectiveness of his/her project's code reviews in identifying security defects. Therefore, this study aims to identify the factors that differentiate code reviews that successfully identified security defects from those that missed such defects. With this goal, we conduct a case-control study of Chromium OS project. Using multi-stage semi-automated approaches, we build a dataset of 516 code reviews that successfully identified security defects and 374 code reviews where security defects escaped. The results of our empirical study suggest that the are significant differences between the categories of security defects that are identified and that are missed during code reviews. A logistic regression model fitted on our dataset achieved an AUC score of 0.91 and has identified nine code review attributes that influence identifications of security defects. While time to complete a review, the number of mutual reviews between two developers, and if the review is for a bug fix have positive impacts on vulnerability identification, opposite effects are observed from the number of directories under review, the number of total reviews by a developer, and the total number of prior commits for the file under review.
Aivatoglou, Georgios, Anastasiadis, Mike, Spanos, Georgios, Voulgaridis, Antonis, Votis, Konstantinos, Tzovaras, Dimitrios.  2021.  A Tree-Based Machine Learning Methodology to Automatically Classify Software Vulnerabilities. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (CSR). :312–317.
Software vulnerabilities have become a major problem for the security analysts, since the number of new vulnerabilities is constantly growing. Thus, there was a need for a categorization system, in order to group and handle these vulnerabilities in a more efficient way. Hence, the MITRE corporation introduced the Common Weakness Enumeration that is a list of the most common software and hardware vulnerabilities. However, the manual task of understanding and analyzing new vulnerabilities by security experts, is a very slow and exhausting process. For this reason, a new automated classification methodology is introduced in this paper, based on the vulnerability textual descriptions from National Vulnerability Database. The proposed methodology, combines textual analysis and tree-based machine learning techniques in order to classify vulnerabilities automatically. The results of the experiments showed that the proposed methodology performed pretty well achieving an overall accuracy close to 80%.
Bothos, Ioannis, Vlachos, Vasileios, Kyriazanos, Dimitris M., Stamatiou, Ioannis, Thanos, Konstantinos Georgios, Tzamalis, Pantelis, Nikoletseas, Sotirios, Thomopoulos, Stelios C.A..  2021.  Modelling Cyber-Risk in an Economic Perspective. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (CSR). :372–377.
In this paper, we present a theoretical approach concerning the econometric modelling for the estimation of cyber-security risk, with the use of time-series analysis methods and alternatively with Machine Learning (ML) based, deep learning methodology. Also we present work performed in the framework of SAINT H2020 Project [1], concerning innovative data mining techniques, based on automated web scrapping, for the retrieving of the relevant time-series data. We conclude with a review of emerging challenges in cyber-risk assessment brought by the rapid development of adversarial AI.
Toyeer-E-Ferdoush, Ghosh, Bikarna Kumar, Taher, Kazi Abu.  2021.  Security Policy Based Network Infrastructure for Effective Digital Service. 2021 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Sustainable Development (ICICT4SD). :136–140.

In this research a secured framework is developed to support effective digital service delivery for government to stakeholders. It is developed to provide secured network to the remote area of Bangladesh. The proposed framework has been tested through the rough simulation of the network infrastructure. Each and every part of the digital service network has been analyzed in the basis of security purpose. Through the simulation the security issues are identified and proposed a security policy framework for effective service. Basing on the findings the issues are included and the framework has designed as the solution of security issues. A complete security policy framework has prepared on the basis of the network topology. As the output the stakeholders will get a better and effective data service. This model is better than the other expected network infrastructure. Till now in Bangladesh none of the network infrastructure are security policy based. This is needed to provide the secured network to remote area from government.

Yin, Yi, Tateiwa, Yuichiro, Zhang, Guoqiang, Wang, Yun.  2021.  Consistency Decision Between IPv6 Firewall Policy and Security Policy. 2021 4th International Conference on Information Communication and Signal Processing (ICICSP). :577–581.

Firewall is the first defense line for network security. Packet filtering is a basic function in firewall, which filter network packets according to a series of rules called firewall policy. The design of firewall policy is invariably under the instruction of security policy, which is a generic guideline that lists the needs for network access permissions. The design of firewall policy should observe the regulations of security policy. However, even for IPv4 firewall policy, it is extremely difficult to keep the consistency between security policy and firewall policy. Some consistency decision methods of security policy and IPv4 firewall policy were proposed. However, the address space of IPv6 address is a very large, the existing consistency decision methods can not be directly used to deal with IPv6 firewall policy. To resolve the above problem, in this paper, we use a formal technique to decide the consistency between IPv6 firewall policy and security policy effectively and rapidly. We also developed a prototype model and evaluated the effectiveness of the proposed method.

Govindaraj, Logeswari, Sundan, Bose, Thangasamy, Anitha.  2021.  An Intrusion Detection and Prevention System for DDoS Attacks using a 2-Player Bayesian Game Theoretic Approach. 2021 4th International Conference on Computing and Communications Technologies (ICCCT). :319—324.

Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks pose a huge risk to the network and threaten its stability. A game theoretic approach for intrusion detection and prevention is proposed to avoid DDoS attacks in the internet. Game theory provides a control mechanism that automates the intrusion detection and prevention process within a network. In the proposed system, system-subject interaction is modeled as a 2-player Bayesian signaling zero sum game. The game's Nash Equilibrium gives a strategy for the attacker and the system such that neither can increase their payoff by changing their strategy unilaterally. Moreover, the Intent Objective and Strategy (IOS) of the attacker and the system are modeled and quantified using the concept of incentives. In the proposed system, the prevention subsystem consists of three important components namely a game engine, database and a search engine for computing the Nash equilibrium, to store and search the database for providing the optimum defense strategy. The framework proposed is validated via simulations using ns3 network simulator and has acquired over 80% detection rate, 90% prevention rate and 6% false positive alarms.

Sun, He, Liu, Rongke, Tian, Kuangda, Zou, Tong, Feng, Baoping.  2021.  Deletion Error Correction based on Polar Codes in Skyrmion Racetrack Memory. 2021 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC). :1–6.
Skyrmion racetrack memory (Sk-RM) is a new storage technology in which skyrmions are used to represent data bits to provide high storage density. During the reading procedure, the skyrmion is driven by a current and sensed by a fixed read head. However, synchronization errors may happen if the skyrmion does not pass the read head on time. In this paper, a polar coding scheme is proposed to correct the synchronization errors in the Sk-RM. Firstly, we build two error correction models for the reading operation of Sk-RM. By connecting polar codes with the marker codes, the number of deletion errors can be determined. We also redesign the decoding algorithm to recover the information bits from the readout sequence, where a tighter bound of the segmented deletion errors is derived and a novel parity check strategy is designed for better decoding performance. Simulation results show that the proposed coding scheme can efficiently improve the decoding performance.
Hasan Anik, Toufiq, Danger, Jean-Luc, Diankha, Omar, Ebrahimabadi, Mohammad, Frisch, Christoph, Guilley, Sylvain, Karimi, Naghmeh, Pehl, Michael, Takarabt, Sofiane.  2021.  Testing and Reliability Enhancement of Security Primitives. 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI and Nanotechnology Systems (DFT). :1–8.
The test of security primitives is particularly strategic as any bias coming from the implementation or environment can wreck havoc on the security it is intended to provide. This paper presents how some security properties are tested on leading primitives: True Random Number Generation (TRNG), Physically Unclonable Function (PUF), cryptographic primitives and Digital Sensor (DS). The test of TRNG and PUF to ensure a high level of security is mainly about the entropy assessment, which requires specific statistical tests. The security against side-channel analysis (SCA) of cryptographic primitives, like the substitution box in symmetric cryptography, is generally ensured by masking. But the hardware implementation of masking can be damaged by glitches, which create leakages on sensitive variables. A test method is to search for nets of the cryptographic netlist, which are vulnerable to glitches. The DS is an efficient primitive to detect disturbances and rise alarms in case of fault injection attack (FIA). The dimensioning of this primitive requires a precise test to take into account the environment variations including the aging.
Xiong, Yipeng, Tan, Yuan, Zhou, Ming, Zeng, Guangjun, Chen, Zhe, Wang, Yanfeng.  2021.  Study on Invulnerability Assessment of Optical Backbone Networks Based on Complex Networks. 2021 IEEE 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics (ICCCBDA). :305–310.
Aiming at the working mechanism of optical backbone network, based on the theory of complex network, the invulnerability evaluation index of optical backbone network is extracted from the physical topology of optical backbone network and the degree of bandwidth satisfaction, finally, the invulnerability evaluation model of optical backbone network is established. At the same time, the evaluation model is verified and analyzed with specific cases, through the comparison of 4 types of attack, the results show that the number of deliberate point attacks ( DP) is 16.7% lower than that of random point attacks ( RP) when the critical collapse state of the network is reached, and the number of deliberate edge attacks ( DE) is at least 10.4% lower than that of random edge attacks ( RE). Therefore, evaluating the importance of nodes and edges and strengthening the protection of key nodes and edges can help optical network effectively resist external attacks and significantly improve the anti-damage ability of optical network, which provides theoretical support for the anti-damage evaluation of optical network and has certain practical significance for the upgrade and reconstruction of optical network.
Duth, Akshay, Nambiar, Abhinav A, Teja, Chintha Bhanu, Yadav, Sudha.  2021.  Smart Door System with COVID-19 Risk Factor Evaluation, Contactless Data Acquisition and Sanitization. 2021 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Systems (ICAIS). :1504—1511.
Thousands of people have lost their life by COVID-19 infection. Authorities have seen the calamities caused by the corona virus in China. So, when the trace of virus was found in India, the only possible way to stop the spread of the virus was to go into lockdown. In a country like India where a major part of the population depends on the daily wages, being in lockdown started affecting their life. People where tend to go out for getting the food items and other essentials, and this caused the spread of virus. Many were infected and many lost their life by this. Due to the pandemic, the whole world was affected and many people working in foreign countries lost their jobs as well. These people who came back to India caused further spread of the virus. The main reason for the spread is lack of hygiene and a proper system to monitor the symptoms. Even though our country was in lockdown for almost 6 months the number of COVID cases doesn't get diminished. It is not practical to extend the lockdown any further, and people have decided to live with the virus. But it is essential to take the necessary precautions while interacting with the society. Automated system for checking that all the COVID protocols are followed and early symptom identification before entering to a place are essential to stop the spread of the infection. This research work proposes a smart door system, which evaluates the COVID-19 risk factors and collects the data of person before entering into any place, thereby ensuring that non-infected people are only entering to the place and thus the spread of virus can be avoided.
Evangelatos, Pavlos, Iliou, Christos, Mavropoulos, Thanassis, Apostolou, Konstantinos, Tsikrika, Theodora, Vrochidis, Stefanos, Kompatsiaris, Ioannis.  2021.  Named Entity Recognition in Cyber Threat Intelligence Using Transformer-based Models. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (CSR). :348—353.
The continuous increase in sophistication of threat actors over the years has made the use of actionable threat intelligence a critical part of the defence against them. Such Cyber Threat Intelligence is published daily on several online sources, including vulnerability databases, CERT feeds, and social media, as well as on forums and web pages from the Surface and the Dark Web. Named Entity Recognition (NER) techniques can be used to extract the aforementioned information in an actionable form from such sources. In this paper we investigate how the latest advances in the NER domain, and in particular transformer-based models, can facilitate this process. To this end, the dataset for NER in Threat Intelligence (DNRTI) containing more than 300 pieces of threat intelligence reports from open source threat intelligence websites is used. Our experimental results demonstrate that transformer-based techniques are very effective in extracting cybersecurity-related named entities, by considerably outperforming the previous state- of-the-art approaches tested with DNRTI.
Dalvi, Ashwini, Siddavatam, Irfan, Thakkar, Viraj, Jain, Apoorva, Kazi, Faruk, Bhirud, Sunil.  2021.  Link Harvesting on the Dark Web. 2021 IEEE Bombay Section Signature Conference (IBSSC). :1—5.
In this information age, web crawling on the internet is a prime source for data collection. And with the surface web already being dominated by giants like Google and Microsoft, much attention has been on the Dark Web. While research on crawling approaches is generally available, a considerable gap is present for URL extraction on the dark web. With most literature using the regular expressions methodology or built-in parsers, the problem with these methods is the higher number of false positives generated with the Dark Web, which makes the crawler less efficient. This paper proposes the dedicated parsers methodology for extracting URLs from the dark web, which when compared proves to be better than the regular expression methodology. Factors that make link harvesting on the Dark Web a challenge are discussed in the paper.
Furumoto, Keisuke, Umizaki, Mitsuhiro, Fujita, Akira, Nagata, Takahiko, Takahashi, Takeshi, Inoue, Daisuke.  2021.  Extracting Threat Intelligence Related IoT Botnet From Latest Dark Web Data Collection. 2021 IEEE International Conferences on Internet of Things (iThings) and IEEE Green Computing Communications (GreenCom) and IEEE Cyber, Physical Social Computing (CPSCom) and IEEE Smart Data (SmartData) and IEEE Congress on Cybermatics (Cybermatics). :138—145.
As it is easy to ensure the confidentiality of users on the Dark Web, malware and exploit kits are sold on the market, and attack methods are discussed in forums. Some services provide IoT Botnet to perform distributed denial-of-service (DDoS as a Service: DaaS), and it is speculated that the purchase of these services is made on the Dark Web. By crawling such information and storing it in a database, threat intelligence can be obtained that cannot otherwise be obtained from information on the Surface Web. However, crawling sites on the Dark Web present technical challenges. For this paper, we implemented a crawler that can solve these challenges. We also collected information on markets and forums on the Dark Web by operating the implemented crawler. Results confirmed that the dataset collected by crawling contains threat intelligence that is useful for analyzing cyber attacks, particularly those related to IoT Botnet and DaaS. Moreover, by uncovering the relationship with security reports, we demonstrated that the use of data collected from the Dark Web can provide more extensive threat intelligence than using information collected only on the Surface Web.
Lanotte, Ruggero, Merro, Massimo, Munteanu, Andrei, Tini, Simone.  2021.  Formal Impact Metrics for Cyber-physical Attacks. 2021 IEEE 34th Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF). :1—16.
Cyber-Physical systems (CPSs) are exposed to cyber- physical attacks, i.e., security breaches in cyberspace that adversely affect the physical processes of the systems.We define two probabilistic metrics to estimate the physical impact of attacks targeting cyber-physical systems formalised in terms of a probabilistic hybrid extension of Hennessy and Regan's Timed Process Language. Our impact metrics estimate the impact of cyber-physical attacks taking into account: (i) the severity of the inflicted damage in a given amount of time, and (ii) the probability that these attacks are actually accomplished, according to the dynamics of the system under attack. In doing so, we pay special attention to stealthy attacks, i. e., attacks that cannot be detected by intrusion detection systems. As further contribution, we show that, under precise conditions, our metrics allow us to estimate the impact of attacks targeting a complex CPS in a compositional way, i.e., in terms of the impact on its sub-systems.
Mekruksavanich, Sakorn, Jitpattanakul, Anuchit, Thongkum, Patcharapan.  2021.  Metrics-based Knowledge Analysis in Software Design for Web-based Application Security Protection. 2021 Joint International Conference on Digital Arts, Media and Technology with ECTI Northern Section Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Computer and Telecommunication Engineering. :281—284.
During this period of high-speed internet, there are a number of serious challenges for software security protection of software design, especially throughout the life cycle of the process of software design, in which there are various risks involving information interaction. Significant information leakage can result from a lack of technical support and software security protection. One major problem with regard to creating software that includes security is the way that secure software is defined and the methods that are used for the measurement of security. The point of this research work is on the software engineers' perspective regarding security in the stage of software design. The tools for the measurement of the metrics are employed for the evaluation of the software's security. In this case study, a metric category of design are used, which are assumed to provide quantitative data about the software's security.
Thorat, Pankaj, Dubey, Niraj Kumar, Khetan, Kunal, Challa, Rajesh.  2021.  SDN-based Predictive Alarm Manager for Security Attacks Detection at the IoT Gateways. 2021 IEEE 18th Annual Consumer Communications Networking Conference (CCNC). :1–2.

The growing adoption of IoT devices is creating a huge positive impact on human life. However, it is also making the network more vulnerable to security threats. One of the major threats is malicious traffic injection attack, where the hacked IoT devices overwhelm the application servers causing large-scale service disruption. To address such attacks, we propose a Software Defined Networking based predictive alarm manager solution for malicious traffic detection and mitigation at the IoT Gateway. Our experimental results with the proposed solution confirms the detection of malicious flows with nearly 95% precision on average and at its best with around 99% precision.

Edzereiq Kamarudin, Imran, Faizal Ab Razak, Mohd, Firdaus, Ahmad, Izham Jaya, M., Ti Dun, Yau.  2021.  Performance Analysis on Denial of Service attack using UNSW-NB15 Dataset. 2021 International Conference on Software Engineering Computer Systems and 4th International Conference on Computational Science and Information Management (ICSECS-ICOCSIM). :423–426.
With the advancement of network technology, users can now easily gain access to and benefit from networks. However, the number of network violations is increasing. The main issue with this violation is that irresponsible individuals are infiltrating the network. Network intrusion can be interpreted in a variety of ways, including cyber criminals forcibly attempting to disrupt network connections, gaining unauthorized access to valuable data, and then stealing, corrupting, or destroying the data. There are already numerous systems in place to detect network intrusion. However, the systems continue to fall short in detecting and counter-attacking network intrusion attacks. This research aims to enhance the detection of Denial of service (DoS) by identifying significant features and identifying abnormal network activities more accurately. To accomplish this goal, the study proposes an Intrusion Analysis System for detecting Denial of service (DoS) network attacks using machine learning. The accuracy rate of the proposed method using random forest was demonstrated in our experimental results. It was discovered that the accuracy rate with each dataset is greater than 98.8 percent when compared to traditional approaches. Furthermore, when features are selected, the detection time is significantly reduced.
Marru, Suresh, Kuruvilla, Tanya, Abeysinghe, Eroma, McMullen, Donald, Pierce, Marlon, Morgan, David Gene, Tait, Steven L., Innes, Roger W..  2021.  User-Centric Design and Evolvable Architecture for Science Gateways: A Case Study. 2021 IEEE/ACM 21st International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGrid). :267–276.
Scientific applications built on wide-area distributed systems such as emerging cloud based architectures and the legacy grid computing infrastructure often struggle with user adoption even though they succeed from a systems research perspective. This paper examines the coupling of user-centered design processes with modern distributed systems. Further in this paper, we describe approaches for conceptualizing a product that solves a recognized need: to develop a data gateway to serve the data management and research needs of experimentalists of electron microscopes and similar shared scientific instruments in the context of a research service laboratory. The purpose of the data gateway is to provide secure, controlled access to data generated from a wide range of scientific instruments. From the functional perspective, we focus on the basic processing of raw data that underlies the lab's "business" processes, the movement of data from the laboratory to central access and archival storage points, and the distribution of data to respective authorized users. Through the gateway interface, users will be able to share the instrument data with collaborators or copy it to remote storage servers. Basic pipelines for extracting additional metadata (through a pluggable parser framework) will be enabled. The core contribution described in this paper, building on the aforementioned distributed data management capabilities, is the adoption of user-centered design processes for developing the scientific user interface. We describe the user-centered design methodology for exploring user needs, iteratively testing the design, learning from user experiences, and adapting what we learn to improve design and capabilities. We further conclude that user-centered design is, in turn, best enabled by an adaptable distributed systems framework. A key challenge to implementing a user-centered design is to have design tools closely linked with a software system architecture that can evolve over time while providing a highly available data gateway. A key contribution of this paper is to share the insights from crafting such an evolvable design-build-evaluate-deploy architecture and plans for iterative development and deployment.
Peng, Yu, Liu, Qin, Tian, Yue, Wu, Jie, Wang, Tian, Peng, Tao, Wang, Guojun.  2021.  Dynamic Searchable Symmetric Encryption with Forward and Backward Privacy. 2021 IEEE 20th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom). :420—427.
Dynamic searchable symmetric encryption (DSSE) that enables a client to perform searches and updates on encrypted data has been intensively studied in cloud computing. Recently, forward privacy and backward privacy has engaged significant attention to protect DSSE from the leakage of updates. However, the research in this field almost focused on keyword-level updates. That is, the client needs to know the keywords of the documents in advance. In this paper, we proposed a document-level update scheme, DBP, which supports immediate deletion while guaranteeing forward privacy and backward privacy. Compared with existing forward and backward private DSSE schemes, our DBP scheme has the following merits: 1) Practicality. It achieves deletion based on document identifiers rather than document/keyword pairs; 2) Efficiency. It utilizes only lightweight primitives to realize backward privacy while supporting immediate deletion. Experimental evaluation on two real datasets demonstrates the practical efficiency of our scheme.
Raj, Mariam, Tahir, Shahzaib, Khan, Fawad, Tahir, Hasan, Zulkifl, Zeeshan.  2021.  A Novel Fog-based Framework for Preventing Cloud Lock-in while Enabling Searchable Encryption. 2021 International Conference on Digital Futures and Transformative Technologies (ICoDT2). :1—6.
Cloud computing has helped in managing big data and providing resources remotely and ubiquitously, but it has some latency and security concerns. Fog has provided tremendous advantages over cloud computing which include low latency rate, improved real-time interactions, reduced network traffic overcrowding, and improved reliability, however, security concerns need to be addressed separately. Another major issue in the cloud is Cloud Lock-in/Vendor Lock-in. Through this research, an effort has been made to extend fog computing and Searchable Encryption technologies. The proposed system can reduce the issue of cloud lock-in faced in traditional cloud computing. The SE schemes used in this paper are Symmetric Searchable Encryption (SSE) and Multi-keyword Ranked Searchable Encryption (MRSE) to achieve confidentiality, privacy, fine-grained access control, and efficient keyword search. This can help to achieve better access control and keyword search simultaneously. An important use of this technique is it helps to prevent the issue of cloud/vendor lock-in. This can shift some computation and storage of index tables over fog nodes that will reduce the dependency on Cloud Service Providers (CSPs).