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Varadharajan, Vijay, Tupakula, Uday, Karmakar, Kallol Krishna.  2021.  Software Enabled Security Architecture and Mechanisms for Securing 5G Network Services. 2021 IEEE 7th International Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft). :273–277.
The 5G network systems are evolving and have complex network infrastructures. There is a great deal of work in this area focused on meeting the stringent service requirements for the 5G networks. Within this context, security requirements play a critical role as 5G networks can support a range of services such as healthcare services, financial and critical infrastructures. 3GPP and ETSI have been developing security frameworks for 5G networks. Our work in 5G security has been focusing on the design of security architecture and mechanisms enabling dynamic establishment of secure and trusted end to end services as well as development of mechanisms to proactively detect and mitigate security attacks in virtualised network infrastructures. The focus of this paper is on the latter, namely the facilities and mechanisms, and the design of a security architecture providing facilities and mechanisms to detect and mitigate specific security attacks. We have developed a simplified version of the security architecture using Software Defined Networks (SDN) and Network Function Virtualisation (NFV) technologies. The specific security functions developed in this architecture can be directly integrated into the 5G core network facilities enhancing its security.
Wang, Xingbin, Zhao, Boyan, HOU, RUI, Awad, Amro, Tian, Zhihong, Meng, Dan.  2021.  NASGuard: A Novel Accelerator Architecture for Robust Neural Architecture Search (NAS) Networks. 2021 ACM/IEEE 48th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA). :776–789.
Due to the wide deployment of deep learning applications in safety-critical systems, robust and secure execution of deep learning workloads is imperative. Adversarial examples, where the inputs are carefully designed to mislead the machine learning model is among the most challenging attacks to detect and defeat. The most dominant approach for defending against adversarial examples is to systematically create a network architecture that is sufficiently robust. Neural Architecture Search (NAS) has been heavily used as the de facto approach to design robust neural network models, by using the accuracy of detecting adversarial examples as a key metric of the neural network's robustness. While NAS has been proven effective in improving the robustness (and accuracy in general), the NAS-generated network models run noticeably slower on typical DNN accelerators than the hand-crafted networks, mainly because DNN accelerators are not optimized for robust NAS-generated models. In particular, the inherent multi-branch nature of NAS-generated networks causes unacceptable performance and energy overheads.To bridge the gap between the robustness and performance efficiency of deep learning applications, we need to rethink the design of AI accelerators to enable efficient execution of robust (auto-generated) neural networks. In this paper, we propose a novel hardware architecture, NASGuard, which enables efficient inference of robust NAS networks. NASGuard leverages a heuristic multi-branch mapping model to improve the efficiency of the underlying computing resources. Moreover, NASGuard addresses the load imbalance problem between the computation and memory-access tasks from multi-branch parallel computing. Finally, we propose a topology-aware performance prediction model for data prefetching, to fully exploit the temporal and spatial localities of robust NAS-generated architectures. We have implemented NASGuard with Verilog RTL. The evaluation results show that NASGuard achieves an average speedup of 1.74× over the baseline DNN accelerator.
Gordon, Holden, Park, Conrad, Tushir, Bhagyashri, Liu, Yuhong, Dezfouli, Behnam.  2021.  An Efficient SDN Architecture for Smart Home Security Accelerated by FPGA. 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks (LANMAN). :1–3.
With the rise of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, home network management and security are becoming complex. There is an urgent requirement to make smart home network management more efficient. This work proposes an SDN-based architecture to secure smart home networks through K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) based device classifications and malicious traffic detection. The efficiency is enhanced by offloading the computation-intensive KNN model to a Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA). Furthermore, we propose a custom KNN solution that exhibits the best performance on an FPGA compared with four alternative KNN instances (i.e., 78% faster than a parallel Bubble Sort-based implementation and 99% faster than three other sorting algorithms). Moreover, with 36,225 training samples, the proposed KNN solution classifies a test query with 95% accuracy in approximately 4 ms on an FPGA compared to 57 seconds on a CPU platform. This highlights the promise of FPGA-based platforms for edge computing applications in the smart home.
Triphena, Jeba, Thirumavalavan, Vetrivel Chelian, Jayaraman, Thiruvengadam S.  2021.  BER Analysis of RIS Assisted Bidirectional Relay System with Physical Layer Network Coding. 2021 National Conference on Communications (NCC). :1–6.
Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface (RIS) is one of the latest technologies in bringing a certain amount of control to the rather unpredictable and uncontrollable wireless channel. In this paper, RIS is introduced in a bidirectional system with two source nodes and a Decode and Forward (DF) relay node. It is assumed that there is no direct path between the source nodes. The relay node receives information from source nodes simultaneously. The Physical Layer Network Coding (PLNC) is applied at the relay node to assist in the exchange of information between the source nodes. Analytical expressions are derived for the average probability of errors at the source nodes and relay node of the proposed RIS-assisted bidirectional relay system. The Bit Error Rate (BER) performance is analyzed using both simulation and analytical forms. It is observed that RIS-assisted PLNC based bidirectional relay system performs better than the conventional PLNC based bidirectional system.
Thu Hien, Do Thi, Do Hoang, Hien, Pham, Van-Hau.  2021.  Empirical Study on Reconnaissance Attacks in SDN-Aware Network for Evaluating Cyber Deception. 2021 RIVF International Conference on Computing and Communication Technologies (RIVF). :1–6.
Thanks to advances in network architecture with Software-Defined Networking (SDN) paradigm, there are various approaches for eliminating attack surface in the largescale networks relied on the essence of the SDN principle. They are ranging from intrusion detection to moving target defense, and cyber deception that leverages the network programmability. Therein, cyber deception is considered as a proactive defense strategy for the usual network operation since it makes attackers spend more time and effort to successfully compromise network systems. In this paper, we concentrate on reconnaissance attacks in SDN-enabled networks to collect the sensitive information for hackers to conduct further attacks. In more details, we introduce SDNRecon tool to perform reconnaissance attacks, which can be useful in evaluating cyber deception techniques deployed in SDN-aware networks.
Salem, Heba, Topham, Nigel.  2021.  Trustworthy Computing on Untrustworthy and Trojan-Infected on-Chip Interconnects. 2021 IEEE European Test Symposium (ETS). :1–2.
This paper introduces a scheme for achieving trustworthy computing on SoCs that use an outsourced AXI interconnect for on-chip communication. This is achieved through component guarding, data tagging, event verification, and consequently responding dynamically to an attack. Experimental results confirm the ability of the proposed scheme to detect HT attacks and respond to them at run-time. The proposed scheme extends the state-of-art in trustworthy computing on untrustworthy components by focusing on the issue of an untrusted on-chip interconnect for the first time, and by developing a scheme that is independent of untrusted third-party IP.
Xie, Bing, Tan, Zilong, Carns, Philip, Chase, Jeff, Harms, Kevin, Lofstead, Jay, Oral, Sarp, Vazhkudai, Sudharshan S., Wang, Feiyi.  2021.  Interpreting Write Performance of Supercomputer I/O Systems with Regression Models. 2021 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS). :557—566.

This work seeks to advance the state of the art in HPC I/O performance analysis and interpretation. In particular, we demonstrate effective techniques to: (1) model output performance in the presence of I/O interference from production loads; (2) build features from write patterns and key parameters of the system architecture and configurations; (3) employ suitable machine learning algorithms to improve model accuracy. We train models with five popular regression algorithms and conduct experiments on two distinct production HPC platforms. We find that the lasso and random forest models predict output performance with high accuracy on both of the target systems. We also explore use of the models to guide adaptation in I/O middleware systems, and show potential for improvements of at least 15% from model-guided adaptation on 70% of samples, and improvements up to 10 x on some samples for both of the target systems.

Sebastian-Cardenas, D., Gourisetti, S., Mylrea, M., Moralez, A., Day, G., Tatireddy, V., Allwardt, C., Singh, R., Bishop, R., Kaur, K. et al..  2021.  Digital data provenance for the power grid based on a Keyless Infrastructure Security Solution. 2021 Resilience Week (RWS). :1–10.
In this work a data provenance system for grid-oriented applications is presented. The proposed Keyless Infrastructure Security Solution (KISS) provides mechanisms to store and maintain digital data fingerprints that can later be used to validate and assert data provenance using a time-based, hash tree mechanism. The developed solution has been designed to satisfy the stringent requirements of the modern power grid including execution time and storage necessities. Its applicability has been tested using a lab-scale, proof-of-concept deployment that secures an energy management system against the attack sequence observed on the 2016 Ukrainian power grid cyberattack. The results demonstrate a strong potential for enabling data provenance in a wide array of applications, including speed-sensitive applications such as those found in control room environments.
Thirumavalavasethurayar, P, Ravi, T.  2021.  Implementation of Replay Attack in Controller Area Network Bus Using Universal Verification Methodology. 2021 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Systems (ICAIS). :1142–1146.

Controller area network is the serial communication protocol, which broadcasts the message on the CAN bus. The transmitted message is read by all the nodes which shares the CAN bus. The message can be eavesdropped and can be re-used by some other node by changing the information or send it by duplicate times. The message reused after some delay is replay attack. In this paper, the CAN network with three CAN nodes is implemented using the universal verification components and the replay attack is demonstrated by creating the faulty node. Two types of replay attack are implemented in this paper, one is to replay the entire message and the other one is to replay only the part of the frame. The faulty node uses the first replay attack method where it behaves like the other node in the network by duplicating the identifier. CAN frame except the identifier is reused in the second method which is hard to detect the attack as the faulty node uses its own identifier and duplicates only the data in the CAN frame.

Thammarat, Chalee, Techapanupreeda, Chian.  2021.  A Secure Mobile Payment Protocol for Handling Accountability with Formal Verification. 2021 International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN). :249–254.
Mobile payment protocols have attracted widespread attention over the past decade, due to advancements in digital technology. The use of these protocols in online industries can dramatically improve the quality of online services. However, the central issue of concern when utilizing these types of systems is their accountability, which ensures trust between the parties involved in payment transactions. It is, therefore, vital for researchers to investigate how to handle the accountability of mobile payment protocols. In this research, we introduce a secure mobile payment protocol to overcome this problem. Our payment protocol combines all the necessary security features, such as confidentiality, integrity, authentication, and authorization that are required to build trust among parties. In other words, is the properties of mutual authentication and non-repudiation are ensured, thus providing accountability. Our approach can resolve any conflicts that may arise in payment transactions between parties. To prove that the proposed protocol is correct and complete, we use the Scyther and AVISPA tools to verify our approach formally.
Chiu, Chih-Chieh, Tsai, Pang-Wei, Yang, Chu-Sing.  2021.  PIDS: An Essential Personal Information Detection System for Small Business Enterprise. 2021 International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME). :01–06.
Since the personal data protection law is on the way of many countries, how to use data mining method to secure sensitive information has become a challenge for enterprises. To make sure every employee follows company's data protection strategy, it may take lots of time and cost to seek and scan thousands of folders and files in user equipment, ensuring that the file contents meet IT security policies. Hence, this paper proposed a lightweight, pattern-based detection system, PIDS, which is expecting to enable an affordable data leakage prevention with essential cost and high efficiency in small business enterprise. For verification and evaluation, PIDS has been deployed on more than 100,000 PCs of collaboration enterprises, and the feedback shows that the system is able to approach its original design functionality for finding violated or sensitive contents efficiently.
Lahbib, Asma, Toumi, Khalifa, Laouiti, Anis, Martin, Steven.  2021.  Blockchain Based Privacy Aware Distributed Access Management Framework for Industry 4.0. 2021 IEEE 30th International Conference on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE). :51–56.
With the development of various technologies, the modern industry has been promoted to a new era known as Industry 4.0. Within such paradigm, smart factories are becoming widely recognized as the fundamental concept. These systems generate and exchange vast amounts of privacy-sensitive data, which makes them attractive targets of attacks and unauthorized access. To improve privacy and security within such environments, a more decentralized approach is seen as the solution to allow their longterm growth. Currently, the blockchain technology represents one of the most suitable candidate technologies able to support distributed and secure ecosystem for Industry 4.0 while ensuring reliability, information integrity and access authorization. Blockchain based access control frameworks address encountered challenges regarding the confidentiality, traceability and notarization of access demands and procedures. However significant additional fears are raised about entities' privacy regarding access history and shared policies. In this paper, our main focus is to ensure strong privacy guarantees over the access control related procedures regarding access requester sensitive attributes and shared access control policies. The proposed scheme called PDAMF based on ring signatures adds a privacy layer for hiding sensitive attributes while keeping the verification process transparent and public. Results from a real implementation plus performance evaluation prove the proposed concept and demonstrate its feasibility.
Liu, Weijie, Wang, Wenhao, Chen, Hongbo, Wang, XiaoFeng, Lu, Yaosong, Chen, Kai, Wang, Xinyu, Shen, Qintao, Chen, Yi, Tang, Haixu.  2021.  Practical and Efficient In-Enclave Verification of Privacy Compliance. 2021 51st Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN). :413–425.
A trusted execution environment (TEE) such as Intel Software Guard Extension (SGX) runs attestation to prove to a data owner the integrity of the initial state of an enclave, including the program to operate on her data. For this purpose, the data-processing program is supposed to be open to the owner or a trusted third party, so its functionality can be evaluated before trust being established. In the real world, however, increasingly there are application scenarios in which the program itself needs to be protected (e.g., proprietary algorithm). So its compliance with privacy policies as expected by the data owner should be verified without exposing its code.To this end, this paper presents DEFLECTION, a new model for TEE-based delegated and flexible in-enclave code verification. Given that the conventional solutions do not work well under the resource-limited and TCB-frugal TEE, we come up with a new design inspired by Proof-Carrying Code. Our design strategically moves most of the workload to the code generator, which is responsible for producing easy-to-check code, while keeping the consumer simple. Also, the whole consumer can be made public and verified through a conventional attestation. We implemented this model on Intel SGX and demonstrate that it introduces a very small part of TCB. We also thoroughly evaluated its performance on micro-and macro-benchmarks and real-world applications, showing that the design only incurs a small overhead when enforcing several categories of security policies.
Torquato, Matheus, Vieira, Marco.  2021.  VM Migration Scheduling as Moving Target Defense against Memory DoS Attacks: An Empirical Study. 2021 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC). :1—6.
Memory Denial of Service (DoS) attacks are easy-to-launch, hard to detect, and significantly impact their targets. In memory DoS, the attacker targets the memory of his Virtual Machine (VM) and, due to hardware isolation issues, the attack affects the co-resident VMs. Theoretically, we can deploy VM migration as Moving Target Defense (MTD) against memory DoS. However, the current literature lacks empirical evidence supporting this hypothesis. Moreover, there is a need to evaluate how the VM migration timing impacts the potential MTD protection. This practical experience report presents an experiment on VM migration-based MTD against memory DoS. We evaluate the impact of memory DoS attacks in the context of two applications running in co-hosted VMs: machine learning and OLTP. The results highlight that the memory DoS attacks lead to more than 70% reduction in the applications' performance. Nevertheless, timely VM migrations can significantly mitigate the attack effects in both considered applications.
Jenkins, Chris, Vugrin, Eric, Manickam, Indu, Troutman, Nicholas, Hazelbaker, Jacob, Krakowiak, Sarah, Maxwell, Josh, Brown, Richard.  2021.  Moving Target Defense for Space Systems. 2021 IEEE Space Computing Conference (SCC). :60—71.
Space systems provide many critical functions to the military, federal agencies, and infrastructure networks. Nation-state adversaries have shown the ability to disrupt critical infrastructure through cyber-attacks targeting systems of networked, embedded computers. Moving target defenses (MTDs) have been proposed as a means for defending various networks and systems against potential cyber-attacks. MTDs differ from many cyber resilience technologies in that they do not necessarily require detection of an attack to mitigate the threat. We devised a MTD algorithm and tested its application to a real-time network. We demonstrated MTD usage with a real-time protocol given constraints not typically found in best-effort networks. Second, we quantified the cyber resilience benefit of MTD given an exfiltration attack by an adversary. For our experiment, we employed MTD which resulted in a reduction of adversarial knowledge by 97%. Even when the adversary can detect when the address changes, there is still a reduction in adversarial knowledge when compared to static addressing schemes. Furthermore, we analyzed the core performance of the algorithm and characterized its unpredictability using nine different statistical metrics. The characterization highlighted the algorithm has good unpredictability characteristics with some opportunity for improvement to produce more randomness.
Farzana, Nusrat, Ayalasomayajula, Avinash, Rahman, Fahim, Farahmandi, Farimah, Tehranipoor, Mark.  2021.  SAIF: Automated Asset Identification for Security Verification at the Register Transfer Level. 2021 IEEE 39th VLSI Test Symposium (VTS). :1–7.
With the increasing complexity, modern system-onchip (SoC) designs are becoming more susceptible to security attacks and require comprehensive security assurance. However, establishing a comprehensive assurance for security often involves knowledge of relevant security assets. Since modern SoCs contain myriad confidential assets, the identification of security assets is not straightforward. The number and types of assets change due to numerous embedded hardware blocks within the SoC and their complex interactions. Some security assets are easily identifiable because of their distinct characteristics and unique definitions, while others remain in the blind-spot during design and verification and can be utilized as potential attack surfaces to violate confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the SoC. Therefore, it is essential to automatically identify security assets in an SoC at pre-silicon design stages to protect them and prevent potential attacks. In this paper, we propose an automated CAD framework called SAF to identify an SoC's security assets at the register transfer level (RTL) through comprehensive vulnerability analysis under different threat models. Moreover, we develop and incorporate metrics with SAF to quantitatively assess multiple vulnerabilities for the identified security assets. We demonstrate the effectiveness of SAF on MSP430 micro-controller and CEP SoC benchmarks. Our experimental results show that SAF can successfully and automatically identify an SoC's most vulnerable underlying security assets for protection.
Tan, Qinyun, Xiao, Kun, He, Wen, Lei, Pinyuan, Chen, Lirong.  2021.  A Global Dynamic Load Balancing Mechanism with Low Latency for Micokernel Operating System. 2021 7th International Symposium on System and Software Reliability (ISSSR). :178—187.
As Internet of Things(IOT) devices become intelli-gent, more powerful computing capability is required. Multi-core processors are widely used in IoT devices because they provide more powerful computing capability while ensuring low power consumption. Therefore, it requires the operating system on IoT devices to support and optimize the scheduling algorithm for multi-core processors. Nowadays, microkernel-based operating systems, such as QNX Neutrino RTOS and HUAWEI Harmony OS, are widely used in IoT devices because of their real-time and security feature. However, research on multi-core scheduling for microkernel operating systems is relatively limited, especially for load balancing mechanisms. Related research is still mainly focused on the traditional monolithic operating systems, such as Linux. Therefore, this paper proposes a low-latency, high- performance, and high real-time centralized global dynamic multi-core load balancing method for the microkernel operating system. It has been implemented and tested on our own microkernel operating system named Mginkgo. The test results show that when there is load imbalance in the system, load balancing can be performed automatically so that all processors in the system can try to achieve the maximum throughput and resource utilization. And the latency brought by load balancing to the system is very low, about 4882 cycles (about 6.164us) triggered by new task creation and about 6596 cycles (about 8.328us) triggered by timing. In addition, we also tested the improvement of system throughput and CPU utilization. The results show that load balancing can improve the CPU utilization by 20% under the preset case, while the CPU utilization occupied by load balancing is negligibly low, about 0.0082%.
Nimer, Lina, Tahat, Ashraf.  2021.  Implementation of a Peer-to-Peer Network Using Blockchain to Manage and Secure Electronic Medical Records. 2021 IEEE Jordan International Joint Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (JEEIT). :187—192.
An electronic medical record (EMR) is the digital medical data of a patient, and they are healthcare system's most valuable asset. In this paper, we introduce a decentralized network using blockchain technology and smart contracts as a solution to manage and secure medical records storing, and transactions between medical healthcare providers. Ethereum blockchain is employed to build the blockchain. Solidity object-oriented language was utilized to implement smart contracts to digitally facilitate and verify transactions across the network (creating records, access requests, permitting access, revoking access, rejecting access). This will mitigate prevailing issues of current systems and enhance their performance, since current EMRs are stored on a centralized database, which cannot guarantee data integrity and security, consequently making them susceptible to malicious attacks. Our proposed system approach is of vital importance considering that healthcare providers depend on various tests in making a decision about a patient's diagnosis, and the respective plan of treatment they will go through. These tests are not shared with other providers, while data is scattered on various systems, as a consequence of these ensuing scenarios, patients suffer of the resulting care provided. Moreover, blockchain can meliorate the motley serious challenges caused by future use of IoT devices that provide real-time data from patients. Therefore, integrating the two technologies will produce decentralized IoT based healthcare systems.
Shardyko, Igor, Samorodova, Maria, Titov, Victor.  2020.  Development of Control System for a SEA-Joint Based on Active Damping Injection. 2020 International Conference on Industrial Engineering, Applications and Manufacturing (ICIEAM). :1–6.
This paper is devoted to the choice and justification of a joint-level controller for a joint with intrinsic elasticity. Such joints show a number of advantages in terms of shock robustness, interaction safety, energy efficiency and so on. On the other hand, the addition of elastic element, i.e. a torsion spring, leads to oscillating behaviour. Thus, more elaborate controller structure is required. Active damping injection approach is chosen in this article to improve the joint performance and achieve smooth motion. A method to select controller gains is suggested as well which allows step-wise customization, by which either the settling time can be minimized or the motion can be made fully smooth. Finally, the controller performance is verified in simulation.
Mygdalis, Vasileios, Tefas, Anastasios, Pitas, Ioannis.  2021.  Introducing K-Anonymity Principles to Adversarial Attacks for Privacy Protection in Image Classification Problems. 2021 IEEE 31st International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP). :1–6.
The network output activation values for a given input can be employed to produce a sorted ranking. Adversarial attacks typically generate the least amount of perturbation required to change the classifier label. In that sense, generated adversarial attack perturbation only affects the output in the 1st sorted ranking position. We argue that meaningful information about the adversarial examples i.e., their original labels, is still encoded in the network output ranking and could potentially be extracted, using rule-based reasoning. To this end, we introduce a novel adversarial attack methodology inspired by the K-anonymity principles, that generates adversarial examples that are not only misclassified, but their output sorted ranking spreads uniformly along K different positions. Any additional perturbation arising from the strength of the proposed objectives, is regularized by a visual similarity-based term. Experimental results denote that the proposed approach achieves the optimization goals inspired by K-anonymity with reduced perturbation as well.
Alsafwani, Nadher, Ali, Musab A. M., Tahir, Nooritawati Md.  2021.  Evaluation of the Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) for Wormhole Attacks using Qualnet Simulator. 2021 IEEE 11th International Conference on System Engineering and Technology (ICSET). :46–49.
Security is the key concern, which allows safe communication between any two mobile nodes in an unfavorable environment. Wireless Ad Hoc can be unsecured against attacks by means of malicious nodes. Hence this study assesses the influence of wormhole attacks on Mobile Ad Hoc network (MANET) system that is evaluated and validated based on the QualNet simulator. The MANET performance is investigated utilizing the wormhole attacks. The simulation is performed on Mobile node's network layer and data link layer in the WANET (wireless Ad Hoc network). The MANET performance was examined using “what-if” analyses too. Results showed that for security purposes, it is indeed necessary to assess the Mobile Ad Hoc node deployment.
Qin, Zhenhui, Tong, Rui, Wu, Xingjun, Bai, Guoqiang, Wu, Liji, Su, Linlin.  2021.  A Compact Full Hardware Implementation of PQC Algorithm NTRU. 2021 International Conference on Communications, Information System and Computer Engineering (CISCE). :792–797.
With the emergence and development of quantum computers, the traditional public-key cryptography (PKC) is facing the risk of being cracked. In order to resist quantum attacks and ensure long-term communication security, NIST launched a global collection of Post Quantum Cryptography (PQC) standards in 2016, and it is currently in the third round of selection. There are three Lattice-based PKC algorithms that stand out, and NTRU is one of them. In this article, we proposed the first complete and compact full hardware implementation of NTRU algorithm submitted in the third round. By using one structure to complete the design of the three types of complex polynomial multiplications in the algorithm, we achieved better performance while reducing area costs.
Todorov, Z., Efnusheva, D., Nikolic, T..  2021.  FPGA Implementation of Computer Network Security Protection with Machine Learning. 2021 IEEE 32nd International Conference on Microelectronics (MIEL). :263–266.
Network intrusion detection systems (NIDS) are widely used solutions targeting the security of any network device connected to the Internet and are taking the lead in the battle against intruders. This paper addresses the network security issues by implementing a hardware-based NIDS solution with a Naïve Bayes machine learning (ML) algorithm for classification using NSL Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) dataset. The proposed FPGA implementation of the Naive Bayes classifier focuses on low latency and provides intrusion detection in just 240ns, with accuracy/precision of 70/97%, occupying 1 % of the Virtex7 VC709 FPGA chip area.
Biswas, Ananda, Dee, Timothy M., Guo, Yunxi, Li, Zelong, Tyagi, Akhilesh.  2021.  Multi-Granularity Control Flow Anomaly Detection with Hardware Counters. 2021 IEEE 7th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT). :449—454.
Hardware counters are included in processors to count microarchitecture level events affecting performance. When control flow anomalies caused by attacks such as buffer overflow or return oriented programming (ROP) occur, they leave a microarchitectural footprint. Hardware counters reflect such footprints to flag control flow anomalies. This paper is geared towards buffer overflow and ROP control flow anomaly detection in embedded programs. The targeted program entities are main event loops and task/event handlers. Embedded systems also have enhanced need for variable anomaly detection time in order to meet the system response time requirements. We propose a novel repurposing of Patt-Yeh two level branch predictor data structure for abstracting/hashing HW counter signatures to support such variable anomaly detection times. The proposed anomaly detection mechanism is evaluated on some generic benchmark programs and ArduPilot - a popular autopilot software. Experimental evaluation encompasses both Intel X86 and ARM Cortex M processors. DWT within Cortex M provides sufficiently interesting program level event counts to capture these control flow anomalies. We are able to achieve 97-99%+ accuracy with 1-10 micro-second time overhead per anomaly check.
Satariano, Roberta, Parlato, Loredana, Caruso, Roberta, Ahmad, Halima Giovanna, Miano, Alessandro, Di Palma, Luigi, Salvoni, Daniela, Montemurro, Domenico, Tafuri, Francesco, Pepe, Giovanni Piero et al..  2021.  Unconventional magnetic hysteresis of the Josephson supercurrent in magnetic Josephson Junctions. 2021 IEEE 14th Workshop on Low Temperature Electronics (WOLTE). :1–4.
In Magnetic Josephson Junctions (MJJs) based on Superconductor-Insulator-Superconductor-Ferromagnet-Superconductor (SIS’FS), we provide evidence of an unconventional magnetic field behavior of the critical current characterized by an inverted magnetic hysteresis, i.e., an inverted shift of the whole magnetic field pattern when sweeping the external field. By thermoremanence measurements of S/F/S trilayers, we have ruled out that this uncommon behavior could be related to the F-stray fields. In principle, this finding could have a crucial role in the design and proper functioning of scalable cryogenic memories.