Air-gapped networks achieve security by using the physical isolation to keep the computers and network from the Internet. However, magnetic covert channels based on CPU utilization have been proposed to help secret data to escape the Faraday-cage and the air-gap. Despite the success of such cover channels, they suffer from the high risk of being detected by the transmitter computer and the challenge of installing malware into such a computer. In this paper, we propose MagView, a distributed magnetic cover channel, where sensitive information is embedded in other data such as video and can be transmitted over the air-gapped internal network. When any computer uses the data such as playing the video, the sensitive information will leak through the magnetic covert channel. The "separation" of information embedding and leaking, combined with the fact that the covert channel can be created on any computer, overcomes these limitations. We demonstrate that CPU utilization for video decoding can be effectively controlled by changing the video frame type and reducing the quantization parameter without video quality degradation. We prototype MagView and achieve up to 8.9 bps throughput with BER as low as 0.0057. Experiments under different environment are conducted to show the robustness of MagView. Limitations and possible countermeasures are also discussed.
In network communication domain, one of the most widely used protocol for encrypting data and securing communications is the IPSec protocol. The design of this protocol is based on two main phases which are: exchanging keys phase and transferring data phase. In this paper we focus on enhancing the exchanging keys phase which is included in the security association (SA), using a chaotic cryptosystem. Initially IPSec is based on the Internet Key Exchange (IKE) protocol for establishing the SA. Actually IKE protocol is in charge for negotiating the connection and for authenticating both nodes. However; using IKE gives rise to a major problem related to security attack such as the Man in the Middle Attack. In this paper, we propose a chaotic cryptosystem solution to generate SA file for the connected nodes of the network. By solving a 4-Dimension chaotic system, a SA file that includes 128-bit keys will be established. The proposed solution is implemented and tested using FPGA boards.
Web communication has become an indispensable characteristic of mobile apps. However, it is not clear what data the apps transmit, to whom, and what consequences such transmissions have. We analyzed the web communications found in mobile apps from the perspective of security. We first manually studied 160 Android apps to identify the commonly-used communication libraries, and to understand how they are used in these apps. We then developed a tool to statically identify web API URLs used in the apps, and restore the JSON data schemas including the type and value of each parameter. We extracted 9714 distinct web API URLs that were used in 3 376 apps. We found that developers often use the package for network communication, however, third-party libraries like OkHttp are also used in many apps. We discovered that insecure HTTP connections are seven times more prevalent in closed-source than in open-source apps, and that embedded SQL and JavaScript code is used in web communication in more than 500 different apps. This finding is devastating; it leaves billions of users and API service providers vulnerable to attack.
An acoustic fingerprint is a condensed and powerful digital signature of an audio signal which is used for audio sample identification. A fingerprint is the pattern of a voice or audio sample. A large number of algorithms have been developed for generating such acoustic fingerprints. These algorithms facilitate systems that perform song searching, song identification, and song duplication detection. In this study, a comprehensive and powerful survey of already developed algorithms is conducted. Four major music fingerprinting algorithms are evaluated for identifying and analyzing the potential hurdles that can affect their results. Since the background and environmental noise reduces the efficiency of music fingerprinting algorithms, behavioral analysis of fingerprinting algorithms is performed using audio samples of different languages and under different environmental conditions. The results of music fingerprint classification are more successful when deep learning techniques for classification are used. The testing of the acoustic feature modeling and music fingerprinting algorithms is performed using the standard dataset of iKala, MusicBrainz and MIR-1K.
Indoor localization has been a popular research subject in recent years. Usually, object localization using sound involves devices on the objects, acquiring data from stationary sound sources, or by localizing the objects with external sensors when the object generates sounds. Indoor localization systems using microphones have traditionally also used systems with several microphones, setting the limitations on cost efficiency and required space for the systems. In this paper, the goal is to investigate whether it is possible for a stationary system to localize a silent object in a room, with only one microphone and ambient noise as information carrier. A subtraction method has been combined with a fingerprint technique, to define and distinguish the noise absorption characteristic of the silent object in the frequency domain for different object positions. The absorption characteristics of several positions of the object is taken as comparison references, serving as fingerprints of known positions for an object. With the experiment result, the tentative idea has been verified as feasible, and noise signal based lateral localization of silent objects can be achieved.
Blockchain technology is attracting attention as an innovative system for decentralized payments in fields such as financial area. On the other hand, in a decentralized environment, management of a secret key used for user authentication and digital signature becomes a big issue because if a user loses his/her secret key, he/she will also lose assets on the blockchain. This paper describes the secret key management issues in blockchain systems and proposes a solution using a biometrics-based digital signature scheme. In our proposed system, a secret key to be used for digital signature is generated from the user's biometric information each time and immediately deleted from the memory after using it. Therefore, our blockchain system has the advantage that there is no need for storage for storing secret keys throughout the system. As a result, the user does not have a risk of losing the key management devices and can prevent attacks from malware that steals the secret key.
The wireless technology has knocked the door of tremendous usage and popularity in the last few years along with a high growth rate for new applications in the networking domain. Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) is solitary most appealing, alluring and challenging field where in the participating nodes do not require any active, existing and centralized system or rigid infrastructure for execution purpose and thus nodes have the moving capability on arbitrary basis. Radio range nodes directly communicate with each other through the wireless links whereas outside range nodes uses relay principle for communication. Though it is a rigid infrastructure less environment and has high growth rate but security is a major concern and becomes vital part of providing hostile free environment for communication. The MANET imposes several prominent challenges such as limited energy reserve, resource constraints, highly dynamic topology, sharing of wireless medium, energy inefficiency, recharging of the batteries etc. These challenges bound to make MANET more susceptible, more close to attacks and weak unlike the wired line networks. Theresearch paperismainly focused on two aspects, one is computation termination of cluster head algorithm and another is use of finite state machine for attacks identification.
VANET is one of most emerging and unique topics among the scientist and researcher. Due to its mobility, high dynamic nature and frequently changing topology not predictable, mobility attracts too much to researchers academic and industry person. In this paper, characteristics of VANET ate discussed along with its architecture, proposed work and its ends simulation with results. There are many nodes in VANET and to avoid the load on every node, clustering is applied in VANET. VANET possess the high dynamic network having continuous changing in the topology. For stability of network, a good clustering algorithm is required for enhancing the network productivity. In proposed work, a novel approach has been proposed to make cluster in VANET network and detect malicious node of network for security network.
We investigate if the random feature selection approach proposed in [1] to improve the robustness of forensic detectors to targeted attacks, can be extended to detectors based on deep learning features. In particular, we study the transferability of adversarial examples targeting an original CNN image manipulation detector to other detectors (a fully connected neural network and a linear SVM) that rely on a random subset of the features extracted from the flatten layer of the original network. The results we got by considering three image manipulation detection tasks (resizing, median filtering and adaptive histogram equalization), two original network architectures and three classes of attacks, show that feature randomization helps to hinder attack transferability, even if, in some cases, simply changing the architecture of the detector, or even retraining the detector is enough to prevent the transferability of the attacks.
Steganalysis is an interesting classification problem in order to discriminate the images, including hidden messages from the clean ones. There are many methods, including deep CNN networks to extract fine features for this classification task. Nevertheless, a few researches have been conducted to improve the final classifier. Some state-of-the-art methods try to ensemble the networks by a voting strategy to achieve more stable performance. In this paper, a selection phase is proposed to filter improper networks before any voting. This filtering is done by a binary relevance multi-label classification approach. The Logistic Regression (LR) is chosen here as the last layer of network for classification. The large-margin Fisher’s linear discriminant (FLD) classifier is assigned to each one of the networks. It learns to discriminate the training instances which associated network is suitable for or not. Xu-Net, one of the most famous state-of-the-art Steganalysis models, is chosen as the base networks. The proposed method with different approaches is applied on the BOSSbase dataset and is compared with traditional voting and also some state-of-the-art related ensemble techniques. The results show significant accuracy improvement of the proposed method in comparison with others.
{The paper considers the efficiency of an adaptive non-recursive filter using the adjustment algorithm for weighting coefficients taking into account the constant envelope of the desired signal when receiving signals with multi-position phase shift keying against the background of noise and non-fluctuation interference. Two types of such interference are considered - harmonic and retranslated. The optimal filter parameters (adaptation coefficient and length) are determined by using simulation; the effect of the filter on the noise immunity of a quadrature coherent signal receiver with multi-position phase shift keying for different combinations of interference and their intensity is estimated. It is shown that such an adaptive filter can successfully deal with the most dangerous sighting harmonic interference}.
Since trajectory data is widely collected and utilized for scientific research and business purpose, publishing trajectory without proper privacy-policy leads to an acute threat to individual data. Recently, several methods, i.e., k-anonymity, l-diversity, t-closeness have been studied, though they tend to protect by reducing data depends on a feature of each method. When a strong privacy protection is required, these methods have excessively reduced data utility that may affect the result of scientific research. In this research, we suggest a novel approach to tackle this existing dilemma via an adding noise trajectory on a vector-based grid environment.