Visible to the public Self-Improving Autonomic Systems for Antifragile Cyber Defence: Challenges and Opportunities

TitleSelf-Improving Autonomic Systems for Antifragile Cyber Defence: Challenges and Opportunities
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsBaruwal Chhetri, Mohan, Uzunov, Anton, Vo, Bao, Nepal, Surya, Kowalczyk, Ryszard
Conference Name2019 IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC)
Date Publishedjun
KeywordsAdaptation models, Analytical models, antifragile cyber defence, antifragile systems, antifragility, Automated Response Actions, autonomic cyber defence systems, Autonomic systems, composability, contested military environments, Cyber defence, Data analysis, decision making, desirable property, distributed self-improvement, human computer interaction, human factors, learning, middleware, middleware frameworks, middleware security, policy-based governance, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, security of data, self improvement, self-improving autonomic systems, Stress, Uncertainty, unknown situations

Antifragile systems enhance their capabilities and become stronger when exposed to adverse conditions, stresses or attacks, making antifragility a desirable property for cyber defence systems that operate in contested military environments. Self-improvement in autonomic systems refers to the improvement of their self-* capabilities, so that they are able to (a) better handle previously known (anticipated) situations, and (b) deal with previously unknown (unanticipated) situations. In this position paper, we present a vision of using self-improvement through learning to achieve antifragility in autonomic cyber defence systems. We first enumerate some of the major challenges associated with realizing distributed self-improvement. We then propose a reference model for middleware frameworks for self-improving autonomic systems and a set of desirable features of such frameworks.

Citation Keybaruwal_chhetri_self-improving_2019