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Severino, Ricardo, Rodrigues, João, Ferreira, Luis Lino.  2022.  Exploring Timing Covert Channel Performance over the IEEE 802.15.4. 2022 IEEE 27th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA). :1—8.
As IoT technologies mature, they are increasingly finding their way into more sensitive domains, such as Medical and Industrial IoT, in which safety and cyber-security are paramount. While the number of deployed IoT devices continues to increase annually, they still present severe cyber-security vulnerabilities, turning them into potential targets and entry points to support further attacks. Naturally, as these nodes are compromised, attackers aim at setting up stealthy communication behaviours, to exfiltrate data or to orchestrate nodes of a botnet in a cloaked fashion. Network covert channels are increasingly being used with such malicious intents. The IEEE 802.15.4 is one of the most pervasive protocols in IoT, and a fundamental part of many communication infrastructures. Despite this fact, the possibility of setting up such covert communication techniques on this medium has received very little attention. We aim at analysing the performance and feasibility of such covert-channel implementations upon the IEEE 802.15.4 protocol. This will enable a better understanding of the involved risk and help supporting the development of further cyber-security mechanisms to mitigate this threat.
Yarava, Rokesh Kumar, Rao, G.Rama Chandra, Garapati, Yugandhar, Babu, G.Charles, Prasad, Srisailapu D Vara.  2022.  Analysis on the Development of Cloud Security using Privacy Attribute Data Sharing. 2022 First International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Information and Communication Technologies (ICEEICT). :1—5.
The data sharing is a helpful and financial assistance provided by CC. Information substance security also rises out of it since the information is moved to some cloud workers. To ensure the sensitive and important data; different procedures are utilized to improve access manage on collective information. Here strategies, Cipher text-policyattribute based encryption (CP-ABE) might create it very helpful and safe. The conventionalCP-ABE concentrates on information privacy only; whereas client's personal security protection is a significant problem as of now. CP-ABE byhidden access (HA) strategy makes sure information privacy and ensures that client's protection isn't exposed also. Nevertheless, the vast majority of the current plans are ineffectivein correspondence overhead and calculation cost. In addition, the vast majority of thismechanism takes no thought regardingabilityauthenticationor issue of security spillescapein abilityverificationstage. To handle the issues referenced over, a security protectsCP-ABE methodby proficient influenceauthenticationis presented in this manuscript. Furthermore, its privacy keys accomplish consistent size. In the meantime, the suggestedplan accomplishes the specific safetyin decisional n-BDHE issue and decisional direct presumption. The computational outcomes affirm the benefits of introduced method.
Zhao, Jianming, Miao, Weiwei, Zeng, Zeng.  2022.  A non-interactive verifiable computation model of perceptual layer data based on CP-ABE. 2022 2nd International Conference on Consumer Electronics and Computer Engineering (ICCECE). :799—803.
The computing of smart devices at the perception layer of the power Internet of Things is often insufficient, and complex computing can be outsourced to server resources such as the cloud computing, but the allocation process is not safe and controllable. Under special constraints of the power Internet of Things such as multi-users and heterogeneous terminals, we propose a CP-ABE-based non-interactive verifiable computation model of perceptual layer data. This model is based on CP-ABE, NPOT, FHE and other relevant safety and verifiable theories, and designs a new multi-user non-interactive secure verifiable computing scheme to ensure that only users with the decryption key can participate in the execution of NPOT Scheme. In terms of the calculation process design of the model, we gave a detailed description of the system model, security model, plan. Based on the definition given, the correctness and safety of the non-interactive safety verifiable model design in the power Internet of Things environment are proved, and the interaction cost of the model is analyzed. Finally, it proves that the CP-ABE-based non-interactive verifiable computation model for the perceptual layer proposed in this paper has greatly improved security, applicability, and verifiability, and is able to meet the security outsourcing of computing in the power Internet of Things environment.
Lai, Chengzhe, Wang, Menghua, Zheng, Dong.  2022.  SPDT: Secure and Privacy-Preserving Scheme for Digital Twin-based Traffic Control. 2022 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC). :144–149.
With the increasing complexity of the driving environment, more and more attention has been paid to the research on improving the intelligentization of traffic control. Among them, the digital twin-based internet of vehicle can establish a mirror system on the cloud to improve the efficiency of communication between vehicles, provide warning and safety instructions for drivers, avoid driving potential dangers. To ensure the security and effectiveness of data sharing in traffic control, this paper proposes a secure and privacy-preserving scheme for digital twin-based traffic control. Specifically, in the data uploading phase, we employ a group signature with a time-bound keys technique to realize data source authentication with efficient members revocation and privacy protection, which can ensure that data can be securely stored on cloud service providers after it synchronizes to its twin. In the data sharing stage, we employ the secure and efficient attribute-based access control technique to provide flexible and efficient data sharing, in which the parameters of a specific sub-policy can be stored during the first decryption and reused in subsequent data access containing the same sub-policy, thus reducing the computing complexity. Finally, we analyze the security and efficiency of the scheme theoretically.
ISSN: 2377-8644
Glocker, Tobias, Mantere, Timo.  2022.  Implementation of an Intelligent Caravan Monitoring System Using the Controller Area Network. 2022 International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET). :1–6.
Nowadays, safety systems are an important feature for modern vehicles. Many accidents would have been occurred without them. In comparison with older vehicles, modern vehicles have a much better crumple zone, more airbags, a better braking system, as well as a much better and safer driving behaviour. Although, the vehicles safety systems are working well in these days, there is still space for improvement and for adding new security features. This paper describes the implementation of an Intelligent Caravan Monitoring System (ICMS) using the Controller Area Network (CAN), for the communication between the vehicle’s electronic system and the trailer’s electronic system. Furthermore, a comparison between the communication technology of this paper and a previous published paper will be made. The new system is faster, more flexible and more energy efficient.
Karayat, Ritik, Jadhav, Manish, Kondaka, Lakshmi Sudha, Nambiar, Ashwath.  2022.  Web Application Penetration Testing & Patch Development Using Kali Linux. 2022 8th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS). 1:1392–1397.
Nowadays, safety is a first-rate subject for all applications. There has been an exponential growth year by year in the number of businesses going digital since the few decades following the birth of the Internet. In these technologically advanced times, cyber security is a must mainly for internet applications, so we have the notion of diving deeper into the Cyber security domain and are determined to make a complete project. We aim to develop a website portal for ease of communication between us and the end user. Utilizing the power of python scripting and flask server to make independent automated tools for detection of SQLI, XSS & a Spider(Content Discovery Tool). We have also integrated skipfish as a website vulnerability scanner to our project using python and Kali Linux. Since conducting a penetration test on another website without permission is not legal, we thought of building a dummy website prone to OS Command Injection in addition to the above-mentioned attacks. A well-documented report will be generated after the penetration test/ vulnerability scan. In case the website is vulnerable, patching of the website will be done with the user's consent.
ISSN: 2575-7288
Joon, Ranjita, Tomar, Parul.  2022.  Cognitive Radio Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey. 2022 Fifth International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Technologies (CCICT). :216–222.
There has been a significant rise in the use of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) in the past few years. It is evident that WSNs operate in unlicensed spectrum bands [1]. But due to the increasing usage in unlicensed spectrum band this band is getting overcrowded. The recent development of cognitive radio technology [2, 3] has made possible the utilization of licensed spectrum band in an opportunistic manner. This paper studies an introduction to Cognitive Radio Technology, Cognitive Radio Wireless Sensor Networks, its Advantages & Challenges, Cognitive Radio Technology Applications and a comparative analysis of node clustering techniques in CWSN.
Gao, Ruijun, Guo, Qing, Juefei-Xu, Felix, Yu, Hongkai, Fu, Huazhu, Feng, Wei, Liu, Yang, Wang, Song.  2022.  Can You Spot the Chameleon? Adversarially Camouflaging Images from Co-Salient Object Detection 2022 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). :2140–2149.
Co-salient object detection (CoSOD) has recently achieved significant progress and played a key role in retrieval-related tasks. However, it inevitably poses an entirely new safety and security issue, i.e., highly personal and sensitive content can potentially be extracting by powerful CoSOD methods. In this paper, we address this problem from the perspective of adversarial attacks and identify a novel task: adversarial co-saliency attack. Specially, given an image selected from a group of images containing some common and salient objects, we aim to generate an adversarial version that can mislead CoSOD methods to predict incorrect co-salient regions. Note that, compared with general white-box adversarial attacks for classification, this new task faces two additional challenges: (1) low success rate due to the diverse appearance of images in the group; (2) low transferability across CoSOD methods due to the considerable difference between CoSOD pipelines. To address these challenges, we propose the very first blackbox joint adversarial exposure and noise attack (Jadena), where we jointly and locally tune the exposure and additive perturbations of the image according to a newly designed high-feature-level contrast-sensitive loss function. Our method, without any information on the state-of-the-art CoSOD methods, leads to significant performance degradation on various co-saliency detection datasets and makes the co-salient objects undetectable. This can have strong practical benefits in properly securing the large number of personal photos currently shared on the Internet. Moreover, our method is potential to be utilized as a metric for evaluating the robustness of CoSOD methods.
Dash, Lipsa, Sharma, Sanjeev, M, Manish, M, Chaitanya, P, Vamsi Krishna, Manna, Souvik.  2022.  Comparative Analysis of Secured Transport Systems using RFID Technology for Schools. 2022 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Applied Informatics (ACCAI). :1–6.
Despite the strict measures taken by authorities for children safety, crime against children is increasing. To curb this crime, it is important to improve the safety of children. School authorities can be severely penalized for these incidents, hence monitoring the school bus is significantly important in limiting these incidents. The developing worry of families for the security and insurance of their kids has started incredible interest in creating strong frameworks that give successful following and oversight of kids driving among home and school. Coordinated transport following permits youngsters to partake more in their normal schoolwork longer than trusting that a transport will be late with the assistance of notice and guarantees the security of every understudy. These days, reacting to the necessities existing apart from everything else, numerous instructive foundations have begun to push more towards a compelling global positioning framework of their vehicles that ensures the wellbeing of their understudies. Effective transport following is accomplished by procuring the geographic directions utilizing the GPS module and communicating the informationto a distant server. The framework depends on prepared to-utilize inactive RFID peruses. Make a message pop-up from the server script subsequent to checking the understudy's RFID tag be. The RFID examine exhibiting that the understudy boarded the vehicle to the specific trained professionals and the parent. Successful transport following permits school specialists, guardians, and drivers to precisely design their schedules while protecting kids from the second they get on until they get off the transport. The framework overall makes it conceivable to educate the administration regarding crises or protests. A variety of reports can be generated for different school-wide real-time bus and vehicle activities. This paper reviews the various smart security transport systems proposed for providing security features.
Gharpure, Nisha, Rai, Aradhana.  2022.  Vulnerabilities and Threat Management in Relational Database Management Systems. 2022 5th International Conference on Advances in Science and Technology (ICAST). :369–374.
Databases are at the heart of modern applications and any threats to them can seriously endanger the safety and functionality of applications relying on the services offered by a DBMS. It is therefore pertinent to identify key risks to the secure operation of a database system. This paper identifies the key risks, namely, SQL injection, weak audit trails, access management issues and issues with encryption. A malicious actor can get help from any of these issues. It can compromise integrity, availability and confidentiality of the data present in database systems. The paper also identifies various means and ways to defend against these issues and remedy them. This paper then proceeds to identify from the literature, the potential solutions to these ameliorate the threat from these vulnerabilities. It proposes the usage of encryption to protect the data from being breached and leveraging encrypted databases such as CryptoDB. Better access control norms are suggested to prevent unauthorized access, modification and deletion of the data. The paper also recommends ways to prevent SQL injection attacks through techniques such as prepared statements.
Colter, Jamison, Kinnison, Matthew, Henderson, Alex, Schlager, Stephen M., Bryan, Samuel, O’Grady, Katherine L., Abballe, Ashlie, Harbour, Steven.  2022.  Testing the Resiliency of Consumer Off-the-Shelf Drones to a Variety of Cyberattack Methods. 2022 IEEE/AIAA 41st Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC). :1–5.
An often overlooked but equally important aspect of unmanned aerial system (UAS) design is the security of their networking protocols and how they deal with cyberattacks. In this context, cyberattacks are malicious attempts to monitor or modify incoming and outgoing data from the system. These attacks could target anywhere in the system where a transfer of data occurs but are most common in the transfer of data between the control station and the UAS. A compromise in the networking system of a UAS could result in a variety of issues including increased network latency between the control station and the UAS, temporary loss of control over the UAS, or a complete loss of the UAS. A complete loss of the system could result in the UAS being disabled, crashing, or the attacker overtaking command and control of the platform, all of which would be done with little to no alert to the operator. Fortunately, the majority of higher-end, enterprise, and government UAS platforms are aware of these threats and take actions to mitigate them. However, as the consumer market continues to grow and prices continue to drop, network security may be overlooked or ignored in favor of producing the lowest cost product possible. Additionally, these commercial off-the-shelf UAS often use uniform, standardized frequency bands, autopilots, and security measures, meaning a cyberattack could be developed to affect a wide variety of models with minimal changes. This paper will focus on a low-cost educational-use UAS and test its resilience to a variety of cyberattack methods, including man-in-the-middle attacks, spoofing of data, and distributed denial-of-service attacks. Following this experiment will be a discussion of current cybersecurity practices for counteracting these attacks and how they can be applied onboard a UAS. Although in this case the cyberattacks were tested against a simpler platform, the methods discussed are applicable to any UAS platform attempting to defend against such cyberattack methods.
ISSN: 2155-7209
Pardee, Jessica W., Schneider, Jennifer, Lam, Cindy.  2022.  Operationalizing Resiliency among Childcare Providers during the COVID-19 Pandemic. 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST). :1–7.
Childcare, a critical infrastructure, played an important role to create community resiliency during the COVID-19 pandemic. By finding pathways to remain open, or rapidly return to operations, the adaptive capacity of childcare providers to offer care in the face of unprecedented challenges functioned to promote societal level mitigation of the COVID-19 pandemic impacts, to assist families in their personal financial recoveries, and to provide consistent, caring, and meaningful educational experiences for society's youngest members. This paper assesses the operational adaptations of childcare centers as a key resource and critical infrastructure during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Greater Rochester, NY metropolitan region. Our findings evaluate the policy, provider mitigation, and response actions documenting the challenges they faced and the solutions they innovated. Implications for this research extend to climate-induced disruptions, including fires, water shortages, electric grid cyberattacks, and other disruptions where extended stay-at-home orders or service critical interventions are implemented.
Li, Yubing, Yang, Wei, Zhou, Zhou, Liu, Qingyun, Li, Zhao, Li, Shu.  2022.  P4-NSAF: defending IPv6 networks against ICMPv6 DoS and DDoS attacks with P4. ICC 2022 - IEEE International Conference on Communications. :5005—5010.
Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) is expected for widespread deployment worldwide. Such rapid development of IPv6 may lead to safety problems. The main threats in IPv6 networks are denial of service (DoS) attacks and distributed DoS (DDoS) attacks. In addition to the similar threats in Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4), IPv6 has introduced new potential vulnerabilities, which are DoS and DDoS attacks based on Internet Control Message Protocol version 6 (ICMPv6). We divide such new attacks into two categories: pure flooding attacks and source address spoofing attacks. We propose P4-NSAF, a scheme to defend against the above two IPv6 DoS and DDoS attacks in the programmable data plane. P4-NSAF uses Count-Min Sketch to defend against flooding attacks and records information about IPv6 agents into match tables to prevent source address spoofing attacks. We implement a prototype of P4-NSAF with P4 and evaluate it in the programmable data plane. The result suggests that P4-NSAF can effectively protect IPv6 networks from DoS and DDoS attacks based on ICMPv6.
Figueira, Nina, Pochmann, Pablo, Oliveira, Abel, de Freitas, Edison Pignaton.  2022.  A C4ISR Application on the Swarm Drones Context in a Low Infrastructure Scenario. 2022 International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET). :1—7.
The military operations in low communications infrastructure scenarios employ flexible solutions to optimize the data processing cycle using situational awareness systems, guaranteeing interoperability and assisting in all processes of decision-making. This paper presents an architecture for the integration of Command, Control, Computing, Communication, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Systems (C4ISR), developed within the scope of the Brazilian Ministry of Defense, in the context of operations with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) - swarm drones - and the Internet-to-the-battlefield (IoBT) concept. This solution comprises the following intelligent subsystems embedded in UAV: STFANET, an SDN-Based Topology Management for Flying Ad Hoc Network focusing drone swarms operations, developed by University of Rio Grande do Sul; Interoperability of Command and Control (INTERC2), an intelligent communication middleware developed by Brazilian Navy; A Mission-Oriented Sensors Array (MOSA), which provides the automatization of data acquisition, data fusion, and data sharing, developed by Brazilian Army; The In-Flight Awareness Augmentation System (IFA2S), which was developed to increase the safety navigation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), developed by Brazilian Air Force; Data Mining Techniques to optimize the MOSA with data patterns; and an adaptive-collaborative system, composed of a Software Defined Radio (SDR), to solve the identification of electromagnetic signals and a Geographical Information System (GIS) to organize the information processed. This research proposes, as a main contribution in this conceptual phase, an application that describes the premises for increasing the capacity of sensing threats in the low structured zones, such as the Amazon rainforest, using existing communications solutions of Brazilian defense monitoring systems.
Anderegg, Alfred H. Andy, Ferrell, Uma D..  2022.  Assurance Case Along a Safety Continuum. 2022 IEEE/AIAA 41st Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC). :1–10.
The FAA proposes Safety Continuum that recognizes the public expectation for safety outcomes vary with aviation sectors that have different missions, aircraft, and environments. The purpose is to align the rigor of oversight to the public expectations. An aircraft, its variants or derivatives may be used in operations with different expectations. The differences in mission might bring immutable risks for some applications that reuse or revise the original aircraft type design. The continuum enables a more agile design approval process for innovations in the context of a dynamic ecosystems, addressing the creation of variants for different sectors and needs. Since an aircraft type design can be reused in various operations under part 91 or 135 with different mission risks the assurance case will have many branches reflecting the variants and derivatives.This paper proposes a model for the holistic, performance-based, through-life safety assurance case that focuses applicant and oversight alike on achieving the safety outcomes. This paper describes the application of goal-based, technology-neutral features of performance-based assurance cases extending the philosophy of UL 4600, to the Safety Continuum. This paper specifically addresses component reuse including third-party vehicle modifications and changes to operational concept or eco-system. The performance-based assurance argument offers a way to combine the design approval more seamlessly with the oversight functions by focusing all aspects of the argument and practice together to manage the safety outcomes. The model provides the context to assure mitigated risk are consistent with an operation’s place on the safety continuum, while allowing the applicant to reuse parts of the assurance argument to innovate variants or derivatives. The focus on monitoring performance to constantly verify the safety argument complements compliance checking as a way to assure products are "fit-for-use". The paper explains how continued operational safety becomes a natural part of monitoring the assurance case for growing variety in a product line by accounting for the ecosystem changes. Such a model could be used with the Safety Continuum to promote applicant and operator accountability delivering the expected safety outcomes.
ISSN: 2155-7209
Sikder, Md Nazmul Kabir, Batarseh, Feras A., Wang, Pei, Gorentala, Nitish.  2022.  Model-Agnostic Scoring Methods for Artificial Intelligence Assurance. 2022 IEEE 29th Annual Software Technology Conference (STC). :9–18.
State of the art Artificial Intelligence Assurance (AIA) methods validate AI systems based on predefined goals and standards, are applied within a given domain, and are designed for a specific AI algorithm. Existing works do not provide information on assuring subjective AI goals such as fairness and trustworthiness. Other assurance goals are frequently required in an intelligent deployment, including explainability, safety, and security. Accordingly, issues such as value loading, generalization, context, and scalability arise; however, achieving multiple assurance goals without major trade-offs is generally deemed an unattainable task. In this manuscript, we present two AIA pipelines that are model-agnostic, independent of the domain (such as: healthcare, energy, banking), and provide scores for AIA goals including explainability, safety, and security. The two pipelines: Adversarial Logging Scoring Pipeline (ALSP) and Requirements Feedback Scoring Pipeline (RFSP) are scalable and tested with multiple use cases, such as a water distribution network and a telecommunications network, to illustrate their benefits. ALSP optimizes models using a game theory approach and it also logs and scores the actions of an AI model to detect adversarial inputs, and assures the datasets used for training. RFSP identifies the best hyper-parameters using a Bayesian approach and provides assurance scores for subjective goals such as ethical AI using user inputs and statistical assurance measures. Each pipeline has three algorithms that enforce the final assurance scores and other outcomes. Unlike ALSP (which is a parallel process), RFSP is user-driven and its actions are sequential. Data are collected for experimentation; the results of both pipelines are presented and contrasted.
Ferrell, Uma D., Anderegg, Alfred H. Andy.  2022.  Holistic Assurance Case for System-of-Systems. 2022 IEEE/AIAA 41st Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC). :1–9.
Aviation is a highly sophisticated and complex System-of-Systems (SoSs) with equally complex safety oversight. As novel products with autonomous functions and interactions between component systems are adopted, the number of interdependencies within and among the SoS grows. These interactions may not always be obvious. Understanding how proposed products (component systems) fit into the context of a larger SoS is essential to promote the safe use of new as well as conventional technology.UL 4600, is a Standard for Safety for the Evaluation of Autonomous Products specifically written for completely autonomous Load vehicles. The goal-based, technology-neutral features of this standard make it adaptable to other industries and applications.This paper, using the philosophy of UL 4600, gives guidance for creating an assurance case for products in an SoS context. An assurance argument is a cogent structured argument concluding that an autonomous aircraft system possesses all applicable through-life performance and safety properties. The assurance case process can be repeated at each level in the SoS: aircraft, aircraft system, unmodified components, and modified components. The original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) develops the assurance case for the whole aircraft envisioned in the type certification process. Assurance cases are continuously validated by collecting and analyzing Safety Performance Indicators (SPIs). SPIs provide predictive safety information, thus offering an opportunity to improve safety by preventing incidents and accidents. Continuous validation is essential for risk-based approval of autonomously evolving (dynamic) systems, learning systems, and new technology. System variants, derivatives, and components are captured in a subordinate assurance case by their developer. These variants of the assurance case inherently reflect the evolution of the vehicle-level derivatives and options in the context of their specific target ecosystem. These subordinate assurance cases are nested under the argument put forward by the OEM of components and aircraft, for certification credit.It has become a common practice in aviation to address design hazards through operational mitigations. It is also common for hazards noted in an aircraft component system to be mitigated within another component system. Where a component system depends on risk mitigation in another component of the SoS, organizational responsibilities must be stated explicitly in the assurance case. However, current practices do not formalize accounting for these dependencies by the parties responsible for design; consequently, subsequent modifications are made without the benefit of critical safety-related information from the OEMs. The resulting assurance cases, including 3rd party vehicle modifications, must be scrutinized as part of the holistic validation process.When changes are made to a product represented within the assurance case, their impact must be analyzed and reflected in an updated assurance case. An OEM can facilitate this by integrating affected assurance cases across their customer’s supply chains to ensure their validity. The OEM is expected to exercise the sphere-of-control over their product even if it includes outsourced components. Any organization that modifies a product (with or without assurance argumentation information from other suppliers) is accountable for validating the conditions for any dependent mitigations. For example, the OEM may manage the assurance argumentation by identifying requirements and supporting SPI that must be applied in all component assurance cases. For their part, component assurance cases must accommodate all spheres-of-control that mitigate the risks they present in their respective contexts. The assurance case must express how interdependent mitigations will collectively assure the outcome. These considerations are much more than interface requirements and include explicit hazard mitigation dependencies between SoS components. A properly integrated SoS assurance case reflects a set of interdependent systems that could be independently developed..Even in this extremely interconnected environment, stakeholders must make accommodations for the independent evolution of products in a manner that protects proprietary information, domain knowledge, and safety data. The collective safety outcome for the SoS is based on the interdependence of mitigations by each constituent component and could not be accomplished by any single component. This dependency must be explicit in the assurance case and should include operational mitigations predicated on people and processes.Assurance cases could be used to gain regulatory approval of conventional and new technology. They can also serve to demonstrate consistency with a desired level of safety, especially in SoSs whose existing standards may not be adequate. This paper also provides guidelines for preserving alignment between component assurance cases along a product supply chain, and the respective SoSs that they support. It shows how assurance is a continuous process that spans product evolution through the monitoring of interdependent requirements and SPI. The interdependency necessary for a successful assurance case encourages stakeholders to identify and formally accept critical interconnections between related organizations. The resulting coordination promotes accountability for safety through increased awareness and the cultivation of a positive safety culture.
ISSN: 2155-7209
Khan, Muhammad Maaz Ali, Ehabe, Enow Nkongho, Mailewa, Akalanka B..  2022.  Discovering the Need for Information Assurance to Assure the End Users: Methodologies and Best Practices. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Electro Information Technology (eIT). :131–138.

The use of software to support the information infrastructure that governments, critical infrastructure providers and businesses worldwide rely on for their daily operations and business processes is gradually becoming unavoidable. Commercial off-the shelf software is widely and increasingly used by these organizations to automate processes with information technology. That notwithstanding, cyber-attacks are becoming stealthier and more sophisticated, which has led to a complex and dynamic risk environment for IT-based operations which users are working to better understand and manage. This has made users become increasingly concerned about the integrity, security and reliability of commercial software. To meet up with these concerns and meet customer requirements, vendors have undertaken significant efforts to reduce vulnerabilities, improve resistance to attack and protect the integrity of the products they sell. These efforts are often referred to as “software assurance.” Software assurance is becoming very important for organizations critical to public safety and economic and national security. These users require a high level of confidence that commercial software is as secure as possible, something only achieved when software is created using best practices for secure software development. Therefore, in this paper, we explore the need for information assurance and its importance for both organizations and end users, methodologies and best practices for software security and information assurance, and we also conducted a survey to understand end users’ opinions on the methodologies researched in this paper and their impact.

ISSN: 2154-0373

Cobos, Luis-Pedro, Miao, Tianlei, Sowka, Kacper, Madzudzo, Garikayi, Ruddle, Alastair R., El Amam, Ehab.  2022.  Application of an Automotive Assurance Case Approach to Autonomous Marine Vessel Security. 2022 International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME). :1–9.
The increase of autonomy in autonomous surface vehicles development brings along modified and new risks and potential hazards, this in turn, introduces the need for processes and methods for ensuring that systems are acceptable for their intended use with respect to dependability and safety concerns. One approach for evaluating software requirements for claims of safety is to employ an assurance case. Much like a legal case, the assurance case lays out an argument and supporting evidence to provide assurance on the software requirements. This paper analyses safety and security requirements relating to autonomous vessels, and regulations in the automotive industry and the marine industry before proposing a generic cybersecurity and safety assurance case that takes a general graphical approach of Goal Structuring Notation (GSN).
Chen, Di.  2022.  Practice on the Data Service of University Scientific Research Management Based on Cloud Computing. 2022 World Automation Congress (WAC). :424–428.
With the continuous development of computer technology, the coverage of informatization solutions covers all walks of life and all fields of society. For colleges and universities, teaching and scientific research are the basic tasks of the school. The scientific research ability of the school will affect the level of teachers and the training of students. The establishment of a good scientific research environment has become a more important link in the development of universities. SR(Scientific research) data is a prerequisite for SR activities. High-quality SR management data services are conducive to ensuring the quality and safety of SRdata, and further assisting the smooth development of SR projects. Therefore, this article mainly conducts research and practice on cloud computing-based scientific research management data services in colleges and universities. First, analyze the current situation of SR data management in colleges and universities, and the results show that the popularity of SR data management in domestic universities is much lower than that of universities in Europe and the United States, and the data storage awareness of domestic researchers is relatively weak. Only 46% of schools have developed SR data management services, which is much lower than that of European and American schools. Second, analyze the effect of CC(cloud computing )on the management of SR data in colleges and universities. The results show that 47% of SR believe that CC is beneficial to the management of SR data in colleges and universities to reduce scientific research costs and improve efficiency, the rest believe that CC can speed up data storage and improve security by acting on SR data management in colleges and universities.
ISSN: 2154-4824
Haque, Siam, Mirzaei, Shahnam.  2022.  System on Chip (SoC) Security Architecture Framework for Isolated Domains Against Threats. 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST). :29–32.
This paper presents a definition of a secure system and design principles, which help govern security policies within an embedded system. By understanding a secure system, a common system on chip (SoC) architecture is evaluated and their vulnerabilities explored. This effort helped define requirements for a framework for a secure and isolated SoC architecture for users to develop in. Throughout this paper, a SoC architecture framework for isolated domains has been proposed and its robustness verified against different attack scenarios. To support different levels of criticality and complexity in developing user applications, three computing domains were proposed: security and safety critical (SSC) domain, high performance (HP) domain, and sandbox domain. These domains allow for complex applications to be realized with varying levels of security. Isolation between different computing domains is established using consumer off the shelf (COTS) techniques and architectural components provided by the Zynq Ultrascale+ (ZU+) multiprocessor SoC (MPSoC). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that implements a secure system design on the ZU+ platform. There have been many other implementations in hardware security to mitigate certain attack scenarios such as side channel attacks, temporal attacks, hardware trojans, etc. However, our work is different than others, as it establishes the framework for isolated computing domains for secure applications and also verifies system security by attacking one domain from the others.
Li, Nige, Zhou, Peng, Wang, Tengyan, Chen, Jingnan.  2022.  Control flow integrity check based on LBR register in power 5G environment. 2022 China International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CICED). :1211–1216.
This paper proposes a control flow integrity checking method based on the LBR register: through an analysis of the static target program loaded binary modules, gain function attributes such as borders and build the initial transfer of legal control flow boundary, real-time maintenance when combined with the dynamic execution of the program flow of control transfer record, build a complete profile control flow transfer security; Get the call location of /bin/sh or system() in the program to build an internal monitor for control-flow integrity checks. In the process of program execution, on the one hand, the control flow transfer outside the outline is judged as the abnormal control flow transfer with attack threat; On the other hand, abnormal transitions across the contour are picked up by an internal detector. In this method, by identifying abnormal control flow transitions, attacks are initially detected before the attack code is executed, while some attacks that bypass the coarse-grained verification of security profile are captured by the refined internal detector of control flow integrity. This method reduces the cost of control flow integrity check by using the safety profile analysis of coarse-grained check. In addition, a fine-grained shell internal detector is inserted into the contour to improve the safety performance of the system and achieve a good balance between performance and efficiency.
Lehniger, Kai, Schölze, Mario, Jelonek, Jonas, Tabatt, Peter, Aftowicz, Marcin, Langendorfer, Peter.  2022.  Combination of ROP Defense Mechanisms for Better Safety and Security in Embedded Systems. 2022 25th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD). :480–487.
Control flow integrity (CFI) checks are used in desktop systems, in order to protect them from various forms of attacks, but they are rarely investigated for embedded systems, due to their introduced overhead. The contribution of this paper is an efficient software implementation of a CFI-check for ARM-and Xtensa processors. Moreover, we propose the combination of this CFI-check with another defense mechanism against return-oriented-programming (ROP). We show that by this combination the security is significantly improved. Moreover, it will also in-crease the safety of the system, since the combination can detect a failed ROP-attack and bring the system in a safe state, which is not possible when using each technique separately. We will also report on the introduced overhead in code size and run time.
Amaya-Mejía, Lina María, Duque-Suárez, Nicolás, Jaramillo-Ramírez, Daniel, Martinez, Carol.  2022.  Vision-Based Safety System for Barrierless Human-Robot Collaboration. 2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). :7331–7336.

Human safety has always been the main priority when working near an industrial robot. With the rise of Human-Robot Collaborative environments, physical barriers to avoiding collisions have been disappearing, increasing the risk of accidents and the need for solutions that ensure a safe Human-Robot Collaboration. This paper proposes a safety system that implements Speed and Separation Monitoring (SSM) type of operation. For this, safety zones are defined in the robot's workspace following current standards for industrial collaborative robots. A deep learning-based computer vision system detects, tracks, and estimates the 3D position of operators close to the robot. The robot control system receives the operator's 3D position and generates 3D representations of them in a simulation environment. Depending on the zone where the closest operator was detected, the robot stops or changes its operating speed. Three different operation modes in which the human and robot interact are presented. Results show that the vision-based system can correctly detect and classify in which safety zone an operator is located and that the different proposed operation modes ensure that the robot's reaction and stop time are within the required time limits to guarantee safety.

ISSN: 2153-0866

Moroni, Davide, Pieri, Gabriele, Reggiannini, Marco, Tampucci, Marco.  2022.  A mobile crowdsensing app for improved maritime security and awareness. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops and other Affiliated Events (PerCom Workshops). :103–105.
The marine and maritime domain is well represented in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) envisaged by the United Nations, which aim at conserving and using the oceans, seas and their resources for sustainable development. At the same time, there is a need for improved safety in navigation, especially in coastal areas. Up to date, there exist operational services based on advanced technologies, including remote sensing and in situ monitoring networks which provide aid to the navigation and control over the environment for its preservation. Yet, the possibilities offered by crowdsensing have not yet been fully explored. This paper addresses this issue by presenting an app based on a crowdsensing approach for improved safety and awareness at sea. The app can be integrated into more comprehensive systems and frameworks for environmental monitoring as envisaged in our future work.