The labor market involves several untrusted actors with contradicting objectives. We propose a blockchain based system for labor market, which provides benefits to all participants in terms of confidence, transparency, trust and tracking. Our system would handle employment data through new Wavelet blockchain platform. It would change the job market enabling direct agreements between parties without other participants, and providing new mechanisms for negotiating the employment conditions. Furthermore, our system would reduce the need in existing paper workflow as well as in major internet recruiting companies. The key differences of our work from other blockchain based labor record systems are usage of Wavelet blockchain platform, which features metastability, directed acyclic graph system and Turing complete smart contracts platform and introduction of human interaction inside the smart contracts logic, instead of automatic execution of contracts. The results are promising while inconclusive and we would further explore potential of blockchain solutions for labor market problems.
Firms collaborate with partners in research and development (R&D) of new technologies for many reasons such as to access complementary knowledge, know-how or skills, to seek new opportunities outside their traditional technology domain, to sustain their continuous flows of innovation, to reduce time to market, or to share risks and costs [1]. The adoption of collaborative research agreements (CRAs) or collaboration agreements (CAs) is rising rapidly as firms attempt to access innovation from various types of organizations to enhance their traditional in-house innovation [2], [3]. To achieve the objectives of their collaborations, firms need to share knowledge and jointly develop new knowledge. As more firms adopt open collaborative innovation strategies, intellectual property (IP) management has inevitably become important because clear and fair contractual IP terms and conditions such as IP ownership allocation, licensing arrangements and compensation for IP access are required for each collaborative project [4], [5]. Moreover, the firms need to adjust their IP management strategies to fit the unique characteristics and circumstances of each particular project [5].
With the proposal of the national industrial 4.0 strategy, the integration of industrial control network and Internet technology is getting higher and higher. At the same time, the closeness of industrial control networks has been broken to a certain extent, making the problem of industrial control network security increasingly serious. S7 protocol is a private protocol of Siemens Company in Germany, which is widely used in the communication process of industrial control network. In this paper, an industrial control intrusion detection model based on S7 protocol is proposed. Traditional protocol parsing technology cannot resolve private industrial control protocols, so, this model uses deep analysis algorithm to realize the analysis of S7 data packets. At the same time, in order to overcome the complexity and portability of static white list configuration, this model dynamically builds a white list through white list self-learning algorithm. Finally, a composite intrusion detection method combining white list detection and abnormal behavior detection is used to detect anomalies. The experiment proves that the method can effectively detect the abnormal S7 protocol packet in the industrial control network.
Attacks on cloud-computing services are becoming more prevalent with recent victims including Tesla, Aviva Insurance and SIM-card manufacturer Gemalto[1]. The risk posed to organisations from malicious insiders is becoming more widely known about and consequently many are now investing in hardware, software and new processes to try to detect these attacks. As for all types of attack vector, there will always be those which are not known about and those which are known about but remain exceptionally difficult to detect - particularly in a timely manner. We believe that insider attacks are of particular concern in a cloud-computing environment, and that cloud-service providers should enhance their ability to detect them by means of indirect detection. We propose a combined attack-tree and kill-chain based method for identifying multiple indirect detection measures. Specifically, the use of attack trees enables us to encapsulate all detection opportunities for insider attacks in cloud-service environments. Overlaying the attack tree on top of a kill chain in turn facilitates indirect detection opportunities higher-up the tree as well as allowing the provider to determine how far an attack has progressed once suspicious activity is detected. We demonstrate the method through consideration of a specific type of insider attack - that of attempting to capture virtual machines in transit within a cloud cluster via use of a network tap, however, the process discussed here applies equally to all cloud paradigms.
The quantity of Internet of Things (IoT) devices in the marketplace and lack of security is staggering. The interconnectedness of IoT devices has increased the attack surface for hackers. "White Worm" technology has the potential to combat infiltrating malware. Before white worm technology becomes viable, its capabilities must be constrained to specific devices and limited to non-harmful actions. This paper addresses the current problem, international research, and the conflicting interest of individuals, businesses, and governments regarding white worm technology. Proposed is a new perspective on utilizing white worm technology to protect the vulnerability of IoT devices, while overcoming its challenges.
An emerging Internet business is residential proxy (RESIP) as a service, in which a provider utilizes the hosts within residential networks (in contrast to those running in a datacenter) to relay their customers' traffic, in an attempt to avoid server- side blocking and detection. With the prominent roles the services could play in the underground business world, little has been done to understand whether they are indeed involved in Cybercrimes and how they operate, due to the challenges in identifying their RESIPs, not to mention any in-depth analysis on them. In this paper, we report the first study on RESIPs, which sheds light on the behaviors and the ecosystem of these elusive gray services. Our research employed an infiltration framework, including our clients for RESIP services and the servers they visited, to detect 6 million RESIP IPs across 230+ countries and 52K+ ISPs. The observed addresses were analyzed and the hosts behind them were further fingerprinted using a new profiling system. Our effort led to several surprising findings about the RESIP services unknown before. Surprisingly, despite the providers' claim that the proxy hosts are willingly joined, many proxies run on likely compromised hosts including IoT devices. Through cross-matching the hosts we discovered and labeled PUP (potentially unwanted programs) logs provided by a leading IT company, we uncovered various illicit operations RESIP hosts performed, including illegal promotion, Fast fluxing, phishing, malware hosting, and others. We also reverse engi- neered RESIP services' internal infrastructures, uncovered their potential rebranding and reselling behaviors. Our research takes the first step toward understanding this new Internet service, contributing to the effective control of their security risks.
A semi-quantum key distribution (SQKD) protocol allows two users A and B to establish a shared secret key that is secure against an all-powerful adversary E even when one of the users (e.g., B) is semi-quantum or classical in nature while the other is fully-quantum. A mediated SQKD protocol allows two semi-quantum users to establish a key with the help of an adversarial quantum server. We introduce the concept of a multi-mediated SQKD protocol where two (or more) adversarial quantum servers are used. We construct a new protocol in this model and show how it can withstand high levels of quantum noise, though at a cost to efficiency. We perform an information theoretic security analysis and, along the way, prove a general security result applicable to arbitrary MM-SQKD protocols. Finally, a comparison is made to previous (S)QKD protocols.
Research in combating misinformation reports many negative results: facts may not change minds, especially if they come from sources that are not trusted. Individuals can disregard and justify lies told by trusted sources. This problem is made even worse by social recommendation algorithms which help amplify conspiracy theories and information confirming one's own biases due to companies' efforts to optimize for clicks and watch time over individuals' own values and public good. As a result, more nuanced voices and facts are drowned out by a continuous erosion of trust in better information sources. Most misinformation mitigation techniques assume that discrediting, filtering, or demoting low veracity information will help news consumers make better information decisions. However, these negative results indicate that some news consumers, particularly extreme or conspiracy news consumers will not be helped. We argue that, given this background, technology solutions to combating misinformation should not simply seek facts or discredit bad news sources, but instead use more subtle nudges towards better information consumption. Repeated exposure to such nudges can help promote trust in better information sources and also improve societal outcomes in the long run. In this article, we will talk about technological solutions that can help us in developing such an approach, and introduce one such model called Trust Nudging.
The article deals with the aspects of IT-security of business processes, using a variety of methodological tools, including Integrated Management Systems. Currently, all IMS consist of at least 2 management systems, including the IT-Security Management System. Typically, these IMS cover biggest part of the company business processes, but in practice, there are examples of different scales, even within a single facility. However, it should be recognized that the total number of such projects both in the Russian Federation and in the World is small. The security of business processes will be considered on the example of the incident of Norsk Hydro. In the article the main conclusions are given to confirm the possibility of security, continuity and recovery of critical business processes on the example of this incident.