With the emergence of quantum computers, traditional digital signature schemes based on problems such as large integer solutions and discrete logarithms will no longer be secure, and it is urgent to find effective digital signature schemes that can resist quantum attacks. Lattice cryptography has the advantages of computational simplicity and high security. In this paper, we propose an identity-based digital signature scheme based on the rejection sampling algorithm. Unlike most schemes that use a common Gaussian distribution, this paper uses a bimodal Gaussian distribution, which improves efficiency. The identity-based signature scheme is more convenient for practical application than the traditional certificate-based signature scheme.
Security, efficiency and availability are three key factors that affect the application of searchable encryption schemes in mobile cloud computing environments. In order to meet the above characteristics, this paper proposes a certificateless public key encryption with a keyword search (CLPEKS) scheme. In this scheme, a CLPEKS generation method and a Trapdoor generation method are designed to support multiple receivers to query. Based on the elliptic curve scalar multiplication, the efficiencies of encrypting keywords, generating Trapdoors, and testing are improved. By adding a random number factor to the Trapdoor generation, the scheme can resist the internal keyword guessing attacks. Under the random oracle model, it is proved that the scheme can resist keyword guessing attacks. Theoretical analyses and implementation show that the proposed scheme is more efficient than the existing schemes.
Image hash regimes have been widely used for authenticating content, recovery of images and digital forensics. In this article we propose a new algorithm for image haunting (SSL) with the most stable key points and regional features, strong against various manipulation of content conservation, including multiple combinatorial manipulations. In order to extract most stable keypoint, the proposed algorithm combines the Speed Up Robust Features (SURF) with Saliency detection. The keyboards and characteristics of the local area are then combined in a hash vector. There is also a sperate secret key that is randomly given for the hash vector to prevent an attacker from shaping the image and the new hash value. The proposed hacking algorithm shows that similar or initial images, which have been individually manipulated, combined and even multiple manipulated contents, can be visently identified by experimental result. The probability of collision between hacks of various images is almost nil. Furthermore, the key-dependent security assessment shows the proposed regime safe to allow an attacker without knowing the secret key not to forge or estimate the right havoc value.
In today's digital era, data is most important in every phase of work. The storage and processing on data with security is the need of each and every application field. Data need to be tamper resistant due to possibility of alteration. Data can be represented and stored in heterogeneous format. There are chances of attack on information which is vital for particular organization. With rapid increase in cyber crime, attackers behave maliciously to alter those data. But it is having great impact on forensic evidences which is required for provenance. Therefore, it is required to maintain the reliability and provenance of digital evidences as it travels through various stages during forensic investigation. In this approach, there is a forensic chain in which generated report passes through various levels or intermediaries such as pathology laboratory, doctor, police department etc. To build the transparent system with immutability of forensic evidences, blockchain technology is more suitable. Blockchain technology provides the transfer of assets or evidence reports in transparent environment without central authority. In this paper blockchain based secure system for forensic evidences is proposed. The proposed system is implemented on Ethereum platform. The tampering of forensic evidence can be easily traced at any stage by anyone in the forensic chain. The security enhancement of forensic evidences is achieved through implementation on Ethereum platform with high integrity, traceability and immutability.
The globalized supply chain in the semiconductor industry raises several security concerns such as IC overproduction, intellectual property piracy and design tampering. Logic locking has emerged as a Design-for-Trust countermeasure to address these issues. Original logic locking proposals provide a high degree of output corruption – i.e., errors on circuit outputs – unless it is unlocked with the correct key. This is a prerequisite for making a manufactured circuit unusable without the designer’s intervention. Since the introduction of SAT-based attacks – highly efficient attacks for retrieving the correct key from an oracle and the corresponding locked design – resulting design-based countermeasures have compromised output corruption for the benefit of better resilience against such attacks. Our proposed logic locking scheme, referred to as SKG-Lock, aims to thwart SAT-based attacks while maintaining significant output corruption. The proposed provable SAT-resilience scheme is based on the novel concept of decoy key-inputs. Compared with recent related works, SKG-Lock provides higher output corruption, while having high resistance to evaluated attacks.