In many hostile military environments for instance war zone, unfriendly nature, etc., the systems perform on the specially promoted mode and nature which they tolerate the defined system network architecture. Preparation of Disruption-Tolerant systems (DTN) enhances the network between the remote devices which provided to the soldiers in the war zone, this situation conveys the reliable data transmission under scanner. Cipher text approach are based on the attribute based encryption which mainly acts on the attributes or role of the users, which is a successful cryptographic strategy to maintain the control issues and also allow reliable data transfer. Specially, the systems are not centralized and have more data constrained issues in the systems, implementing the Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption (CP-ABE) was an important issue, where this strategy provides the new security and data protection approach with the help of the Key Revocation, Key Escrows and collaboration of the certain attributes with help of main Key Authorities. This paper mainly concentrates on the reliable data retrieval system with the help of CP-ABE for the Disruption-Tolerant Networks where multiple key authorities deal with respective attributes safely and securely. We performed comparison analysis on existing schemes with the recommended system components which are configured in the respective decentralized tolerant military system for reliable data retrieval.
This paper studies the deletion propagation problem in terms of minimizing view side-effect. It is a problem funda-mental to data lineage and quality management which could be a key step in analyzing view propagation and repairing data. The investigated problem is a variant of the standard deletion propagation problem, where given a source database D, a set of key preserving conjunctive queries Q, and the set of views V obtained by the queries in Q, we try to identify a set T of tuples from D whose elimination prevents all the tuples in a given set of deletions on views △V while preserving any other results. The complexity of this problem has been well studied for the case with only a single query. Dichotomies, even trichotomies, for different settings are developed. However, no results on multiple queries are given which is a more realistic case. We study the complexity and approximations of optimizing the side-effect on the views, i.e., find T to minimize the additional damage on V after removing all the tuples of △V. We focus on the class of key-preserving conjunctive queries which is a dichotomy for the single query case. It is surprising to find that except the single query case, this problem is NP-hard to approximate within any constant even for a non-trivial set of multiple project-free conjunctive queries in terms of view side-effect. The proposed algorithm shows that it can be approximated within a bound depending on the number of tuples of both V and △V. We identify a class of polynomial tractable inputs, and provide a dynamic programming algorithm to solve the problem. Besides data lineage, study on this problem could also provide important foundations for the computational issues in data repairing. Furthermore, we introduce some related applications of this problem, especially for query feedback based data cleaning.
Digital image security is now a severe issue, especially when sending images to telecommunications networks. There are many ways where digital images can be encrypted and decrypted from secure communication. Digital images contain data that is important when captured or disseminated to preserve and preserve data. The technique of encryption is one way of providing data on digital images. A key cipher block chaining and Gingerbreadman Map are used in our search to encrypt images. This new system uses simplicity, high quality, enhanced by the vehicle's natural efficiency and the number of the chain. The proposed method is performed for experimental purposes and the experiments are performed in- depth, highly reliable analysis. The results confirm that by referring to several known attacks, the plan cannot be completed. Comparative studies with other algorithms show a slight rise in the security of passwords with the advantages of security of the chain. The results of this experiment are a comparison of button sensitivity and a comparison after encryption and decryption of the initial image using the amount of pixel change rate and unified average change intensity.
Distributed consensus is a prototypical distributed optimization and decision making problem in social, economic and engineering networked systems. In collaborative applications investigating the effects of adversaries is a critical problem. In this paper we investigate distributed consensus problems in the presence of adversaries. We combine key ideas from distributed consensus in computer science on one hand and in control systems on the other. The main idea is to detect Byzantine adversaries in a network of collaborating agents who have as goal reaching consensus, and exclude them from the consensus process and dynamics. We describe a novel trust-aware consensus algorithm that integrates the trust evaluation mechanism into the distributed consensus algorithm and propose various local decision rules based on local evidence. To further enhance the robustness of trust evaluation itself, we also introduce a trust propagation scheme in order to take into account evidences of other nodes in the network. The resulting algorithm is flexible and extensible, and can incorporate more complex designs of decision rules and trust models. To demonstrate the power of our trust-aware algorithm, we provide new theoretical security performance results in terms of miss detection and false alarm rates for regular and general trust graphs. We demonstrate through simulations that the new trust-aware consensus algorithm can effectively detect Byzantine adversaries and can exclude them from consensus iterations even in sparse networks with connectivity less than 2f+1, where f is the number of adversaries.
The growing use of MANETs and its vulnerability to attacks due to its fundamental characteristics make secure routing one of the most considerable challenges. In this paper, a new security scheme for mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) is presented. The proposed scheme used Trivium lightweight stream cipher algorithm in combination with HMAC to secure the routing control packets. This paper compares the performance of the AODV after implementing the security scheme in terms of throughput, delay sum (end-to-end), jitter sum (end-to-end) and packet loss ratio. The proposed scheme shows better performance than original AODV under blackhole attack.
Named data network (NDN) is one of the most promising information-centric networking architectures, where the core concept is to focus on the named data (or contents) themselves. Users in NDN can easily send a request packet to get the desired content regardless of its address. The routers in NDN have cache functionality to make the users instantly retrieve the desired file. Thus, the user can immediately get the desired file from the nearby nodes instead of the remote host. Nevertheless, NDN is a novel proposal and there are still some open issues to be resolved. In view of previous research, it is a challenge to achieve access control on a specific user and support potential receivers simultaneously. In order to solve it, we present a fine-grained access control mechanism tailored for NDN, supporting data confidentiality, potential receivers, and mobility. Compared to previous works, this is the first to support fine-grained access control and potential receivers. Furthermore, the proposed scheme achieves provable security under the DBDH assumption.
Research in combating misinformation reports many negative results: facts may not change minds, especially if they come from sources that are not trusted. Individuals can disregard and justify lies told by trusted sources. This problem is made even worse by social recommendation algorithms which help amplify conspiracy theories and information confirming one's own biases due to companies' efforts to optimize for clicks and watch time over individuals' own values and public good. As a result, more nuanced voices and facts are drowned out by a continuous erosion of trust in better information sources. Most misinformation mitigation techniques assume that discrediting, filtering, or demoting low veracity information will help news consumers make better information decisions. However, these negative results indicate that some news consumers, particularly extreme or conspiracy news consumers will not be helped. We argue that, given this background, technology solutions to combating misinformation should not simply seek facts or discredit bad news sources, but instead use more subtle nudges towards better information consumption. Repeated exposure to such nudges can help promote trust in better information sources and also improve societal outcomes in the long run. In this article, we will talk about technological solutions that can help us in developing such an approach, and introduce one such model called Trust Nudging.
Video Steganography is an extension of image steganography where any kind of file in any extension is hidden into a digital video. The video content is dynamic in nature and this makes the detection of hidden data difficult than other steganographic techniques. The main motive of using video steganography is that the videos can store large amount of data in it. This paper focuses on security using the combination of hybrid neural networks and hash function for determining the best bits in the cover video to embed the secret data. For the embedding process, the cover video and the data to be hidden is uploaded. Then the hash algorithm and neural networks are applied to form the stego video. For the extraction process, the reverse process is applied and the secret data is obtained. All experiments are done using MatLab2016a software.
With the wide use of smart device made huge amount of information arise. This information needed new methods to deal with it from that perspective big data concept arise. Most of the concerns on big data are given to handle data without concentrating on its security. Encryption is the best use to keep data safe from malicious users. However, ordinary encryption methods are not suitable for big data. Selective encryption is an encryption method that encrypts only the important part of the message. However, we deal with uncertainty to evaluate the important part of the message. The problem arises when the important part is not encrypted. This is the motivation of the paper. In this paper we propose security framework to secure important and unimportant portion of the message to overcome the uncertainty. However, each will take a different encryption technique for better performance without losing security. The framework selects the important parts of the message to be encrypted with a strong algorithm and the weak part with a medium algorithm. The important of the word is defined according to how its origin frequently appears. This framework is applied on amazon EC2 (elastic compute cloud). A comparison between the proposed framework, the full encryption method and Toss-A-Coin method are performed according to encryption time and throughput. The results showed that the proposed method gives better performance according to encryption time, throughput than full encryption.
Cloud computing undoubtedly is the most unparalleled technique in rapidly developing industries. Protecting sensitive files stored in the clouds from being accessed by malicious attackers is essential to the success of the clouds. In proxy re-encryption schemes, users delegate their encrypted files to other users by using re-encryption keys, which elegantly transfers the users' burden to the cloud servers. Moreover, one can adopt conditional proxy re-encryption schemes to employ their access control policy on the files to be shared. However, we recognize that the size of re-encryption keys will grow linearly with the number of the condition values, which may be impractical in low computational devices. In this paper, we combine a key-aggregate approach and a proxy re-encryption scheme into a key-aggregate proxy re-encryption scheme. It is worth mentioning that the proposed scheme is the first key-aggregate proxy re-encryption scheme. As a side note, the size of re-encryption keys is constant.
In cognitive radio networks (CRNs), secondary users (SUs) are vulnerable to malicious attacks because an SU node's opportunistic access cannot be protected from adversaries. How to design a channel hopping scheme to protect SU nodes from jamming attacks is thus an important issue in CRNs. Existing anti-jamming channel hopping schemes have some limitations: Some require SU nodes to exchange secrets in advance; some require an SU node to be either a receiver or a sender, and some are not flexible enough. Another issue for existing anti-jamming channel hopping schemes is that they do not consider different nodes may have different traffic loads. In this paper, we propose an anti-jamming channel hopping protocol, Load Awareness Anti-jamming channel hopping (LAA) scheme. Nodes running LAA are able to change their channel hopping sequences based on their sending and receiving traffic. Simulation results verify that LAA outperforms existing anti-jamming schemes.