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Ibarra, Jaime, Javed Butt, Usman, Do, Anh, Jahankhani, Hamid, Jamal, Arshad.  2019.  Ransomware Impact to SCADA Systems and its Scope to Critical Infrastructure. 2019 IEEE 12th International Conference on Global Security, Safety and Sustainability (ICGS3). :1–12.
SCADA systems are being constantly migrated to modern information and communication technologies (ICT) -based systems named cyber-physical systems. Unfortunately, this allows attackers to execute exploitation techniques into these architectures. In addition, ransomware insertion is nowadays the most popular attacking vector because it denies the availability of critical files and systems until attackers receive the demanded ransom. In this paper, it is analysed the risk impact of ransomware insertion into SCADA systems and it is suggested countermeasures addressed to the protection of SCADA systems and its components to reduce the impact of ransomware insertion.
Baykara, Muhammet, Gürel, Zahit Ziya.  2018.  Detection of Phishing Attacks. 2018 6th International Symposium on Digital Forensic and Security (ISDFS). :1-5.

Phishing is a form of cybercrime where an attacker imitates a real person / institution by promoting them as an official person or entity through e-mail or other communication mediums. In this type of cyber attack, the attacker sends malicious links or attachments through phishing e-mails that can perform various functions, including capturing the login credentials or account information of the victim. These e-mails harm victims because of money loss and identity theft. In this study, a software called "Anti Phishing Simulator'' was developed, giving information about the detection problem of phishing and how to detect phishing emails. With this software, phishing and spam mails are detected by examining mail contents. Classification of spam words added to the database by Bayesian algorithm is provided.

Jawad, Ameer K., Abdullah, Hikmat N., Hreshee, Saad S..  2018.  Secure speech communication system based on scrambling and masking by chaotic maps. 2018 International Conference on Advance of Sustainable Engineering and its Application (ICASEA). :7–12.
As a result of increasing the interest in developing the communication systems that use public channels for transmitting information, many channel problems are raised up. Among these problems, the important one should be addressed is the information security. This paper presents a proposed communication system with high security uses two encryption levels based on chaotic systems. The first level is chaotic scrambling, while the second one is chaotic masking. This configuration increases the information security since the key space becomes too large. The MATLAB simulation results showed that the Segmental Spectral Signal to Noise Ratio (SSSNR) of the first level (chaotic scrambling) is reduced by -5.195 dB comparing to time domain scrambling. Furthermore, in the second level (chaotic masking), the SSSNR is reduced by -20.679 dB. It is also showed that when the two levels are combined, the overall reduction obtained is -21.755 dB.
Alzahrani, Ahmed, Johnson, Chris, Altamimi, Saad.  2018.  Information security policy compliance: Investigating the role of intrinsic motivation towards policy compliance in the organisation. 2018 4th International Conference on Information Management (ICIM). :125–132.
Recent behavioral research in information security has focused on increasing employees' motivation to enhance the security performance in an organization. This empirical study investigated employees' information security policy (ISP) compliance intentions using self-determination theory (SDT). Relevant hypotheses were developed to test the proposed research model. Data obtained via a survey (N=3D407) from a Fortune 600 organization in Saudi Arabia provides empirical support for the model. The results confirmed that autonomy, competence and the concept of relatedness all positively affect employees' intentions to comply. The variable 'perceived value congruence' had a negative effect on ISP compliance intentions, and the perceived legitimacy construct did not affect employees' intentions. In general, the findings of this study suggest that SDT has value in research into employees' ISP compliance intentions.
Mbiriki, A., Katar, C., Badreddine, A..  2018.  Improvement of Security System Level in the Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) Architecture. 2018 30th International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM). :40–43.

Industry 4.0 is based on the CPS architecture since it is the next generation in the industry. The CPS architecture is a system based on Cloud Computing technology and Internet of Things where computer elements collaborate for the control of physical entities. The security framework in this architecture is necessary for the protection of two parts (physical and information) so basically, security in CPS is classified into two main parts: information security (data) and security of control. In this work, we propose two models to solve the two problems detected in the security framework. The first proposal SCCAF (Smart Cloud Computing Adoption Framework) treats the nature of information that serves for the detection and the blocking of the threats our basic architecture CPS. The second model is a modeled detector related to the physical nature for detecting node information.

Moyne, J., Mashiro, S., Gross, D..  2018.  Determining a Security Roadmap for the Microelectronics Industry. 2018 29th Annual SEMI Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference (ASMC). :291–294.

The evolution of the microelectronics manufacturing industry is characterized by increased complexity, analysis, integration, distribution, data sharing and collaboration, all of which is enabled by the big data explosion. This evolution affords a number of opportunities in improved productivity and quality, and reduced cost, however it also brings with it a number of risks associated with maintaining security of data systems. The International Roadmap for Devices and System Factory Integration International Focus Team (IRDS FI IFT) determined that a security technology roadmap for the industry is needed to better understand the needs, challenges and potential solutions for security in the microelectronics industry and its supply chain. As a first step in providing this roadmap, the IFT conducted a security survey, soliciting input from users, suppliers and OEMs. Preliminary results indicate that data partitioning with IP protection is the number one topic of concern, with the need for industry-wide standards as the second most important topic. Further, the "fear" of security breach is considered to be a significant hindrance to Advanced Process Control efforts as well as use of cloud-based solutions. The IRDS FI IFT will endeavor to provide components of a security roadmap for the industry in the 2018 FI chapter, leveraging the output of the survey effort combined with follow-up discussions with users and consultations with experts.

Fraunholz, Daniel, Krohmer, Daniel, Duque Anton, Simon, Schotten, Hans Dieter.  2018.  Catch Me If You Can: Dynamic Concealment of Network Entities. Proceedings of the 5th ACM Workshop on Moving Target Defense. :31–39.
In this paper, a framework for Moving Target Defense is introduced. This framework bases on three pillars: network address mutation, communication stack randomization and the dynamic deployment of decoys. The network address mutation is based on the concept of domain generation algorithms, where different features are included to fulfill the system requirements. Those requirements are time dependency, unpredictability and determinism. Communication stack randomization is applied additionally to increase the complexity of reconnaissance activity. By employing communication stack randomization, previously fingerprinted systems do not only differ in the network address but also in their communication pattern behavior. And finally, decoys are integrated into the proposed framework to detect attackers that have breached the perimeter. Furthermore, attacker's resources can be bound by interacting with the decoy systems. Additionally, the framework can be extended with more advanced Moving Target Defense methods such as obscuring port numbers of services.
Gryzunov, V. V., Bondarenko, I. Y..  2018.  A Social Engineer in Terms of Control Theory. 2018 Third International Conference on Human Factors in Complex Technical Systems and Environments (ERGO)s and Environments (ERGO). :202-204.

Problem: Today, many methods of influencing on personnel in the communication process are available to social engineers and information security specialists, but in practice it is difficult to say which method and why it is appropriate to use one. Criteria and indicators of effective communication are not formalized. Purpose: to formalize the concept of effective communication, to offer a tool for combining existing methods and means of communication, to formalize the purpose of communication. Methods: Use of the terminal model of a control system for a non-stochastic communication object. Results. Two examples demonstrating the possibility of using the terminal model of the communication control system, which allows you to connect tools and methods of communication, justify the requirements for the structure and feedback of communication, select the necessary communication algorithms depending on the observed response of the communication object. Practical significance: the results of the research can be used in planning and conducting effective communication in the process of information protection, in business, in private relationships and in other areas of human activity.

Nasseralfoghara, M., Hamidi, H..  2019.  Web Covert Timing Channels Detection Based on Entropy. 2019 5th International Conference on Web Research (ICWR). :12-15.

Todays analyzing web weaknesses and vulnerabilities in order to find security attacks has become more urgent. In case there is a communication contrary to the system security policies, a covert channel has been created. The attacker can easily disclosure information from the victim's system with just one public access permission. Covert timing channels, unlike covert storage channels, do not have memory storage and they draw less attention. Different methods have been proposed for their identification, which generally benefit from the shape of traffic and the channel's regularity. In this article, an entropy-based detection method is designed and implemented. The attacker can adjust the amount of channel entropy by controlling measures such as changing the channel's level or creating noise on the channel to protect from the analyst's detection. As a result, the entropy threshold is not always constant for detection. By comparing the entropy from different levels of the channel and the analyst, we conclude that the analyst must investigate traffic at all possible levels.

Sun, Y., Zhang, L., Zhao, C..  2018.  A Study of Network Covert Channel Detection Based on Deep Learning. 2018 2nd IEEE Advanced Information Management,Communicates,Electronic and Automation Control Conference (IMCEC). :637-641.

Information security has become a growing concern. Computer covert channel which is regarded as an important area of information security research gets more attention. In order to detect these covert channels, a variety of detection algorithms are proposed in the course of the research. The algorithms of machine learning type show better results in these detection algorithms. However, the common machine learning algorithms have many problems in the testing process and have great limitations. Based on the deep learning algorithm, this paper proposes a new idea of network covert channel detection and forms a new detection model. On the one hand, this algorithmic model can detect more complex covert channels and, on the other hand, greatly improve the accuracy of detection due to the use of a new deep learning model. By optimizing this test model, we can get better results on the evaluation index.

Ahmed, Yussuf, Naqvi, Syed, Josephs, Mark.  2018.  Aggregation of Security Metrics for Decision Making: A Reference Architecture. Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Software Architecture: Companion Proceedings. :53:1–53:7.
Existing security technologies play a significant role in protecting enterprise systems but they are no longer enough on their own given the number of successful cyberattacks against businesses and the sophistication of the tactics used by attackers to bypass the security defences. Security measurement is different to security monitoring in the sense that it provides a means to quantify the security of the systems while security monitoring helps in identifying abnormal events and does not measure the actual state of an infrastructure's security. The goal of enterprise security metrics is to enable understanding of the overall security using measurements to guide decision making. In this paper we present a reference architecture for aggregating the measurement values from the different components of the system in order to enable stakeholders to see the overall security state of their enterprise systems and to assist with decision making. This will provide a newer dimension to security management by shifting from security monitoring to security measurement.
Arabsorkhi, A., Ghaffari, F..  2018.  Security Metrics: Principles and Security Assessment Methods. 2018 9th International Symposium on Telecommunications (IST). :305–310.

Nowadays, Information Technology is one of the important parts of human life and also of organizations. Organizations face problems such as IT problems. To solve these problems, they have to improve their security sections. Thus there is a need for security assessments within organizations to ensure security conditions. The use of security standards and general metric can be useful for measuring the safety of an organization; however, it should be noted that the general metric which are applied to businesses in general cannot be effective in this particular situation. Thus it's important to select metric standards for different businesses to improve both cost and organizational security. The selection of suitable security measures lies in the use of an efficient way to identify them. Due to the numerous complexities of these metric and the extent to which they are defined, in this paper that is based on comparative study and the benchmarking method, taxonomy for security measures is considered to be helpful for a business to choose metric tailored to their needs and conditions.

Rosa, F. De Franco, Jino, M., Bueno, P. Marcos Siqueira, Bonacin, R..  2018.  Coverage-Based Heuristics for Selecting Assessment Items from Security Standards: A Core Set Proposal. 2018 Workshop on Metrology for Industry 4.0 and IoT. :192-197.

In the realm of Internet of Things (IoT), information security is a critical issue. Security standards, including their assessment items, are essential instruments in the evaluation of systems security. However, a key question remains open: ``Which test cases are most effective for security assessment?'' To create security assessment designs with suitable assessment items, we need to know the security properties and assessment dimensions covered by a standard. We propose an approach for selecting and analyzing security assessment items; its foundations come from a set of assessment heuristics and it aims to increase the coverage of assessment dimensions and security characteristics in assessment designs. The main contribution of this paper is the definition of a core set of security assessment heuristics. We systematize the security assessment process by means of a conceptual formalization of the security assessment area. Our approach can be applied to security standards to select or to prioritize assessment items with respect to 11 security properties and 6 assessment dimensions. The approach is flexible allowing the inclusion of dimensions and properties. Our proposal was applied to a well know security standard (ISO/IEC 27001) and its assessment items were analyzed. The proposal is meant to support: (i) the generation of high-coverage assessment designs, which include security assessment items with assured coverage of the main security characteristics, and (ii) evaluation of security standards with respect to the coverage of security aspects.

Goman, Maksim.  2018.  Towards Unambiguous IT Risk Definition. Proceedings of the Central European Cybersecurity Conference 2018. :15:1-15:6.

The paper addresses the fundamental methodological problem of risk analysis and control in information technology (IT) – the definition of risk as a subject of interest. Based on analysis of many risk concepts, we provide a consistent definition that describes the phenomenon. The proposed terminology is sound in terms of system analysis principles and applicable to practical use in risk assessment and control. Implication to risk assessment methods were summarized.

Goncharov, N. I., Goncharov, I. V., Parinov, P. A., Dushkin, A. V., Maximova, M. M..  2019.  Modeling of Information Processes for Modern Information System Security Assessment. 2019 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EIConRus). :1758-1763.

A new approach of a formalism of hybrid automatons has been proposed for the analysis of conflict processes between the information system and the information's security malefactor. An example of probability-based assessment on malefactor's victory has been given and the possibility to abstract from a specific type of probability density function for the residence time of parties to the conflict in their possible states. A model of the distribution of destructive informational influences in the information system to connect the process of spread of destructive information processes and the process of changing subjects' states of the information system has been proposed. An example of the destructive information processes spread analysis has been given.

Gschwandtner, Mathias, Demetz, Lukas, Gander, Matthias, Maier, Ronald.  2018.  Integrating Threat Intelligence to Enhance an Organization's Information Security Management. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security. :37:1-37:8.

As security incidents might have disastrous consequences on an enterprise's information technology (IT), organizations need to secure their IT against threats. Threat intelligence (TI) promises to provide actionable information about current threats for information security management systems (ISMS). Common information range from malware characteristics to observed perpetrator origins that allow customizing security controls. The aim of this article is to assess the impact of utilizing public available threat feeds within the corporate process on an organization's security information level. We developed a framework to integrate TI for large corporations and evaluated said framework in cooperation with a global acting manufacturer and retailer. During the development of the TI framework, a specific provider of TI was analyzed and chosen for integration within the process of vulnerability management. The evaluation of this exemplary integration was assessed by members of the information security department at the cooperating enterprise. During our evaluation it was emphasized that a prioritization of management activities based on whether threats that have been observed in the wild are targeting them or similar companies. Furthermore, indicators of compromise (IoC) provided by the chosen TI source, can be automatically integrated utilizing a provided software development kit. Theoretical relevance is based on the contribution towards the verification of proposed benefits of TI integration, such as increasing the resilience of an enterprise network, within a real-world environment. Overall, practitioners suggest that TI integration should result in enhanced management of security budgets and more resilient enterprise networks.

Hanauer, Tanja, Hommel, Wolfgang, Metzger, Stefan, Pöhn, Daniela.  2018.  A Process Framework for Stakeholder-Specific Visualization of Security Metrics. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security. :28:1-28:10.

Awareness and knowledge management are key components to achieve a high level of information security in organizations. However, practical evidence suggests that there are significant discrepancies between the typical elements of security awareness campaigns, the decisions made and goals set by top-level management, and routine operations carried out by systems administration personnel. This paper presents Vis4Sec, a process framework for the generation and distribution of stakeholder-specific visualizations of security metrics, which assists in closing the gap between theoretical and practical information security by respecting the different points of view of the involved security report audiences. An implementation for patch management on Linux servers, deployed at a large data center, is used as a running example.

Sokolov, A. N., Barinov, A. E., Antyasov, I. S., Skurlaev, S. V., Ufimtcev, M. S., Luzhnov, V. S..  2018.  Hardware-Based Memory Acquisition Procedure for Digital Investigations of Security Incidents in Industrial Control Systems. 2018 Global Smart Industry Conference (GloSIC). :1-7.

The safety of industrial control systems (ICS) depends not only on comprehensive solutions for protecting information, but also on the timing and closure of vulnerabilities in the software of the ICS. The investigation of security incidents in the ICS is often greatly complicated by the fact that malicious software functions only within the computer's volatile memory. Obtaining the contents of the volatile memory of an attacked computer is difficult to perform with a guaranteed reliability, since the data collection procedure must be based on a reliable code (the operating system or applications running in its environment). The paper proposes a new instrumental method for obtaining the contents of volatile memory, general rules for implementing the means of collecting information stored in memory. Unlike software methods, the proposed method has two advantages: firstly, there is no problem in terms of reading the parts of memory, blocked by the operating system, and secondly, the resulting contents are not compromised by such malicious software. The proposed method is relevant for investigating security incidents of ICS and can be used in continuous monitoring systems for the security of ICS.

Yaseen, Q., Alabdulrazzaq, A., Albalas, F..  2019.  A Framework for Insider Collusion Threat Prediction and Mitigation in Relational Databases. 2019 IEEE 9th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC). :0721–0727.

This paper proposes a framework for predicting and mitigating insider collusion threat in relational database systems. The proposed model provides a robust technique for database architect and administrators to predict insider collusion threat when designing database schema or when granting privileges. Moreover, it proposes a real time monitoring technique that monitors the growing knowledgebases of insiders while executing transactions and the possible collusion insider attacks that may be launched based on insiders accesses and inferences. Furthermore, the paper proposes a mitigating technique based on the segregation of duties principle and the discovered collusion insider threat to mitigate the problem. The proposed model was tested to show its usefulness and applicability.

Georgiadis, Ioannis, Dossis, Michael, Kontogiannis, Sotirios.  2018.  Performance Evaluation on IoT Devices Secure Data Delivery Processes. Proceedings of the 22Nd Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics. :306–311.
This paper presents existing cryptographic technologies used by the IoT industry. Authors review security capabilities of existing IoT protocols such as LoRaWAN, IEE802.15.4, BLE and RF based. Authors also experiment with the cryptographic efficiency and energy consumption of existing cryptography algorithms, implemented on embedded systems. Authors evaluate the performance of 32bit single ARM cortex microprocessor, Atmel ATmega32u4 8-bit micro-controller and Parallella Xillix Zynq FPGA parallel co-processors. From the experimental results, authors signify the requirements of the next generation IoT security protocols and from their experimental results provide useful guidelines.
Yu, Kuai, Gu, Naijie, Su, Junjie, Bai, Qilin.  2018.  Efficient Software Implementation of ZUC Stream Cipher. Proceedings of the 2Nd International Conference on Vision, Image and Signal Processing. :52:1–52:6.
ZUC stream cipher is the first stream cipher developed independently by Chinese cryptologists as an international standard. The fast implementation of encryption algorithm is an important issue in cryptography application. At present, the research on ZUC stream cipher is mainly based on hardware implementation, and there are many efficient hardware implementations of ZUC stream cipher, but there are few efficient software implementations at present. This paper presents an efficient software design and implementation of ZUC stream cipher. Firstly, we propose the delayed modular, sliding window, and S-box optimizations to reduce the computational cost without modifying the calculation result of ZUC stream cipher. Secondly, single instruction multiple data instructions, reducing the times of memory access, loop unrolling optimization and other code optimization methods can improve the speed of encryption and decryption. Finally, we design and implementation a genetic algorithm to find the optimal sequence of optimizations in compiler. Experiments show that compared with the implementation of ZUC stream cipher given in the official document, these methods can give 102% performance improvement.
Teoh, T. T., Chiew, G., Franco, E. J., Ng, P. C., Benjamin, M. P., Goh, Y. J..  2018.  Anomaly Detection in Cyber Security Attacks on Networks Using MLP Deep Learning. 2018 International Conference on Smart Computing and Electronic Enterprise (ICSCEE). :1-5.

Malicious traffic has garnered more attention in recent years, owing to the rapid growth of information technology in today's world. In 2007 alone, an estimated loss of 13 billion dollars was made from malware attacks. Malware data in today's context is massive. To understand such information using primitive methods would be a tedious task. In this publication we demonstrate some of the most advanced deep learning techniques available, multilayer perceptron (MLP) and J48 (also known as C4.5 or ID3) on our selected dataset, Advanced Security Network Metrics & Non-Payload-Based Obfuscations (ASNM-NPBO) to show that the answer to managing cyber security threats lie in the fore-mentioned methodologies.

Fraunholz, Daniel, Reti, Daniel, Duque Anton, Simon, Schotten, Hans Dieter.  2018.  Cloxy: A Context-aware Deception-as-a-Service Reverse Proxy for Web Services. Proceedings of the 5th ACM Workshop on Moving Target Defense. :40–47.

Legacy software, outdated applications and fast changing technologies pose a serious threat to information security. Several domains, such as long-life industrial control systems and Internet of Things devices, suffer from it. In many cases, system updates and new acquisitions are not an option. In this paper, a framework that combines a reverse proxy with various deception-based defense mechanisms is presented. It is designed to autonomously provide deception methods to web applications. Context-awareness and minimal configuration overhead make it perfectly suited to work as a service. The framework is built modularly to provide flexibility and adaptability to the application use case. It is evaluated with common web-based applications such as content management systems and several frequent attack vectors against them. Furthermore, the security and performance implications of the additional security layer are quantified and discussed. It is found that, given sound implementation, no further attack vectors are introduced to the web application. The performance of the prototypical framework increases the delay of communication with the underlying web application. This delay is within tolerable boundaries and can be further reduced by a more efficient implementation.

Tayel, M., Dawood, G., Shawky, H..  2018.  A Proposed Serpent-Elliptic Hybrid Cryptosystem For Multimedia Protection. 2018 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI). :387-391.

Cryptography is a widespread technique that maintains information security over insecure networks. The symmetric encryption scheme provides a good security, but the key exchange is difficult on the other hand, in the asymmetric encryption scheme, key management is easier, but it does not offer the same degree of security compared to symmetric scheme. A hybrid cryptosystem merges the easiness of the asymmetric schemes key distribution and the high security of symmetric schemes. In the proposed hybrid cryptosystem, Serpent algorithm is used as a data encapsulation scheme and Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) is used as a key encapsulation scheme to achieve key generation and distribution within an insecure channel. This modification is done to tackle the issue of key management for Serpent algorithm, so it can be securely used in multimedia protection.

Trifonov, R., Nakov, O., Mladenov, V..  2018.  Artificial Intelligence in Cyber Threats Intelligence. 2018 International Conference on Intelligent and Innovative Computing Applications (ICONIC). :1-4.

In the field of Cyber Security there has been a transition from the stage of Cyber Criminality to the stage of Cyber War over the last few years. According to the new challenges, the expert community has two main approaches: to adopt the philosophy and methods of Military Intelligence, and to use Artificial Intelligence methods for counteraction of Cyber Attacks. \cyrchar\CYRThis paper describes some of the results obtained at Technical University of Sofia in the implementation of project related to the application of intelligent methods for increasing the security in computer networks. The analysis of the feasibility of various Artificial Intelligence methods has shown that a method that is equally effective for all stages of the Cyber Intelligence cannot be identified. While for Tactical Cyber Threats Intelligence has been selected and experimented a Multi-Agent System, the Recurrent Neural Networks are offered for the needs of Operational Cyber Threats Intelligence.