Visible to the public Information security policy compliance: Investigating the role of intrinsic motivation towards policy compliance in the organisation

TitleInformation security policy compliance: Investigating the role of intrinsic motivation towards policy compliance in the organisation
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsAlzahrani, Ahmed, Johnson, Chris, Altamimi, Saad
Conference Name2018 4th International Conference on Information Management (ICIM)
Keywordsautonomy, behavioral research, competence, computer security, Data models, Electronic mail, employees motivation, Fortune 600 organization, human factors, Information security, information security policy, information security policy compliance, intrinsic motivation, ISP compliance intentions, Mathematical model, organisational aspects, perceived legitimacy, perceived value congruence, Personnel, policy-based governance, pubcrawl, relatedness, Saudi Arabia, security of data, security performance, Security Policies Analysis, Security policy compliant behaviour, self-determination theory, Task Analysis, variable perceived value congruence
AbstractRecent behavioral research in information security has focused on increasing employees' motivation to enhance the security performance in an organization. This empirical study investigated employees' information security policy (ISP) compliance intentions using self-determination theory (SDT). Relevant hypotheses were developed to test the proposed research model. Data obtained via a survey (N=3D407) from a Fortune 600 organization in Saudi Arabia provides empirical support for the model. The results confirmed that autonomy, competence and the concept of relatedness all positively affect employees' intentions to comply. The variable 'perceived value congruence' had a negative effect on ISP compliance intentions, and the perceived legitimacy construct did not affect employees' intentions. In general, the findings of this study suggest that SDT has value in research into employees' ISP compliance intentions.
Citation Keyalzahrani_information_2018