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Duan, Zhentai, Zhu, Jie, Zhao, Jin Yi.  2022.  IAM-BDSS: A Secure Ciphertext-Policy and Identity- Attribute Management Data Sharing Scheme based on Blockchain. 2022 International Conference on Blockchain Technology and Information Security (ICBCTIS). :117–122.

CP-ABE (Ciphertext-policy attribute based encryption) is considered as a secure access control for data sharing. However, the SK(secret key) in most CP-ABE scheme is generated by Centralized authority(CA). It could lead to the high cost of building trust and single point of failure. Because of the characters of blockchain, some schemes based on blockchain have been proposed to prevent the disclosure and protect privacy of users' attribute. Thus, a new CP-ABE identity-attribute management(IAM) data sharing scheme is proposed based on blockchain, i.e. IAM-BDSS, to guarantee privacy through the hidden policy and attribute. Meanwhile, we define a transaction structure to ensure the auditability of parameter transmission on blockchain system. The experimental results and security analysis show that our IAM-BDSS is effective and feasible.

Selvaganesh, M., Naveen Karthi, P., Nitish Kumar, V. A., Prashanna Moorthy, S. R..  2022.  Efficient Brute-force handling methodology using Indexed-Cluster Architecture of Splunk. 2022 International Conference on Electronics and Renewable Systems (ICEARS). :697–701.
A brute force is a Hacking methodology used to decrypt login passwords, keys and credentials. Hacks that exploit vulnerabilities in packages are rare, whereas Brute Force attacks aim to be the simplest, cheapest, and most straightforward approach to access a website. Using Splunk to analyse massive amounts of data could be very beneficial. The application enables to capture, search, and analyse log information in real-time. By analysing logs as well as many different sources of system information, security events can be uncovered. A log file, which details the events that have occurred in the environment of the application and the server on which they run, is a valuable piece of information. Identifying the attacks against these systems is possible by analysing and correlating this information. Massive amounts of ambiguous and amorphous information can be analysed with its superior resolution. The paper includes instructions on setting up a Splunk server and routing information there from multiple sources. Practical search examples and pre-built add-on applications are provided. Splunk is a powerful tool that allows users to explore big data with greater ease. Seizure can be tracked in near real-time and can be searched through logs. A short amount of time can be spent on analysing big data using map-reduce technology. Briefly, it helps to analyse unstructured log data to better understand how the applications operate. With Splunk, client can detect patterns in the data through a powerful query language. It is easy to set up alerts and warnings based on the queries, which will help alert client about an ongoing (suspected) activity and generate a notification in real-time.
Michota, Alexandra, Polemi, Nineta.  2022.  A Supply Chain Service Cybersecurity Certification Scheme based on the Cybersecurity Act. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (CSR). :382–387.
Since the provision of digital services in our days (e.g. container management, transport of COVID vaccinations or LNG) in most economic sectors (e.g. maritime, health, energy) involve national, EU and non-EU stakeholders compose complex Supply Chain Services (SCS). The security of the SCS is most important and it emphasized in the NIS 2 directive [3] and it is a shared responsibility of all stakeholders involved that will need to be compliant with a scheme. In this paper we present an overview of the proposed Cybersecurity Certification Scheme for Supply Chain Services (EUSCS) as proposed by the European Commission (EC) project CYRENE [1]. The EUSCS scheme covers all the three assurance levels defined in the Cybersecurity Act (CSA) [2] taking into consideration the criticality of SCS according to the NIS 2 directive [3], the ENISA Threat Landscape for Supply Chain Attacks [4] and the CYRENE extended online Information Security Management System (ISMS) that allows all SCS stakeholders to provide and access all information needed for certification purposes making the transition from current national schemes in the EU easier.
Domukhovskii, Nikolai.  2022.  Optimal Attack Chain Building Algorithm. 2022 Ural-Siberian Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Radioelectronics and Information Technology (USBEREIT). :317–319.
Traditional risk assessment process based on knowledge of threat occurrence probability against every system’s asset. One should consider asset placement, applied security measures on asset and network levels, adversary capabilities and so on: all of that has significant influence on probability value. We can measure threat probability by modelling complex attack process. Such process requires creating an attack tree, which consist of elementary attacks against different assets and relations between elementary attacks and impact on influenced assets. However, different attack path may lead to targeted impact – so task of finding optimal attack chain on a given system topology emerges. In this paper method for complex attack graph creation presented, allowing automatic building various attack scenarios for a given system. Assuming that exploits of particular vulnerabilities represent by independent events, we can compute the overall success probability of a complex attack as the product of the success probabilities of exploiting individual vulnerabilities. This assumption makes it possible to use algorithms for finding the shortest paths on a directed graph to find the optimal chain of attacks for a given adversary’s target.
Sun, Yanling, Chen, Ning, Jiang, Tianjiao.  2022.  Research on Image Encryption based on Generalized M-J Set. 2022 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Electronic Technology, Communication and Information (ICETCI). :1165–1168.
With the rapid development of information technology, hacker invasion, Internet fraud and privacy disclosure and other events frequently occur, therefore information security issues become the focus of attention. Protecting the secure transmission of information has become a hot topic in today's research. As the carrier of information, image has the characteristics of vivid image and large amount of information. It has become an indispensable part of people's communication. In this paper, we proposed the key simulation analysis research based on M-J set. The research uses a complex iterative mapping to construct M set. On the basis of the constructed M set, the constructed Julia set is used to form the encryption key. The experimental results show that the generalized M-set has the characteristics of chaotic characteristic and initial value sensitivity, and the complex mapping greatly exaggerates the key space. The research on the key space based on the generalized M-J set is helpful to improve the effect of image encryption.
Liu, Xiya.  2022.  Information Encryption Security System Based on Chaos Algorithm. 2022 7th International Conference on Cyber Security and Information Engineering (ICCSIE). :128–131.
Chaotic cryptography is structurally related to the concepts of confusion and diffusion in traditional cryptography theory. Chaotic cryptography is formed by the inevitable connection between chaos theory and pure cryptography. In order to solve the shortcomings of the existing research on information encryption security system, this paper discusses the realization technology of information security, the design principles of encryption system and three kinds of chaotic mapping systems, and discusses the selection of development tools and programmable devices. And the information encryption security system based on chaos algorithm is designed and discussed, and the randomness test of three groups of encrypted files is carried out by the proposed algorithm and the AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) algorithm. Experimental data show that the uniformity of P-value value of chaos algorithm is 0.714 on average. Therefore, it is verified that the information encryption security system using chaos algorithm has high security.
Islam, Raisa, Hossen, Mohammad Sahinur, Shin, Dongwan.  2022.  A Mapping Study on Privacy Attacks in Big Data and IoT. 2022 13th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC). :1158–1163.
Application domains like big data and IoT require a lot of user data collected and analyzed to extract useful information, and those data might include user's sensitive and personal information. Hence, it is strongly required to ensure the privacy of user data before releasing them in the public space. Since the fields of IoT and big data are constantly evolving with new types of privacy attacks and prevention mechanisms, there is an urgent need for new research and surveys to develop an overview of the state-of-art. We conducted a systematic mapping study on selected papers related to user privacy in IoT and big data, published between 2010 to 2021. This study focuses on identifying the main privacy objectives, attacks and measures taken to prevent the attacks in the two application domains. Additionally, a visualized classification of the existing attacks is presented along with privacy metrics to draw similarities and dissimilarities among different attacks.
ISSN: 2162-1241
Du, Juan.  2021.  Research on Enterprise Information Security and Privacy Protection in Big Data Environment. 2021 3rd International Conference on Machine Learning, Big Data and Business Intelligence (MLBDBI). :324–327.
With the development of information technology, extracting important data that people need from the vast information has become the key to a successful era. Therefore, big data technology is increasingly recognized by the public. While creating a lot of commercial value for enterprises, it also brings huge challenges to information security and privacy. In the big data environment, data has become an important medium for corporate decision-making, and information security and privacy protection have become the “army battleground” in corporate competition. Therefore, information security and privacy protection are getting more and more attention from enterprises, which also determines whether enterprises can occupy a place in the fiercely competitive market. This article analyzes the information security and privacy protection issues of enterprises in the big data environment from three aspects. Starting from the importance and significance of big data protection, it analyzes the security and privacy issues of big data in enterprise applications, and finally conducts information security and privacy protection for enterprises. Privacy protection puts forward relevant suggestions.
Shahid, Jahanzeb, Muhammad, Zia, Iqbal, Zafar, Khan, Muhammad Sohaib, Amer, Yousef, Si, Weisheng.  2022.  SAT: Integrated Multi-agent Blackbox Security Assessment Tool using Machine Learning. 2022 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ICAI). :105–111.
The widespread adoption of eCommerce, iBanking, and eGovernment institutions has resulted in an exponential rise in the use of web applications. Due to a large number of users, web applications have become a prime target of cybercriminals who want to steal Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and disrupt business activities. Hence, there is a dire need to audit the websites and ensure information security. In this regard, several web vulnerability scanners are employed for vulnerability assessment of web applications but attacks are still increasing day by day. Therefore, a considerable amount of research has been carried out to measure the effectiveness and limitations of the publicly available web scanners. It is identified that most of the publicly available scanners possess weaknesses and do not generate desired results. In this paper, the evaluation of publicly available web vulnerability scanners is performed against the top ten OWASP11OWASP® The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is an online community that produces comprehensive articles, documentation, methodologies, and tools in the arena of web and mobile security. vulnerabilities and their performance is measured on the precision of their results. Based on these results, we proposed an Integrated Multi-Agent Blackbox Security Assessment Tool (SAT) for the security assessment of web applications. Research has proved that the vulnerabilities assessment results of the SAT are more extensive and accurate.
He, Ze, Li, Shaoqing.  2022.  A Design of Key Generation Unit Based on SRAM PUF. 2022 2nd International Conference on Frontiers of Electronics, Information and Computation Technologies (ICFEICT). :136–140.
In the era of big data, information security is faced with many threats, among which memory data security of intelligent devices is an important link. Attackers can read the memory of specific devices, and then steal secrets, alter data, affect the operation of intelligent devices, and bring security threats. Data security is usually protected by encryption algorithm for device ciphertext conversion, so the safe generation and use of key becomes particularly important. In this paper, based on the advantages of SRAM PUF, such as real-time generation, power failure and disappearance, safety and reliability, a key generation unit is designed and implemented. BCH code is used as the error correction algorithm to generate 128-bit stable key, which provides a guarantee for the safe storage of intelligent devices.
Dal, Deniz, Çelik, Esra.  2022.  Evaluation of the Predictability of Passwords of Computer Engineering Students. 2022 3rd International Informatics and Software Engineering Conference (IISEC). :1–6.
As information and communication technologies evolve every day, so does the use of technology in our daily lives. Along with our increasing dependence on digital information assets, security vulnerabilities are becoming more and more apparent. Passwords are a critical component of secure access to digital systems and applications. They not only prevent unauthorized access to these systems, but also distinguish the users of such systems. Research on password predictability often relies on surveys or leaked data. Therefore, there is a gap in the literature for studies that consider real data in this regard. This study investigates the password security awareness of 161 computer engineering students enrolled in a Linux-based undergraduate course at Ataturk University. The study is conducted in two phases, and in the first phase, 12 dictionaries containing also real student data are formed. In the second phase of the study, a dictionary-based brute-force attack is utilized by means of a serial and parallel version of a Bash script to crack the students’ passwords. In this respect, the /etc/shadow file of the Linux system is used as a basis to compare the hashed versions of the guessed passwords. As a result, the passwords of 23 students, accounting for 14% of the entire student group, were cracked. We believe that this is an unacceptably high prediction rate for such a group with high digital literacy. Therefore, due to this important finding of the study, we took immediate action and shared the results of the study with the instructor responsible for administering the information security course that is included in our curriculum and offered in one of the following semesters.
Ryndyuk, V. A., Varakin, Y. S., Pisarenko, E. A..  2022.  New Architecture of Transformer Networks for Generating Natural Dialogues. 2022 Wave Electronics and its Application in Information and Telecommunication Systems (WECONF). :1–5.
The new architecture of transformer networks proposed in the work can be used to create an intelligent chat bot that can learn the process of communication and immediately model responses based on what has been said. The essence of the new mechanism is to divide the information flow into two branches containing the history of the dialogue with different levels of granularity. Such a mechanism makes it possible to build and develop the personality of a dialogue agent in the process of dialogue, that is, to accurately imitate the natural behavior of a person. This gives the interlocutor (client) the feeling of talking to a real person. In addition, making modifications to the structure of such a network makes it possible to identify a likely attack using social engineering methods. The results obtained after training the created system showed the fundamental possibility of using a neural network of a new architecture to generate responses close to natural ones. Possible options for using such neural network dialogue agents in various fields, and, in particular, in information security systems, are considered. Possible options for using such neural network dialogue agents in various fields, and, in particular, in information security systems, are considered. The new technology can be used in social engineering attack detection systems, which is a big problem at present. The novelty and prospects of the proposed architecture of the neural network also lies in the possibility of creating on its basis dialogue systems with a high level of biological plausibility.
ISSN: 2769-3538
Zehnder, E., Dinet, J., Charpillet, F..  2022.  Perception of physical and virtual agents: exploration of factors influencing the acceptance of intrusive domestic agents. 2022 31st IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN). :1050–1057.
Domestic robots and agents are widely sold to the grand public, leading us to ethical issues related to the data harvested by such machines. While users show a general acceptance of these robots, concerns remain when it comes to information security and privacy. Current research indicates that there’s a privacy-security trade-off for better use, but the anthropomorphic and social abilities of a robot are also known to modulate its acceptance and use. To explore and deepen what literature already brought on the subject we examined how users perceived their robot (Replika, Roomba©, Amazon Echo©, Google Home©, or Cozmo©/Vector©) through an online questionnaire exploring acceptance, perceived privacy and security, anthropomorphism, disclosure, perceived intimacy, and loneliness. The results supported the literature regarding the potential manipulative effects of robot’s anthropomorphism for acceptance but also information disclosure, perceived intimacy, security, and privacy.
ISSN: 1944-9437
Lu, Shaofeng, Lv, Chengzhe, Wang, Wei, Xu, Changqing, Fan, Huadan, Lu, Yuefeng, Hu, Yulong, Li, Wenxi.  2022.  Secret Numerical Interval Decision Protocol for Protecting Private Information and Its Application. 2022 Asia Conference on Algorithms, Computing and Machine Learning (CACML). :726–731.
Cooperative secure computing based on the relationship between numerical value and numerical interval is not only the basic problems of secure multiparty computing but also the core problems of cooperative secure computing. It is of substantial theoretical and practical significance for information security in relation to scientific computing to continuously investigate and construct solutions to such problems. Based on the Goldwasser-Micali homomorphic encryption scheme, this paper propose the Morton rule, according to the characteristics of the interval, a double-length vector is constructed to participate in the exclusive-or operation, and an efficient cooperative decision-making solution for integer and integer interval security is designed. This solution can solve more basic problems in cooperative security computation after suitable transformations. A theoretical analysis shows that this solution is safe and efficient. Finally, applications that are based on these protocols are presented.
Ying, Ma, Tingting, Zhou.  2022.  Data Interface Matching and Information Security Measurement of Scientific and Technological Innovation Measurement Analysis and Multi-Agent Economic MIS. 2022 International Conference on Edge Computing and Applications (ICECAA). :510–513.
This paper establishes a vector autoregressive model based on the current development status of the digital economy and studies the correlation between the digital economy and economic growth MIS from a dynamic perspective, and found that the digital economy has a strong supporting role in the growth of the total economic volume. The coordination degree model calculates the scientific and technological innovation capabilities of China's 30 provinces (except Tibet) from 2018 to 2022, and the coordination, green, open, and shared level of high-quality economic development. The basic principles of the composition of the security measurement are expounded, and the measurement information model can be used as a logic model. The analysis of security measure composition summarizes the selection principle and selection process of security measurement, and analyzes and compares the measure composition methods in several typical security measurement methods.
Ye, Kai Zhen.  2022.  Application and Parallel Sandbox Testing Architecture for Network Security Isolation based on Cloud Desktop. 2022 International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT). :879–882.
Network security isolation technology is an important means to protect the internal information security of enterprises. Generally, isolation is achieved through traditional network devices, such as firewalls and gatekeepers. However, the security rules are relatively rigid and cannot better meet the flexible and changeable business needs. Through the double sandbox structure created for each user, each user in the virtual machine is isolated from each other and security is ensured. By creating a virtual disk in a virtual machine as a user storage sandbox, and encrypting the read and write of the disk, the shortcomings of traditional network isolation methods are discussed, and the application of cloud desktop network isolation technology based on VMwarer technology in universities is expounded.
ISSN: 2767-7788
Luo, Zhiyong, Wang, Bo.  2022.  A Secure and Efficient Analytical Encryption Method for Industrial Internet Identification based on SHA-256 and RSA. 2022 IEEE 6th Information Technology and Mechatronics Engineering Conference (ITOEC). 6:1874–1878.
With the development of Industrial Internet identification analysis, various encryption methods have been widely used in identification analysis to ensure the security of identification encoding and data. However, the past encryption methods failed to consider the problem of encryption efficiency in the case of high concurrency, so it will reduce the identification resolution efficiency and increase the computational pressure of secondary nodes when applying these methods to the identification analysis. In this paper, in order to improve the efficiency of identification analysis under the premise of ensuring information security, a safe and efficient analytical encryption method for industrial Internet identification based on Secure Hash Algorithm 256 (SHA-256), and Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) is presented. Firstly, by replacing the secret key in the identification encoding encryption with the SHA-256 function, the number of secret keys is reduced, which is beneficial to improve the efficiency of identification analysis. Secondly, by replacing the large prime number of the RSA encryption algorithm with multiple small prime numbers, the generation speed of RSA key pair is improved, which is conducive to reduce the computation of secondary nodes. Finally, by assigning a unique RSA private key to the identification code during the identification registration phase, SHA-256 and RSA are associated, the number of key exchanges is reduced during the encryption process, which is conducive to improve the security of encryption. The experiment verifies that the proposed method can improve security of encryption and efficiency of identification analysis, by comparing the complexity of ciphertext cracking and the identification security analysis time between the traditional encryption method and this method.
Chen, Shengjian.  2022.  Trustworthy Internet Based on Generalized Blockchain. 2022 International Conference on Blockchain Technology and Information Security (ICBCTIS). :5–12.
It is the key to the Internet's expansion of social and economic functions by ensuring the credibility of online users' identities and behaviors while taking into account privacy protection. Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and blockchain technology have provided ways to achieve credibility from different perspectives. Based on these two technologies, we attempt to generalize people's offline activities to online ones with our proposed model, Atom and Molecule. We then present the strict definition of trustworthy system and the trustworthy Internet. The definition of Generalized Blockchain and its practical implementation are provided as well.
Sarasjati, Wendy, Rustad, Supriadi, Purwanto, Santoso, Heru Agus, Muljono, Syukur, Abdul, Rafrastara, Fauzi Adi, Ignatius Moses Setiadi, De Rosal.  2022.  Comparative Study of Classification Algorithms for Website Phishing Detection on Multiple Datasets. 2022 International Seminar on Application for Technology of Information and Communication (iSemantic). :448–452.
Phishing has become a prominent method of data theft among hackers, and it continues to develop. In recent years, many strategies have been developed to identify phishing website attempts using machine learning particularly. However, the algorithms and classification criteria that have been used are highly different from the real issues and need to be compared. This paper provides a detailed comparison and evaluation of the performance of several machine learning algorithms across multiple datasets. Two phishing website datasets were used for the experiments: the Phishing Websites Dataset from UCI (2016) and the Phishing Websites Dataset from Mendeley (2018). Because these datasets include different types of class labels, the comparison algorithms can be applied in a variety of situations. The tests showed that Random Forest was better than other classification methods, with an accuracy of 88.92% for the UCI dataset and 97.50% for the Mendeley dataset.
Dang, Fangfang, Yan, Lijing, Li, Shuai, Li, Dingding.  2022.  Trusted Dynamic Threshold Caculation Method in Power IoT. 2022 14th International Conference on Communication Software and Networks (ICCSN). :19–22.
Smart grid is a new generation of grid that inte-grates traditional grid and grid information system, and infor-mation security of smart grid is an extremely important part of the whole grid. The research of trusted computing technology provides new ideas to protect the information security of the power grid. To address the problem of large deviations in the calculation of credible dynamic thresholds due to the existence of characteristics such as self-similarity and traffic bursts in smart grid information collection, a traffic prediction model based on ARMA and Poisson process is proposed. And the Hurst coefficient is determined more accurately using R/S analysis, which finally improves the efficiency and accuracy of the trusted dynamic threshold calculation.
Liang, Xiao, An, Ningyu, Li, Da, Zhang, Qiang, Wang, Ruimiao.  2022.  A Blockchain and ABAC Based Data Access Control Scheme in Smart Grid. 2022 International Conference on Blockchain Technology and Information Security (ICBCTIS). :52—55.
In the smart grid, the sharing of power data among various energy entities can make the data play a higher value. However, there may be unauthorized access while sharing data, which makes many entities unwilling to share their data to prevent data leakage. Based on blockchain and ABAC (Attribute-based Access Control) technology, this paper proposes an access control scheme, so that users can achieve fine-grained access control of their data when sharing them. The solution uses smart contract to achieve automated and reliable policy evaluation. IPFS (Interplanetary File System) is used for off-chain distributed storage to share the storage pressure of blockchain and guarantee the reliable storage of data. At the same time, all processes in the system are stored in the blockchain, ensuring the accountability of the system. Finally, the experiment proves the feasibility of the proposed scheme.
Mohammed, Amira, George, Gibin.  2022.  Vulnerabilities and Strategies of Cybersecurity in Smart Grid - Evaluation and Review. 2022 3rd International Conference on Smart Grid and Renewable Energy (SGRE). :1—6.
Smart grid (SG) is considered the next generation of the traditional power grid. It is mainly divided into three main infrastructures: power system, information and communication infrastructures. Cybersecurity is imperative for information infrastructure and the secure, reliable, and efficient operation of the smart grid. Cybersecurity or a lack of proper implementation thereof poses a considerable challenge to the deployment of SG. Therefore, in this paper, A comprehensive survey of cyber security is presented in the smart grid context. Cybersecurity-related information infrastructure is clarified. The impact of adopting cybersecurity on control and management systems has been discussed. Also, the paper highlights the cybersecurity issues and challenges associated with the control decisions in the smart grid.
Feng, Guocong, Huang, Qingshui, Deng, Zijie, Zou, Hong, Zhang, Jiafa.  2022.  Research on cloud security construction of power grid in smart era. 2022 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Data Science and Computer Application (ICDSCA). :976—980.
With the gradual construction and implementation of cloud computing, the information security problem of the smart grid has surfaced. Therefore, in the construction of the smart grid cloud computing platform, information security needs to be considered in planning, infrastructure, and management at the same time, and it is imminent to build an information network that is secure from terminal to the platform to data. This paper introduces the concept of cloud security technology and the latest development of cloud security technology and discusses the main strategies of cloud security construction in electric power enterprises.
Wang, Mei.  2022.  Big Data Analysis and Mining Technology of Smart Grid Based on Privacy Protection. 2022 6th International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC). :868—871.
Aiming at the big data security and privacy protection issues in the smart grid, the current key technologies for big data security and privacy protection in smart grids are sorted out, and a privacy-protecting smart grid association rule is proposed according to the privacy-protecting smart grid big data analysis and mining technology route The mining plan specifically analyzes the risk factors in the operation of the new power grid, and discusses the information security of power grid users from the perspective of the user, focusing on the protection of privacy and security, using safe multi-party calculation of the support and confidence of the association rules. Privacy-protecting smart grid big data mining enables power companies to improve service quality to 7.5% without divulging customer private information.
Wu, Haijiang.  2022.  Effective Metrics Modeling of Big Data Technology in Electric Power Information Security. 2022 6th International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC). :607—610.
This article focuses on analyzing the application characteristics of electric power big data, determining the advantages that electric power big data provides to the development of enterprises, and expounding the power information security protection technology and management measures under the background of big data. Focus on the protection of power information security, and fundamentally control the information security control issues of power enterprises. Then analyzed the types of big data structure and effective measurement modeling, and finally combined with the application status of big data concepts in the construction of electric power information networks, and proposed optimization strategies, aiming to promote the effectiveness of big data concepts in power information network management activities. Applying the creation conditions, the results show that the measurement model is improved by 7.8%