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Ateş, Ç, Özdel, S., Anarim, E..  2020.  DDoS Detection Algorithm Based on Fuzzy Logic. 2020 28th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU). :1—4.

While internet technologies are developing day by day, threats against them are increasing at the same speed. One of the most serious and common types of attacks is Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. The DDoS intrusion detection approach proposed in this study is based on fuzzy logic and entropy. The network is modeled as a graph and graphics-based features are used to distinguish attack traffic from non-attack traffic. Fuzzy clustering is applied based on these properties to indicate the tendency of IP addresses or port numbers to be in the same cluster. Based on this uncertainty, attack and non-attack traffic were modeled. The detection stage uses the fuzzy relevance function. This algorithm was tested on real data collected from Boğaziçi University network.

Khan, A., Chefranov, A. G..  2020.  A Captcha-Based Graphical Password With Strong Password Space and Usability Study. 2020 International Conference on Electrical, Communication, and Computer Engineering (ICECCE). :1—6.

Security for authentication is required to give a superlative secure users' personal information. This paper presents a model of the Graphical password scheme under the impact of security and ease of use for user authentication. We integrate the concept of recognition with re-called and cued-recall based schemes to offer superior security compared to existing schemes. Click Symbols (CS) Alphabet combine into one entity: Alphanumeric (A) and Visual (V) symbols (CS-AV) is Captcha-based password scheme, we integrate it with recall-based n ×n grid points, where a user can draw the shape or pattern by the intersection of the grid points as a way to enter a graphical password. Next scheme, the combination of CS-AV with grid cells allows very large password space ( 2.4 ×104 bits of entropy) and provides reasonable usability results by determining an empirical study of memorable password space. Proposed schemes support most applicable platform for input devices and promising strong resistance to shoulder surfing attacks on a mobile device which can be occurred during unlocking (pattern) the smartphone.

Cui, L., Huang, D., Zheng, X..  2020.  Reliability Analysis of Concurrent Data based on Botnet Modeling. 2020 Fourth International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control (ICISC). :825—828.

Reliability analysis of concurrent data based on Botnet modeling is conducted in this paper. At present, the detection methods for botnets are mainly focused on two aspects. The first type requires the monitoring of high-privilege systems, which will bring certain security risks to the terminal. The second type is to identify botnets by identifying spam or spam, which is not targeted. By introducing multi-dimensional permutation entropy, the impact of permutation entropy on the permutation entropy is calculated based on the data communicated between zombies, describing the complexity of the network traffic time series, and the clustering variance method can effectively solve the difficulty of the detection. This paper is organized based on the data complex structure analysis. The experimental results show acceptable performance.

Ratti, R., Singh, S. R., Nandi, S..  2020.  Towards implementing fast and scalable Network Intrusion Detection System using Entropy based Discretization Technique. 2020 11th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT). :1—7.

With the advent of networking technologies and increasing network attacks, Intrusion Detection systems are apparently needed to stop attacks and malicious activities. Various frameworks and techniques have been developed to solve the problem of intrusion detection, still there is need for new frameworks as per the challenging scenario of enormous scale in data size and nature of attacks. Current IDS systems pose challenges on the throughput to work with high speed networks. In this paper we address the issue of high computational overhead of anomaly based IDS and propose the solution using discretization as a data preprocessing step which can drastically reduce the computation overhead. We propose method to provide near real time detection of attacks using only basic flow level features that can easily be extracted from network packets.

Li, R., Wu, B..  2020.  Early detection of DDoS based on φ-entropy in SDN networks. 2020 IEEE 4th Information Technology, Networking, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (ITNEC). 1:731—735.
Software defined network (SDN) is an emerging network architecture. Its control logic and forwarding logic are separated. SDN has the characteristics of centralized management, which makes it easier for malicious attackers to use the security vulnerabilities of SDN networks to implement distributed denial Service (DDoS) attack. Information entropy is a kind of lightweight DDoS early detection method. This paper proposes a DDoS attack detection method in SDN networks based on φ-entropy. φ-entropy can adjust related parameters according to network conditions and enlarge feature differences between normal and abnormal traffic, which can make it easier to detect attacks in the early stages of DDoS traffic formation. Firstly, this article demonstrates the basic properties of φ-entropy, mathematically illustrates the feasibility of φ-entropy in DDoS detection, and then we use Mini-net to conduct simulation experiments to compare the detection effects of DDoS with Shannon entropy.
Lotfalizadeh, H., Kim, D. S..  2020.  Investigating Real-Time Entropy Features of DDoS Attack Based on Categorized Partial-Flows. 2020 14th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication (IMCOM). :1—6.
With the advent of IoT devices and exponential growth of nodes on the internet, computer networks are facing new challenges, with one of the more important ones being DDoS attacks. In this paper, new features to detect initiation and termination of DDoS attacks are investigated. The method to extract these features is devised with respect to some openflowbased switch capabilities. These features provide us with a higher resolution to view and process packet count entropies, thus improving DDoS attack detection capabilities. Although some of the technical assumptions are based on SDN technology and openflow protocol, the methodology can be applied in other networking paradigms as well.
Wang, L., Liu, Y..  2020.  A DDoS Attack Detection Method Based on Information Entropy and Deep Learning in SDN. 2020 IEEE 4th Information Technology, Networking, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (ITNEC). 1:1084—1088.
Software Defined Networking (SDN) decouples the control plane and the data plane and solves the difficulty of new services deployment. However, the threat of a single point of failure is also introduced at the same time. The attacker can launch DDoS attacks towards the controller through switches. In this paper, a DDoS attack detection method based on information entropy and deep learning is proposed. Firstly, suspicious traffic can be inspected through information entropy detection by the controller. Then, fine-grained packet-based detection is executed by the convolutional neural network (CNN) model to distinguish between normal traffic and attack traffic. Finally, the controller performs the defense strategy to intercept the attack. The experiments indicate that the accuracy of this method reaches 98.98%, which has the potential to detect DDoS attack traffic effectively in the SDN environment.
Sumantra, I., Gandhi, S. Indira.  2020.  DDoS attack Detection and Mitigation in Software Defined Networks. 2020 International Conference on System, Computation, Automation and Networking (ICSCAN). :1—5.
This work aims to formulate an effective scheme which can detect and mitigate of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack in Software Defined Networks. Distributed Denial of Service attacks are one of the most destructive attacks in the internet. Whenever you heard of a website being hacked, it would have probably been a victim of a DDoS attack. A DDoS attack is aimed at disrupting the normal operation of a system by making service and resources unavailable to legitimate users by overloading the system with excessive superfluous traffic from distributed source. These distributed set of compromised hosts that performs the attack are referred as Botnet. Software Defined Networking being an emerging technology, offers a solution to reduce network management complexity. It separates the Control plane and the data plane. This decoupling provides centralized control of the network with programmability and flexibility. This work harness this programming ability and centralized control of SDN to obtain the randomness of the network flow data. This statistical approach utilizes the source IP in the network and various attributes of TCP flags and calculates entropy from them. The proposed technique can detect volume based and application based DDoS attacks like TCP SYN flood, Ping flood and Slow HTTP attacks. The methodology is evaluated through emulation using Mininet and Detection and mitigation strategies are implemented in POX controller. The experimental results show the proposed method have improved performance evaluation parameters including the Attack detection time, Delay to serve a legitimate request in the presence of attacker and overall CPU utilization.
Zhai, P., Song, Y., Zhu, X., Cao, L., Zhang, J., Yang, C..  2020.  Distributed Denial of Service Defense in Software Defined Network Using OpenFlow. 2020 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC). :1274—1279.
Software Defined Network (SDN) is a new type of network architecture solution, and its innovation lies in decoupling traditional network system into a control plane, a data plane, and an application plane. It logically implements centralized control and management of the network, and SDN is considered to represent the development trend of the network in the future. However, SDN still faces many security challenges. Currently, the number of insecure devices is huge. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks are one of the major network security threats.This paper focuses on the detection and mitigation of DDoS attacks in SDN. Firstly, we explore a solution to detect DDoS using Renyi entropy, and we use exponentially weighted moving average algorithm to set a dynamic threshold to adapt to changes of the network. Second, to mitigate this threat, we analyze the historical behavior of each source IP address and score it to determine the malicious source IP address, and use OpenFlow protocol to block attack source.The experimental results show that the scheme studied in this paper can effectively detect and mitigate DDoS attacks.
Moussa, Y., Alexan, W..  2020.  Message Security Through AES and LSB Embedding in Edge Detected Pixels of 3D Images. 2020 2nd Novel Intelligent and Leading Emerging Sciences Conference (NILES). :224—229.

This paper proposes an advanced scheme of message security in 3D cover images using multiple layers of security. Cryptography using AES-256 is implemented in the first layer. In the second layer, edge detection is applied. Finally, LSB steganography is executed in the third layer. The efficiency of the proposed scheme is measured using a number of performance metrics. For instance, mean square error (MSE), peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), structural similarity index measure (SSIM), mean absolute error (MAE) and entropy.

Bhoi, G., Bhavsar, R., Prajapati, P., Shah, P..  2020.  A Review of Recent Trends on DNA Based Cryptography. 2020 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems (ICISS). :815–822.
One of the emerging methodologies nowadays in the field of cryptography based on human DNA sequences. As the research says that even a limited quantity of DNA can store gigantic measure of information likewise DNA can process and transmit the information, such potential of DNA give rise to the idea of DNA cryptography. A synopsis of the research carried out in DNA based security presented in this paper. Included deliberation contain encryption algorithms based on random DNA, chaotic systems, polymerase chain reaction, coupled map lattices, and other common encryption algorithms. Purpose of algorithms are specific or general as some of them are only designed to encrypt the images or more specific images like medical images or text data and others designed to use it as general for images and text data. We discussed divergent techniques that proposed earlier based on random sample DNA, medical image encryption, image encryption, and cryptanalysis done on various algorithms. With the help of this paper, one can understand the existing algorithms and can design a DNA based encryption algorithm.
Karmakar, J., Mandal, M. K..  2020.  Chaos-based Image Encryption using Integer Wavelet Transform. 2020 7th International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN). :756–760.
Since the last few decades, several chaotic encryption techniques are reported by different researchers. Although the cryptanalysis of some techniques shows the feebler resistance of those algorithms against any weaker attackers. However, different hyper-chaotic based and DNA-coding based encrypting methods are introduced recently. Though, these methods are efficient against several attacks, but, increase complexity as well. On account of these drawbacks, we have proposed a novel technique of chaotic encryption of an image using the integer wavelet transform (IWT) and global bit scrambling (GBS). Here, the image is transformed and decomposed by IWT. Thereafter, a chaotic map is used in the encryption algorithm. A key-dependent bit scrambling (GBS) is introduced rather than pixel scrambling to make the encryption stronger. It enhances key dependency along with the increased resistance against intruder attacks. To check the fragility and dependability of the algorithm, a sufficient number of tests are done, which have given reassuring results. Some tests are done to check the similarity between the original and decrypted image to ensure the excellent outcome of the decryption algorithm. The outcomes of the proposed algorithm are compared with some recent works' outputs to demonstrate its eligibility.
Kushnir, M., Kosovan, H., Kroialo, P., Komarnytskyy, A..  2020.  Encryption of the Images on the Basis of Two Chaotic Systems with the Use of Fuzzy Logic. 2020 IEEE 15th International Conference on Advanced Trends in Radioelectronics, Telecommunications and Computer Engineering (TCSET). :610–613.

Recently, new perspective areas of chaotic encryption have evolved, including fuzzy logic encryption. The presented work proposes an image encryption system based on two chaotic mapping that uses fuzzy logic. The paper also presents numerical calculations of some parameters of statistical analysis, such as, histogram, entropy of information and correlation coefficient, which confirm the efficiency of the proposed algorithm.

Santos, T. A., Magalhães, E. P., Basílio, N. P., Nepomuceno, E. G., Karimov, T. I., Butusov, D. N..  2020.  Improving Chaotic Image Encryption Using Maps with Small Lyapunov Exponents. 2020 Moscow Workshop on Electronic and Networking Technologies (MWENT). :1–4.
Chaos-based encryption is one of the promising cryptography techniques that can be used. Although chaos-based encryption provides excellent security, the finite precision of number representation in computers affects decryption accuracy negatively. In this paper, a way to mitigate some problems regarding finite precision is analyzed. We show that the use of maps with small Lyapunov exponents can improve the performance of chaotic encryption scheme, making it suitable for image encryption.
Zhu, S., Chen, H., Xi, W., Chen, M., Fan, L., Feng, D..  2019.  A Worst-Case Entropy Estimation of Oscillator-Based Entropy Sources: When the Adversaries Have Access to the History Outputs. 2019 18th IEEE International Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In Computing And Communications/13th IEEE International Conference On Big Data Science And Engineering (TrustCom/BigDataSE). :152—159.
Entropy sources are designed to provide unpredictable random numbers for cryptographic systems. As an assessment of the sources, Shannon entropy is usually adopted to quantitatively measure the unpredictability of the outputs. In several related works about the entropy evaluation of ring oscillator-based (RO-based) entropy sources, authors evaluated the unpredictability with the average conditional Shannon entropy (ACE) of the source, moreover provided a lower bound of the ACE (LBoACE). However, in this paper, we have demonstrated that when the adversaries have access to the history outputs of the entropy source, for example, by some intrusive attacks, the LBoACE may overestimate the actual unpredictability of the next output for the adversaries. In this situation, we suggest to adopt the specific conditional Shannon entropy (SCE) which exactly measures the unpredictability of the future output with the knowledge of previous output sequences and so is more consistent with the reality than the ACE. In particular, to be conservative, we propose to take the lower bound of the SCE (LBoSCE) as an estimation of the worst-case entropy of the sources. We put forward a detailed method to estimate this worst-case entropy of RO-based entropy sources, which we have also verified by experiment on an FPGA device. We recommend to adopt this method to provide a conservative assessment of the unpredictability when the entropy source works in a vulnerable environment and the adversaries might obtain the previous outputs.
Sengupta, A., Gupta, G., Jalan, H..  2019.  Hardware Steganography for IP Core Protection of Fault Secured DSP Cores. 2019 IEEE 9th International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE-Berlin). :1–6.
Security of transient fault secured IP cores against piracy, false claim of ownership can be achieved during high level synthesis, especially when handling DSP or multimedia cores. Though watermarking that involves implanting a vendor defined signature onto the design can be useful, however research has shown its limitations such as less designer control, high overhead due to extreme dependency on signature size, combination and encoding rule. This paper proposes an alternative paradigm called `hardware steganography' where hidden additional designer's constraints are implanted in a fault secured IP core using entropy thresholding. In proposed hardware steganography, concealed information in the form of additional edges having a specific entropy value is embedded in the colored interval graph (CIG). This is a signature free approach and ensures high designer control (more robustness and stronger proof of authorship) as well as lower overhead than watermarking schemes used for DSP based IP cores.
Chacon, H., Silva, S., Rad, P..  2019.  Deep Learning Poison Data Attack Detection. 2019 IEEE 31st International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI). :971—978.

Deep neural networks are widely used in many walks of life. Techniques such as transfer learning enable neural networks pre-trained on certain tasks to be retrained for a new duty, often with much less data. Users have access to both pre-trained model parameters and model definitions along with testing data but have either limited access to training data or just a subset of it. This is risky for system-critical applications, where adversarial information can be maliciously included during the training phase to attack the system. Determining the existence and level of attack in a model is challenging. In this paper, we present evidence on how adversarially attacking training data increases the boundary of model parameters using as an example of a CNN model and the MNIST data set as a test. This expansion is due to new characteristics of the poisonous data that are added to the training data. Approaching the problem from the feature space learned by the network provides a relation between them and the possible parameters taken by the model on the training phase. An algorithm is proposed to determine if a given network was attacked in the training by comparing the boundaries of parameters distribution on intermediate layers of the model estimated by using the Maximum Entropy Principle and the Variational inference approach.

Singh, Dhananjay, Tripathi, Gaurav, Shah, Sayed Chhattan, da Rosa Righi, Rodrigo.  2018.  Cyber physical surveillance system for Internet of Vehicles. 2018 IEEE 4th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT). :546—551.

Internet of Vehicle (IoV) is an essential part of the Intelligent Transportation system (ITS) which is growing exponentially in the automotive industry domain. The term IoV is used in this paper for Internet of Vehicles. IoV is conceptualized for sharing traffic, safety and several other vehicle-related information between vehicles and end user. In recent years, the number of connected vehicles has increased allover the world. Having information sharing and connectivity as its advantage, IoV also faces the challenging task in the cybersecurity-related matters. The future consists of crowded places in an interconnected world through wearable's, sensors, smart phones etc. We are converging towards IoV technology and interactions with crowded space of connected peoples. However, this convergence demands high-security mechanism from the connected crowd as-well-as other connected vehicles to safeguard of proposed IoV system. In this paper, we coin the term of smart people crowd (SPC) and the smart vehicular crowd (SVC) for the Internet of Vehicles (IoV). These specific crowds of SPC and SVC are the potential cyber attackers of the smart IoV. People connected to the internet in the crowded place are known as a smart crowd. They have interfacing devices with sensors and the environment. A smart crowd would also consist of the random number of smart vehicles. With the future converging in to the smart connected framework for crowds, vehicles and connected vehicles, we present a novel cyber-physical surveillance system (CPSS) framework to tackle the security threats in the crowded environment for the smart automotive industry and provide the cyber security mechanism in the crowded places. We also describe an overview of use cases and their security challenges on the Internet of Vehicles.

Wei, Qu, Xiao, Shi, Dongbao, Li.  2019.  Malware Classification System Based on Machine Learning. 2019 Chinese Control And Decision Conference (CCDC). :647—652.

The main challenge for malware researchers is the large amount of data and files that need to be evaluated for potential threats. Researchers analyze a large number of new malware daily and classify them in order to extract common features. Therefore, a system that can ensure and improve the efficiency and accuracy of the classification is of great significance for the study of malware characteristics. A high-performance, high-efficiency automatic classification system based on multi-feature selection fusion of machine learning is proposed in this paper. Its performance and efficiency, according to our experiments, have been greatly improved compared to single-featured systems.

Ahmed, Abdelmuttlib Ibrahim Abdalla, Khan, Suleman, Gani, Abdullah, Hamid, Siti Hafizah Ab, Guizani, Mohsen.  2018.  Entropy-based Fuzzy AHP Model for Trustworthy Service Provider Selection in Internet of Things. 2018 IEEE 43rd Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN). :606—613.

Nowadays, trust and reputation models are used to build a wide range of trust-based security mechanisms and trust-based service management applications on the Internet of Things (IoT). Considering trust as a single unit can result in missing important and significant factors. We split trust into its building-blocks, then we sort and assign weight to these building-blocks (trust metrics) on the basis of its priorities for the transaction context of a particular goal. To perform these processes, we consider trust as a multi-criteria decision-making problem, where a set of trust worthiness metrics represent the decision criteria. We introduce Entropy-based fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (EFAHP) as a trust model for selecting a trustworthy service provider, since the sense of decision making regarding multi-metrics trust is structural. EFAHP gives 1) fuzziness, which fits the vagueness, uncertainty, and subjectivity of trust attributes; 2) AHP, which is a systematic way for making decisions in complex multi-criteria decision making; and 3) entropy concept, which is utilized to calculate the aggregate weights for each service provider. We present a numerical illustration in trust-based Service Oriented Architecture in the IoT (SOA-IoT) to demonstrate the service provider selection using the EFAHP Model in assessing and aggregating the trust scores.

Kang, Anqi.  2018.  Collaborative Filtering Algorithm Based on Trust and Information Entropy. 2018 International Conference on Intelligent Informatics and Biomedical Sciences (ICIIBMS). 3:262—266.

In order to improve the accuracy of similarity, an improved collaborative filtering algorithm based on trust and information entropy is proposed in this paper. Firstly, the direct trust between the users is determined by the user's rating to explore the potential trust relationship of the users. The time decay function is introduced to realize the dynamic portrayal of the user's interest decays over time. Secondly, the direct trust and the indirect trust are combined to obtain the overall trust which is weighted with the Pearson similarity to obtain the trust similarity. Then, the information entropy theory is introduced to calculate the similarity based on weighted information entropy. At last, the trust similarity and the similarity based on weighted information entropy are weighted to obtain the similarity combing trust and information entropy which is used to predicted the rating of the target user and create the recommendation. The simulation shows that the improved algorithm has a higher accuracy of recommendation and can provide more accurate and reliable recommendation service.

Marcinkevicius, Povilas, Bagci, Ibrahim Ethem, Abdelazim, Nema M., Woodhead, Christopher S., Young, Robert J., Roedig, Utz.  2019.  Optically Interrogated Unique Object with Simulation Attack Prevention. 2019 Design, Automation Test in Europe Conference Exhibition (DATE). :198–203.
A Unique Object (UNO) is a physical object with unique characteristics that can be measured externally. The usually analogue measurement can be converted into a digital representation - a fingerprint - which uniquely identifies the object. For practical applications it is necessary that measurements can be performed without the need of specialist equipment or complex measurement setup. Furthermore, a UNO should be able to defeat simulation attacks; an attacker may replace the UNO with a device or system that produces the expected measurement. Recently a novel type of UNOs based on Quantum Dots (QDs) and exhibiting unique photo-luminescence properties has been proposed. The uniqueness of these UNOs is based on quantum effects that can be interrogated using a light source and a camera. The so called Quantum Confinement UNO (QCUNO) responds uniquely to different light excitation levels which is exploited for simulation attack protection, as opposed to focusing on features too small to reproduce and therefore difficult to measure. In this paper we describe methods for extraction of fingerprints from the QCUNO. We evaluate our proposed methods using 46 UNOs in a controlled setup. Focus of the evaluation are entropy, error resilience and the ability to detect simulation attacks.
Osia, Seyed Ali, Rassouli, Borzoo, Haddadi, Hamed, Rabiee, Hamid R., Gündüz, Deniz.  2019.  Privacy Against Brute-Force Inference Attacks. 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT). :637—641.
Privacy-preserving data release is about disclosing information about useful data while retaining the privacy of sensitive data. Assuming that the sensitive data is threatened by a brute-force adversary, we define Guessing Leakage as a measure of privacy, based on the concept of guessing. After investigating the properties of this measure, we derive the optimal utility-privacy trade-off via a linear program with any f-information adopted as the utility measure, and show that the optimal utility is a concave and piece-wise linear function of the privacy-leakage budget.
Merhav, Neri, Cohen, Asaf.  2019.  Universal Randomized Guessing with Application to Asynchronous Decentralized Brute—Force Attacks. 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT). :485—489.
Consider the problem of guessing a random vector X by submitting queries (guesses) of the form "Is X equal to x?" until an affirmative answer is obtained. A key figure of merit is the number of queries required until the right vector is guessed, termed the guesswork. The goal is to devise a guessing strategy which minimizes a certain guesswork moment. We study a universal, decentralized scenario where the guesser does not know the distribution of X, and is not allowed to prepare a list of words to be guessed in advance, or to remember its past guesses. Such a scenario is useful, for example, if bots within a Botnet carry out a brute-force attack to guess a password or decrypt a message, yet cannot coordinate the guesses or even know how many bots actually participate in the attack. We devise universal decentralized guessing strategies, first, for memoryless sources, and then generalize them to finite-state sources. For both, we derive the guessing exponent and prove its asymptotic optimality by deriving a matching converse. The strategies are based on randomized guessing using a universal distribution. We also extend the results to guessing with side information (SI). Finally, we design simple algorithms for sampling from the universal distributions.
Thirumaran, M., Moshika, A., Padmanaban, R..  2019.  Hybrid Model for Web Application Vulnerability Assessment Using Decision Tree and Bayesian Belief Network. 2019 IEEE International Conference on System, Computation, Automation and Networking (ICSCAN). :1–7.
In the existing situation, most of the business process are running through web applications. This helps the enterprises to grow their business efficiently which creates a good consumer relationship. But the main problem is that they failed to provide a vulnerable free environment. To overcome this issue in web applications, vulnerability assessment should be made periodically. They are many vulnerability assessment methodologies which occur earlier are not much proactive. So, machine learning is needed to provide a combined solution to determine vulnerability occurrence and percentage of vulnerability occurred in logical web pages. We use Decision Tree and Bayesian Belief Network (BBN) as a collective solution to find either vulnerability occur in web applications and the vulnerability occurred percentage on different logical web pages.