In this paper, we introduce a fast, secure and robust scheme for digital image encryption using chaotic system of Lorenz, 4D hyper-chaotic system and the Secure Hash Algorithm SHA-1. The encryption process consists of three layers: sub-vectors confusion and two-diffusion process. In the first layer we divide the plainimage into sub-vectors then, the position of each one is changed using the chaotic index sequence generated with chaotic attractor of Lorenz, while the diffusion layers use hyper-chaotic system to modify the values of pixels using an XOR operation. The results of security analysis such as statistical tests, differential attacks, key space, key sensitivity, entropy information and the running time are illustrated and compared to recent encryption schemes where the highest security level and speed are improved.
In this paper a random number generation method based on a piecewise linear one dimensional (PL1D) discrete time chaotic maps is proposed for applications in cryptography and steganography. Appropriate parameters are determined by examining the distribution of underlying chaotic signal and random number generator (RNG) is numerically verified by four fundamental statistical test of FIPS 140-2. Proposed design is practically realized on the field programmable analog and digital arrays (FPAA-FPGA). Finally it is experimentally verified that the presented RNG fulfills the NIST 800-22 randomness test without post processing.
Information security is crucial to data storage and transmission, which is necessary to protect information under various hostile environments. Cryptography serves as a major element to ensure confidentiality in both communication and information technology, where the encryption and decryption schemes are implemented to scramble the pure plaintext and descramble the secret ciphertext using security keys. There are two dominating types of encryption schemes: deterministic encryption and chaotic encryption. Encryption and decryption can be conducted in either spatial domain or frequency domain. To ensure secure transmission of digital information, comparisons on merits and drawbacks of two practical encryption schemes are conducted, where case studies on the true color digital image encryption are presented. Both deterministic encryption in spatial domain and chaotic encryption in frequency domain are analyzed in context, as well as the information integrity after decryption.
In the information age of today, with the rapid development and wide application of communication technology and network technology, more and more information has been transmitted through the network and information security and protection is becoming more and more important, the cryptography theory and technology have become an important research field in Information Science and technology. In recent years, many researchers have found that there is a close relationship between chaos and cryptography. Chaotic system to initial conditions is extremely sensitive and can produce a large number of with good cryptographic properties of class randomness, correlation, complexity and wide spectrum sequence, provides a new and effective means for data encryption. But chaotic cryptography, as a new cross discipline, is still in its initial stage of development. Although many chaotic encryption schemes have been proposed, the method of chaotic cryptography is not yet fully mature. The research is carried out under such a background, to be used in chaotic map of the chaotic cipher system, chaotic sequence cipher, used for key generation of chaotic random number generators and other key problems is discussed. For one-dimensional chaotic encryption algorithm, key space small, security is not higher defect, this paper selects logistic mapping coupled to generate twodimensional hyper chaotic system as the research object, the research focus on the hyper chaotic sequence in the application of data encryption, in chaotic data encryption algorithm to make some beneficial attempts, at the same time, the research on applications of chaos in data encryption to do some exploring.
This paper focuses on one type of Covert Storage Channel (CSC) that uses the 6-bit TCP flag header in TCP/IP network packets to transmit secret messages between accomplices. We use relative entropy to characterize the irregularity of network flows in comparison to normal traffic. A normal profile is created by the frequency distribution of TCP flags in regular traffic packets. In detection, the TCP flag frequency distribution of network traffic is computed for each unique IP pair. In order to evaluate the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed method, this study uses real regular traffic data sets as well as CSC messages using coding schemes under assumptions of both clear text, composed by a list of keywords common in Unix systems, and encrypted text. Moreover, smart accomplices may use only those TCP flags that are ever appearing in normal traffic. Then, in detection, the relative entropy can reveal the dissimilarity of a different frequency distribution from this normal profile. We have also used different data processing methods in detection: one method summarizes all the packets for a pair of IP addresses into one flow and the other uses a sliding moving window over such a flow to generate multiple frames of packets. The experimentation results, displayed by Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves, have shown that the method is promising to differentiate normal and CSC traffic packet streams. Furthermore the delay of raising an alert is analyzed for CSC messages to show its efficiency.
Encryption is often not sufficient to secure communication, since it does not hide that communication takes place or who is communicating with whom. Covert channels hide the very existence of communication enabling individuals to communicate secretly. Previous work proposed a covert channel hidden inside multi-player first person shooter online game traffic (FPSCC). FPSCC has a low bit rate, but it is practically impossible to eliminate other than by blocking the overt game trac. This paper shows that with knowledge of the channel’s encoding and using machine learning techniques, FPSCC can be detected with an accuracy of 95% or higher.
Many modern defenses rely on address space layout randomization (ASLR) to efficiently hide security-sensitive metadata in the address space. Absent implementation flaws, an attacker can only bypass such defenses by repeatedly probing the address space for mapped (security-sensitive) regions, incurring a noisy application crash on any wrong guess. Recent work shows that modern applications contain idioms that allow the construction of crash-resistant code primitives, allowing an attacker to efficiently probe the address space without causing any visible crash. In this paper, we classify different crash-resistant primitives and show that this problem is much more prominent than previously assumed. More specifically, we show that rather than relying on labor-intensive source code inspection to find a few "hidden" application-specific primitives, an attacker can find such primitives semi-automatically, on many classes of real-world programs, at the binary level. To support our claims, we develop methods to locate such primitives in real-world binaries. We successfully identified 29 new potential primitives and constructed proof-of-concept exploits for four of them.
Defending key network infrastructure, such as Internet backbone links or the communication channels of critical infrastructure, is paramount, yet challenging. The inherently complex nature and quantity of network data impedes detecting attacks in real world settings. In this paper, we utilize features of network flows, characterized by their entropy, together with an extended version of the original Replicator Neural Network (RNN) and deep learning techniques to learn models of normality. This combination allows us to apply anomaly-based intrusion detection on arbitrarily large amounts of data and, consequently, large networks. Our approach is unsupervised and requires no labeled data. It also accurately detects network-wide anomalies without presuming that the training data is completely free of attacks. The evaluation of our intrusion detection method, on top of real network data, indicates that it can accurately detect resource exhaustion attacks and network profiling techniques of varying intensities. The developed method is efficient because a normality model can be learned by training an RNN within a few seconds only.
The image contains a lot of visual as well as hidden information. Both, information must be secured at the time of transmission. With this motivation, a scheme is proposed based on encryption in tetrolet domain. For encryption, an iterative based Arnold transform is used in proposed methodology. The images are highly textured, which contains the authenticity of the image. For that, decryption process is performed in this way so that maximum, the edges and textures should be recovered, effectively. The suggested method has been tested on standard images and results obtained after applying suggested method are significant. A comparison is also performed with some standard existing methods to measure the effectiveness of the suggested method.
Ransomware is a growing threat that encrypts auser's files and holds the decryption key until a ransom ispaid by the victim. This type of malware is responsible fortens of millions of dollars in extortion annually. Worse still, developing new variants is trivial, facilitating the evasion of manyantivirus and intrusion detection systems. In this work, we presentCryptoDrop, an early-warning detection system that alerts a userduring suspicious file activity. Using a set of behavior indicators, CryptoDrop can halt a process that appears to be tampering witha large amount of the user's data. Furthermore, by combininga set of indicators common to ransomware, the system can beparameterized for rapid detection with low false positives. Ourexperimental analysis of CryptoDrop stops ransomware fromexecuting with a median loss of only 10 files (out of nearly5,100 available files). Our results show that careful analysis ofransomware behavior can produce an effective detection systemthat significantly mitigates the amount of victim data loss.
Multimedia security and copyright protection has been a popular topic for research and application, due to the explosion of data exchange over the internet and the widespread use of digital media. Watermarking is a process of hiding the digital information inside a digital media. Information hiding as digital watermarks in multimedia enables protection mechanism in decrypted contents. This paper presents a comparative study of existing technique used for digital watermarking an image using Genetic Algorithm and Bacterial Foraging Algorithm (BFO) based optimization technique with proposed one which consists of Genetic Algorithm and Honey Bee based optimization technique. The results obtained after experiment conclude that, new method has indeed outperformed then the conventional technique. The implementation is done over the MATLAB.
This paper presents an architecture for a discrete, high-entropy hardware random number generator. Because it is constructed out of simple hardware components, its operation is transparent and auditable. Using avalanche noise, a non-deterministic physical phenomenon, the circuit is inherently probabilistic and resists adversarial control. Furthermore, because it compares the outputs from two matched noise sources, it rejects environmental disturbances like RF energy and power supply ripple. The resulting hardware produces more than 0.98 bits of entropy per sample, is inexpensive, has a small footprint, and can be disabled to conserve power when not in use.
State estimation is a fundamental problem for monitoring and controlling systems. Engineering systems interconnect sensing and computing devices over a shared bandwidth-limited channels, and therefore, estimation algorithms should strive to use bandwidth optimally. We present a notion of entropy for state estimation of switched nonlinear dynamical systems, an upper bound for it and a state estimation algorithm for the case when the switching signal is unobservable. Our approach relies on the notion of topological entropy and uses techniques from the theory for control under limited information. We show that the average bit rate used is optimal in the sense that, the eciency gap of the algorithm is within an additive constant of the gap between estimation entropy of the system and its known upper-bound. We apply the algorithm to two system models and discuss the performance implications of the number of tracked modes.
State estimation is a fundamental problem for monitoring and controlling systems. Engineering systems interconnect sensing and computing devices over a shared bandwidth-limited channels, and therefore, estimation algorithms should strive to use bandwidth optimally. We present a notion of entropy for state estimation of switched nonlinear dynamical systems, an upper bound for it and a state estimation algorithm for the case when the switching signal is unobservable. Our approach relies on the notion of topological entropy and uses techniques from the theory for control under limited information. We show that the average bit rate used is optimal in the sense that, the efficiency gap of the algorithm is within an additive constant of the gap between estimation entropy of the system and its known upper-bound. We apply the algorithm to two system models and discuss the performance implications of the number of tracked modes.
One important goal of black-box complexity theory is the development of complexity models allowing to derive meaningful lower bounds for whole classes of randomized search heuristics. Complementing classical runtime analysis, black-box models help us understand how algorithmic choices such as the population size, the variation operators, or the selection rules influence the optimization time. One example for such a result is the Ω(n log n) lower bound for unary unbiased algorithms on functions with a unique global optimum [Lehre/Witt, GECCO 2010], which tells us that higher arity operators or biased sampling strategies are needed when trying to beat this bound. In lack of analyzing techniques, almost no non-trivial bounds are known for other restricted models. Proving such bounds therefore remains to be one of the main challenges in black-box complexity theory. With this paper we contribute to our technical toolbox for lower bound computations by proposing a new type of information-theoretic argument. We regard the permutation- and bit-invariant version of LeadingOnes and prove that its (1+1) elitist black-box complexity is Ω(n2), a bound that is matched by (1+1)-type evolutionary algorithms. The (1+1) elitist complexity of LeadingOnes is thus considerably larger than its unrestricted one, which is known to be of order n log log n [Afshani et al., 2013].
Image Denoising nowadays is a great Challenge in the field of image processing. Since Discrete wavelet transform (DWT) is one of the powerful and perspective approaches in the area of image de noising. But fixing an optimal threshold is the key factor to determine the performance of denoising algorithm using (DWT). The optimal threshold can be estimated from the image statistics for getting better performance of denoising in terms of clarity or quality of the images. In this paper we analyzed various methods of denoising from the sonar image by using various thresholding methods (Vishnu Shrink, Bayes Shrink and Neigh Shrink) experimentally and compare the result in terms of various image quality parameters. (PSNR,MSE,SSIM and Entropy). The results of the proposed method show that there is an improvenment in the visual quality of sonar images by suppressing the speckle noise and retaining edge details.
Many standard optimization methods for segmentation and reconstruction compute ML model estimates for appearance or geometry of segments, e.g. Zhu-Yuille [23], Torr [20], Chan-Vese [6], GrabCut [18], Delong et al. [8]. We observe that the standard likelihood term in these formu-lations corresponds to a generalized probabilistic K-means energy. In learning it is well known that this energy has a strong bias to clusters of equal size [11], which we express as a penalty for KL divergence from a uniform distribution of cardinalities. However, this volumetric bias has been mostly ignored in computer vision. We demonstrate signif- icant artifacts in standard segmentation and reconstruction methods due to this bias. Moreover, we propose binary and multi-label optimization techniques that either (a) remove this bias or (b) replace it by a KL divergence term for any given target volume distribution. Our general ideas apply to continuous or discrete energy formulations in segmenta- tion, stereo, and other reconstruction problems.
Volume anomaly such as distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) has been around for ages but with advancement in technologies, they have become stronger, shorter and weapon of choice for attackers. Digital forensic analysis of intrusions using alerts generated by existing intrusion detection system (IDS) faces major challenges, especially for IDS deployed in large networks. In this paper, the concept of automatically sifting through a huge volume of alerts to distinguish the different stages of a DDoS attack is developed. The proposed novel framework is purpose-built to analyze multiple logs from the network for proactive forecast and timely detection of DDoS attacks, through a combined approach of Shannon-entropy concept and clustering algorithm of relevant feature variables. Experimental studies on a cyber-range simulation dataset from the project industrial partners show that the technique is able to distinguish precursor alerts for DDoS attacks, as well as the attack itself with a very low false positive rate (FPR) of 22.5%. Application of this technique greatly assists security experts in network analysis to combat DDoS attacks.
Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) are an important defense tool against the sophisticated and ever-growing network attacks. These systems need to be evaluated against high quality datasets for correctly assessing their usefulness and comparing their performance. We present an Intrusion Detection Dataset Toolkit (ID2T) for the creation of labeled datasets containing user defined synthetic attacks. The architecture of the toolkit is provided for examination and the example of an injected attack, in real network traffic, is visualized and analyzed. We further discuss the ability of the toolkit of creating realistic synthetic attacks of high quality and low bias.
Due to the fact that the cyber security risks exist in industrial control system, risk assessment on Industrial Automation Platform (IAP) is discussed in this paper. The cyber security assessment model for IAP is built based on relevant standards at abroad. Fuzzy analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method based on entropy theory are utilized to evaluate the communication links' risk of IAP software. As a result, the risk weight of communication links which have impacts on platform and the risk level of this platform are given for further study on protective strategy. The assessment result shows that the methods used can evaluate this platform efficiently and practically.
In data analysis, it is always a tough task to strike the balance between the privacy and the applicability of the data. Due to the demand for individual privacy, the data are being more or less obscured before being released or outsourced to avoid possible privacy leakage. This process is so called de-identification. To discuss a de-identification policy, the most important two aspects should be the re-identification risk and the information loss. In this paper, we introduce a novel policy searching method to efficiently find out proper de-identification policies according to acceptable re-identification risk while retaining the information resided in the data. With the UCI Machine Learning Repository as our real world dataset, the re-identification risk can therefore be able to reflect the true risk of the de-identified data under the de-identification policies. Moreover, using the proposed algorithm, one can then efficiently acquire policies with higher information entropy.
This paper addresses the issue of magnetic resonance (MR) Image reconstruction at compressive sampling (or compressed sensing) paradigm followed by its segmentation. To improve image reconstruction problem at low measurement space, weighted linear prediction and random noise injection at unobserved space are done first, followed by spatial domain de-noising through adaptive recursive filtering. Reconstructed image, however, suffers from imprecise and/or missing edges, boundaries, lines, curvatures etc. and residual noise. Curvelet transform is purposely used for removal of noise and edge enhancement through hard thresholding and suppression of approximate sub-bands, respectively. Finally Genetic algorithms (GAs) based clustering is done for segmentation of sharpen MR Image using weighted contribution of variance and entropy values. Extensive simulation results are shown to highlight performance improvement of both image reconstruction and segmentation problems.
A fundamental drawback of current anomaly detection systems (ADSs) is the ability of a skilled attacker to evade detection. This is due to the flawed assumption that an attacker does not have any information about an ADS. Advanced persistent threats that are capable of monitoring network behavior can always estimate some information about ADSs which makes these ADSs susceptible to evasion attacks. Hence in this paper, we first assume the role of an attacker to launch evasion attacks on anomaly detection systems. We show that the ADSs can be completely paralyzed by parameter estimation attacks. We then present a mathematical model to measure evasion margin with the aim to understand the science of evasion due to ADS design. Finally, to minimize the evasion margin, we propose a key-based randomization scheme for existing ADSs and discuss its robustness against evasion attacks. Case studies are presented to illustrate the design methodology and extensive experimentation is performed to corroborate the results.
Side Channel Attacks (SCA) using power measurements are a known method of breaking cryptographic algorithms such as AES. Published research into attacks on AES frequently target only AES-128, and often target only the core Electronic Code-Book (ECB) algorithm, without discussing surrounding issues such as triggering, along with breaking the initialization vector. This paper demonstrates a complete attack on a secure bootloader, where the firmware files have been encrypted with AES-256-CBC. A classic Correlation Power Analysis (CPA) attack is performed on AES-256 to recover the complete 32-byte key, and a CPA attack is also used to attempt recovery of the initialization vector (IV).
This paper proposes a service operator-aware trust scheme (SOTS) for resource matchmaking across multiple clouds. Through analyzing the built-in relationship between the users, the broker, and the service resources, this paper proposes a middleware framework of trust management that can effectively reduces user burden and improve system dependability. Based on multidimensional resource service operators, we model the problem of trust evaluation as a process of multi-attribute decision-making, and develop an adaptive trust evaluation approach based on information entropy theory. This adaptive approach can overcome the limitations of traditional trust schemes, whereby the trusted operators are weighted manually or subjectively. As a result, using SOTS, the broker can efficiently and accurately prepare the most trusted resources in advance, and thus provide more dependable resources to users. Our experiments yield interesting and meaningful observations that can facilitate the effective utilization of SOTS in a large-scale multi-cloud environment.