Moskal, Stephen, Yang, Shanchieh Jay.
Translating Intrusion Alerts to Cyberattack Stages Using Pseudo-Active Transfer Learning (PATRL). 2021 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS). :110–118.
Intrusion alerts continue to grow in volume, variety, and complexity. Its cryptic nature requires substantial time and expertise to interpret the intended consequence of observed malicious actions. To assist security analysts in effectively diagnosing what alerts mean, this work develops a novel machine learning approach that translates alert descriptions to intuitively interpretable Action-Intent-Stages (AIS) with only 1% labeled data. We combine transfer learning, active learning, and pseudo labels and develop the Pseudo-Active Transfer Learning (PATRL) process. The PATRL process begins with an unsupervised-trained language model using MITRE ATT&CK, CVE, and IDS alert descriptions. The language model feeds to an LSTM classifier to train with 1% labeled data and is further enhanced with active learning using pseudo labels predicted by the iteratively improved models. Our results suggest PATRL can predict correctly for 85% (top-1 label) and 99% (top-3 labels) of the remaining 99% unknown data. Recognizing the need to build confidence for the analysts to use the model, the system provides Monte-Carlo Dropout Uncertainty and Pseudo-Label Convergence Score for each of the predicted alerts. These metrics give the analyst insights to determine whether to directly trust the top-1 or top-3 predictions and whether additional pseudo labels are needed. Our approach overcomes a rarely tackled research problem where minimal amounts of labeled data do not reflect the truly unlabeled data's characteristics. Combining the advantages of transfer learning, active learning, and pseudo labels, the PATRL process translates the complex intrusion alert description for the analysts with confidence.
Muhati, Eric, Rawat, Danda B..
Adversarial Machine Learning for Inferring Augmented Cyber Agility Prediction. IEEE INFOCOM 2021 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS). :1–6.
Security analysts conduct continuous evaluations of cyber-defense tools to keep pace with advanced and persistent threats. Cyber agility has become a critical proactive security resource that makes it possible to measure defense adjustments and reactions to rising threats. Subsequently, machine learning has been applied to support cyber agility prediction as an essential effort to anticipate future security performance. Nevertheless, apt and treacherous actors motivated by economic incentives continue to prevail in circumventing machine learning-based protection tools. Adversarial learning, widely applied to computer security, especially intrusion detection, has emerged as a new area of concern for the recently recognized critical cyber agility prediction. The rationale is, if a sophisticated malicious actor obtains the cyber agility parameters, correct prediction cannot be guaranteed. Unless with a demonstration of white-box attack failures. The challenge lies in recognizing that unconstrained adversaries hold vast potential capabilities. In practice, they could have perfect-knowledge, i.e., a full understanding of the defense tool in use. We address this challenge by proposing an adversarial machine learning approach that achieves accurate cyber agility forecast through mapped nefarious influence on static defense tools metrics. Considering an adversary would aim at influencing perilous confidence in a defense tool, we demonstrate resilient cyber agility prediction through verified attack signatures in dynamic learning windows. After that, we compare cyber agility prediction under negative influence with and without our proposed dynamic learning windows. Our numerical results show the model's execution degrades without adversarial machine learning. Such a feigned measure of performance could lead to incorrect software security patching.
Dax, Alexander, Künnemann, Robert.
On the Soundness of Infrastructure Adversaries. 2021 IEEE 34th Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF). :1–16.
Campus Companies and network operators perform risk assessment to inform policy-making, guide infrastructure investments or to comply with security standards such as ISO 27001. Due to the size and complexity of these networks, risk assessment techniques such as attack graphs or trees describe the attacker with a finite set of rules. This characterization of the attacker can easily miss attack vectors or overstate them, potentially leading to incorrect risk estimation. In this work, we propose the first methodology to justify a rule-based attacker model. Conceptually, we add another layer of abstraction on top of the symbolic model of cryptography, which reasons about protocols and abstracts cryptographic primitives. This new layer reasons about Internet-scale networks and abstracts protocols.We show, in general, how the soundness and completeness of a rule-based model can be ensured by verifying trace properties, linking soundness to safety properties and completeness to liveness properties. We then demonstrate the approach for a recently proposed threat model that quantifies the confidentiality of email communication on the Internet, including DNS, DNSSEC, and SMTP. Using off-the-shelf protocol verification tools, we discover two flaws in their threat model. After fixing them, we show that it provides symbolic soundness.
Ajit, Megha, Sankaran, Sriram, Jain, Kurunandan.
Formal Verification of 5G EAP-AKA Protocol. 2021 31st International Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (ITNAC). :140–146.
The advent of 5G, one of the most recent and promising technologies currently under deployment, fulfills the emerging needs of mobile subscribers by introducing several new technological advancements. However, this may lead to numerous attacks in the emerging 5G networks. Thus, to guarantee the secure transmission of user data, 5G Authentication protocols such as Extensible Authentication Protocol - Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol (EAP-AKA) were developed. These protocols play an important role in ensuring security to the users as well as their data. However, there exists no guarantees about the security of the protocols. Thus formal verification is necessary to ensure that the authentication protocols are devoid of vulnerabilities or security loopholes. Towards this goal, we formally verify the security of the 5G EAP-AKA protocol using an automated verification tool called ProVerif. ProVerif identifies traces of attacks and checks for security loopholes that can be accessed by the attackers. In addition, we model the complete architecture of the 5G EAP-AKA protocol using the language called typed pi-calculus and analyze the protocol architecture through symbolic model checking. Our analysis shows that some cryptographic parameters in the architecture can be accessed by the attackers which cause the corresponding security properties to be violated.
Malladi, Sreekanth.
Towards Formal Modeling and Analysis of UPI Protocols. 2021 Third International Conference on Intelligent Communication Technologies and Virtual Mobile Networks (ICICV). :239–243.
UPI (Unified Payments Interface) is a framework in India wherein customers can send payments to merchants from their smartphones. The framework consists of UPI servers that are connected to the banks at the sender and receiver ends. To send and receive payments, customers and merchants would have to first register themselves with UPI servers by executing a registration protocol using payment apps such as BHIM, PayTm, Google Pay, and PhonePe. Weaknesses were recently reported on these protocols that allow attackers to make money transfers on behalf of innocent customers and even empty their bank accounts. But the reported weaknesses were found after informal and manual analysis. However, as history has shown, formal analysis of cryptographic protocols often reveals flaws that could not be discovered with manual inspection. In this paper, we model UPI protocols in the pattern of traditional cryptographic protocols such that they can be rigorously studied and analyzed using formal methods. The modeling simplifies many of the complexities in the protocols, making it suitable to analyze and verify UPI protocols with popular analysis and verification tools such as the Constraint Solver, ProVerif and Tamarin. Our modeling could also be used as a general framework to analyze and verify many other financial payment protocols than just UPI protocols, giving it a broader applicability.