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Tao, Qian, Tong, Yongxin, Li, Shuyuan, Zeng, Yuxiang, Zhou, Zimu, Xu, Ke.  2021.  A Differentially Private Task Planning Framework for Spatial Crowdsourcing. 2021 22nd IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM). :9—18.
Spatial crowdsourcing has stimulated various new applications such as taxi calling and food delivery. A key enabler for these spatial crowdsourcing based applications is to plan routes for crowd workers to execute tasks given diverse requirements of workers and the spatial crowdsourcing platform. Despite extensive studies on task planning in spatial crowdsourcing, few have accounted for the location privacy of tasks, which may be misused by an untrustworthy platform. In this paper, we explore efficient task planning for workers while protecting the locations of tasks. Specifically, we define the Privacy-Preserving Task Planning (PPTP) problem, which aims at both total revenue maximization of the platform and differential privacy of task locations. We first apply the Laplacian mechanism to protect location privacy, and analyze its impact on the total revenue. Then we propose an effective and efficient task planning algorithm for the PPTP problem. Extensive experiments on both synthetic and real datasets validate the advantages of our algorithm in terms of total revenue and time cost.
Li, Xianxian, Fu, Xuemei, Yu, Feng, Shi, Zhenkui, Li, Jie, Yang, Junhao.  2021.  A Private Statistic Query Scheme for Encrypted Electronic Medical Record System. 2021 IEEE 24th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD). :1033—1039.
In this paper, we propose a scheme that supports statistic query and authorized access control on an Encrypted Electronic Medical Records Databases(EMDB). Different from other schemes, it is based on Differential-Privacy(DP), which can protect the privacy of patients. By deploying an improved Multi-Authority Attribute-Based Encryption(MA-ABE) scheme, all authorities can distribute their search capability to clients under different authorities without additional negotiations. To our best knowledge, there are few studies on statistical queries on encrypted data. In this work, we consider that support differentially-private statistical queries. To improve search efficiency, we leverage the Bloom Filter(BF) to judge whether the keywords queried by users exists. Finally, we use experiments to verify and evaluate the feasibility of our proposed scheme.
Wang, Zhaohong, Guo, Jing.  2021.  Denoising Signals on the Graph for Distributed Systems by Secure Outsourced Computation. 2021 IEEE 7th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT). :524—529.
The burgeoning networked computing devices create many distributed systems and generate new signals on a large scale. Many Internet of Things (IoT) applications, such as peer-to-peer streaming of multimedia data, crowdsourcing, and measurement by sensor networks, can be modeled as a form of big data. Processing massive data calls for new data structures and algorithms different from traditional ones designed for small-scale problems. For measurement from networked distributed systems, we consider an essential data format: signals on graphs. Due to limited computing resources, the sensor nodes in the distributed systems may outsource the computing tasks to third parties, such as cloud platforms, arising a severe concern on data privacy. A de-facto solution is to have third parties only process encrypted data. We propose a novel and efficient privacy-preserving secure outsourced computation protocol for denoising signals on the graph based on the information-theoretic secure multi-party computation (ITS-MPC). Denoising the data makes paths for further meaningful data processing. From experimenting with our algorithms in a testbed, the results indicate a better efficiency of our approach than a counterpart approach with computational security.
Ménétrey, Jämes, Pasin, Marcelo, Felber, Pascal, Schiavoni, Valerio.  2021.  Twine: An Embedded Trusted Runtime for WebAssembly. 2021 IEEE 37th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE). :205—216.
WebAssembly is an Increasingly popular lightweight binary instruction format, which can be efficiently embedded and sandboxed. Languages like C, C++, Rust, Go, and many others can be compiled into WebAssembly. This paper describes Twine, a WebAssembly trusted runtime designed to execute unmodified, language-independent applications. We leverage Intel SGX to build the runtime environment without dealing with language-specific, complex APIs. While SGX hardware provides secure execution within the processor, Twine provides a secure, sandboxed software runtime nested within an SGX enclave, featuring a WebAssembly system interface (WASI) for compatibility with unmodified WebAssembly applications. We evaluate Twine with a large set of general-purpose benchmarks and real-world applications. In particular, we used Twine to implement a secure, trusted version of SQLite, a well-known full-fledged embeddable database. We believe that such a trusted database would be a reasonable component to build many larger application services. Our evaluation shows that SQLite can be fully executed inside an SGX enclave via WebAssembly and existing system interface, with similar average performance overheads. We estimate that the performance penalties measured are largely compensated by the additional security guarantees and its full compatibility with standard WebAssembly. An indepth analysis of our results indicates that performance can be greatly improved by modifying some of the underlying libraries. We describe and implement one such modification in the paper, showing up to 4.1 × speedup. Twine is open-source, available at GitHub along with instructions to reproduce our experiments.
Badran, Sultan, Arman, Nabil, Farajallah, Mousa.  2021.  An Efficient Approach for Secure Data Outsourcing using Hybrid Data Partitioning. 2021 International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT). :418—423.
This paper presents an implementation of a novel approach, utilizing hybrid data partitioning, to secure sensitive data and improve query performance. In this novel approach, vertical and horizontal data partitioning are combined together in an approach that called hybrid partitioning and the new approach is implemented using Microsoft SQL server to generate divided/partitioned relations. A group of proposed rules is applied to the query request process using query binning (QB) and Metadata of partitioning. The proposed approach is validated using experiments involving a collection of data evaluated by outcomes of advanced stored procedures. The suggested approach results are satisfactory in achieving the properties of defining the data security: non-linkability and indistinguishability. The results of the proposed approach were satisfactory. The proposed novel approach outperforms a well-known approach called PANDA.
Shen, Ning, Yeh, Jyh-Haw, Sun, Hung-Min, Chen, Chien-Ming.  2021.  A Practical and Secure Stateless Order Preserving Encryption for Outsourced Databases. 2021 IEEE 26th Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC). :133—142.
Order-preserving encryption (OPE) plays an important role in securing outsourced databases. OPE schemes can be either Stateless or Stateful. Stateful schemes can achieve the ideal security of order-preserving encryption, i.e., “reveal no information about the plaintexts besides order.” However, comparing to stateless schemes, stateful schemes require maintaining some state information locally besides encryption keys and the ciphertexts are mutable. On the other hand, stateless schemes only require remembering encryption keys and thus is more efficient. It is a common belief that stateless schemes cannot provide the same level of security as stateful ones because stateless schemes reveal the relative distance among their corresponding plaintext. In real world applications, such security defects may lead to the leakage of statistical and sensitive information, e.g., the data distribution, or even negates the whole encryption. In this paper, we propose a practical and secure stateless order-preserving encryption scheme. With prior knowledge of the data to be encrypted, our scheme can achieve IND-CCPA (INDistinguishability under Committed ordered Chosen Plaintext Attacks) security for static data set. Though the IND-CCPA security can't be met for dynamic data set, our new scheme can still significantly improve the security in real world applications. Along with the encryption scheme, in this paper we also provide methods to eliminate access pattern leakage in communications and thus prevents some common attacks to OPE schemes in practice.
Fuhry, Benny, Jayanth Jain, H A, Kerschbaum, Florian.  2021.  EncDBDB: Searchable Encrypted, Fast, Compressed, In-Memory Database Using Enclaves. 2021 51st Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN). :438—450.
Data confidentiality is an important requirement for clients when outsourcing databases to the cloud. Trusted execution environments, such as Intel SGX, offer an efficient solution to this confidentiality problem. However, existing TEE-based solutions are not optimized for column-oriented, in-memory databases and pose impractical memory requirements on the enclave. We present EncDBDB, a novel approach for client-controlled encryption of a column-oriented, in-memory databases allowing range searches using an enclave. EncDBDB offers nine encrypted dictionaries, which provide different security, performance, and storage efficiency tradeoffs for the data. It is especially suited for complex, read-oriented, analytic queries as present, e.g., in data warehouses. The computational overhead compared to plaintext processing is within a millisecond even for databases with millions of entries and the leakage is limited. Compressed encrypted data requires less space than a corresponding plaintext column. Furthermore, EncDBDB's enclave is very small reducing the potential for security-relevant implementation errors and side-channel leakages.
Eltayesh, Faryed, Bentahar, Jamal.  2017.  Verifiable Outsourced Database in the Cloud Using Game Theory. Proceedings of the Symposium on Applied Computing. :370–377.

In the verifiable database (VDB) model, a computationally weak client (database owner) delegates his database management to a database service provider on the cloud, which is considered untrusted third party, while users can query the data and verify the integrity of query results. Since the process can be computationally costly and has a limited support for sophisticated query types such as aggregated queries, we propose in this paper a framework that helps bridge the gap between security and practicality trade-offs. The proposed framework remodels the verifiable database problem using Stackelberg security game. In the new model, the database owner creates and uploads to the database service provider the database and its authentication structure (AS). Next, the game is played between the defender (verifier), who is a trusted party to the database owner and runs scheduled randomized verifications using Stackelberg mixed strategy, and the database service provider. The idea is to randomize the verification schedule in an optimized way that grants the optimal payoff for the verifier while making it extremely hard for the database service provider or any attacker to figure out which part of the database is being verified next. We have implemented and compared the proposed model performance with a uniform randomization model. Simulation results show that the proposed model outperforms the uniform randomization model. Furthermore, we have evaluated the efficiency of the proposed model against different cost metrics.

Demertzis, Ioannis, Papadopoulos, Stavros, Papapetrou, Odysseas, Deligiannakis, Antonios, Garofalakis, Minos.  2016.  Practical Private Range Search Revisited. Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Management of Data. :185–198.

We consider a data owner that outsources its dataset to an untrusted server. The owner wishes to enable the server to answer range queries on a single attribute, without compromising the privacy of the data and the queries. There are several schemes on "practical" private range search (mainly in Databases venues) that attempt to strike a trade-off between efficiency and security. Nevertheless, these methods either lack provable security guarantees, or permit unacceptable privacy leakages. In this paper, we take an interdisciplinary approach, which combines the rigor of Security formulations and proofs with efficient Data Management techniques. We construct a wide set of novel schemes with realistic security/performance trade-offs, adopting the notion of Searchable Symmetric Encryption (SSE) primarily proposed for keyword search. We reduce range search to multi-keyword search using range covering techniques with tree-like indexes. We demonstrate that, given any secure SSE scheme, the challenge boils down to (i) formulating leakages that arise from the index structure, and (ii) minimizing false positives incurred by some schemes under heavy data skew. We analytically detail the superiority of our proposals over prior work and experimentally confirm their practicality.

Dave, Jay, Das, Manik Lal.  2016.  Securing SQL with Access Control for Database As a Service Model. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies. :104:1–104:6.

'Software as a service - SaaS' is a well known model used in cloud infrastructure, outsourcing and pervasive computing. With the SaaS model, application service providers (ASP) facilitates various functionalities of software to application developers as well as to consumers over a public channel like Internet. In order to manage large volumes of users data, 'Database as a service - DaaS' model is a practical requirement for ASPs. The DaaS model allows implementation of need-based (e.g., role-based) privileges of database access to its users. However, the use of DaaS model raises security concerns (e.g. confidentiality and integrity of data) of data while storing users data in untrusted public storage server. In this paper, we review one DaaS tool, CryptDB [1], developed in recent times, and we observe some limitations in it and then present an improved solution for securing data in untrusted database provider. The proposed solution mitigates the limitations of CryptDB while keeping the efficiency of the service model used between ASP and DB intact.

Chen, Fei, Zhang, Taoyi, Chen, Jianyong, Xiang, Tao.  2016.  Cloud Storage Integrity Checking: Going from Theory to Practice. Proceedings of the 4th ACM International Workshop on Security in Cloud Computing. :24–28.

In the past decade, researchers have proposed various cloud storage integrity checking protocols to enable a cloud storage user to validate the integrity of the user's outsourced data. While the proposed solutions can in principle solve the cloud storage integrity checking problem, they are not sufficient for current cloud storage practices. In this position paper, we show the gaps between theoretical and practical cloud storage integrity checking solutions, through a categorization of existing solutions and an analysis of their underlying assumptions. To bridge the gap, we also call for practical cloud storage integrity checking solutions for three scenarios.

Karras, Panagiotis, Nikitin, Artyom, Saad, Muhammad, Bhatt, Rudrika, Antyukhov, Denis, Idreos, Stratos.  2016.  Adaptive Indexing over Encrypted Numeric Data. Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Management of Data. :171–183.

Today, outsourcing query processing tasks to remote cloud servers becomes a viable option; such outsourcing calls for encrypting data stored at the server so as to render it secure against eavesdropping adversaries and/or an honest-but-curious server itself. At the same time, to be efficiently managed, outsourced data should be indexed, and even adaptively so, as a side-effect of query processing. Computationally heavy encryption schemes render such outsourcing unattractive; an alternative, Order-Preserving Encryption Scheme (OPES), intentionally preserves and reveals the order in the data, hence is unattractive from the security viewpoint. In this paper, we propose and analyze a scheme for lightweight and indexable encryption, based on linear-algebra operations. Our scheme provides higher security than OPES and allows for range and point queries to be efficiently evaluated over encrypted numeric data, with decryption performed at the client side. We implement a prototype that performs incremental, query-triggered adaptive indexing over encrypted numeric data based on this scheme, without leaking order information in advance, and without prohibitive overhead, as our extensive experimental study demonstrates.

Kim, Hyeong-Il, Shin, Young-sung, Kim, Hyeong-Jin, Chang, Jae-Woo.  2016.  Efficient and Secure Top-k Query Processing Algorithm Using Garbled Circuit Based Secure Protocols on Outsourced Databases. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Emerging Databases: Technologies, Applications, and Theory. :124–134.

With the growth of cloud computing, database outsourcing has attracted much interests. Due to the serious privacy threats in cloud computing, databases needs to be encrypted before being outsourced to the cloud. Therefore, various Top-k query processing algorithms have been studied for encrypted databases. However, existing algorithms are either insecure or inefficient. Therefore, in this paper we propose an efficient and secure Top-k query processing algorithm. Our algorithm guarantees the confidentiality of both the data and a user query while hiding data access patterns. Our algorithm also enables the query issuer not to participate in the query processing. To achieve a high level of query processing efficiency, we use new secure protocols using Yao's garbled circuit and a data packing technique. A performance analysis shows that the proposed algorithm outperforms the existing works in terms of query processing costs.

Liang, Kaitai, Su, Chunhua, Chen, Jiageng, Liu, Joseph K..  2016.  Efficient Multi-Function Data Sharing and Searching Mechanism for Cloud-Based Encrypted Data. Proceedings of the 11th ACM on Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :83–94.

Outsourcing a huge amount of local data to remote cloud servers that has been become a significant trend for industries. Leveraging the considerable cloud storage space, industries can also put forward the outsourced data to cloud computing. How to collect the data for computing without loss of privacy and confidentiality is one of the crucial security problems. Searchable encryption technique has been proposed to protect the confidentiality of the outsourced data and the privacy of the corresponding data query. This technique, however, only supporting search functionality, may not be fully applicable to real-world cloud computing scenario whereby secure data search, share as well as computation are needed. This work presents a novel encrypted cloud-based data share and search system without loss of user privacy and data confidentiality. The new system enables users to make conjunctive keyword query over encrypted data, but also allows encrypted data to be efficiently and multiply shared among different users without the need of the "download-decrypt-then-encrypt" mode. As of independent interest, our system provides secure keyword update, so that users can freely and securely update data's keyword field. It is worth mentioning that all the above functionalities do not incur any expansion of ciphertext size, namely, the size of ciphertext remains constant during being searched, shared and keyword-updated. The system is proven secure and meanwhile, the efficiency analysis shows its great potential in being used in large-scale database.

Huang, Baohua, Jia, Fengwei, Yu, Jiguo, Cheng, Wei.  2016.  A Transparent Framework Based on Accessing Bridge and Mobile App for Protecting Database Privacy with PKI. Proceedings of the 1st ACM Workshop on Privacy-Aware Mobile Computing. :43–50.

With the popularity of cloud computing, database outsourcing has been adopted by many companies. However, database owners may not 100% trust their database service providers. As a result, database privacy becomes a key issue for protecting data from the database service providers. Many researches have been conducted to address this issue, but few of them considered the simultaneous transparent support of existing DBMSs (Database Management Systems), applications and RADTs (Rapid Application Development Tools). A transparent framework based on accessing bridge and mobile app for protecting database privacy with PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) is, therefore, proposed to fill the blank. The framework uses PKI as its security base and encrypts sensitive data with data owners' public keys to protect data privacy. Mobile app is used to control private key and decrypt data, so that accessing sensitive data is completely controlled by data owners in a secure and independent channel. Accessing bridge utilizes database accessing middleware standard to transparently support existing DBMSs, applications and RADTs. This paper presents the framework, analyzes its transparency and security, and evaluates its performance via experiments.

Kellaris, Georgios, Kollios, George, Nissim, Kobbi, O'Neill, Adam.  2016.  Generic Attacks on Secure Outsourced Databases. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :1329–1340.

Recently, various protocols have been proposed for securely outsourcing database storage to a third party server, ranging from systems with "full-fledged" security based on strong cryptographic primitives such as fully homomorphic encryption or oblivious RAM, to more practical implementations based on searchable symmetric encryption or even on deterministic and order-preserving encryption. On the flip side, various attacks have emerged that show that for some of these protocols confidentiality of the data can be compromised, usually given certain auxiliary information. We take a step back and identify a need for a formal understanding of the inherent efficiency/privacy trade-off in outsourced database systems, independent of the details of the system. We propose abstract models that capture secure outsourced storage systems in sufficient generality, and identify two basic sources of leakage, namely access pattern and ommunication volume. We use our models to distinguish certain classes of outsourced database systems that have been proposed, and deduce that all of them exhibit at least one of these leakage sources. We then develop generic reconstruction attacks on any system supporting range queries where either access pattern or communication volume is leaked. These attacks are in a rather weak passive adversarial model, where the untrusted server knows only the underlying query distribution. In particular, to perform our attack the server need not have any prior knowledge about the data, and need not know any of the issued queries nor their results. Yet, the server can reconstruct the secret attribute of every record in the database after about \$Ntextasciicircum4\$ queries, where N is the domain size. We provide a matching lower bound showing that our attacks are essentially optimal. Our reconstruction attacks using communication volume apply even to systems based on homomorphic encryption or oblivious RAM in the natural way. Finally, we provide experimental results demonstrating the efficacy of our attacks on real datasets with a variety of different features. On all these datasets, after the required number of queries our attacks successfully recovered the secret attributes of every record in at most a few seconds.

Wang, Tianhao, Zhao, Yunlei.  2016.  Secure Dynamic SSE via Access Indistinguishable Storage. Proceedings of the 11th ACM on Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :535–546.

Cloud storage services such as Dropbox [1] and Google Drive [2] are becoming more and more popular. On the one hand, they provide users with mobility, scalability, and convenience. However, privacy issues arise when the storage becomes not fully controlled by users. Although modern encryption schemes are effective at protecting content of data, there are two drawbacks of the encryption-before-outsourcing approach: First, one kind of sensitive information, Access Pattern of the data is left unprotected. Moreover, encryption usually makes the data difficult to use. In this paper, we propose AIS (Access Indistinguishable Storage), the first client-side system that can partially conceal access pattern of the cloud storage in constant time. Besides data content, AIS can conceal information about the number of initial files, and length of each initial file. When it comes to the access phase after initiation, AIS can effectively conceal the behavior (read or write) and target file of the current access. Moreover, the existence and length of each file will remain confidential as long as there is no access after initiation. One application of AIS is SSE (Searchable Symmetric Encryption), which makes the encrypted data searchable. Based on AIS, we propose SBA (SSE Built on AIS). To the best of our knowledge, SBA is safer than any other SSE systems of the same complexity, and SBA is the first to conceal whether current keyword was queried before, the first to conceal whether current operation is an addition or deletion, and the first to support direct modification of files.

Hahn, Florian, Kerschbaum, Florian.  2016.  Poly-Logarithmic Range Queries on Encrypted Data with Small Leakage. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM on Cloud Computing Security Workshop. :23–34.

Privacy-preserving range queries allow encrypting data while still enabling queries on ciphertexts if their corresponding plaintexts fall within a requested range. This provides a data owner the possibility to outsource data collections to a cloud service provider without sacrificing privacy nor losing functionality of filtering this data. However, existing methods for range queries either leak additional information (like the ordering of the complete data set) or slow down the search process tremendously by requiring to query each ciphertext in the data collection. We present a novel scheme that only leaks the access pattern while supporting amortized poly-logarithmic search time. Our construction is based on the novel idea of enabling the cloud service provider to compare requested range queries. By doing so, the cloud service provider can use the access pattern to speed-up search time for range queries in the future. On the one hand, values that have fallen within a queried range, are stored in an interactively built index for future requests. On the other hand, values that have not been queried do not leak any information to the cloud service provider and stay perfectly secure. In order to show its practicability we have implemented our scheme and give a detailed runtime evaluation.