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Beyza, Jesus, Bravo, Victor M., Garcia-Paricio, Eduardo, Yusta, Jose M., Artal-Sevil, Jesus S..  2020.  Vulnerability and Resilience Assessment of Power Systems: From Deterioration to Recovery via a Topological Model based on Graph Theory. 2020 IEEE International Autumn Meeting on Power, Electronics and Computing (ROPEC). 4:1–6.
Traditionally, vulnerability is the level of degradation caused by failures or disturbances, and resilience is the ability to recover after a high-impact event. This paper presents a topological procedure based on graph theory to evaluate the vulnerability and resilience of power grids. A cascading failures model is developed by eliminating lines both deliberately and randomly, and four restoration strategies inspired by the network approach are proposed. In the two cases, the degradation and recovery of the electrical infrastructure are quantified through four centrality measures. Here, an index called flow-capacity is proposed to measure the level of network overload during the iterative processes. The developed sequential framework was tested on a graph of 600 nodes and 1196 edges built from the 400 kV high-voltage power system in Spain. The conclusions obtained show that the statistical graph indices measure different topological aspects of the network, so it is essential to combine the results to obtain a broader view of the structural behaviour of the infrastructure.
Dmitrievich, Asyaev Grigorii, Nikolaevich, Sokolov Aleksandr.  2020.  Automated Process Control Anomaly Detection Using Machine Learning Methods. 2020 Ural Symposium on Biomedical Engineering, Radioelectronics and Information Technology (USBEREIT). :0536–0538.
The paper discusses the features of the automated process control system, defines the algorithm for installing critical updates. The main problems in the administration of a critical system have been identified. The paper presents a model for recognizing anomalies in the network traffic of an industrial information system using machine learning methods. The article considers the network intrusion dataset (raw TCP / IP dump data was collected, where the network was subjected to multiple attacks). The main parameters that affect the recognition of abnormal behavior in the system are determined. The basic mathematical models of classification are analyzed, their basic parameters are reviewed and tuned. The mathematical model was trained on the considered (randomly mixed) sample using cross-validation and the response was predicted on the control (test) sample, where the model should determine the anomalous behavior of the system or normal as the output. The main criteria for choosing a mathematical model for the problem to be solved were the number of correctly recognized (accuracy) anomalies, precision and recall of the answers. Based on the study, the optimal algorithm for recognizing anomalies was selected, as well as signs by which this anomaly can be recognized.
Chen, Sen, Fan, Lingling, Meng, Guozhu, Su, Ting, Xue, Minhui, Xue, Yinxing, Liu, Yang, Xu, Lihua.  2020.  An Empirical Assessment of Security Risks of Global Android Banking Apps. 2020 IEEE/ACM 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE). :1310—1322.
Mobile banking apps, belonging to the most security-critical app category, render massive and dynamic transactions susceptible to security risks. Given huge potential financial loss caused by vulnerabilities, existing research lacks a comprehensive empirical study on the security risks of global banking apps to provide useful insights and improve the security of banking apps. Since data-related weaknesses in banking apps are critical and may directly cause serious financial loss, this paper first revisits the state-of-the-art available tools and finds that they have limited capability in identifying data-related security weaknesses of banking apps. To complement the capability of existing tools in data-related weakness detection, we propose a three-phase automated security risk assessment system, named Ausera, which leverages static program analysis techniques and sensitive keyword identification. By leveraging Ausera, we collect 2,157 weaknesses in 693 real-world banking apps across 83 countries, which we use as a basis to conduct a comprehensive empirical study from different aspects, such as global distribution and weakness evolution during version updates. We find that apps owned by subsidiary banks are always less secure than or equivalent to those owned by parent banks. In addition, we also track the patching of weaknesses and receive much positive feedback from banking entities so as to improve the security of banking apps in practice. We further find that weaknesses derived from outdated versions of banking apps or third-party libraries are highly prone to being exploited by attackers. To date, we highlight that 21 banks have confirmed the weaknesses we reported (including 126 weaknesses in total). We also exchange insights with 7 banks, such as HSBC in UK and OCBC in Singapore, via in-person or online meetings to help them improve their apps. We hope that the insights developed in this paper will inform the communities about the gaps among multiple stakeholders, including banks, academic researchers, and third-party security companies.
Zhu, Fangzhou, Liu, Liang, Meng, Weizhi, Lv, Ting, Hu, Simin, Ye, Renjun.  2020.  SCAFFISD: A Scalable Framework for Fine-Grained Identification and Security Detection of Wireless Routers. 2020 IEEE 19th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom). :1194–1199.

The security of wireless network devices has received widespread attention, but most existing schemes cannot achieve fine-grained device identification. In practice, the security vulnerabilities of a device are heavily depending on its model and firmware version. Motivated by this issue, we propose a universal, extensible and device-independent framework called SCAFFISD, which can provide fine-grained identification of wireless routers. It can generate access rules to extract effective information from the router admin page automatically and perform quick scans for known device vulnerabilities. Meanwhile, SCAFFISD can identify rogue access points (APs) in combination with existing detection methods, with the purpose of performing a comprehensive security assessment of wireless networks. We implement the prototype of SCAFFISD and verify its effectiveness through security scans of actual products.

Obaidat, M., Brown, J., Hayajneh, A. A..  2020.  Web Browser Extension User-Script XSS Vulnerabilities. 2020 IEEE Intl Conf on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, Intl Conf on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, Intl Conf on Cloud and Big Data Computing, Intl Conf on Cyber Science and Technology Congress (DASC/PiCom/CBDCom/CyberSciTech). :316—321.

Browser extensions have by and large become a normal and accepted omnipresent feature within modern browsers. However, since their inception, browser extensions have remained under scrutiny for opening vulnerabilities for users. While a large amount of effort has been dedicated to patching such issues as they arise, including the implementation of extension sandboxes and explicit permissions, issues remain within the browser extension ecosystem through user-scripts. User-scripts, or micro-script extensions hosted by a top-level extension, are largely unregulated but inherit the permissions of the top-level application manager, which popularly includes extensions such as Greasemonkey, Tampermonkey, or xStyle. While most user-scripts are docile and serve a specific beneficial functionality, due to their inherently open nature and the unregulated ecosystem, they are easy for malicious parties to exploit. Common attacks through this method involve hijacking of DOM elements to execute malicious javascript and/or XSS attacks, although other more advanced attacks can be deployed as well. User-scripts have not received much attention, and this vulnerability has persisted despite attempts to make browser extensions more secure. This ongoing vulnerability remains an unknown threat to many users who employ user-scripts, and circumvents security mechanisms otherwise put in place by browsers. This paper discusses this extension derivative vulnerability as it pertains to current browser security paradigms.

Marchisio, A., Nanfa, G., Khalid, F., Hanif, M. A., Martina, M., Shafique, M..  2020.  Is Spiking Secure? A Comparative Study on the Security Vulnerabilities of Spiking and Deep Neural Networks 2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). :1–8.
Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) claim to present many advantages in terms of biological plausibility and energy efficiency compared to standard Deep Neural Networks (DNNs). Recent works have shown that DNNs are vulnerable to adversarial attacks, i.e., small perturbations added to the input data can lead to targeted or random misclassifications. In this paper, we aim at investigating the key research question: "Are SNNs secure?" Towards this, we perform a comparative study of the security vulnerabilities in SNNs and DNNs w.r.t. the adversarial noise. Afterwards, we propose a novel black-box attack methodology, i.e., without the knowledge of the internal structure of the SNN, which employs a greedy heuristic to automatically generate imperceptible and robust adversarial examples (i.e., attack images) for the given SNN. We perform an in-depth evaluation for a Spiking Deep Belief Network (SDBN) and a DNN having the same number of layers and neurons (to obtain a fair comparison), in order to study the efficiency of our methodology and to understand the differences between SNNs and DNNs w.r.t. the adversarial examples. Our work opens new avenues of research towards the robustness of the SNNs, considering their similarities to the human brain's functionality.
DiMase, D., Collier, Z. A., Chandy, J., Cohen, B. S., D'Anna, G., Dunlap, H., Hallman, J., Mandelbaum, J., Ritchie, J., Vessels, L..  2020.  A Holistic Approach to Cyber Physical Systems Security and Resilience. 2020 IEEE Systems Security Symposium (SSS). :1—8.

A critical need exists for collaboration and action by government, industry, and academia to address cyber weaknesses or vulnerabilities inherent to embedded or cyber physical systems (CPS). These vulnerabilities are introduced as we leverage technologies, methods, products, and services from the global supply chain throughout a system's lifecycle. As adversaries are exploiting these weaknesses as access points for malicious purposes, solutions for system security and resilience become a priority call for action. The SAE G-32 Cyber Physical Systems Security Committee has been convened to address this complex challenge. The SAE G-32 will take a holistic systems engineering approach to integrate system security considerations to develop a Cyber Physical System Security Framework. This framework is intended to bring together multiple industries and develop a method and common language which will enable us to more effectively, efficiently, and consistently communicate a risk, cost, and performance trade space. The standard will allow System Integrators to make decisions utilizing a common framework and language to develop affordable, trustworthy, resilient, and secure systems.

Zhang, X., Chandramouli, K., Gabrijelcic, D., Zahariadis, T., Giunta, G..  2020.  Physical Security Detectors for Critical Infrastructures Against New-Age Threat of Drones and Human Intrusion. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Expo Workshops (ICMEW). :1—4.

Modern critical infrastructures are increasingly turning into distributed, complex Cyber-Physical systems that need proactive protection and fast restoration to mitigate physical or cyber incidents or attacks. Addressing the need for early stage threat detection against physical intrusion, the paper presents two physical security sensors developed within the DEFENDER project for detecting the intrusion of drones and humans using video analytics. The continuous stream of media data obtained from the region of vulnerability and proximity is processed using Region based Fully Connected Neural Network deep-learning model. The novelty of the pro-posed system relies in the processing of multi-threaded media input streams for achieving real-time threat identification. The video analytics solution has been validated using NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 for drone detection and NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 Max-Q Design for detecting human intruders. The experimental test bed for the validation of the proposed system has been constructed to include environments and situations that are commonly faced by critical infrastructure operators such as the area of protection, tradeoff between angle of coverage against distance of coverage.

Dong, C., Liu, Y., Zhang, Y., Shi, P., Shao, X., Ma, C..  2018.  Abnormal Bus Data Detection of Intelligent and Connected Vehicle Based on Neural Network. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE). :171–176.
In the paper, our research of abnormal bus data analysis of intelligent and connected vehicle aims to detect the abnormal data rapidly and accurately generated by the hackers who send malicious commands to attack vehicles through three patterns, including remote non-contact, short-range non-contact and contact. The research routine is as follows: Take the bus data of 10 different brands of intelligent and connected vehicles through the real vehicle experiments as the research foundation, set up the optimized neural network, collect 1000 sets of the normal bus data of 15 kinds of driving scenarios and the other 300 groups covering the abnormal bus data generated by attacking the three systems which are most common in the intelligent and connected vehicles as the training set. In the end after repeated amendments, with 0.5 seconds per detection, the intrusion detection system has been attained in which for the controlling system the abnormal bus data is detected at the accuracy rate of 96% and the normal data is detected at the accuracy rate of 90%, for the body system the abnormal one is 87% and the normal one is 80%, for the entertainment system the abnormal one is 80% and the normal one is 65%.
Sui, T., Marelli, D., Sun, X., Fu, M..  2019.  Stealthiness of Attacks and Vulnerability of Stochastic Linear Systems. 2019 12th Asian Control Conference (ASCC). :734—739.
The security of Cyber-physical systems has been a hot topic in recent years. There are two main focuses in this area: Firstly, what kind of attacks can avoid detection, i.e., the stealthiness of attacks. Secondly, what kind of systems can stay stable under stealthy attacks, i.e., the invulnerability of systems. In this paper, we will give a detailed characterization for stealthy attacks and detection criterion for such attacks. We will also study conditions for the vulnerability of a stochastic linear system under stealthy attacks.
Zhu, L., Zhang, Z., Xia, G., Jiang, C..  2019.  Research on Vulnerability Ontology Model. 2019 IEEE 8th Joint International Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence Conference (ITAIC). :657–661.
In order to standardize and describe vulnerability information in detail as far as possible and realize knowledge sharing, reuse and extension at the semantic level, a vulnerability ontology is constructed based on the information security public databases such as CVE, CWE and CAPEC and industry public standards like CVSS. By analyzing the relationship between vulnerability class and weakness class, inference rules are defined to realize knowledge inference from vulnerability instance to its consequence and from one vulnerability instance to another vulnerability instance. The experimental results show that this model can analyze the causal and congeneric relationships between vulnerability instances, which is helpful to repair vulnerabilities and predict attacks.
Göktaş, E., Kollenda, B., Koppe, P., Bosman, E., Portokalidis, G., Holz, T., Bos, H., Giuffrida, C..  2018.  Position-Independent Code Reuse: On the Effectiveness of ASLR in the Absence of Information Disclosure. 2018 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS P). :227–242.
Address-space layout randomization is a wellestablished defense against code-reuse attacks. However, it can be completely bypassed by just-in-time code-reuse attacks that rely on information disclosure of code addresses via memory or side-channel exposure. To address this fundamental weakness, much recent research has focused on detecting and mitigating information disclosure. The assumption being that if we perfect such techniques, we will not only maintain layout secrecy but also stop code reuse. In this paper, we demonstrate that an advanced attacker can mount practical code-reuse attacks even in the complete absence of information disclosure. To this end, we present Position-Independent Code-Reuse Attacks, a new class of codereuse attacks relying on the relative rather than absolute location of code gadgets in memory. By means of memory massaging, the attacker first makes the victim program generate a rudimentary ROP payload (for instance, containing code pointers that target instructions "close" to relevant gadgets). Afterwards, the addresses in this payload are patched with small offsets via relative memory writes. To establish the practicality of such attacks, we present multiple Position-Independent ROP exploits against real-world software. After showing that we can bypass ASLR in current systems without requiring information disclosures, we evaluate the impact of our technique on other defenses, such as fine-grained ASLR, multi-variant execution, execute-only memory and re-randomization. We conclude by discussing potential mitigations.
Sultana, K. Z., Williams, B. J., Bosu, A..  2018.  A Comparison of Nano-Patterns vs. Software Metrics in Vulnerability Prediction. 2018 25th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC). :355—364.

Context: Software security is an imperative aspect of software quality. Early detection of vulnerable code during development can better ensure the security of the codebase and minimize testing efforts. Although traditional software metrics are used for early detection of vulnerabilities, they do not clearly address the granularity level of the issue to precisely pinpoint vulnerabilities. The goal of this study is to employ method-level traceable patterns (nano-patterns) in vulnerability prediction and empirically compare their performance with traditional software metrics. The concept of nano-patterns is similar to design patterns, but these constructs can be automatically recognized and extracted from source code. If nano-patterns can better predict vulnerable methods compared to software metrics, they can be used in developing vulnerability prediction models with better accuracy. Aims: This study explores the performance of method-level patterns in vulnerability prediction. We also compare them with method-level software metrics. Method: We studied vulnerabilities reported for two major releases of Apache Tomcat (6 and 7), Apache CXF, and two stand-alone Java web applications. We used three machine learning techniques to predict vulnerabilities using nano-patterns as features. We applied the same techniques using method-level software metrics as features and compared their performance with nano-patterns. Results: We found that nano-patterns show lower false negative rates for classifying vulnerable methods (for Tomcat 6, 21% vs 34.7%) and therefore, have higher recall in predicting vulnerable code than the software metrics used. On the other hand, software metrics show higher precision than nano-patterns (79.4% vs 76.6%). Conclusion: In summary, we suggest developers use nano-patterns as features for vulnerability prediction to augment existing approaches as these code constructs outperform standard metrics in terms of prediction recall.

Payne, Josh, Budhraja, Karan, Kundu, Ashish.  2019.  How Secure Is Your IoT Network? 2019 IEEE International Congress on Internet of Things (ICIOT). :181—188.

The proliferation of IoT devices in smart homes, hospitals, and enterprise networks is wide-spread and continuing to increase in a superlinear manner. The question is: how can one assess the security of an IoT network in a holistic manner? In this paper, we have explored two dimensions of security assessment- using vulnerability information and attack vectors of IoT devices and their underlying components (compositional security scores) and using SIEM logs captured from the communications and operations of such devices in a network (dynamic activity metrics). These measures are used to evaluate the security of IoT devices and the overall IoT network, demonstrating the effectiveness of attack circuits as practical tools for computing security metrics (exploitability, impact, and risk to confidentiality, integrity, and availability) of the network. We decided to approach threat modeling using attack graphs. To that end, we propose the notion of attack circuits, which are generated from input/output pairs constructed from CVEs using NLP, and an attack graph composed of these circuits. Our system provides insight into possible attack paths an adversary may utilize based on their exploitability, impact, or overall risk. We have performed experiments on IoT networks to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed techniques.

Ur-Rehman, Attiq, Gondal, Iqbal, Kamruzzuman, Joarder, Jolfaei, Alireza.  2019.  Vulnerability Modelling for Hybrid IT Systems. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT). :1186—1191.

Common vulnerability scoring system (CVSS) is an industry standard that can assess the vulnerability of nodes in traditional computer systems. The metrics computed by CVSS would determine critical nodes and attack paths. However, traditional IT security models would not fit IoT embedded networks due to distinct nature and unique characteristics of IoT systems. This paper analyses the application of CVSS for IoT embedded systems and proposes an improved vulnerability scoring system based on CVSS v3 framework. The proposed framework, named CVSSIoT, is applied to a realistic IT supply chain system and the results are compared with the actual vulnerabilities from the national vulnerability database. The comparison result validates the proposed model. CVSSIoT is not only effective, simple and capable of vulnerability evaluation for traditional IT system, but also exploits unique characteristics of IoT devices.

Dcruz, Hans John, Kaliaperumal, Baskaran.  2018.  Analysis of Cyber-Physical Security in Electric Smart Grid : Survey and challenges. 2018 6th International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference (IRSEC). :1–6.
With the advancement in technology, inclusion of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the conventional Electrical Power Grid has become evident. The combination of communication system with physical system makes it cyber-physical system (CPS). Though the advantages of this improvement in technology are numerous, there exist certain issues with the system. Security and privacy concerns of a CPS are a major field and research and the insight of which is content of this paper.
Liang, Xiao, Ma, Lixin, An, Ningyu, Jiang, Dongxiao, Li, Chenggang, Chen, Xiaona, Zhao, Lijiao.  2019.  Ontology Based Security Risk Model for Power Terminal Equipment. 2019 12th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Design (ISCID). 2:212–216.
IoT based technology are drastically accelerating the informationization development of the power grid system of China that consists of a huge number of power terminal devices interconnected by the network of electric power IoT. However, the networked power terminal equipment oriented cyberspace security has continually become a challenging problem as network attack is continually varying and evolving. In this paper, we concentrate on the security risk of power terminal equipment and their vulnerability based on ATP attack detection and defense. We first analyze the attack mechanism of APT security attack based on power terminal equipment. Based on the analysis of the security and attack of power IoT terminal device, an ontology-based knowledge representation method of power terminal device and its vulnerability is proposed.
Zhang, Hao, Li, Zhuolin, Shahriar, Hossain, Lo, Dan, Wu, Fan, Qian, Ying.  2019.  Protecting Data in Android External Data Storage. 2019 IEEE 43rd Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC). 1:924–925.
Insecure data storage may open a door to malicious malware to steal users' and system sensitive information. These problems may due to developer negligence or lack of security knowledge. Android developers use various storage methods to store data. However, Attackers have attacked these vulnerable data storage. Although the developers have modified the apps after knowing the vulnerability, the user's personal information has been leaked and caused serious consequences. As a result, instead of patching and fixing the vulnerability, we should conduct proactive control for secure Android data storage. In this paper, we analyzed Android external storage vulnerability and discussed the prevention solutions to prevent sensitive information in external storage from disclosure.
Adetunji, Akinbobola Oluwaseun, Butakov, Sergey, Zavarsky, Pavol.  2018.  Automated Security Configuration Checklist for Apple iOS Devices Using SCAP v1.2. 2018 International Conference on Platform Technology and Service (PlatCon). :1–6.
The security content automation includes configurations of large number of systems, installation of patches securely, verification of security-related configuration settings, compliance with security policies and regulatory requirements, and ability to respond quickly when new threats are discovered [1]. Although humans are important in information security management, humans sometimes introduce errors and inconsistencies in an organization due to manual nature of their tasks [2]. Security Content Automation Protocol was developed by the U.S. NIST to automate information security management tasks such as vulnerability and patch management, and to achieve continuous monitoring of security configurations in an organization. In this paper, SCAP is employed to develop an automated security configuration checklist for use in verifying Apple iOS device configuration against the defined security baseline to enforce policy compliance in an enterprise.
Kipchuk, Feodosiy, Sokolov, Volodymyr, Buriachok, Volodymyr, Kuzmenko, Lidia.  2019.  Investigation of Availability of Wireless Access Points based on Embedded Systems. 2019 IEEE International Scientific-Practical Conference Problems of Infocommunications, Science and Technology (PIC S T). :1–5.
The paper presents the results of load testing of embedded hardware platforms for Internet of Things solutions. Analyzed the available hardware. The operating systems from different manufacturers were consolidated into a single classification, and for the two most popular, load testing was performed by an external and internal wireless network adapter. Developed its own software solution based on the Python programming language. The number of wireless subscribers ranged from 7 to 14. Experimental results will be useful in deploying wireless infrastructure for small commercial and scientific wireless networks.
Ye, Yu, Guo, Jun, Xu, Xunjian, Li, Qinpu, Liu, Hong, Di, Yuelun.  2019.  High-risk Problem of Penetration Testing of Power Grid Rainstorm Disaster Artificial Intelligence Prediction System and Its Countermeasures. 2019 IEEE 3rd Conference on Energy Internet and Energy System Integration (EI2). :2675–2680.
System penetration testing is an important measure of discovering information system security issues. This paper summarizes and analyzes the high-risk problems found in the penetration testing of the artificial storm prediction system for power grid storm disasters from four aspects: application security, middleware security, host security and network security. In particular, in order to overcome the blindness of PGRDAIPS current SQL injection penetration test, this paper proposes a SQL blind bug based on improved second-order fragmentation reorganization. By modeling the SQL injection attack behavior and comparing the SQL injection vulnerability test in PGRDAIPS, this method can effectively reduce the blindness of SQL injection penetration test and improve its accuracy. With the prevalence of ubiquitous power internet of things, the electric power information system security defense work has to be taken seriously. This paper can not only guide the design, development and maintenance of disaster prediction information systems, but also provide security for the Energy Internet disaster safety and power meteorological service technology support.
Sarrab, Mohamed, Alnaeli, Saleh M..  2018.  Critical Aspects Pertaining Security of IoT Application Level Software Systems. 2018 IEEE 9th Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (IEMCON). :960–964.
With the prevalence of Internet of Things (IoT) devices and systems, touching almost every single aspect of our modern life, one core factor that will determine whether this technology will succeed, and gain people trust, or fail is security. This technology aimed to facilitate and improve the quality of our life; however, it is hysterical and fast growth makes it an attractive and prime target for a whole variety of hackers posing a significant risk to our technology and IT infrastructures at both enterprise and individual levels. This paper discusses and identifies some critical aspects from software security perspective that need to be addressed and considered when designing IoT applications. This paper mainly concerned with potential security issues of the applications running on IoT devices including insecure interfaces, insecure software, constrained application protocol and middleware security. This effort is part of a funded research project that investigates internet of things (IoT) security and privacy issues related to architecture, connectivity and data collection.
Ha, Dinh Truc, Retière, Nicolas, Caputo, Jean-Guy.  2019.  A New Metric to Quantify the Vulnerability of Power Grids. 2019 International Conference on System Science and Engineering (ICSSE). :206—213.
Major blackouts are due to cascading failures in power systems. These failures usually occur at vulnerable links of the network. To identify these, indicators have already been defined using complex network theory. However, most of these indicators only depend on the topology of the grid; they fail to detect the weak links. We introduce a new metric to identify the vulnerable lines, based on the load-flow equations and the grid geometry. Contrary to the topological indicators, ours is built from the electrical equations and considers the location and magnitude of the loads and of the power generators. We apply this new metric to the IEEE 118-bus system and compare its prediction of weak links to the ones given by an industrial software. The agreement is very well and shows that using our indicator a simple examination of the network and its generator and load distribution suffices to find the weak lines.
Gorbenko, Anatoliy, Romanovsky, Alexander, Tarasyuk, Olga, Biloborodov, Oleksandr.  2020.  From Analyzing Operating System Vulnerabilities to Designing Multiversion Intrusion-Tolerant Architectures. IEEE Transactions on Reliability. 69:22—39.

This paper analyzes security problems of modern computer systems caused by vulnerabilities in their operating systems (OSs). Our scrutiny of widely used enterprise OSs focuses on their vulnerabilities by examining the statistical data available on how vulnerabilities in these systems are disclosed and eliminated, and by assessing their criticality. This is done by using statistics from both the National Vulnerabilities Database and the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures System. The specific technical areas the paper covers are the quantitative assessment of forever-day vulnerabilities, estimation of days-of-grey-risk, the analysis of the vulnerabilities severity and their distributions by attack vector and impact on security properties. In addition, the study aims to explore those vulnerabilities that have been found across a diverse range of OSs. This leads us to analyzing how different intrusion-tolerant architectures deploying the OS diversity impact availability, integrity, and confidentiality.

Tejendra, D.S., Varunkumar, C.R., Sriram, S.L., Sumathy, V., Thejeshwari, C.K..  2019.  A Novel Approach to reduce Vulnerability on Router by Zero vulnerability Encrypted password in Router (ZERO) Mechanism. 2019 3rd International Conference on Computing and Communications Technologies (ICCCT). :163–167.
As technology is developing exponentially and the world is moving towards automation, the resources have to be transferred through the internet which requires routers to connect networks and forward bundles (information). Due to the vulnerability of routers the data and resources have been hacked. The vulnerability of routers is due to minimum authentication to the network shared, some technical attacks on routers, leaking of passwords to others, single passwords. Based on the study, the solution is to maximize authentication of the router by embedding an application that monitors the user entry based on MAC address of the device, the password is frequently changed and that encrypted password is sent to a user and notifies the admin about the changes. Thus, these routers provide high-level security to the forward data through the internet.