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Saha, Akashdeep, Chatterjee, Urbi, Mukhopadhyay, Debdeep, Chakraborty, Rajat Subhra.  2022.  DIP Learning on CAS-Lock: Using Distinguishing Input Patterns for Attacking Logic Locking. 2022 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE). :688–693.
The globalization of the integrated circuit (IC) manufacturing industry has lured the adversary to come up with numerous malicious activities in the IC supply chain. Logic locking has risen to prominence as a proactive defense strategy against such threats. CAS-Lock (proposed in CHES'20), is an advanced logic locking technique that harnesses the concept of single-point function in providing SAT-attack resiliency. It is claimed to be powerful and efficient enough in mitigating existing state-of-the-art attacks against logic locking techniques. Despite the security robustness of CAS-Lock as claimed by the authors, we expose a serious vulnerability and by exploiting the same we devise a novel attack algorithm against CAS-Lock. The proposed attack can not only reveal the correct key but also the exact AND/OR structure of the implemented CAS-Lock design along with all the key gates utilized in both the blocks of CAS-Lock. It simply relies on the externally observable Distinguishing Input Patterns (DIPs) pertaining to a carefully chosen key simulation of the locked design without the requirement of structural analysis of any kind of the locked netlist. Our attack is successful against various AND/OR cascaded-chain configurations of CAS-Lock and reports 100% success rate in recovering the correct key. It has an attack complexity of \$\textbackslashmathcalO(m)\$, where \$m\$ denotes the number of DIPs obtained for an incorrect key simulation.
ISSN: 1558-1101
Purdy, Ruben, Duvalsaint, Danielle, Blanton, R. D. Shawn.  2022.  Security Metrics for Logic Circuits. 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST). :53—56.
Any type of engineered design requires metrics for trading off both desirable and undesirable properties. For integrated circuits, typical properties include circuit size, performance, power, etc., where for example, performance is a desirable property and power consumption is not. Security metrics, on the other hand, are extremely difficult to develop because there are active adversaries that intend to compromise the protected circuitry. This implies metric values may not be static quantities, but instead are measures that degrade depending on attack effectiveness. In order to deal with this dynamic aspect of a security metric, a general attack model is proposed that enables the effectiveness of various security approaches to be directly compared in the context of an attack. Here, we describe, define and demonstrate that the metrics presented are both meaningful and measurable.
Alrahis, Lilas, Patnaik, Satwik, Khalid, Faiq, Hanif, Muhammad Abdullah, Saleh, Hani, Shafique, Muhammad, Sinanoglu, Ozgur.  2021.  GNNUnlock: Graph Neural Networks-based Oracle-less Unlocking Scheme for Provably Secure Logic Locking. 2021 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE). :780–785.
Logic locking is a holistic design-for-trust technique that aims to protect the design intellectual property (IP) from untrustworthy entities throughout the supply chain. Functional and structural analysis-based attacks successfully circumvent state-of-the-art, provably secure logic locking (PSLL) techniques. However, such attacks are not holistic and target specific implementations of PSLL. Automating the detection and subsequent removal of protection logic added by PSLL while accounting for all possible variations is an open research problem. In this paper, we propose GNNUnlock, the first-of-its-kind oracle-less machine learning-based attack on PSLL that can identify any desired protection logic without focusing on a specific syntactic topology. The key is to leverage a well-trained graph neural network (GNN) to identify all the gates in a given locked netlist that belong to the targeted protection logic, without requiring an oracle. This approach fits perfectly with the targeted problem since a circuit is a graph with an inherent structure and the protection logic is a sub-graph of nodes (gates) with specific and common characteristics. GNNs are powerful in capturing the nodes' neighborhood properties, facilitating the detection of the protection logic. To rectify any misclassifications induced by the GNN, we additionally propose a connectivity analysis-based post-processing algorithm to successfully remove the predicted protection logic, thereby retrieving the original design. Our extensive experimental evaluation demonstrates that GNNUnlock is 99.24% - 100% successful in breaking various benchmarks locked using stripped-functionality logic locking [1], tenacious and traceless logic locking [2], and Anti-SAT [3]. Our proposed post-processing enhances the detection accuracy, reaching 100% for all of our tested locked benchmarks. Analysis of the results corroborates that GNNUnlock is powerful enough to break the considered schemes under different parameters, synthesis settings, and technology nodes. The evaluation further shows that GNNUnlock successfully breaks corner cases where even the most advanced state-of-the-art attacks [4], [5] fail. We also open source our attack framework [6].
Li, Leon, Ni, Shuyi, Orailoglu, Alex.  2021.  JANUS: Boosting Logic Obfuscation Scope Through Reconfigurable FSM Synthesis. 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST). :292—303.
Logic obfuscation has been proposed as a counter-measure against supply chain threats such as overproduction and IP piracy. However, the functional corruption it offers can be exploited by oracle-guided pruning attacks to recover the obfuscation key, forcing existing logic obfuscation methods to trivialize their output corruption which in turn leads to a diminished protection scope. In this paper, we address this quandary through an FSM obfuscation methodology that delivers obfuscation scope not only through external secrets but more importantly through inherent state transition patterns. We leverage a minimum-cut graph partitioning algorithm to divide the FSM diagram and implement the resulting partitions with distinct FF configurations, enabled by a novel synthesis methodology supporting reconfigurable FFs. The obfuscated FSM can be activated by invoking key values to dynamically switch the FF configuration at a small number of inter-partition transitions. Yet, the overall obfuscation scope comprises far more intra-partition transitions which are driven solely by the inherent transition sequences and thus reveal no key trace. We validate the security of the proposed obfuscation method against numerous functional and structural attacks. Experimental results confirm its delivery of extensive obfuscation scope at marginal overheads.
Shanmukha Naga Naidu, P., Naga Sumanth, B., Sri Ram Koduri, Pavan, Sri Ram Teja, M., Remadevi Somanathan, Geethu, Bhakthavatchalu, Ramesh.  2021.  Secured Test Pattern Generators for BIST. 2021 5th International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC). :542—546.
With the development in IC technology, testing the designs is becoming more and more complex. In the design, process testing consumes 60-80% of the time. The basic testing principle is providing the circuit under test (CUT) with input patterns, observing output responses, and comparing against the desired response called the golden response. As the density of the device are rising leads to difficulty in examining the sub-circuit of the chip. So, testing of design is becoming a time-consuming and costly process. Attaching additional logic to the circuit resolves the issue by testing itself. BIST is a relatively a design for testability technique to facilitate thorough testing of ICs and it comprises the test pattern generator, circuit under test, and output response analyzer. Quick diagnosis and very high fault coverage can be ensured by BIST. As complexity in the circuit is increasing, testing urges TPGs (Test Pattern Generators) to generate the test patterns for the CUT to sensitize the faults. TPGs are vulnerable to malicious activities such as scan-based side-channel attacks. Secret data saved on the chip can be extracted by an attacker by scanning out the test outcomes. These threats lead to the emergence of securing TPGs. This work demonstrates providing a secured test pattern generator for BIST circuits by locking the logic of TPG with a password or key generated by the key generation circuit. Only when the key is provided test patterns are generated. This provides versatile protection to TPG from malicious attacks such as scan-based side-channel attacks, Intellectual Property (IP) privacy, and IC overproduction.
Rahman, M Sazadur, Li, Henian, Guo, Rui, Rahman, Fahim, Farahmandi, Farimah, Tehranipoor, Mark.  2021.  LL-ATPG: Logic-Locking Aware Test Using Valet Keys in an Untrusted Environment. 2021 IEEE International Test Conference (ITC). :180—189.
The ever-increasing cost and complexity of cutting-edge manufacturing and test processes have migrated the semiconductor industry towards a globalized business model. With many untrusted entities involved in the supply chain located across the globe, original intellectual property (IP) owners face threats such as IP theft/piracy, tampering, counterfeiting, reverse engineering, and overproduction. Logic locking has emerged as a promising solution to protect integrated circuits (ICs) against supply chain vulnerabilities. It inserts key gates to corrupt circuit functionality for incorrect key inputs. A logic-locked chip test can be performed either before or after chip activation (becoming unlocked) by loading the unlocking key into the on-chip tamperproof memory. However, both pre-activation and post-activation tests suffer from lower test coverage, higher test cost, and critical security vulnerabilities. To address the shortcomings, we propose LL-ATPG, a logic-locking aware test method that applies a set of valet (dummy) keys based on a target test coverage to perform manufacturing test in an untrusted environment. LL-ATPG achieves high test coverage and minimizes test time overhead when testing the logic-locked chip before activation without sharing the unlocking key. We perform security analysis of LL-ATPG and experimentally demonstrate that sharing the valet keys with the untrusted foundry does not create additional vulnerability for the underlying locking method.
Nguyen, Quang-Linh, Flottes, Marie-Lise, Dupuis, Sophie, Rouzeyre, Bruno.  2021.  On Preventing SAT Attack with Decoy Key-Inputs. 2021 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI). :114–119.

The globalized supply chain in the semiconductor industry raises several security concerns such as IC overproduction, intellectual property piracy and design tampering. Logic locking has emerged as a Design-for-Trust countermeasure to address these issues. Original logic locking proposals provide a high degree of output corruption – i.e., errors on circuit outputs – unless it is unlocked with the correct key. This is a prerequisite for making a manufactured circuit unusable without the designer’s intervention. Since the introduction of SAT-based attacks – highly efficient attacks for retrieving the correct key from an oracle and the corresponding locked design – resulting design-based countermeasures have compromised output corruption for the benefit of better resilience against such attacks. Our proposed logic locking scheme, referred to as SKG-Lock, aims to thwart SAT-based attacks while maintaining significant output corruption. The proposed provable SAT-resilience scheme is based on the novel concept of decoy key-inputs. Compared with recent related works, SKG-Lock provides higher output corruption, while having high resistance to evaluated attacks.

Duvalsaint, Danielle, Blanton, R. D. Shawn.  2021.  Characterizing Corruptibility of Logic Locks using ATPG. 2021 IEEE International Test Conference (ITC). :213–222.

The outsourcing of portions of the integrated circuit design chain, mainly fabrication, to untrusted parties has led to an increasing concern regarding the security of fabricated ICs. To mitigate these concerns a number of approaches have been developed, including logic locking. The development of different logic locking methods has influenced research looking at different security evaluations, typically aimed at uncovering a secret key. In this paper, we make the case that corruptibility for incorrect keys is an important metric of logic locking. To measure corruptibility for circuits too large to exhaustively simulate, we describe an ATPG-based method to measure the corruptibility of incorrect keys. Results from applying the method to various circuits demonstrate that this method is effective at measuring the corruptibility for different locks.

Chowdhury, Subhajit Dutta, Zhang, Gengyu, Hu, Yinghua, Nuzzo, Pierluigi.  2021.  Enhancing SAT-Attack Resiliency and Cost-Effectiveness of Reconfigurable-Logic-Based Circuit Obfuscation. 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS). :1–5.
Logic locking is a well-explored defense mechanism against various types of hardware security attacks. Recent approaches to logic locking replace portions of a circuit with reconfigurable blocks such as look-up tables (LUTs) and switch boxes (SBs) to primarily achieve logic and routing obfuscation, respectively. However, these techniques may incur significant design overhead, and methods that can mitigate the implementation cost for a given security level are desirable. In this paper, we address this challenge by proposing an algorithm for deciding the location and inputs of the LUTs in LUT-based obfuscation to enhance security and reduce design overhead. We then introduce a locking method that combines LUTs with SBs to further robustify LUT-based obfuscation, largely independently of the specific LUT locations. We illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approaches on a set of ISCAS benchmark circuits.
Farahmandi, Farimah, Sinanoglu, Ozgur, Blanton, Ronald, Pagliarini, Samuel.  2020.  Design Obfuscation versus Test. 2020 IEEE European Test Symposium (ETS). :1–10.
The current state of the integrated circuit (IC) ecosystem is that only a handful of foundries are at the forefront, continuously pushing the state of the art in transistor miniaturization. Establishing and maintaining a FinFET-capable foundry is a billion dollar endeavor. This scenario dictates that many companies and governments have to develop their systems and products by relying on 3rd party IC fabrication. The major caveat within this practice is that the procured silicon cannot be blindly trusted: a malicious foundry can effectively modify the layout of the IC, reverse engineer its IPs, and overproduce the entire chip. The Hardware Security community has proposed many countermeasures to these threats. Notably, obfuscation has gained a lot of traction - here, the intent is to hide the functionality from the untrusted foundry such that the aforementioned threats are hindered or mitigated. In this paper, we summarize the research efforts of three independent research groups towards achieving trustworthy ICs, even when fabricated in untrusted offshore foundries. We extensively address the use of logic locking and its many variants, as well as the use of high-level synthesis (HLS) as an obfuscation approach of its own.
Jain, Ayush, Rahman, M Tanjidur, Guin, Ujjwal.  2020.  ATPG-Guided Fault Injection Attacks on Logic Locking. 2020 IEEE Physical Assurance and Inspection of Electronics (PAINE). :1–6.
Logic Locking is a well-accepted protection technique to enable trust in the outsourced design and fabrication processes of integrated circuits (ICs) where the original design is modified by incorporating additional key gates in the netlist, resulting in a key-dependent functional circuit. The original functionality of the chip is recovered once it is programmed with the secret key, otherwise, it produces incorrect results for some input patterns. Over the past decade, different attacks have been proposed to break logic locking, simultaneously motivating researchers to develop more secure countermeasures. In this paper, we propose a novel stuck-at fault-based differential fault analysis (DFA) attack, which can be used to break logic locking that relies on a stored secret key. This proposed attack is based on self-referencing, where the secret key is determined by injecting faults in the key lines and comparing the response with its fault-free counterpart. A commercial ATPG tool can be used to generate test patterns that detect these faults, which will be used in DFA to determine the secret key. One test pattern is sufficient to determine one key bit, which results in at most \textbackslashtextbarK\textbackslashtextbar test patterns to determine the entire secret key of size \textbackslashtextbarK\textbackslashtextbar. The proposed attack is generic and can be extended to break any logic locked circuits.
Potluri, Seetal, Aysu, Aydin, Kumar, Akash.  2020.  SeqL: Secure Scan-Locking for IP Protection. 2020 21st International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED). :7—13.
Existing logic-locking attacks are known to successfully decrypt functionally correct key of a locked combinational circuit. It is possible to extend these attacks to real-world Silicon-based Intellectual Properties (IPs, which are sequential circuits) through scan-chains by selectively initializing the combinational logic and analyzing the responses. In this paper, we propose SeqL, which achieves functional isolation and locks selective flip-flop functional-input/scan-output pairs, thus rendering the decrypted key functionally incorrect. We conduct a formal study of the scan-locking problem and demonstrate automating our proposed defense on any given IP. We show that SeqL hides functionally correct keys from the attacker, thereby increasing the likelihood of the decrypted key being functionally incorrect. When tested on pipelined combinational benchmarks (ISCAS, MCNC), sequential benchmarks (ITC) and a fully-fledged RISC-V CPU, SeqL gave 100% resilience to a broad range of state-of-the-art attacks including SAT [1], Double-DIP [2], HackTest [3], SMT [4], FALL [5], Shift-and-Leak [6] and Multi-cycle attacks [7].
Ganji, F., Amir, S., Tajik, S., Forte, D., Seifert, J.-P..  2020.  Pitfalls in Machine Learning-based Adversary Modeling for Hardware Systems. 2020 Design, Automation Test in Europe Conference Exhibition (DATE). :514—519.

The concept of the adversary model has been widely applied in the context of cryptography. When designing a cryptographic scheme or protocol, the adversary model plays a crucial role in the formalization of the capabilities and limitations of potential attackers. These models further enable the designer to verify the security of the scheme or protocol under investigation. Although being well established for conventional cryptanalysis attacks, adversary models associated with attackers enjoying the advantages of machine learning techniques have not yet been developed thoroughly. In particular, when it comes to composed hardware, often being security-critical, the lack of such models has become increasingly noticeable in the face of advanced, machine learning-enabled attacks. This paper aims at exploring the adversary models from the machine learning perspective. In this regard, we provide examples of machine learning-based attacks against hardware primitives, e.g., obfuscation schemes and hardware root-of-trust, claimed to be infeasible. We demonstrate that this assumption becomes however invalid as inaccurate adversary models have been considered in the literature.

Islam, S. A., Sah, L. K., Katkoori, S..  2019.  DLockout: A Design Lockout Technique for Key Obfuscated RTL IP Designs. 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (iSES) (Formerly iNiS). :17–20.
Intellectual Property (IP) infringement including piracy and overproduction have emerged as significant threats in the semiconductor supply chain. Key-based obfuscation techniques (i.e., logic locking) are widely applied to secure legacy IP from such attacks. However, the fundamental question remains open whether an attacker is allowed an exponential amount of time to seek correct key or could it be useful to lock out the design in a non-destructive manner after several incorrect attempts. In this paper, we address this question with a robust design lockout technique. Specifically, we perform comparisons on obfuscation logic output that reflects the condition (correct or incorrect) of the applied key without changing the system behavior. The proposed approach, when combined with key obfuscation (logic locking) technique, increases the difficulty of reverse engineering key obfuscated RTL module. We provide security evaluation of DLockout against three common side-channel attacks followed by a quantitative assessment of the resilience. We conducted a set of experiments on four datapath intensive IPs and one crypto core for three different key lengths (32-, 64-, and 128-bit) under the typical design corner. On average, DLockout incurs negligible area, power, and delay overheads.
Mobaraki, S., Amirkhani, A., Atani, R. E..  2018.  A Novel PUF based Logic Encryption Technique to Prevent SAT Attacks and Trojan Insertion. 2018 9th International Symposium on Telecommunications (IST). :507–513.
The manufacturing of integrated circuits (IC) outside of the design houses makes it possible for the adversary to easily perform a reverse engineering attack against intellectual property (IP)/IC. The aim of this attack can be the IP piracy, overproduction, counterfeiting or inserting hardware Trojan (HT) throughout the supply chain of the IC. Preventing hardware Trojan insertion is a significant issue in the context of hardware security (HS) and has not been considered in most of the previous logic encryption methods. To eliminate this problem, in this paper an Anti-Trojan insertion algorithm is presented. The idea is based on the fact that reducing the signals with low-observability (LO) and low-controllability (LC) can prevent HT insertion significantly. The security of logic encryption methods depends on the algorithm and the encryption key. However, the security of these methods has been compromised by SAT attacks over recent years. SAT attacks, can decode the correct key from most logic encryption techniques. In this article, by using the PUF-based encryption, the applied key in the encryption is randomized and SAT attack cannot be performed. Based on the output of PUF, a unique encryption has been made for each chip that preventing from counterfeiting and IP piracy.
Sengupta, A., Ashraf, M., Nabeel, M., Sinanoglu, O..  2018.  Customized Locking of IP Blocks on a Multi-Million-Gate SoC. 2018 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD). :1–7.
Reliance on off-site untrusted fabrication facilities has given rise to several threats such as intellectual property (IP) piracy, overbuilding and hardware Trojans. Logic locking is a promising defense technique against such malicious activities that is effected at the silicon layer. Over the past decade, several logic locking defenses and attacks have been presented, thereby, enhancing the state-of-the-art. Nevertheless, there has been little research aiming to demonstrate the applicability of logic locking with large-scale multi-million-gate industrial designs consisting of multiple IP blocks with different security requirements. In this work, we take on this challenge to successfully lock a multi-million-gate system-on-chip (SoC) provided by DARPA by taking it all the way to GDSII layout. We analyze how specific features, constraints, and security requirements of an IP block can be leveraged to lock its functionality in the most appropriate way. We show that the blocks of an SoC can be locked in a customized manner at 0.5%, 15.3%, and 1.5% chip-level overhead in power, performance, and area, respectively.
Limaye, Nimisha, Sengupta, Abhrajit, Nabeel, Mohammed, Sinanoglu, Ozgur.  2019.  Is Robust Design-for-Security Robust Enough? Attack on Locked Circuits with Restricted Scan Chain Access 2019 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD). :1–8.
The security of logic locking has been called into question by various attacks, especially a Boolean satisfiability (SAT) based attack, that exploits scan access in a working chip. Among other techniques, a robust design-for-security (DFS) architecture was presented to restrict any unauthorized scan access, thereby, thwarting the SAT attack (or any other attack that relies on scan access). Nevertheless, in this work, we successfully break this technique by recovering the secret key despite the lack of scan access. Our security analysis on a few benchmark circuits protected by the robust DFS architecture demonstrates the effectiveness of our attack; on average 95% of the key bits are correctly recovered, and almost 100% in most cases. To overcome this and other prevailing attacks, we propose a defense by making fundamental changes to the robust DFS technique; the new defense can withstand all logic locking attacks. We observe, on average, lower area overhead ( 1.65%) than the robust DFS design ( 5.15%), and similar test coverage ( 99.88%).
Shamsi, Kaveh, Pan, David Z., Jin, Yier.  2019.  On the Impossibility of Approximation-Resilient Circuit Locking. 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST). :161–170.

Logic locking, and Integrated Circuit (IC) Camouflaging, are techniques that try to hide the design of an IC from a malicious foundry or end-user by introducing ambiguity into the netlist of the circuit. While over the past decade an array of such techniques have been proposed, their security has been constantly challenged by algorithmic attacks. This may in part be due to a lack of formally defined notions of security in the first place, and hence a lack of security guarantees based on long-standing hardness assumptions. In this paper we take a formal approach. We define the problem of circuit locking (cL) as transforming an original circuit to a locked one which is ``unintelligable'' without a secret key (this can model camouflaging and split-manufacturing in addition to logic locking). We define several notions of security for cL under different adversary models. Using long standing results from computational learning theory we show the impossibility of exponentially approximation-resilient locking in the presence of an oracle for large classes of Boolean circuits. We then show how exact-recovery-resiliency and a more relaxed notion of security that we coin ``best-possible'' approximation-resiliency can be provably guaranteed with polynomial overhead. Our theoretical analysis directly results in stronger attacks and defenses which we demonstrate through experimental results on benchmark circuits.

Juretus, Kyle, Savidis, Ioannis.  2019.  Increasing the SAT Attack Resiliency of In-Cone Logic Locking. 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS). :1–5.

A method to increase the resiliency of in-cone logic locking against the SAT attack is described in this paper. Current logic locking techniques provide protection through the addition of circuitry outside of the original logic cone. While the additional circuitry provides provable security against the SAT attack, other attacks, such as the removal attack, limit the efficacy of such techniques. Traditional in-cone logic locking is not prone to removal attacks, but is less secure against the SAT attack. The focus of this paper is, therefore, the analysis of in-cone logic locking to increase the security against the SAT attack, which provides a comparison between in-cone techniques and newly developed methodologies. A novel algorithm is developed that utilizes maximum fanout free cones (MFFC). The application of the algorithm limits the fanout of incorrect key information. The MFFC based algorithm resulted in an average increase of 61.8% in the minimum number of iterations required to complete the SAT attack across 1,000 different variable orderings of the circuit netlist while restricted to a 5% overhead in area.

Nejat, Arash, Kazemi, Zahra, Beroulle, Vincent, Hely, David, Fazeli, Mahdi.  2019.  Restricting Switching Activity Using Logic Locking to Improve Power Analysis-Based Trojan Detection. 2019 IEEE 4th International Verification and Security Workshop (IVSW). :49–54.

Nowadays due to economic reasons most of the semiconductor companies prefer to outsource the manufacturing part of their designs to third fabrication foundries, the so-called fabs. Untrustworthy fabs can extract circuit blocks, the called intellectual properties (IPs), from the layouts and then pirate them. Such fabs are suspected of hardware Trojan (HT) threat in which malicious circuits are added to the layouts for sabotage objectives. HTs lead up to increase power consumption in HT-infected circuits. However, due to process variations, the power of HTs including few gates in million-gate circuits is not detectable in power consumption analysis (PCA). Thus, such circuits should be considered as a collection of small sub-circuits, and PCA must be individually performed for each one of them. In this article, we introduce an approach facilitating PCA-based HT detection methods. Concerning this approach, we propose a new logic locking method and algorithm. Logic locking methods and algorithm are usually employed against IP piracy. They modify circuits such that they do not correctly work without applying a correct key to. Our experiments at the gate level and post-synthesis show that the proposed locking method and algorithm increase the proportion of HT activity and consequently HT power to circuit power.

Tsai, I-Chun, Zhong, Yi, Liu, Fang-Ru, Feng, Jianhua.  2019.  A Novel Security Assessment Method Based on Linear Regression for Logic Locking. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Electron Devices and Solid-State Circuits (EDSSC). :1–3.
This paper presents a novel logic locking security assessment method based on linear regression, by means of modeling between the distribution probabilities of key-inputs and observable outputs. The algorithm reveals a weakness of the encrypted circuit since the assessment can revoke the key-inputs within several iterations. The experiment result shows that the proposed assessment can be applied to varies of encrypted combinational benchmark circuits, which exceeds 85% of correctness after revoking the encrypted key-inputs.
Shamsi, Kaveh, Li, Meng, Plaks, Kenneth, Fazzari, Saverio, Pan, David Z., Jin, Yier.  2019.  IP Protection and Supply Chain Security through Logic Obfuscation: A Systematic Overview. ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (TODAES). 24:65:1-65:36.

The globalization of the semiconductor supply chain introduces ever-increasing security and privacy risks. Two major concerns are IP theft through reverse engineering and malicious modification of the design. The latter concern in part relies on successful reverse engineering of the design as well. IC camouflaging and logic locking are two of the techniques under research that can thwart reverse engineering by end-users or foundries. However, developing low overhead locking/camouflaging schemes that can resist the ever-evolving state-of-the-art attacks has been a challenge for several years. This article provides a comprehensive review of the state of the art with respect to locking/camouflaging techniques. We start by defining a systematic threat model for these techniques and discuss how various real-world scenarios relate to each threat model. We then discuss the evolution of generic algorithmic attacks under each threat model eventually leading to the strongest existing attacks. The article then systematizes defences and along the way discusses attacks that are more specific to certain kinds of locking/camouflaging. The article then concludes by discussing open problems and future directions.

Jayasankaran, Nithyashankari Gummidipoondi, Borbon, Adriana Sanabria, Sanchez-Sinencio, Edgar, Hu, Jiang, Rajendran, Jeyavijayan.  2018.  Towards Provably-secure Analog and Mixed-signal Locking Against Overproduction. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer-Aided Design. :7:1–7:8.

Similar to digital circuits, analog and mixed-signal (AMS) circuits are also susceptible to supply-chain attacks such as piracy, overproduction, and Trojan insertion. However, unlike digital circuits, supply-chain security of AMS circuits is less explored. In this work, we propose to perform "logic locking" on digital section of the AMS circuits. The idea is to make the analog design intentionally suffer from the effects of process variations, which impede the operation of the circuit. Only on applying the correct key, the effect of process variations are mitigated, and the analog circuit performs as desired. We provide the theoretical guarantees of the security of the circuit, and along with simulation results for the band-pass filter, low-noise amplifier, and low-dropout regulator, we also show experimental results of our technique on a band-pass filter.

Shamsi, Kaveh, Li, Meng, Pan, David Z., Jin, Yier.  2018.  Cross-Lock: Dense Layout-Level Interconnect Locking Using Cross-Bar Architectures. Proceedings of the 2018 on Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI. :147-152.

Logic locking is an attractive defense against a series of hardware security threats. However, oracle guided attacks based on advanced Boolean reasoning engines such as SAT, ATPG and model-checking have made it difficult to securely lock chips with low overhead. While the majority of existing locking schemes focus on gate-level locking, in this paper we present a layout-inclusive interconnect locking scheme based on cross-bars of metal-to-metal programmable-via devices. We demonstrate how this enables configuring a large obfuscation key with a small number of physical key wires contributing to zero to little substrate area overhead. Dense interconnect locking based on these circuit level primitives shows orders of magnitude better SAT attack resiliency compared to an XOR/XNOR gate-insertion locking with the same key length which has a much higher overhead.

Shamsi, Kaveh, Li, Meng, Meade, Travis, Zhao, Zheng, Pan, David Z., Jin, Yier.  2017.  Circuit Obfuscation and Oracle-guided Attacks: Who Can Prevail? Proceedings of the on Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2017. :357–362.
This paper provides a systematization of knowledge in the domain of integrated circuit protection through obfuscation with a focus on the recent Boolean satisfiability (SAT) attacks. The study systematically combines real-world IC reverse engineering reports, experimental results using the most recent oracle-guided attacks, and concepts in machine-learning and cryptography to draw a map of the state-of-the-art of IC obfuscation and future challenges and opportunities.