In multi-proxy multi-signature schemes, an original group of signers can authorize another group of proxy signers under the agreement of all singers both in the original group and proxy group. The paper proposes a new multi-proxy multi-signature based on elliptic curve cryptography. This new scheme is secure against the insider attack that is a powerful attack on the multi-signature schemes.
This paper proposes a context-aware, graph-based approach for identifying anomalous user activities via user profile analysis, which obtains a group of users maximally similar among themselves as well as to the query during test time. The main challenges for the anomaly detection task are: (1) rare occurrences of anomalies making it difficult for exhaustive identification with reasonable false-alarm rate, and (2) continuously evolving new context-dependent anomaly types making it difficult to synthesize the activities apriori. Our proposed query-adaptive graph-based optimization approach, solvable using maximum flow algorithm, is designed to fully utilize both mutual similarities among the user models and their respective similarities with the query to shortlist the user profiles for a more reliable aggregated detection. Each user activity is represented using inputs from several multi-modal resources, which helps to localize anomalies from time-dependent data efficiently. Experiments on public datasets of insider threats and gesture recognition show impressive results.
An important topic in cybersecurity is validating Active Indicators (AI), which are stimuli that can be implemented in systems to trigger responses from individuals who might or might not be Insider Threats (ITs). The way in which a person responds to the AI is being validated for identifying a potential threat and a non-threat. In order to execute this validation process, it is important to create a paradigm that allows manipulation of AIs for measuring response. The scenarios are posed in a manner that require participants to be situationally aware that they are being monitored and have to act deceptively. In particular, manipulations in the environment should no differences between conditions relative to immersion and ease of use, but the narrative should be the driving force behind non-deceptive and IT responses. The success of the narrative and the simulation environment to induce such behaviors is determined by immersion, usability, and stress response questionnaires, and performance. Initial results of the feasibility to use a narrative reliant upon situation awareness of monitoring and evasion are discussed.
This publication presents some techniques for insider threats and cryptographic protocols in secure processes. Those processes are dedicated to the information management of strategic data splitting. Strategic data splitting is dedicated to enterprise management processes as well as methods of securely storing and managing this type of data. Because usually strategic data are not enough secure and resistant for unauthorized leakage, we propose a new protocol that allows to protect data in different management structures. The presented data splitting techniques will concern cryptographic information splitting algorithms, as well as data sharing algorithms making use of cognitive data analysis techniques. The insider threats techniques will concern data reconstruction methods and cognitive data analysis techniques. Systems for the semantic analysis and secure information management will be used to conceal strategic information about the condition of the enterprise. Using the new approach, which is based on cognitive systems allow to guarantee the secure features and make the management processes more efficient.
Insider threats can cause immense damage to organizations of different types, including government, corporate, and non-profit organizations. Being an insider, however, does not necessarily equate to being a threat. Effectively identifying valid threats, and assessing the type of threat an insider presents, remain difficult challenges. In this work, we propose a novel breakdown of eight insider threat types, identified by using three insider traits: predictability, susceptibility, and awareness. In addition to presenting this framework for insider threat types, we implement a computational model to demonstrate the viability of our framework with synthetic scenarios devised after reviewing real world insider threat case studies. The results yield useful insights into how further investigation might proceed to reveal how best to gauge predictability, susceptibility, and awareness, and precisely how they relate to the eight insider types.
Organizations are experiencing an ever-growing concern of how to identify and defend against insider threats. Those who have authorized access to sensitive organizational data are placed in a position of power that could well be abused and could cause significant damage to an organization. This could range from financial theft and intellectual property theft to the destruction of property and business reputation. Traditional intrusion detection systems are neither designed nor capable of identifying those who act maliciously within an organization. In this paper, we describe an automated system that is capable of detecting insider threats within an organization. We define a tree-structure profiling approach that incorporates the details of activities conducted by each user and each job role and then use this to obtain a consistent representation of features that provide a rich description of the user's behavior. Deviation can be assessed based on the amount of variance that each user exhibits across multiple attributes, compared against their peers. We have performed experimentation using ten synthetic data-driven scenarios and found that the system can identify anomalous behavior that may be indicative of a potential threat. We also show how our detection system can be combined with visual analytics tools to support further investigation by an analyst.
Existing access control mechanisms are based on the concept of identity enrolment and recognition and assume that recognized identity is a synonym to ethical actions, yet statistics over the years show that the most severe security breaches are the results of trusted, identified, and legitimate users who turned into malicious insiders. Insider threat damages vary from intellectual property loss and fraud to information technology sabotage. As insider threat incidents evolve, there exist demands for a nonidentity-based authentication measure that rejects access to authorized individuals who have mal-intents of access. In this paper, we study the possibility of using the user's intention as an access control measure using the involuntary electroencephalogram reactions toward visual stimuli. We propose intent-based access control (IBAC) that detects the intentions of access based on the existence of knowledge about an intention. IBAC takes advantage of the robustness of the concealed information test to assess access risk. We use the intent and intent motivation level to compute the access risk. Based on the calculated risk and risk accepted threshold, the system makes the decision whether to grant or deny access requests. We assessed the model using experiments on 30 participants that proved the robustness of the proposed solution.
As increasingly more enterprises are deploying cloud file-sharing services, this adds a new channel for potential insider threats to company data and IPs. In this paper, we introduce a two-stage machine learning system to detect anomalies. In the first stage, we project the access logs of cloud file-sharing services onto relationship graphs and use three complementary graph-based unsupervised learning methods: OddBall, PageRank and Local Outlier Factor (LOF) to generate outlier indicators. In the second stage, we ensemble the outlier indicators and introduce the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) method, and propose a procedure to use wavelet coefficients with the Haar wavelet function to identify outliers for insider threat. The proposed system has been deployed in a real business environment, and demonstrated effectiveness by selected case studies.
While most organizations continue to invest in traditional network defences, a formidable security challenge has been brewing within their own boundaries. Malicious insiders with privileged access in the guise of a trusted source have carried out many attacks causing far reaching damage to financial stability, national security and brand reputation for both public and private sector organizations. Growing exposure and impact of the whistleblower community and concerns about job security with changing organizational dynamics has further aggravated this situation. The unpredictability of malicious attackers, as well as the complexity of malicious actions, necessitates the careful analysis of network, system and user parameters correlated with insider threat problem. Thus it creates a high dimensional, heterogeneous data analysis problem in isolating suspicious users. This research work proposes an insider threat detection framework, which utilizes the attributed graph clustering techniques and outlier ranking mechanism for enterprise users. Empirical results also confirm the effectiveness of the method by achieving the best area under curve value of 0.7648 for the receiver operating characteristic curve.
The survey of related works on insider information security (IS) threats is presented. Special attention is paid to works that consider the insiders' behavioral models as it is very up-to-date for behavioral intrusion detection. Three key research directions are defined: 1) the problem analysis in general, including the development of taxonomy for insiders, attacks and countermeasures; 2) study of a specific IS threat with forecasting model development; 3) early detection of a potential insider. The models for the second and third directions are analyzed in detail. Among the second group the works on three IS threats are examined, namely insider espionage, cyber sabotage and unintentional internal IS violation. Discussion and a few directions for the future research conclude the paper.
Insider threat is a significant security risk for information system, and detection of insider threat is a major concern for information system organizers. Recently existing work mainly focused on the single pattern analysis of user single-domain behavior, which were not suitable for user behavior pattern analysis in multi-domain scenarios. However, the fusion of multi-domain irrelevant features may hide the existence of anomalies. Previous feature learning methods have relatively a large proportion of information loss in feature extraction. Therefore, this paper proposes a hybrid model based on the deep belief network (DBN) to detect insider threat. First, an unsupervised DBN is used to extract hidden features from the multi-domain feature extracted by the audit logs. Secondly, a One-Class SVM (OCSVM) is trained from the features learned by the DBN. The experimental results on the CERT dataset demonstrate that the DBN can be used to identify the insider threat events and it provides a new idea to feature processing for the insider threat detection.
The complexity, multiplicity, and impact of cyber-attacks have been increasing at an alarming rate despite the significant research and development investment in cyber security products and tools. The current techniques to detect and protect cyber infrastructures from these smart and sophisticated attacks are mainly characterized as being ad hoc, manual intensive, and too slow. We present in this paper AIM-PSC that is developed jointly by researchers at AVIRTEK and The University of Arizona Center for Cloud and Autonomic Computing that is inspired by biological systems, which can efficiently handle complexity, dynamism and uncertainty. In AIM-PSC system, an online monitoring and multi-level analysis are used to analyze the anomalous behaviors of networks, software systems and applications. By combining the results of different types of analysis using a statistical decision fusion approach we can accurately detect any types of cyber-attacks with high detection and low false alarm rates and proactively respond with corrective actions to mitigate their impacts and stop their propagation.
Due to the trend of under-ocean exploration, realtime monitoring or long-term surveillance of the under-ocean environment, e.g., real-time monitoring for under-ocean oil drilling, is imperative. Underwater wireless sensor networks could provide an optimal option, and have recently attracted intensive attention from researchers. Nevertheless, terrestrial wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have been well investigated and solved by many approaches that rely on the electromagnetic/optical transmission techniques. Deploying an applicable underwater wireless sensor network is still a big challenge. Due to critical conditions of the underwater environment (e.g., high pressure, high salinity, limited energy etc), the cost of the underwater sensor is significant. The dense sensor deployment is not applicable in the underwater condition. Therefore, Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) becomes an alternative option for implementing underwater surveillance and target detection. In this article, we present a framework to theoretically analyze the target detection probability in the underwater environment by using AUVs. The experimental results further verify our theoretical results.
Most of the social media platforms generate a massive amount of raw data that is slow-paced. On the other hand, Internet Relay Chat (IRC) protocol, which has been extensively used by hacker community to discuss and share their knowledge, facilitates fast-paced and real-time text communications. Previous studies of malicious IRC behavior analysis were mostly either offline or batch processing. This results in a long response time for data collection, pre-processing, and threat detection. However, since the threats can use the latest vulnerabilities to exploit systems (e.g. zero-day attack) and which can spread fast using IRC channels. Current IRC channel monitoring techniques cannot provide the required fast detection and alerting. In this paper, we present an alternative approach to overcome this limitation by providing real-time and autonomic threat detection in IRC channels. We demonstrate the capabilities of our approach using as an example the shadow brokers' leak exploit (the exploit leveraged by WannaCry ransomware attack) that was captured and detected by our framework.
A cyber-attack detection system issues alerts when an attacker attempts to coerce a trusted software application to perform unsafe actions on the attacker's behalf. One way of issuing such alerts is to create an application-agnostic cyber- attack detection system that responds to prevalent software vulnerabilities. The creation of such an autonomic alert system, however, is impeded by the disparity between implementation language, function, quality-of-service (QoS) requirements, and architectural patterns present in applications, all of which contribute to the rapidly changing threat landscape presented by modern heterogeneous software systems. This paper evaluates the feasibility of creating an autonomic cyber-attack detection system and applying it to several exemplar web-based applications using program transformation and machine learning techniques. Specifically, we examine whether it is possible to detect cyber-attacks (1) online, i.e., as they occur using lightweight structures derived from a call graph and (2) offline, i.e., using machine learning techniques trained with features extracted from a trace of application execution. In both cases, we first characterize normal application behavior using supervised training with the test suites created for an application as part of the software development process. We then intentionally perturb our test applications so they are vulnerable to common attack vectors and then evaluate the effectiveness of various feature extraction and learning strategies on the perturbed applications. Our results show that both lightweight on-line models based on control flow of execution path and application specific off-line models can successfully and efficiently detect in-process cyber-attacks against web applications.
The Internet of Things (IoT) will connect not only computers and mobile devices, but it will also interconnect smart buildings, houses, and cities, as well as electrical grids, gas plants, and water networks, automobiles, airplanes, etc. IoT will lead to the development of a wide range of advanced information services that are pervasive, cost-effective, and can be accessed from anywhere and at any time. However, due to the exponential number of interconnected devices, cyber-security in the IoT is a major challenge. It heavily relies on the digital identity concept to build security mechanisms such as authentication and authorization. Current centralized identity management systems are built around third party identity providers, which raise privacy concerns and present a single point of failure. In addition, IoT unconventional characteristics such as scalability, heterogeneity and mobility require new identity management systems to operate in distributed and trustless environments, and uniquely identify a particular device based on its intrinsic digital properties and its relation to its human owner. In order to deal with these challenges, we present a Blockchain-based Identity Framework for IoT (BIFIT). We show how to apply our BIFIT to IoT smart homes to achieve identity self-management by end users. In the context of smart home, the framework autonomously extracts appliances signatures and creates blockchain-based identifies for their appliance owners. It also correlates appliances signatures (low level identities) and owners identifies in order to use them in authentication credentials and to make sure that any IoT entity is behaving normally.
As the use of wireless technologies increases significantly due to ease of deployment, cost-effectiveness and the increase in bandwidth, there is a critical need to make the wireless communications secure, and resilient to attacks or faults (malicious or natural). Wireless communications are inherently prone to cyberattacks due to the open access to the medium. While current wireless protocols have addressed the privacy issues, they have failed to provide effective solutions against denial of service attacks, session hijacking and jamming attacks. In this paper, we present a resilient wireless communication architecture based on Moving Target Defense, and Software Defined Radios (SDRs). The approach achieves its resilient operations by randomly changing the runtime characteristics of the wireless communications channels between different wireless nodes to make it extremely difficult to succeed in launching attacks. The runtime characteristics that can be changed include packet size, network address, modulation type, and the operating frequency of the channel. In addition, the lifespan for each configuration will be random. To reduce the overhead in switching between two consecutive configurations, we use two radio channels that are selected at random from a finite set of potential channels, one will be designated as an active channel while the second acts as a standby channel. This will harden the wireless communications attacks because the attackers have no clue on what channels are currently being used to exploit existing vulnerability and launch an attack. The experimental results and evaluation show that our approach can tolerate a wide range of attacks (Jamming, DOS and session attacks) against wireless networks.
To overcome the current cybersecurity challenges of protecting our cyberspace and applications, we present an innovative cloud-based architecture to offer resilient Dynamic Data Driven Application Systems (DDDAS) as a cloud service that we refer to as resilient DDDAS as a Service (rDaaS). This architecture integrates Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and DDDAS paradigms to offer the next generation of resilient and agile DDDAS-based cyber applications, particularly convenient for critical applications such as Battle and Crisis Management applications. Using the cloud infrastructure to offer resilient DDDAS routines and applications, large scale DDDAS applications can be developed by users from anywhere and by using any device (mobile or stationary) with the Internet connectivity. The rDaaS provides transformative capabilities to achieve superior situation awareness (i.e., assessment, visualization, and understanding), mission planning and execution, and resilient operations.
The Internet of Things (IoT) connects not only computers and mobile devices, but it also interconnects smart buildings, homes, and cities, as well as electrical grids, gas, and water networks, automobiles, airplanes, etc. However, IoT applications introduce grand security challenges due to the increase in the attack surface. Current security approaches do not handle cybersecurity from a holistic point of view; hence a systematic cybersecurity mechanism needs to be adopted when designing IoTbased applications. In this work, we present a risk management framework to deploy secure IoT-based applications for Smart Infrastructures at the design time and the runtime. At the design time, we propose a risk management method that is appropriate for smart infrastructures. At the design time, our framework relies on the Anomaly Behavior Analysis (ABA) methodology enabled by the Autonomic Computing paradigm and an intrusion detection system to detect any threat that can compromise IoT infrastructures by. Our preliminary experimental results show that our framework can be used to detect threats and protect IoT premises and services.
Today's control systems such as smart environments have the ability to adapt to their environment in order to achieve a set of objectives (e.g., comfort, security and energy savings). This is done by changing their behaviour upon the occurrence of specific events. Building such a system requires to design and implement autonomic loops that collect events and measurements, make decisions and execute the corresponding actions.The design and the implementation of such loops are made difficult by several factors: the complexity of systems with multiple objectives, the risk of conflicting decisions between multiple loops, the inconsistencies that can result from communication errors and hardware failures and the heterogeneity of the devices.In this paper, we propose a design framework for reliable and self-adaptive systems, where multiple autonomic loops can be composed into complex managers, and we consider its application to smart environments. We build upon the proposed framework a generic autonomic loop which combines an automata-based controller that makes correct and coherent decisions, a transactional execution mechanism that avoids inconsistencies, and an abstraction layer that hides the heterogeneity of the devices.We propose patterns for composition of such loops, in parallel, coordinated, and hierarchically, with benefits from the leveraging of automata-based modular constructs, that provides for guarantees on the correct behaviour of the controlled system. We implement our framework with the transactional middleware LINC, the reactive language Heptagon/BZR and the abstraction framework PUTUTU. A case study in the field of building automation is presented to illustrate the proposed framework.
In this paper, we present AnomalyDetect, an approach for detecting anomalies in cloud services. A cloud service consists of a set of interacting applications/processes running on one or more interconnected virtual machines. AnomalyDetect uses the Kalman Filter as the basis for predicting the states of virtual machines running cloud services. It uses the cloud service's virtual machine historical data to forecast potential anomalies. AnomalyDetect has been integrated with the AutoMigrate framework and serves as the means for detecting anomalies to automatically trigger live migration of cloud services to preserve their availability. AutoMigrate is a framework for developing intelligent systems that can monitor and migrate cloud services to maximize their availability in case of cloud disruption. We conducted a number of experiments to analyze the performance of the proposed AnomalyDetect approach. The experimental results highlight the feasibility of AnomalyDetect as an approach to autonomic cloud availability.
National assets such as transportation networks, large manufacturing, business and health facilities, power generation, and distribution networks are critical infrastructures. The cyber threats to these infrastructures have increasingly become more sophisticated, extensive and numerous. Cyber security conventional measures have proved useful in the past but increasing sophistication of attacks dictates the need for newer measures. The autonomic computing paradigm mimics the autonomic nervous system and is promising to meet the latest challenges in the cyber threat landscape. This paper provides a brief review of autonomic computing applications for SCADA systems and proposes architecture for cyber security.
This paper is based on the previous research that selects the proper surrogate nodes for fast recovery mechanism in industrial IoT (Internet of Things) Environment which uses a variety of sensors to collect the data and exchange the collected data in real-time for creating added value. We are going to suggest the way that how to decide the number of surrogate node automatically in different deployed industrial IoT Environment so that minimize the system recovery time when the central server likes IoT gateway is in failure. We are going to use the network simulator to measure the recovery time depending on the number of the selected surrogate nodes according to the sub-devices which are connected to the IoT gateway.
Network systems, such as transportation systems and water supply systems, play important roles in our daily life and industrial production. However, a variety of disruptive events occur during their life time, causing a series of serious losses. Due to the inevitability of disruption, we should not only focus on improving the reliability or the resistance of the system, but also pay attention to the ability of the system to response timely and recover rapidly from disruptive events. That is to say we need to pay more attention to the resilience. In this paper, we describe two resilience models, quotient resilience and integral resilience, to measure the final recovered performance and the performance cumulative process during recovery respectively. Based on these two models, we implement the optimization of the system recovery strategies after disruption, focusing on the repair sequence of the damaged components and the allocation scheme of resource. The proposed research in this paper can serve as guidance to prioritize repair tasks and allocate resource reasonably.