The exponential growth in the number of mobile devices, combined with the rapid demand for wireless services, has steadily stressed the wireless spectrum, calling for new techniques to improve spectrum utilization. A geo-location database has been proposed as a viable solution for wireless users to determine spectrum availability in cognitive radio networks. The protocol used by secondary users (SU) to request spectral availability for a specific location, time and duration, may reveal confidential information about these users. In this paper, we focus on SUs' location privacy in database-enabled wireless networks and propose a framework to address this threat. The basic tenet of the framework is obfuscation, whereby channel requests for valid locations are interwoven with requests for fake locations. Traffic redirection is also used to deliberately confuse potential query monitors from inferring users' location information. Within this framework, we propose two privacy-preserving schemes. The Master Device Enabled Location Privacy Preserving scheme utilizes trusted master devices to prevent leaking information of SUs' locations to attackers. The Crowd Sourced Location Privacy Preserving scheme builds a guided tour of randomly selected volunteers to deliver users channel availability queries and ensure location privacy. Security analysis and computational and communication overhead of these schemes are discussed.
Reliable detection of intrusion is the basis of safety in cognitive radio networks (CRNs). So far, few scholars applied intrusion detection systems (IDSs) to combat intrusion against CRNs. In order to improve the performance of intrusion detection in CRNs, a distributed intrusion detection scheme has been proposed. In this paper, a method base on Dempster-Shafer's (D-S) evidence theory to detect intrusion in CRNs is put forward, in which the detection data and credibility of different local IDS Agent is combined by D-S in the cooperative detection center, so that different local detection decisions are taken into consideration in the final decision. The effectiveness of the proposed scheme is verified by simulation, and the results reflect a noticeable performance improvement between the proposed scheme and the traditional method.
Primary user emulation (PUE) attack is one of the main threats affecting cognitive radio (CR) networks. The PUE can forge the same signal as the real primary user (PU) in order to use the licensed channel and cause deny of service (DoS). Therefore, it is important to locate the position of the PUE in order to stop and avoid any further attack. Several techniques have been proposed for localization, including the received signal strength indication RSSI, Triangulation, and Physical Network Layer Coding. However, the area surrounding the real PU is always affected by uncertainty. This uncertainty can be described as a lost (cost) function and conditional probability to be taken into consideration while proclaiming if a PU/PUE is the real PU or not. In this paper, we proposed a combination of a Bayesian model and trilateration technique. In the first part a trilateration technique is used to have a good approximation of the PUE position making use of the RSSI between the anchor nodes and the PU/PUE. In the second part, a Bayesian decision theory is used to claim the legitimacy of the PU based on the lost function and the conditional probability to help to determine the existence of the PUE attacker in the uncertainty area.
Recently, some papers that apply a multi-armed bandit algorithm for channel selection in a cognitive radio system have been reported. In those papers, channel selection based on Upper Confidence Bound (UCB) algorithm has been proposed. However, in those selection, secondary users are not allowed to transmit data over same channels at the same time. Moreover, they do not take security of wireless communication into account. In this paper, we propose secure channel selection methods based on UCB algorithm, taking secrecy capacity into account. In our model, secondary users can share same channel by using transmit time control or transmit power control. Our proposed methods lead to be secure against an eavesdropper compared to conventional channel selections based on only estimated channel availability. By computer simulation, we evaluate average system secrecy capacity. As a result, we show that our proposed channel selections improve average system secrecy capacity compared to conventional channel selection.
Cognitive radio networks (CRNs) have a great potential in supporting time-critical data delivery among the Internet of Things (IoT) devices and for emerging applications such as smart cities. However, the unique characteristics of different technologies and shared radio operating environment can significantly impact network availability. Hence, in this paper, we study the channel assignment problem in time-critical IoT-based CRNs under proactive jamming attacks. Specifically, we propose a probabilistic spectrum assignment algorithm that aims at minimizing the packet invalidity ratio of each cognitive radio (CR) transmission subject to delay constrains. We exploit the statistical information of licensed users' activities, fading conditions, and jamming attacks over idle channels. Simulation results indicate that network performance can be significantly improved by using a security- availability- and quality-aware channel assignment that provides communicating CR pair with the most secured channel of the lowest invalidity ratio.
Cognitive radio networks (CRNs) enable secondary users (SU) to make use of licensed spectrum without interfering with the signal generated by primary users (PUs). To avoid such interference, the SU is required to sense the medium for a period of time and eventually use it only if the band is perceived to be idle. In this context, the encryption process is carried out for the SU requests prior to their transmission whilst the strength of the security in CRNs is directly proportional to the length of the encryption key. If a request of a PU on arrival finds an SU request being either encrypted or transmitted, then the SU is preempted from service. However, excessive sensing time for the detection of free spectrum by SUs as well as extended periods of the CRN being at an insecure state have an adverse impact on network performance. To this end, a generalized stochastic Petri net (GSPN) is proposed in order to investigate sensing vs. security vs. performance trade-offs, leading to an efficient use of the spectrum band. Typical numerical simulation experiments are carried out, based on the application of the Mobius Petri Net Package and associated interpretations are made.
Cognitive radio network (CRN) is regarded as an emerging technology for better spectrum efficiency where unlicensed secondary users (SUs) sense RF spectrum to find idle channels and access them opportunistically without causing any harmful interference to licensed primary users (PUs). However, RF spectrum sensing and sharing along with reconfigurable capabilities of SUs bring severe security vulnerabilities in the network. In this paper, we analyze physical-layer security (secrecy rates) of SUs in CRN in the presence of eavesdroppers, jammers and PU emulators (PUEs) where SUs compete not only with jammers and eavesdroppers who are trying to reduce SU's secrecy rates but also against PUEs who are trying to compel the SUs from their current channel by imitating the behavior of PUs. In addition, a legitimate SU competes with other SUs with a sharing attitude for dynamic spectrum access to gain a high secrecy rate, however, the malicious users (i.e., attackers) attempt to abuse the channels egotistically. The main contribution of this work is the design of a game theoretic approach to maximize utilities (that is proportional to secrecy rates) of SUs in the presence of eavesdroppers, jammers and PUEs. Furthermore, SUs use signal energy and cyclostationary feature detection along with location verification technique to detect PUEs. As the proposed approach is generic and considers different attackers, it can be particularized to a situation with eavesdroppers only, jammers only or PUEs only while evaluating physical-layer security of SUs in CRN. We evaluate the performance of the proposed approach using results obtained from simulations. The results show that the proposed approach outperforms other existing methods.
This paper investigates physical layer security of non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) in cognitive radio (CR) networks. The techniques of NOMA and CR have improved the spectrum efficiency greatly in the traditional networks. Because of the difference in principles of spectrum improving, NOMA and CR can be combined together, i.e. CR NOMA network, and have great potential to improving the spectrum efficiency. However the physical layer security in CR NOMA network is different from any single network of NOMA or CR. We will study the physical layer security in underlay CR NOMA network. Firstly, the wiretap network model is constructed according to the technical characteristics of NOMA and CR. In addition, new exact and asymptotic expressions of the security outage probability are derived and been confirmed by simulation. Ultimately, we have studied the effect of some critical factors on security outage probability after simulation.
The focus of this paper is to propose an integration between Internet of Things (IoT) and Video Surveillance, with the aim to satisfy the requirements of the future needs of Video Surveillance, and to accomplish a better use. IoT is a new technology in the sector of telecommunications. It is a network that contains physical objects, items, and devices, which are embedded with sensors and software, thus enabling the objects, and allowing for their data exchange. Video Surveillance systems collect and exchange the data which has been recorded by sensors and cameras and send it through the network. This paper proposes an innovative topology paradigm which could offer a better use of IoT technology in Video Surveillance systems. Furthermore, the contribution of these technologies provided by Internet of Things features in dealing with the basic types of Video Surveillance technology with the aim to improve their use and to have a better transmission of video data through the network. Additionally, there is a comparison between our proposed topology and relevant proposed topologies focusing on the security issue.
There are billions of Internet of things (IoT) devices connecting to the Internet and the number is increasing. As a still ongoing technology, IoT can be used in different fields, such as agriculture, healthcare, manufacturing, energy, retailing and logistics. IoT has been changing our world and the way we live and think. However, IoT has no uniform architecture and there are different kinds of attacks on the different layers of IoT, such as unauthorized access to tags, tag cloning, sybil attack, sinkhole attack, denial of service attack, malicious code injection, and man in middle attack. IoT devices are more vulnerable to attacks because it is simple and some security measures can not be implemented. We analyze the privacy and security challenges in the IoT and survey on the corresponding solutions to enhance the security of IoT architecture and protocol. We should focus more on the security and privacy on IoT and help to promote the development of IoT.
Internet of things (IOT) is a kind of advanced information technology which has drawn societies' attention. Sensors and stimulators are usually recognized as smart devices of our environment. Simultaneously IOT security brings up new issues. Internet connection and possibility of interaction with smart devices cause those devices to involve more in human life. Therefore, safety is a fundamental requirement in designing IOT. IOT has three remarkable features: overall perception, reliable transmission and intelligent processing. Because of IOT span, security of conveying data is an essential factor for system security. Hybrid encryption technique is a new model that can be used in IOT. This type of encryption generates strong security and low computation. In this paper, we have proposed a hybrid encryption algorithm which has been conducted in order to reduce safety risks and enhancing encryption's speed and less computational complexity. The purpose of this hybrid algorithm is information integrity, confidentiality, non-repudiation in data exchange for IOT. Eventually suggested encryption algorithm has been simulated by MATLAB software and its speed and safety efficiency were evaluated in comparison with conventional encryption algorithm.
The Internet of Things (IoT) has become ubiquitous in our daily life as billions of devices are connected through the Internet infrastructure. However, the rapid increase of IoT devices brings many non-traditional challenges for system design and implementation. In this paper, we focus on the hardware security vulnerabilities and ultra-low power design requirement of IoT devices. We briefly survey the existing design methods to address these issues. Then we propose an approximate computing based information hiding approach that provides security with low power. We demonstrate that this security primitive can be applied for security applications such as digital watermarking, fingerprinting, device authentication, and lightweight encryption.
Over the last years, the number of rather simple interconnected devices in nonindustrial scenarios (e.g., for home automation) has steadily increased. For ease of use, the overall system security is often neglected. Before the Internet of Things (IoT) reaches the same distribution rate and impact in industrial applications, where security is crucial for success, solutions that combine usability, scalability, and security are required. We develop such a security system, mainly targeting sensor modules equipped with Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) tags which we leverage to increase the security level. More specifically, we consider a network based on Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT) which is a widely adopted protocol for the IoT.
Security Evaluation and Management (SEM) is considerably important process to protect the Embedded System (ES) from various kinds of security's exploits. In general, SEM's processes have some challenges, which limited its efficiency. Some of these challenges are system-based challenges like the hetero-geneity among system's components and system's size. Some other challenges are expert-based challenges like mis-evaluation possibility and experts non-continuous availability. Many of these challenges were addressed by the Multi Metric (MM) framework, which depends on experts' or subjective evaluation for basic evaluations. Despite of its productivity, subjective evaluation has some drawbacks (e.g. expert misevaluation) foster the need for considering objective evaluations in the MM framework. In addition, the MM framework is system centric framework, thus, by modelling complex and huge system using the MM framework a guide is needed indicating changes toward desirable security's requirements. This paper proposes extensions for the MM framework consider the usage of objective evaluations and work as guide for needed changes to satisfy desirable security requirements.
The survey of related work in the very specialized field of information security (IS) ensurance for the Internet of Things (IoT) allowed us to work out a taxonomy of typical attacks against the IoT elements (with special attention to the IoT device protection). The key directions of countering these attacks were defined on this basis. According to the modern demand for the IoT big IS-related data processing, the application of Security Intelligence approach is proposed. The main direction of the future research, namely the IoT operational resilience, is indicated.
Smart IoT applications require connecting multiple IoT devices and networks with multiple services running in fog and cloud computing platforms. One approach to connecting IoT devices with cloud and fog services is to create a federated virtual network. The main benefit of this approach is that IoT devices can then interact with multiple remote services using an application specific federated network where no traffic from other applications passes. This federated network spans multiple cloud platforms and IoT networks but it can be managed as a single entity. From the point of view of security, federated virtual networks can be managed centrally and be secured with a coherent global network security policy. This does not mean that the same security policy applies everywhere, but that the different security policies are specified in a single coherent security policy. In this paper we propose to extend a federated cloud networking security architecture so that it can secure IoT devices and networks. The federated network is extended to the edge of IoT networks by integrating a federation agent in an IoT gateway or network controller (Can bus, 6LowPan, Lora, ...). This allows communication between the federated cloud network and the IoT network. The security architecture is based on the concepts of network function virtualisation (NFV) and service function chaining (SFC) for composing security services. The IoT network and devices can then be protected by security virtual network functions (VNF) running at the edge of the IoT network.
Internet of Things (IoT) depicts an intelligent future, where any IoT-based devices having a sensorial and computing capabilities to interact with each other. Recently, we are living in the area of internet and rapidly moving towards a smart planet where devices are capable to be connected to each other. Cooperative ad-hoc vehicle systems are the main driving force for the actualization of IoT-based concept. Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANET) is considered as a promising platform for the intelligent wireless communication system. This paper presents and analyzes the tradeoffs between the security and reliability of the IoT-based VANET system in the presence of eavesdropping attacks using smart vehicle relays based on opportunistic relay selection (ORS) scheme. Then, the optimization of the distance between the source (S), destination (D), and Eavesdropper (E) is illustrated in details, showing the effect of this parameter on the IoT-based network. In order to improve the SRT, we quantify the attainable SRT improvement with variable distances between IoT-based nodes. It is shown that given the maximum tolerable Intercept Probability (IP), the Outage Probability (OP) of our proposed model approaches zero for Ge → ∞, where Ge is distance ratio between S — E via the vehicle relay (R).
Link quality protocols employ link quality estimators to collect statistics on the wireless link either independently or cooperatively among the sensor nodes. Furthermore, link quality routing protocols for wireless sensor networks may modify an estimator to meet their needs. Link quality estimators are vulnerable against malicious attacks that can exploit them. A malicious node may share false information with its neighboring sensor nodes to affect the computations of their estimation. Consequently, malicious node may behave maliciously such that its neighbors gather incorrect statistics about their wireless links. This paper aims to detect malicious nodes that manipulate the link quality estimator of the routing protocol. In order to accomplish this task, MINTROUTE and CTP routing protocols are selected and updated with intrusion detection schemes (IDSs) for further investigations with other factors. It is proved that these two routing protocols under scrutiny possess inherent susceptibilities, that are capable of interrupting the link quality calculations. Malicious nodes that abuse such vulnerabilities can be registered through operational detection mechanisms. The overall performance of the new LQR protocol with IDSs features is experimented, validated and represented via the detection rates and false alarm rates.
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) represent a fundamental link between information technology (IT) systems and the devices that control industrial production and maintain critical infrastructure services that support our modern world. Increasingly, the interconnections among CPS and IT systems have created exploitable security vulnerabilities due to a number of factors, including a legacy of weak information security applications on CPS and the tendency of CPS operators to prioritize operational availability at the expense of integrity and confidentiality. As a result, CPS are subject to a number of threats from cyber attackers and cyber-physical attackers, including denial of service and even attacks against the integrity of the data in the system. The effects of these attacks extend beyond mere loss of data or the inability to access information system services. Attacks against CPS can cause physical damage in the real world. This paper reviews the challenges of providing information assurance services for CPS that operate critical infrastructure systems and industrial control systems. These methods are thorough measures to close integrity and confidentiality gaps in CPS and processes to highlight the security risks that remain. This paper also outlines approaches to reduce the overhead and complexity for security methods, as well as examine novel approaches, including covert communications channels, to increase CPS security.
Software-defined networking is considered a promising new paradigm, enabling more reliable and formally verifiable communication networks. However, this paper shows that the separation of the control plane from the data plane, which lies at the heart of Software-Defined Networks (SDNs), introduces a new vulnerability which we call teleportation. An attacker (e.g., a malicious switch in the data plane or a host connected to the network) can use teleportation to transmit information via the control plane and bypass critical network functions in the data plane (e.g., a firewall), and to violate security policies as well as logical and even physical separations. This paper characterizes the design space for teleportation attacks theoretically, and then identifies four different teleportation techniques. We demonstrate and discuss how these techniques can be exploited for different attacks (e.g., exfiltrating confidential data at high rates), and also initiate the discussion of possible countermeasures. Generally, and given today's trend toward more intent-based networking, we believe that our findings are relevant beyond the use cases considered in this paper.
Traffic normalization, i.e. enforcing a constant stream of fixed-length packets, is a well-known measure to completely prevent attacks based on traffic analysis. In simple configurations, the enforced traffic rate can be statically configured by a human operator, but in large virtual private networks (VPNs) the traffic pattern of many connections may need to be adjusted whenever the overlay topology or the transport capacity of the underlying infrastructure changes. We propose a rate-based congestion control mechanism for automatic adjustment of traffic patterns that does not leak any information about the actual communication. Overly strong rate throttling in response to packet loss is avoided, as the control mechanism does not change the sending rate immediately when a packet loss was detected. Instead, an estimate of the current packet loss rate is obtained and the sending rate is adjusted proportionally. We evaluate our control scheme based on a measurement study in a local network testbed. The results indicate that the proposed approach avoids network congestion, enables protected TCP flows to achieve an increased goodput, and yet ensures appropriate traffic flow confidentiality.
This paper focuses on one type of Covert Storage Channel (CSC) that uses the 6-bit TCP flag header in TCP/IP network packets to transmit secret messages between accomplices. We use relative entropy to characterize the irregularity of network flows in comparison to normal traffic. A normal profile is created by the frequency distribution of TCP flags in regular traffic packets. In detection, the TCP flag frequency distribution of network traffic is computed for each unique IP pair. In order to evaluate the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed method, this study uses real regular traffic data sets as well as CSC messages using coding schemes under assumptions of both clear text, composed by a list of keywords common in Unix systems, and encrypted text. Moreover, smart accomplices may use only those TCP flags that are ever appearing in normal traffic. Then, in detection, the relative entropy can reveal the dissimilarity of a different frequency distribution from this normal profile. We have also used different data processing methods in detection: one method summarizes all the packets for a pair of IP addresses into one flow and the other uses a sliding moving window over such a flow to generate multiple frames of packets. The experimentation results, displayed by Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves, have shown that the method is promising to differentiate normal and CSC traffic packet streams. Furthermore the delay of raising an alert is analyzed for CSC messages to show its efficiency.
We consider the problem of covert communication over a state-dependent channel, where the transmitter has non-causal knowledge of the channel states. Here, “covert” means that the probability that a warden on the channel can detect the communication must be small. In contrast with traditional models without noncausal channel-state information at the transmitter, we show that covert communication can be possible with positive rate. We derive closed-form formulas for the maximum achievable covert communication rate (“covert capacity”) in this setting for discrete memoryless channels as well as additive white Gaussian noise channels. We also derive lower bounds on the rate of the secret key that is needed for the transmitter and the receiver to achieve the covert capacity.
The keys generated by (symmetric or asymmetric) have been still compromised by attackers. Cryptography algorithms need extra efforts to enhance the security of keys that are transferring between parities. Also, using cryptography algorithms increase time consumption and overhead cost through communication. Encryption is very important issue for protecting information from stealing. Unfortunately encryption can achieve confidentiality not integrity. Covert channel allows two parties to indirectly send information, where the main drawbacks of covert channel are detectability and the security of pre-agreement knowledge. In this paper, i merge between encryption, authentication and convert channel to achieve un-detectability covert channel. This channel guarantee integrity and confidentiality of covert data and sending data dynamically. I propose and implement un-detectability a covert channel using AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) algorithm and HMAC (Hashed Message Authentication Code). Where this channel is un-detectability with integrity and confidentiality agreement process between the sender and the receiver. Instead of sending fake key directly through channel, encryption and HMAC function used to hide fake key. After that investigations techniques for improving un-detectability of channel is proposed.