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Xuan, Liang, Zhang, Chunfei, Tian, Siyuan, Guan, Tianmin, Lei, Lei.  2022.  Integrated Design and Verification of Locomotive Traction Gearbox Based on Finite Element Analysis. 2022 13th International Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (ICMAE). :174–183.
This paper use the method of finite element analysis, and comparing and analyzing the split box and the integrated box from two aspects of modal analysis and static analysis. It is concluded that the integrated box has the characteristics of excellent vibration characteristics and high strength tolerance; At the same time, according to the S-N curve of the material and the load spectrum of the box, the fatigue life of the integrated box is 26.24 years by using the fatigue analysis software Fe-safe, which meets the service life requirements; The reliability analysis module PDS is used to calculate the reliability of the box, and the reliability of the integrated box is 96.5999%, which meets the performance requirements.
Jiang, Xiping, Wang, Qian, Du, Mingming, Ding, Yilin, Hao, Jian, Li, Ying, Liu, Qingsong.  2022.  Research on GIS Isolating Switch Mechanical Fault Diagnosis based on Cross-Validation Parameter Optimization Support Vector Machine. 2022 IEEE International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Applications (ICHVE). :1—4.
GIS equipment is an important component of power system, and mechanical failure often occurs in the process of equipment operation. In order to realize GIS equipment mechanical fault intelligent detection, this paper presents a mechanical fault diagnosis model for GIS equipment based on cross-validation parameter optimization support vector machine (CV-SVM). Firstly, vibration experiment of isolating switch was carried out based on true 110 kV GIS vibration simulation experiment platform. Vibration signals were sampled under three conditions: normal, plum finger angle change fault, plum finger abrasion fault. Then, the c and G parameters of SVM are optimized by cross validation method and grid search method. A CV-SVM model for mechanical fault diagnosis was established. Finally, training and verification are carried out by using the training set and test set models in different states. The results show that the optimization of cross-validation parameters can effectively improve the accuracy of SVM classification model. It can realize the accurate identification of GIS equipment mechanical fault. This method has higher diagnostic efficiency and performance stability than traditional machine learning. This study can provide reference for on-line monitoring and intelligent fault diagnosis analysis of GIS equipment mechanical vibration.
Leiko, Oleksandr, Derepa, Anatolii, Pozdniakova, Olha, Kocharian, Oksana.  2022.  On the Influence of the Acoustic Interaction of Cylindrical Piezoceramic Radiators in Planar Systems on their Physical Fields. 2022 IEEE 41st International Conference on Electronics and Nanotechnology (ELNANO). :617—622.
Recently, in solving problems of sound radiation by systems of piezoceramic radiators, new approaches have emerged, which make it possible to significantly approximate the design parameters of systems to the actually measured ones. These approaches are associated with taking into account the specific features of these systems performing two functions - the function of converting electrical energy into acoustic energy and the function of forming the latter in the surrounding space. The peculiarity of the first function is the interconnection of the electric, mechanical and acoustic fields during energy conversion. The peculiarity of the second function is the interaction of the radiators in the system during the formation of its acoustic field. The aim of the work is to study the effect of acoustic interaction of cylindrical piezoceramic radiators in the composition of flat systems on their physical fields. Using the method of coupled fields in multiply connected domains, using the addition theorems for cylindrical wave functions, we obtain analytical relations that allow one to calculate the numerical results for the parameters of three interconnected physical fields that ensure the emission of sound by plane systems. Their analysis showed that with the radial symmetry of electrical excitation of cylindrical radiators, the conversion of electrical energy into mechanical energy is carried out on one - zero mode of oscillation. The placement of the radiators in the composition of the flat systems leads to the appearance of the effect of acoustic interaction between them in an external field, due to the multiple exchange of radiated and scattered waves. This effect destroys the radial symmetry of the acoustic loading of a single radiator. The violation of symmetry in the conversion of mechanical energy into acoustic energy leads to the appearance of oscillations that follow the zero mode. As a result, there is an effective redistribution of energy “pumped” into the radiators in the zero mode, between subsequent oscillations of the radiators. In turn, the emergence of new modes changes the acoustic field of a flat system. The results show the need to take into account the above features of the physical fields of the radiators in the composition of flat systems when choosing methods and developing methods for measuring field characteristics.
Ooi, Boon-Yaik, Liew, Soung-Yue, Beh, Woan-Lin, Shirmohammadi, Shervin.  2021.  Inter-Batch Gap Filling Using Compressive Sampling for Low-Cost IoT Vibration Sensors. 2021 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC). :1—6.
To measure machinery vibration, a sensor system consisting of a 3-axis accelerometer, ADXL345, attached to a self-contained system-on-a-chip with integrated Wi-Fi capabilities, ESP8266, is a low-cost solution. In this work, we first show that in such a system, the widely used direct-read-and-send method which samples and sends individually acquired vibration data points to the server is not effective, especially using Wi-Fi connection. We show that the micro delays in each individual data transmission will limit the sensor sampling rate and will also affect the time of the acquired data points not evenly spaced. Then, we propose that vibration should be sampled in batches before sending the acquired data out from the sensor node. The vibration for each batch should be acquired continuously without any form of interruption in between the sampling process to ensure the data points are evenly spaced. To fill the data gaps between the batches, we propose the use of compressive sampling technique. Our experimental results show that the maximum sampling rate of the direct-read-and-send method is 350Hz with a standard uncertainty of 12.4, and the method loses more information compared to our proposed solution that can measure the vibration wirelessly and continuously up to 633Hz. The gaps filled using compressive sampling can achieve an accuracy in terms of mean absolute error (MAE) of up to 0.06 with a standard uncertainty of 0.002, making the low-cost vibration sensor node a cost-effective solution.
Husa, Eric, Tourani, Reza.  2021.  Vibe: An Implicit Two-Factor Authentication using Vibration Signals. 2021 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS). :236—244.
The increased need for online account security and the prominence of smartphones in today’s society has led to smartphone-based two-factor authentication schemes, in which the second factor is a code received on the user’s smartphone. Evolving two-factor authentication mechanisms suggest using the proximity of the user’s devices as the second authentication factor, avoiding the inconvenience of user-device interaction. These mechanisms often use low-range communication technologies or the similarities of devices’ environments to prove devices’ proximity and user authenticity. However, such mechanisms are vulnerable to colocated adversaries. This paper proposes Vibe-an implicit two-factor authentication mechanism, which uses a vibration communication channel to prove users’ authenticity in a secure and non-intrusive manner. Vibe’s design provides security at the physical layer, reducing the attack surface to the physical surface shared between devices. As a result, it protects users’ security even in the presence of co-located adversaries-the primary drawback of the existing systems. We prototyped Vibe and assessed its performance using commodity hardware in different environments. Our results show an equal error rate of 0.0175 with an end-to-end authentication latency of approximately 3.86 seconds.
Bhosale, Kalyani, Chen, Chao-Yu, Li, Ming-Huang, Li, Sheng-Shian.  2021.  Standard CMOS Integrated Ultra-Compact Micromechanical Oscillating Active Pixel Arrays. 2021 IEEE 34th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS). :157–160.
This work demonstrates an ultra-compact low power oscillating micromechanical active pixel array based on a 0.35 μm back-end of line (BEOL)-embedded CMOS-MEMS technology. Each pixel consists of a 3-MHz clamped-clamped beam (CCB) MEMS resonator and a power scalable transimpedance amplifier (TIA) that occupies a small area of 70 × 60 μm2 and draws only 85 μW/pixel. The MEMS resonator is placed next to the TIA with less than 10 μm spacing thanks to the well-defined etch stops in the titanium nitride composite (TiN-C) CMOS-MEMS platform. A multiplexing phase-locked loop (PLL)-driven oscillator is employed to demonstrate the chip functionality. In particular, a nonlinear operation of the resonator tank is used to optimize the phase noise (PN) performance and Allan deviation (ADEV) behavior. The ADEV of 420 ppb averaged over best 3-pixels is exhibited based on such a nonlinear vibration operation.
Yuan, Fuxiang, Shang, Yu, Yang, Dingge, Gao, Jian, Han, Yanhua, Wu, Jingfeng.  2021.  Comparison on Multiple Signal Analysis Method in Transformer Core Looseness Fault. 2021 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Image Processing, Electronics and Computers (IPEC). :908–911.
The core looseness fault is an important part of transformer fault. The state of the core can be obtained by analyzing the vibration signal. Vibration analysis method has been used in transformer condition monitoring and fault diagnosis for many years, while different methods produce different results. In order to select the correct method in engineering application, five kinds of joint time-frequency analysis methods, such as short-time Fourier transform, Wigner-Ville distribution, S transform, wavelet transform and empirical mode decomposition are compared, and the advantages and disadvantages of these methods for dealing with the vibration signal of transformer core are analyzed in this paper. It indicates that wavelet transform and empirical mode decomposition have more advantages in the diagnosis of core looseness fault. The conclusions have referential significance for the diagnosis of transformer faults in engineering.
Elbahadır, Hamza, Erdem, Ebubekir.  2021.  Modeling Intrusion Detection System Using Machine Learning Algorithms in Wireless Sensor Networks. 2021 6th International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (UBMK). :401–406.
Wireless sensor networks (WSN) are used to perceive many data such as temperature, vibration, pressure in the environment and to produce results; it is widely used, including in critical fields such as military, intelligence and health. However, because of WSNs have different infrastructure and architecture than traditional networks, different security measures must be taken. In this study, an intrusion detection system (IDS) is modeled to ensure WSN security. Since the signature, misuse and anomaly based detection methods for intrusion detection systems are insufficient to provide security alone, a hybrid model is proposed in which these methods are used together. In the hybrid model, anomaly rules were defined for attack detection, and machine learning algorithms BayesNet, J48 and Random Forest were used to classify normal and abnormal traffic. Unlike the studies in the literature, CSE-CIC-IDS2018, the most up-to-date data set, was used to create attack profiles. Considering both hardware constraints and battery capacities of WSNs; the data was pre-processed in accordance with data mining principles. The results showed that the developed model has high accuracy and low false alarm rate.
Houlihan, Ruth, Timothy, Michael, Duffy, Conor, MacLoughlin, Ronan, Olszewski, Oskar.  2021.  Acoustic Structural Coupling In A Silicon Based Vibrating Mesh Nebulizer. 2021 21st International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers). :615–618.
We present results from a vibrating mesh nebulizer for which the mesh is a micro-machined silicon membrane perforated with up to a thousand micron-sized, pyramidal holes. Finite element modelling is used to better understand the measured results of the nebulizer when tested in the dry state as well as when loaded with a liquid. In particular, we found that the frequency response of the system is well represented by the superposition of the frequency response of its two main subcomponents: the piezo driving unit and the silicon membrane. As such, the system is found to have resonance peaks for which the complete assembly flexes in addition to peaks that correspond to the flexural resonance modes of the silicon membrane on its own. Similarly, finite element modelling was used to understand differences observed between the frequency response measured on the nebulizer in the dry condition compared to its wet or liquid loaded operation. It was found that coupling between the structural and the acoustic domains shifts the resonance peaks significantly to the left of the frequency plot. In fact, it was found that at the operating frequency of the nebulizer, the system resonates in a (0,3) when the membrane is loaded with a liquid compared with a (0,2) resonance mode when it is operating in the dry state.
Pan, Zhicheng, Deng, Jun, Chu, Jinwei, Zhang, Zhanlong, Dong, Zijian.  2020.  Research on Correlation Analysis of Vibration Signals at Multiple Measuring Points and Black Box Model of Flexible-DC Transformer. 2020 IEEE 4th Conference on Energy Internet and Energy System Integration (EI2). :3238–3242.
The internal structure of the flexible-DC transformer is complicated and the lack of a reliable vibration calculation model limits the application of the vibration analysis method in the fault diagnosis of the flexible-DC transformer. In response to this problem, this paper analyzes the correlation between the vibration signals of multiple measuring points and establishes a ``black box'' model of transformer vibration detection. Using the correlation analysis of multiple measuring points and BP neural network, a ``black box'' model that simulates the internal vibration transmission relationship of the transformer is established. The vibration signal of the multiple measuring points can be used to calculate the vibration signal of the target measuring point under specific working conditions. This can provide effective information for fault diagnosis and judgment of the running status of the flexible-DC transformer.
Jin, Kun, Liu, Chaoyue, Xia, Cathy.  2020.  OTDA: a Unsupervised Optimal Transport framework with Discriminant Analysis for Keystroke Inference. 2020 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS). :1—9.
Keystroke Inference has been a hot topic since it poses a severe threat to our privacy from typing. Existing learning-based Keystroke Inference suffers the domain adaptation problem because the training data (from attacker) and the test data (from victim) are generally collected in different environments. Recently, Optimal Transport (OT) is applied to address this problem, but suffers the “ground metric” limitation. In this work, we propose a novel method, OTDA, by incorporating Discriminant Analysis into OT through an iterative learning process to address the ground metric limitation. By embedding OTDA into a vibration-based Keystroke Inference platform, we conduct extensive studies about domain adaptation with different factors, such as people, keyboard position, etc.. Our experiment results show that OTDA can achieve significant performance improvement on classification accuracy, i.e., outperforming baseline by 15% to 30%, state-of-the-art OT and other domain adaptation methods by 10% to 20%.
Wang, H., Yang, J., Wang, X., Li, F., Liu, W., Liang, H..  2020.  Feature Fingerprint Extraction and Abnormity Diagnosis Method of the Vibration on the GIS. 2020 IEEE International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Application (ICHVE). :1—4.

Mechanical faults of Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS) often occurred, which may cause serious losses. Detecting vibration signal was effective for condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of GIS. The vibration characteristic of GIS in service was detected and researched based on a developed testing system in this paper, and feature fingerprint extraction method was proposed to evaluate vibration characteristics and diagnose mechanical defects. Through analyzing the spectrum of the vibration signal, we could see that vibration frequency of operating GIS was about 100Hz under normal condition. By means of the wavelet transformation, the vibration fingerprint was extracted for the diagnosis of mechanical vibration. The mechanical vibration characteristic of GIS including circuit breaker and arrester in service was detected, we could see that the frequency distribution of abnormal vibration signal was wider, it contained a lot of high harmonic components besides the 100Hz component, and the vibration acoustic fingerprint was totally different from the normal ones, that is, by comparing the frequency spectra and vibration fingerprint, the mechanical faults of GIS could be found effectively.

Fujiwara, N., Shimasaki, K., Jiang, M., Takaki, T., Ishii, I..  2019.  A Real-time Drone Surveillance System Using Pixel-level Short-time Fourier Transform. 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (SSRR). :303—308.

In this study we propose a novel method for drone surveillance that can simultaneously analyze time-frequency responses in all pixels of a high-frame-rate video. The propellers of flying drones rotate at hundreds of Hz and their principal vibration frequency components are much higher than those of their background objects. To separate the pixels around a drone's propellers from its background, we utilize these time-series features for vibration source localization with pixel-level short-time Fourier transform (STFT). We verify the relationship between the number of taps in the STFT computation and the performance of our algorithm, including the execution time and the localization accuracy, by conducting experiments under various conditions, such as degraded appearance, weather, and defocused blur. The robustness of the proposed algorithm is also verified by localizing a flying multi-copter in real-time in an outdoor scenario.

Procházka, P..  2019.  Impulse Exciter of Rotating Blades With an Increased Excitation Force. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 68:300–302.
This paper deals with electromagnetic vibration excitation of rotating machine blades in a purpose of dynamic measurement and testing. A novel method for increasing the excitation force is presented. At the same time, the suggested method allows to reduce blade remanent induction. Examples of measurements are shown, and obtained results are discussed.
Lal Senanayaka, Jagath Sri, Van Khang, Huynh, Robbersmyr, Kjell G..  2018.  Multiple Fault Diagnosis of Electric Powertrains Under Variable Speeds Using Convolutional Neural Networks. 2018 XIII International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM). :1900–1905.
Electric powertrains are widely used in automotive and renewable energy industries. Reliable diagnosis for defects in the critical components such as bearings, gears and stator windings, is important to prevent failures and enhance the system reliability and power availability. Most of existing fault diagnosis methods are based on specific characteristic frequencies to single faults at constant speed operations. Once multiple faults occur in the system, such a method may not detect the faults effectively and may give false alarms. Furthermore, variable speed operations render a challenge of analysing nonstationary signals. In this work, a deep learning-based fault diagnosis method is proposed to detect common faults in the electric powertrains. The proposed method is based on pattern recognition using convolutional neural network to detect effectively not only single faults at constant speed but also multiple faults in variable speed operations. The effectiveness of the proposed method is validated via an in-house experimental setup.
Gou, Yue, Dai, Yu-yu.  2019.  Simulation Study on Wideband Transducer with Longitudinal-Flexural Coupling Vibration. 2019 13th Symposium on Piezoelectrcity, Acoustic Waves and Device Applications (SPAWDA). :1–4.
This paper designed a longitudinal bending coupled piezoelectric transducer. The transducer is composed of a rear metal block, a longitudinally polarized piezoelectric ceramic piece and a slotted round front cover. The longitudinal vibration of the piezoelectric oscillators drive the front cover to generate bending vibration to widen the operating frequency band while reducing the fluctuation of transmission voltage response. In this paper, the design method of this multimode coupled transducer is given, and the method is verified by numerical simulation. The results show that the analytical theory and numerical simulation results have good consistency. This longitudinal-flexural coupled vibration transducer widens the bandwidth while preserving the emission voltage response.
Khan, M., Reza, M. Q., Sirdeshmukh, S. P. S. M. A..  2017.  A prototype model development for classification of material using acoustic resonance spectroscopy. 2017 International Conference on Multimedia, Signal Processing and Communication Technologies (IMPACT). :128–131.

In this work, a measurement system is developed based on acoustic resonance which can be used for classification of materials. Basically, the inspection methods based on acoustic, utilized for containers screening in the field, identification of defective pills hold high significance in the fields of health, security and protection. However, such techniques are constrained by costly instrumentation, offline analysis and complexities identified with transducer holder physical coupling. So a simple, non-destructive and amazingly cost effective technique in view of acoustic resonance has been formulated here for quick data acquisition and analysis of acoustic signature of liquids for their constituent identification and classification. In this system, there are two ceramic coated piezoelectric transducers attached at both ends of V-shaped glass, one is act as transmitter and another as receiver. The transmitter generates sound with the help of white noise generator. The pick up transducer on another end of the V-shaped glass rod detects the transmitted signal. The recording is being done with arduino interfaced to computer. The FFTs of recorded signals are being analyzed and the resulted resonant frequency observed for water, water+salt and water+sugar are 4.8 KHz, 6.8 KHz and 3.2 KHz respectively. The different resonant frequency in case different sample is being observed which shows that the developed prototype model effectively classifying the materials.

Sulavko, A. E., Eremenko, A. V., Fedotov, A. A..  2017.  Users' Identification through Keystroke Dynamics Based on Vibration Parameters and Keyboard Pressure. 2017 Dynamics of Systems, Mechanisms and Machines (Dynamics). :1–7.

The paper considers an issues of protecting data from unauthorized access by users' authentication through keystroke dynamics. It proposes to use keyboard pressure parameters in combination with time characteristics of keystrokes to identify a user. The authors designed a keyboard with special sensors that allow recording complementary parameters. The paper presents an estimation of the information value for these new characteristics and error probabilities of users' identification based on the perceptron algorithms, Bayes' rule and quadratic form networks. The best result is the following: 20 users are identified and the error rate is 0.6%.