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Detection of Malware using Machine Learning based on Operation Code Frequency. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Industry 4.0, Artificial Intelligence, and Communications Technology (IAICT). :214–220.
2021. One of the many methods for identifying malware is to disassemble the malware files and obtain the opcodes from them. Since malware have predominantly been found to contain specific opcode sequences in them, the presence of the same sequences in any incoming file or network content can be taken up as a possible malware identification scheme. Malware detection systems help us to understand more about ways on how malware attack a system and how it can be prevented. The proposed method analyses malware executable files with the help of opcode information by converting the incoming executable files to assembly language thereby extracting opcode information (opcode count) from the same. The opcode count is then converted into opcode frequency which is stored in a CSV file format. The CSV file is passed to various machine learning algorithms like Decision Tree Classifier, Random Forest Classifier and Naive Bayes Classifier. Random Forest Classifier produced the highest accuracy and hence the same model was used to predict whether an incoming file contains a potential malware or not.
Cooperative Machine Learning Techniques for Cloud Intrusion Detection. 2021 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC). :837–842.
2021. Cloud computing is attracting a lot of attention in the past few years. Although, even with its wide acceptance, cloud security is still one of the most essential concerns of cloud computing. Many systems have been proposed to protect the cloud from attacks using attack signatures. Most of them may seem effective and efficient; however, there are many drawbacks such as the attack detection performance and the system maintenance. Recently, learning-based methods for security applications have been proposed for cloud anomaly detection especially with the advents of machine learning techniques. However, most researchers do not consider the attack classification which is an important parameter for proposing an appropriate countermeasure for each attack type. In this paper, we propose a new firewall model called Secure Packet Classifier (SPC) for cloud anomalies detection and classification. The proposed model is constructed based on collaborative filtering using two machine learning algorithms to gain the advantages of both learning schemes. This strategy increases the learning performance and the system's accuracy. To generate our results, a publicly available dataset is used for training and testing the performance of the proposed SPC. Our results show that the accuracy of the SPC model increases the detection accuracy by 20% compared to the existing machine learning algorithms while keeping a high attack detection rate.
Machine Learning Based Approach for the Automated Mapping of Discovered Vulnerabilities to Adversial Tactics. 2021 IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW). :309–317.
2021. To defend networks against security attacks, cyber defenders have to identify vulnerabilities that could be exploited by an attacker and fix them. However, vulnerabilities are constantly evolving and their number is rising. In addition, the resources required (i.e., time and cost) to patch all the identified vulnerabilities and update the affected assets are not always affordable. For these reasons, the defender needs to have a set of metrics that could be used to automatically map new discovered vulnerabilities to potential attack tactics. Using such a mapping to attack tactics, will allow security solutions to better respond inline to any vulnerabilities exploitation tentatives, by selecting and prioritizing suitable response strategy. In this work, we provide a multilabel classification approach to automatically map a detected vulnerability to the MITRE Adversarial Tactics that could be used by the attacker. The proposed approach will help cyber defenders to prioritize their defense strategies, ensure a rapid and efficient investigation process, and well manage new detected vulnerabilities. We evaluate a set of machine learning algorithms (BinaryRelevance, LabelPowerset, ClassifierChains, MLKNN, BRKNN, RAkELd, NLSP, and Neural Networks) and found out that ClassifierChains with RandomForest classifier is the best method in our experiment.
FPGA Implementation of Computer Network Security Protection with Machine Learning. 2021 IEEE 32nd International Conference on Microelectronics (MIEL). :263–266.
2021. Network intrusion detection systems (NIDS) are widely used solutions targeting the security of any network device connected to the Internet and are taking the lead in the battle against intruders. This paper addresses the network security issues by implementing a hardware-based NIDS solution with a Naïve Bayes machine learning (ML) algorithm for classification using NSL Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) dataset. The proposed FPGA implementation of the Naive Bayes classifier focuses on low latency and provides intrusion detection in just 240ns, with accuracy/precision of 70/97%, occupying 1 % of the Virtex7 VC709 FPGA chip area.
Intrusion Detection System Framework Using Machine Learning. 2021 Third International Conference on Inventive Research in Computing Applications (ICIRCA). :1224–1230.
2021. Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is one of the most important security tool for many security issues that are prevailing in today's cyber world. Intrusion Detection System is designed to scan the system applications and network traffic to detect suspicious activities and issue an alert if it is discovered. So many techniques are available in machine learning for intrusion detection. The main objective of this project is to apply machine learning algorithms to the data set and to compare and evaluate their performances. The proposed application has used the SVM (Support Vector Machine) and ANN (Artificial Neural Networks) Algorithms to detect the intrusion rates. Each algorithm is used to detect whether the requested data is authorized or contains any anomalies. While IDS scans the requested data if it finds any malicious information it drops that request. These algorithms have used Correlation-Based and Chi-Squared Based feature selection algorithms to reduce the dataset by eliminating the useless data. The preprocessed dataset is trained and tested with the models to obtain the prominent results, which leads to increasing the prediction accuracy. The NSL KDD dataset has been used for the experimentation. Finally, an accuracy of about 48% has been achieved by the SVM algorithm and 97% has been achieved by ANN algorithm. Henceforth, ANN model is working better than the SVM on this dataset.
Pay Attention: Improving Classification of PE Malware Using Attention Mechanisms Based on System Call Analysis. 2021 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). :1–8.
2021. Malware poses a threat to computing systems worldwide, and security experts work tirelessly to detect and classify malware as accurately and quickly as possible. Since malware can use evasion techniques to bypass static analysis and security mechanisms, dynamic analysis methods are more useful for accurately analyzing the behavioral patterns of malware. Previous studies showed that malware behavior can be represented by sequences of executed system calls and that machine learning algorithms can leverage such sequences for the task of malware classification (a.k.a. malware categorization). Accurate malware classification is helpful for malware signature generation and is thus beneficial to antivirus vendors; this capability is also valuable to organizational security experts, enabling them to mitigate malware attacks and respond to security incidents. In this paper, we propose an improved methodology for malware classification, based on analyzing sequences of system calls invoked by malware in a dynamic analysis environment. We show that adding an attention mechanism to a LSTM model improves accuracy for the task of malware classification, thus outperforming the state-of-the-art algorithm by up to 6%. We also show that the transformer architecture can be used to analyze very long sequences with significantly lower time complexity for training and prediction. Our proposed method can serve as the basis for a decision support system for security experts, for the task of malware categorization.
Application of Machine Learning in Network Security Situational Awareness. 2021 World Conference on Computing and Communication Technologies (WCCCT). :39–46.
2021. Along with the advance of science and technology, informationization society construction is gradually perfect. The development of modern information technology has driven the growth of the entire network spatial data, and network security is a matter of national security. There are several countries included in the national security strategy, with the increase of network space connected point, traditional network security space processing way already cannot adapt to the demand. Machine learning can effectively solve the problem of network security. Around the machine learning technology applied in the field of network security research results, this paper introduces the basic concept of network security situational awareness system, the basic model, and system framework. Based on machine learning, this paper elaborates the network security situation awareness technology, including data mining technology, feature extraction technology and situation prediction technology. Recursive feature elimination, decision tree algorithm, support vector machine, and future research direction in the field of network security situational awareness are also discussed.
Detection of Distributed Denial of Service Attacks in SDN using Machine learning techniques. 2021 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI). :1–5.
2021. Software-defined network (SDN) is a network architecture that used to build, design the hardware components virtually. We can dynamically change the settings of network connections. In the traditional network, it's not possible to change dynamically, because it's a fixed connection. SDN is a good approach but still is vulnerable to DDoS attacks. The DDoS attack is menacing to the internet. To prevent the DDoS attack, the machine learning algorithm can be used. The DDoS attack is the multiple collaborated systems that are used to target the particular server at the same time. In SDN control layer is in the center that link with the application and infrastructure layer, where the devices in the infrastructure layer controlled by the software. In this paper, we propose a machine learning technique namely Decision Tree and Support Vector Machine (SVM) to detect malicious traffic. Our test outcome shows that the Decision Tree and Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm provides better accuracy and detection rate.
Symbolic AI for XAI: Evaluating LFIT Inductive Programming for Fair and Explainable Automatic Recruitment. 2021 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision Workshops (WACVW). :78–87.
2021. Machine learning methods are growing in relevance for biometrics and personal information processing in domains such as forensics, e-health, recruitment, and e-learning. In these domains, white-box (human-readable) explanations of systems built on machine learning methods can become crucial. Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) is a subfield of symbolic AI aimed to automatically learn declarative theories about the process of data. Learning from Interpretation Transition (LFIT) is an ILP technique that can learn a propositional logic theory equivalent to a given blackbox system (under certain conditions). The present work takes a first step to a general methodology to incorporate accurate declarative explanations to classic machine learning by checking the viability of LFIT in a specific AI application scenario: fair recruitment based on an automatic tool generated with machine learning methods for ranking Curricula Vitae that incorporates soft biometric information (gender and ethnicity). We show the expressiveness of LFIT for this specific problem and propose a scheme that can be applicable to other domains.
A Novel Modeling-Attack Resilient Arbiter-PUF Design. 2021 34th International Conference on VLSI Design and 2021 20th International Conference on Embedded Systems (VLSID). :123–128.
2021. Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs) have been considered as promising lightweight primitives for random number generation and device authentication. Thanks to the imperfections occurring during the fabrication process of integrated circuits, each PUF generates a unique signature which can be used for chip identification. Although supposed to be unclonable, PUFs have been shown to be vulnerable to modeling attacks where a set of collected challenge response pairs are used for training a machine learning model to predict the PUF response to unseen challenges. Challenge obfuscation has been proposed to tackle the modeling attacks in recent years. However, knowing the obfuscation algorithm can help the adversary to model the PUF. This paper proposes a modeling-resilient arbiter-PUF architecture that benefits from the randomness provided by PUFs in concealing the obfuscation scheme. The experimental results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed structure in countering PUF modeling attacks.
A System for Detecting Third-Party Tracking through the Combination of Dynamic Analysis and Static Analysis. IEEE INFOCOM 2021 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS). :1–6.
2021. With the continuous development of Internet technology, people pay more and more attention to private security. In particular, third-party tracking is a major factor affecting privacy security. So far, the most effective way to prevent third-party tracking is to create a blacklist. However, blacklist generation and maintenance need to be carried out manually which is inefficient and difficult to maintain. In order to generate blacklists more quickly and accurately in this era of big data, this paper proposes a machine learning system MFTrackerDetector against third-party tracking. The system is based on the theory of structural hole and only detects third-party trackers. The system consists of two subsystems, DMTrackerDetector and DFTrackerDetector. DMTrackerDetector is a JavaScript-based subsystem and DFTrackerDetector is a Flash-based subsystem. Because tracking code and non-tracking code often call different APIs, DMTrackerDetector builds a classifier using all the APIs in JavaScript as features and extracts the API features in JavaScript through dynamic analysis. Unlike static analysis method, the dynamic analysis method can effectively avoid code obfuscation. DMTrackerDetector eventually generates a JavaScript-based third-party tracker list named Jlist. DFTrackerDetector constructs a classifier using all the APIs in ActionScript as features and extracts the API features in the flash script through static analysis. DFTrackerDetector finally generates a Flash-based third-party tracker list named Flist. DFTrackerDetector achieved 92.98% accuracy in the Flash test set and DMTrackerDetector achieved 90.79% accuracy in the JavaScript test set. MFTrackerDetector eventually generates a list of third-party trackers, which is a combination of Jlist and Flist.
Survey on Fake Profile Detection on Social Sites by Using Machine Learning Algorithm. 2020 8th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions) (ICRITO). :1236–1240.
2020. To avoid the spam message, malicious and cyber bullies activities which are mostly done by the fake profile. These activities challenge the privacy policies of the social network communities. These fake profiles are responsible for spread false information on social communities. To identify the fake profile, duplicate, spam and bots account there is much research work done in this area. By using a machine-learning algorithm, most of the fake accounts detected successfully. This paper represents the review of Fake Profile Detection on Social Site by Using Machine Learning.
Machine Learning-Based Threat Identification of Industrial Internet. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Progress in Informatics and Computing (PIC). :335–340.
2020. In order to improve production and management efficiency, traditional industrial control systems are gradually connected to the Internet, and more likely to use advanced modern information technologies, such as cloud computing, big data technology, and artificial intelligence. Industrial control system is widely used in national key infrastructure. Meanwhile, a variety of attack threats and risks follow, and once the industrial control network suffers maliciously attack, the loss caused is immeasurable. In order to improve the security and stability of the industrial Internet, this paper studies the industrial control network traffic threat identification technology based on machine learning methods, including GK-SVDD, RNN and KPCA reconstruction error algorithm, and proposes a heuristic method for selecting Gaussian kernel width parameter in GK-SVDD to accelerate real-time threat detection in industrial control environments. Experiments were conducted on two public industrial control network traffic datasets. Compared with the existing methods, these methods can obtain faster detection efficiency and better threat identification performance.
Detection of Trojan Based DoS Attacks on RSA Cryptosystem Using Hybrid Supervised Learning Models. 2020 Third International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology (ICSSIT). :1–5.
2020. Privacy and security have become the most important aspects in any sphere of technology today from embedded systems to VLS I circuits. One such an attack compromising the privacy, security and trust of a networked control system by making them vulnerable to unauthorized access is the Hardware Trojan Horses. Even cryptographic algorithms whose purpose is to safeguard information are susceptible to these Trojan attacks. This paper discusses hybrid supervised machine learning models that predict with great accuracy whether the RSA asymmetric cryptosystem implemented in Atmel XMega microcontroller is Trojan-free (Golden) or Trojan-infected by analyzing the power profiles of the golden algorithm and trojan-infected algorithm. The power profiles are obtained using the ChipWhisperer Lite Board. The features selected from the power profiles are used to create datasets for the proposed hybrid models and train the proposed models using the 70/30 rule. The proposed hybrid models can be concluded that it has an accuracy of more than 88% irrespective of the Trojan types and size of the datasets.
Trojan Traffic Detection Based on Machine Learning. 2020 17th International Computer Conference on Wavelet Active Media Technology and Information Processing (ICCWAMTIP). :157–160.
2020. At present, most Trojan detection methods are based on the features of host and code. Such methods have certain limitations and lag. This paper analyzes the network behavior features and network traffic of several typical Trojans such as Zeus and Weasel, and proposes a Trojan traffic detection algorithm based on machine learning. First, model different machine learning algorithms and use Random Forest algorithm to extract features for Trojan behavior and communication features. Then identify and detect Trojans' traffic. The accuracy is as high as 95.1%. Comparing the detection of different machine learning algorithms, experiments show that our algorithm has higher accuracy, which is helpful and useful for identifying Trojan.
Analysis of Malware Prediction Based on Infection Rate Using Machine Learning Techniques. 2020 IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP). :706–709.
2020. In this modern, technological age, the internet has been adopted by the masses. And with it, the danger of malicious attacks by cybercriminals have increased. These attacks are done via Malware, and have resulted in billions of dollars of financial damage. This makes the prevention of malicious attacks an essential part of the battle against cybercrime. In this paper, we are applying machine learning algorithms to predict the malware infection rates of computers based on its features. We are using supervised machine learning algorithms and gradient boosting algorithms. We have collected a publicly available dataset, which was divided into two parts, one being the training set, and the other will be the testing set. After conducting four different experiments using the aforementioned algorithms, it has been discovered that LightGBM is the best model with an AUC Score of 0.73926.
Combining Machine Learning and Behavior Analysis Techniques for Network Security. 2020 International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN). :580–583.
2020. Network traffic attacks are increasingly common and varied, this is a big problem especially when the target network is centralized. The creation of IDS (Intrusion Detection Systems) capable of detecting various types of attacks is necessary. Machine learning algorithms are widely used in the classification of data, bringing a good result in the area of computer networks. In addition, the analysis of entropy and distance between data sets are also very effective in detecting anomalies. However, each technique has its limitations, so this work aims to study their combination in order to improve their performance and create a new intrusion detection system capable of well detect some of the most common attacks. Reliability indices will be used as metrics to the combination decision and they will be updated in each new dataset according to the decision made earlier.
Investigation of Machine Learning Techniques in Intrusion Detection System for IoT Network. 2020 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems (ICISS). :1164–1167.
2020. Internet of Things (IoT) combines the internet and physical objects to transfer information among the objects. In the emerging IoT networks, providing security is the major issue. IoT device is exposed to various security issues due to its low computational efficiency. In recent years, the Intrusion Detection System valuable tool deployed to secure the information in the network. This article exposes the Intrusion Detection System (IDS) based on deep learning and machine learning to overcome the security attacks in IoT networks. Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) are used in the attack detection model and performances of those algorithms are compared with each other based on detection time, kappa statistic, geometric mean, and sensitivity. The effectiveness of the developed IDS is evaluated by using Bot-IoT datasets.
Deep Learning Based Identification of DDoS Attacks in Industrial Application. 2020 Fourth World Conference on Smart Trends in Systems, Security and Sustainability (WorldS4). :190–196.
2020. Denial of Service (DoS) attacks are very common type of computer attack in the world of internet today. Automatically detecting such type of DDoS attack packets & dropping them before passing through is the best prevention method. Conventional solution only monitors and provide the feedforward solution instead of the feedback machine-based learning. A Design of Deep neural network has been suggested in this paper. In this approach, high level features are extracted for representation and inference of the dataset. Experiment has been conducted based on the ISCX dataset for year 2017, 2018 and CICDDoS2019 and program has been developed in Matlab R17b using Wireshark.
Adversarial Attack against LSTM-Based DDoS Intrusion Detection System. 2020 IEEE 32nd International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI). :686–693.
2020. Nowadays, machine learning is a popular method for DDoS detection. However, machine learning algorithms are very vulnerable under the attacks of adversarial samples. Up to now, multiple methods of generating adversarial samples have been proposed. However, they cannot be applied to LSTM-based DDoS detection directly because of the discrete property and the utility requirement of its input samples. In this paper, we propose two methods to generate DDoS adversarial samples, named Genetic Attack (GA) and Probability Weighted Packet Saliency Attack (PWPSA) respectively. Both methods modify original input sample by inserting or replacing partial packets. In GA, we evolve a set of modified samples with genetic algorithm and find the evasive variant from it. In PWPSA, we modify original sample iteratively and use the position saliency as well as the packet score to determine insertion or replacement order at each step. Experimental results on CICIDS2017 dataset show that both methods can bypass DDoS detectors with high success rate.
WANHEDA: A Machine Learning Based DDoS Detection System. 2020 2nd International Conference on Advancements in Computing (ICAC). 1:380–385.
2020. In today's world computer communication is used almost everywhere and majority of them are connected to the world's largest network, the Internet. There is danger in using internet due to numerous cyber-attacks which are designed to attack Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability of systems connected to the internet. One of the most prominent threats to computer networking is Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attack. They are designed to attack availability of the systems. Many users and ISPs are targeted and affected regularly by these attacks. Even though new protection technologies are continuously proposed, this immense threat continues to grow rapidly. Most of the DDoS attacks are undetectable because they act as legitimate traffic. This situation can be partially overcome by using Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs). There are advanced attacks where there is no proper documented way to detect. In this paper authors present a Machine Learning (ML) based DDoS detection mechanism with improved accuracy and low false positive rates. The proposed approach gives inductions based on signatures previously extracted from samples of network traffic. Authors perform the experiments using four distinct benchmark datasets, four machine learning algorithms to address four of the most harmful DDoS attack vectors. Authors achieved maximum accuracy and compared the results with other applicable machine learning algorithms.
Machine Learning Based DDOS Detection. 2020 International Conference on Emerging Smart Computing and Informatics (ESCI). :234–237.
2020. One of a high relentless attack is the crucial distributed DoS attacks. The types and tools for this attacks increases day-to-day as per the technology increases. So the methodology for detection of DDoS should be advanced. For this purpose we created an automated DDoS detector using ML which can run on any commodity hardware. The results are 98.5 % accurate. We use three classification algorithms KNN, RF and NB to classify DDoS packets from normal packets using two features, delta time and packet size. This detector mostly can detect all types of DDoS such as ICMP flood, TCP flood, UDP flood etc. In the older systems they detect only some types of DDoS attacks and some systems may require a large number of features to detect DDoS. Some systems may work only with certain protocols only. But our proposed model overcome these drawbacks by detecting the DDoS of any type without a need of specific protocol that uses less amount of features.
A Shilling Attack Model Based on TextCNN. 2020 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Automation, Electronics and Electrical Engineering (AUTEEE). :282–289.
2020. With the development of the Internet, the amount of information on the Internet is increasing rapidly, which makes it difficult for people to select the information they really want. A recommendation system is an effective way to solve this problem. Fake users can be injected by criminals to attack the recommendation system; therefore, accurate identification of fake users is a necessary feature of the recommendation system. Existing fake user detection algorithms focus on designing recognition methods for different types of attacks and have limited detection capabilities against unknown or hybrid attacks. The use of deep learning models can automate the extraction of false user scoring features, but neural network models are not applicable to discrete user scoring data. In this paper, random walking is used to rearrange the otherwise discrete user rating data into a rating feature matrix with spatial continuity. The rating data and the text data have some similarity in the distribution mode. By effective analogy, the TextCNN model originally used in NLP domain can be improved and applied to the classification task of rating feature matrix. Combining the ideas of random walking and word vector processing, this paper proposes a TextCNN detection model for user rating data. To verify the validity of the proposed model, the model is tested on MoiveLens dataset against 7 different attack detection algorithms, and exhibits better performance when compared with 4 attack detection algorithms. Especially for the Aop attack, the proposed model has nearly 100% detection performance with F1 - value as the evaluation index.
Using Machine Learning for Intrusion Detection System in Wireless Body Area Network. 2020 First International Conference of Smart Systems and Emerging Technologies (SMARTTECH). :100–104.
2020. This paper introduces a technique that enhances the capabilities of an intrusion detection system (IDS) in a wireless body area network (WBAN). This technique involves adopting two known machine-learning algorithms: artificial neural network (ANN) and the J48 form of decision trees. The enhanced technique reduces the security threats to a WBAN, such as denial-of-service (DoS) attacks. It is essential to manage noise, which might affect the data gathered by the sensors. In this paper, noise in data is measured because it can affect the accuracy of the machine learning algorithms and demonstrate the level of noise at which the machine-learning model can be trusted. The results show that J48 is the best model when there is no noise, with an accuracy reaching 99.66%, as compared to the ANN algorithm. However, with noisy datasets, ANN shows more tolerance to noise.
Intrusion Detection System for the MIL-STD-1553 Communication Bus. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems. 56:3010–3027.
2020. MIL-STD-1553 is a military standard that defines the specification of a serial communication bus that has been implemented in military and aerospace avionic platforms for over 40 years. MIL-STD-1553 was designed for a high level of fault tolerance while less attention was paid to cyber security issues. Thus, as indicated in recent studies, it is exposed to various threats. In this article, we suggest enhancing the security of MIL-STD-1553 communication buses by integrating a machine learning-based intrusion detection system (IDS); such anIDS will be capable of detecting cyber attacks in real time. The IDS consists of two modules: 1) a remote terminal (RT) authentication module that detects illegitimately connected components and data transfers and 2) a sequence-based anomaly detection module that detects anomalies in the operation of the system. The IDS showed high detection rates for both normal and abnormal behavior when evaluated in a testbed using real 1553 hardware, as well as a very fast and accurate training process using logs from a real system. The RT authentication module managed to authenticate RTs with +0.99 precision and +0.98 recall; and detect illegitimate component (or a legitimate component that impersonates other components) with +0.98 precision and +0.99 recall. The sequence-based anomaly detection module managed to perfectly detect both normal and abnormal behavior. Moreover, the sequencebased anomaly detection module managed to accurately (i.e., zero false positives) model the normal behavior of a real system in a short period of time ( 22 s).