Visible to the public Survey on Fake Profile Detection on Social Sites by Using Machine Learning Algorithm

TitleSurvey on Fake Profile Detection on Social Sites by Using Machine Learning Algorithm
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsPatel, Kumud, Agrahari, Sudhanshu, Srivastava, Saijshree
Conference Name2020 8th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions) (ICRITO)
KeywordsArtificial Neural Networks(ANNs), Bots Accounts, Decision Tree, Decision trees, Fake Profile, feature extraction, human factors, machine learning, machine learning algorithms, Naïve byes, pubcrawl, Scalability, security issues, Skin, Social Agents, Social network services, Spam Profile, supervised machine learning, Support Vector Machine(SVM), Support vector machines
AbstractTo avoid the spam message, malicious and cyber bullies activities which are mostly done by the fake profile. These activities challenge the privacy policies of the social network communities. These fake profiles are responsible for spread false information on social communities. To identify the fake profile, duplicate, spam and bots account there is much research work done in this area. By using a machine-learning algorithm, most of the fake accounts detected successfully. This paper represents the review of Fake Profile Detection on Social Site by Using Machine Learning.
Citation Keypatel_survey_2020