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Nisha, D, Sivaraman, E, Honnavalli, Prasad B.  2019.  Predicting and Preventing Malware in Machine Learning Model. 2019 10th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT). :1—7.

Machine learning is a major area in artificial intelligence, which enables computer to learn itself explicitly without programming. As machine learning is widely used in making decision automatically, attackers have strong intention to manipulate the prediction generated my machine learning model. In this paper we study about the different types of attacks and its countermeasures on machine learning model. By research we found that there are many security threats in various algorithms such as K-nearest-neighbors (KNN) classifier, random forest, AdaBoost, support vector machine (SVM), decision tree, we revisit existing security threads and check what are the possible countermeasures during the training and prediction phase of machine learning model. In machine learning model there are 2 types of attacks that is causative attack which occurs during the training phase and exploratory attack which occurs during the prediction phase, we will also discuss about the countermeasures on machine learning model, the countermeasures are data sanitization, algorithm robustness enhancement, and privacy preserving techniques.

Yang, Bowen, Liu, Dong.  2019.  Research on Network Traffic Identification based on Machine Learning and Deep Packet Inspection. 2019 IEEE 3rd Information Technology, Networking, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (ITNEC). :1887—1891.

Accurate network traffic identification is an important basis for network traffic monitoring and data analysis, and is the key to improve the quality of user service. In this paper, through the analysis of two network traffic identification methods based on machine learning and deep packet inspection, a network traffic identification method based on machine learning and deep packet inspection is proposed. This method uses deep packet inspection technology to identify most network traffic, reduces the workload that needs to be identified by machine learning method, and deep packet inspection can identify specific application traffic, and improves the accuracy of identification. Machine learning method is used to assist in identifying network traffic with encryption and unknown features, which makes up for the disadvantage of deep packet inspection that can not identify new applications and encrypted traffic. Experiments show that this method can improve the identification rate of network traffic.

Yan, Donghui, Wang, Yingjie, Wang, Jin, Wang, Honggang, Li, Zhenpeng.  2018.  K-nearest Neighbor Search by Random Projection Forests. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data). :4775—4781.
K-nearest neighbor (kNN) search has wide applications in many areas, including data mining, machine learning, statistics and many applied domains. Inspired by the success of ensemble methods and the flexibility of tree-based methodology, we propose random projection forests, rpForests, for kNN search. rpForests finds kNNs by aggregating results from an ensemble of random projection trees with each constructed recursively through a series of carefully chosen random projections. rpForests achieves a remarkable accuracy in terms of fast decay in the missing rate of kNNs and that of discrepancy in the kNN distances. rpForests has a very low computational complexity. The ensemble nature of rpForests makes it easily run in parallel on multicore or clustered computers; the running time is expected to be nearly inversely proportional to the number of cores or machines. We give theoretical insights by showing the exponential decay of the probability that neighboring points would be separated by ensemble random projection trees when the ensemble size increases. Our theory can be used to refine the choice of random projections in the growth of trees, and experiments show that the effect is remarkable.
Jeyasudha, J., Usha, G..  2018.  Detection of Spammers in the Reconnaissance Phase by machine learning techniques. 2018 3rd International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT). :216—220.

Reconnaissance phase is where attackers identify their targets and how to collect information from professional social networks which can be used to select and exploit targeted employees to penetrate in an organization. Here, a framework is proposed for the early detection of attackers in the reconnaissance phase, highlighting the common characteristic behavior among attackers in professional social networks. And to create artificial honeypot profiles within the organizational social network which can be used to detect a potential incoming threat. By analyzing the dataset of social Network profiles in combination of machine learning techniques, A DspamRPfast model is proposed for the creation of a classifier system to predict the probabilities of the profiles being fake or malicious and to filter them out using XGBoost and for the faster classification and greater accuracy of 84.8%.

Liu, Weiyou, Liu, Xu, Di, Xiaoqiang, Qi, Hui.  2019.  A novel network intrusion detection algorithm based on Fast Fourier Transformation. 2019 1st International Conference on Industrial Artificial Intelligence (IAI). :1–6.
Deep learning techniques have been widely used in intrusion detection, but their application on convolutional neural networks (CNN) is still immature. The main challenge is how to represent the network traffic to improve performance of the CNN model. In this paper, we propose a network intrusion detection algorithm based on representation learning using Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT), which is first exploration that converts traffic to image by FFT to the best of our knowledge. Each traffic is converted to an image and then the intrusion detection problem is turned to image classification. The experiment results on NSL-KDD dataset show that the classification performence of the algorithm in the CNN model has obvious advantages compared with other algorithms.
singh, Kunal, Mathai, K. James.  2019.  Performance Comparison of Intrusion Detection System Between Deep Belief Network (DBN)Algorithm and State Preserving Extreme Learning Machine (SPELM) Algorithm. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Technologies (ICECCT). :1–7.

This paper work is focused on Performance comparison of intrusion detection system between DBN Algorithm and SPELM Algorithm. Researchers have used this new algorithm SPELM to perform experiments in the area of face recognition, pedestrian detection, and for network intrusion detection in the area of cyber security. The scholar used the proposed State Preserving Extreme Learning Machine(SPELM) algorithm as machine learning classifier and compared it's performance with Deep Belief Network (DBN) algorithm using NSL KDD dataset. The NSL- KDD dataset has four lakhs of data record; out of which 40% of data were used for training purposes and 60% data used in testing purpose while calculating the performance of both the algorithms. The experiment as performed by the scholar compared the Accuracy, Precision, recall and Computational Time of existing DBN algorithm with proposed SPELM Algorithm. The findings have show better performance of SPELM; when compared its accuracy of 93.20% as against 52.8% of DBN algorithm;69.492 Precision of SPELM as against 66.836 DBN and 90.8 seconds of Computational time taken by SPELM as against 102 seconds DBN Algorithm.

Abhilash, Goyal, Divyansh, Gupta.  2018.  Intrusion Detection and Prevention in Software Defined Networking. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (ANTS). :1–4.
Software defined networking is a concept proposed to replace traditional networks by separating control plane and data plane. It makes the network more programmable and manageable. As there is a single point of control of the network, it is more vulnerable to intrusion. The idea is to train the network controller by machine learning algorithms to let it make the intelligent decisions automatically. In this paper, we have discussed our approach to make software defined networking more secure from various malicious attacks by making it capable of detecting and preventing such attacks.
Vigneswaran, Rahul K., Vinayakumar, R., Soman, K.P., Poornachandran, Prabaharan.  2018.  Evaluating Shallow and Deep Neural Networks for Network Intrusion Detection Systems in Cyber Security. 2018 9th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT). :1—6.
Intrusion detection system (IDS) has become an essential layer in all the latest ICT system due to an urge towards cyber safety in the day-to-day world. Reasons including uncertainty in finding the types of attacks and increased the complexity of advanced cyber attacks, IDS calls for the need of integration of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs). In this paper, DNNs have been utilized to predict the attacks on Network Intrusion Detection System (N-IDS). A DNN with 0.1 rate of learning is applied and is run for 1000 number of epochs and KDDCup-`99' dataset has been used for training and benchmarking the network. For comparison purposes, the training is done on the same dataset with several other classical machine learning algorithms and DNN of layers ranging from 1 to 5. The results were compared and concluded that a DNN of 3 layers has superior performance over all the other classical machine learning algorithms.
Shuvro, Rezoan A., Das, Pankaz, Hayat, Majeed M., Talukder, Mitun.  2019.  Predicting Cascading Failures in Power Grids using Machine Learning Algorithms. 2019 North American Power Symposium (NAPS). :1—6.
Although there has been notable progress in modeling cascading failures in power grids, few works included using machine learning algorithms. In this paper, cascading failures that lead to massive blackouts in power grids are predicted and classified into no, small, and large cascades using machine learning algorithms. Cascading-failure data is generated using a cascading failure simulator framework developed earlier. The data set includes the power grid operating parameters such as loading level, level of load shedding, the capacity of the failed lines, and the topological parameters such as edge betweenness centrality and the average shortest distance for numerous combinations of two transmission line failures as features. Then several machine learning algorithms are used to classify cascading failures. Further, linear regression is used to predict the number of failed transmission lines and the amount of load shedding during a cascade based on initial feature values. This data-driven technique can be used to generate cascading failure data set for any real-world power grids and hence, power-grid engineers can use this approach for cascade data generation and hence predicting vulnerabilities and enhancing robustness of the grid.
Khan, Riaz Ullah, Kumar, Rajesh, Alazab, Mamoun, Zhang, Xiaosong.  2019.  A Hybrid Technique To Detect Botnets, Based on P2P Traffic Similarity. 2019 Cybersecurity and Cyberforensics Conference (CCC). :136–142.
The botnet has been one of the most common threats to the network security since it exploits multiple malicious codes like worm, Trojans, Rootkit, etc. These botnets are used to perform the attacks, send phishing links, and/or provide malicious services. It is difficult to detect Peer-to-peer (P2P) botnets as compare to IRC (Internet Relay Chat), HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) and other types of botnets because of having typical features of the centralization and distribution. To solve these problems, we propose an effective two-stage traffic classification method to detect P2P botnet traffic based on both non-P2P traffic filtering mechanism and machine learning techniques on conversation features. At the first stage, we filter non-P2P packages to reduce the amount of network traffic through well-known ports, DNS query, and flow counting. At the second stage, we extract conversation features based on data flow features and flow similarity. We detected P2P botnets successfully, by using Machine Learning Classifiers. Experimental evaluations show that our two-stage detection method has a higher accuracy than traditional P2P botnet detection methods.
Liu, Lan, Lin, Jun, Wang, Qiang, Xu, Xiaoping.  2018.  Research on Network Malicious Code Detection and Provenance Tracking in Future Network. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security Companion (QRS-C). :264–268.
with the development of SDN, ICN and 5G networks, the research of future network becomes a hot topic. Based on the design idea of SDN network, this paper analyzes the propagation model and detection method of malicious code in future network. We select characteristics of SDN and analyze the features use different feature selection methods and sort the features. After comparison the influence of running time by different classification algorithm of different feature selection, we analyze the choice of reduction dimension m, and find out the different types of malicious code corresponding to the optimal feature subset and matching classification method, designed for malware detection system. We analyze the node migration rate of malware in mobile network and its effect on the outbreak of the time. In this way, it can provide reference for the management strategy of the switch node or the host node by future network controller.
Joseph, Linda, Mukesh, Rajeswari.  2019.  To Detect Malware attacks for an Autonomic Self-Heal Approach of Virtual Machines in Cloud Computing. 2019 Fifth International Conference on Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (ICONSTEM). 1:220–231.

Cloud Computing as of large is evolving at a faster pace with an ever changing set of cloud services. The amenities in the cloud are all enabled with respect to the public cloud services in their own enormous domain aspects commercially, which tend to be more insecure. These cloud services should be thus protected and secured which is very vital to the cloud infrastructures. Therefore, in this research work, we have identified security features with a self-heal approach that could be rendered on the infrastructure as a service (IaaS) in a private cloud environment. We have investigated the attack model from the virtual machine snapshots and have analyzed based on the supervised machine learning techniques. The virtual machines memory snapshots API call sequences are considered as input for the supervised and unsupervised machine learning algorithms to classify the attacked and the un-attacked virtual machine memory snapshots. The obtained set of the attacked virtual machine memory snapshots are given as input to the self-heal algorithm which is enabled to retrieve back the functionality of the virtual machines. Our method of detecting the malware attains about 93% of accuracy with respect to the virtual machine snapshots.

Padmanaban, R., Thirumaran, M., Sanjana, Victoria, Moshika, A..  2019.  Security Analytics For Heterogeneous Web. 2019 IEEE International Conference on System, Computation, Automation and Networking (ICSCAN). :1–6.

In recent days, Enterprises are expanding their business efficiently through web applications which has paved the way for building good consumer relationship with its customers. The major threat faced by these enterprises is their inability to provide secure environments as the web applications are prone to severe vulnerabilities. As a result of this, many security standards and tools have been evolving to handle the vulnerabilities. Though there are many vulnerability detection tools available in the present, they do not provide sufficient information on the attack. For the long-term functioning of an organization, data along with efficient analytics on the vulnerabilities is required to enhance its reliability. The proposed model thus aims to make use of Machine Learning with Analytics to solve the problem in hand. Hence, the sequence of the attack is detected through the pattern using PAA and further the detected vulnerabilities are classified using Machine Learning technique such as SVM. Probabilistic results are provided in order to obtain numerical data sets which could be used for obtaining a report on user and application behavior. Dynamic and Reconfigurable PAA with SVM Classifier is a challenging task to analyze the vulnerabilities and impact of these vulnerabilities in heterogeneous web environment. This will enhance the former processing by analysis of the origin and the pattern of the attack in a more effective manner. Hence, the proposed system is designed to perform detection of attacks. The system works on the mitigation and prevention as part of the attack prediction.

Kaur, Gaganjot, Gupta, Prinima.  2019.  Hybrid Approach for Detecting DDOS Attacks in Software Defined Networks. 2019 Twelfth International Conference on Contemporary Computing (IC3). :1–6.

In today's time Software Defined Network (SDN) gives the complete control to get the data flow in the network. SDN works as a central point to which data is administered centrally and traffic is also managed. SDN being open source product is more prone to security threats. The security policies are also to be enforced as it would otherwise let the controller be attacked the most. The attacks like DDOS and DOS attacks are more commonly found in SDN controller. DDOS is destructive attack that normally diverts the normal flow of traffic and starts the over flow of flooded packets halting the system. Machine Learning techniques helps to identify the hidden and unexpected pattern of the network and hence helps in analyzing the network flow. All the classified and unclassified techniques can help detect the malicious flow based on certain parameters like packet flow, time duration, accuracy and precision rate. Researchers have used Bayesian Network, Wavelets, Support Vector Machine and KNN to detect DDOS attacks. As per the review it's been analyzed that KNN produces better result as per the higher precision and giving a lower falser rate for detection. This paper produces better approach of hybrid Machine Learning techniques rather than existing KNN on the same data set giving more accuracy of detecting DDOS attacks on higher precision rate. The result of the traffic with both normal and abnormal behavior is shown and as per the result the proposed algorithm is designed which is suited for giving better approach than KNN and will be implemented later on for future.

Hao, Lina, Ng, Bryan.  2019.  Self-Healing Solutions for Wi-Fi Networks to Provide Seamless Handover. 2019 IFIP/IEEE Symposium on Integrated Network and Service Management (IM). :639–642.
The dynamic nature of the wireless channel poses a challenge to services requiring seamless and uniform network quality of service (QoS). Self-healing, a promising approach under the self-organizing networks (SON) paradigm, and has been shown to deal with unexpected network faults in cellular networks. In this paper, we use simple machine learning (ML) algorithms inspired by SON developments in cellular networks. Evaluation results show that the proposed approach identifies the faulty APs. Our proposed approach improves throughput by 63.6% and reduces packet loss rate by 16.6% compared with standard 802.11.
Pandelea, Alexandru-Ionut, Chiroiu, Mihai-Daniel.  2019.  Password Guessing Using Machine Learning on Wearables. 2019 22nd International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science (CSCS). :304–311.
Wearables are now ubiquitous items equipped with a multitude of sensors such as GPS, accelerometer, or Bluetooth. The raw data from this sensors are typically used in a health context. However, we can also use it for security purposes. In this paper, we present a solution that aims at using data from the sensors of a wearable device to identify the password a user is typing on a keyboard by using machine learning algorithms. Hence, the purpose is to determine whether a malicious third party application could extract sensitive data through the raw data that it has access to.
Gao, Hongcan, Zhu, Jingwen, Liu, Lei, Xu, Jing, Wu, Yanfeng, Liu, Ao.  2019.  Detecting SQL Injection Attacks Using Grammar Pattern Recognition and Access Behavior Mining. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Energy Internet (ICEI). :493–498.
SQL injection attacks are a kind of the greatest security risks on Web applications. Much research has been done to detect SQL injection attacks by rule matching and syntax tree. However, due to the complexity and variety of SQL injection vulnerabilities, these approaches fail to detect unknown and variable SQL injection attacks. In this paper, we propose a model, ATTAR, to detect SQL injection attacks using grammar pattern recognition and access behavior mining. The most important idea of our model is to extract and analyze features of SQL injection attacks in Web access logs. To achieve this goal, we first extract and customize Web access log fields from Web applications. Then we design a grammar pattern recognizer and an access behavior miner to obtain the grammatical and behavioral features of SQL injection attacks, respectively. Finally, based on two feature sets, machine learning algorithms, e.g., Naive Bayesian, SVM, ID3, Random Forest, and K-means, are used to train and detect our model. We evaluated our model on these two feature sets, and the results show that the proposed model can effectively detect SQL injection attacks with lower false negative rate and false positive rate. In addition, comparing the accuracy of our model based on different algorithms, ID3 and Random Forest have a better ability to detect various kinds of SQL injection attacks.
Taher, Kazi Abu, Mohammed Yasin Jisan, Billal, Rahman, Md. Mahbubur.  2019.  Network Intrusion Detection using Supervised Machine Learning Technique with Feature Selection. 2019 International Conference on Robotics,Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST). :643–646.
A novel supervised machine learning system is developed to classify network traffic whether it is malicious or benign. To find the best model considering detection success rate, combination of supervised learning algorithm and feature selection method have been used. Through this study, it is found that Artificial Neural Network (ANN) based machine learning with wrapper feature selection outperform support vector machine (SVM) technique while classifying network traffic. To evaluate the performance, NSL-KDD dataset is used to classify network traffic using SVM and ANN supervised machine learning techniques. Comparative study shows that the proposed model is efficient than other existing models with respect to intrusion detection success rate.
Hsu, Hsiao-Tzu, Jong, Gwo-Jia, Chen, Jhih-Hao, Jhe, Ciou-Guo.  2019.  Improve Iot Security System Of Smart-Home By Using Support Vector Machine. 2019 IEEE 4th International Conference on Computer and Communication Systems (ICCCS). :674–677.
The traditional smart-home is designed to integrate the concept of the Internet of Things(IoT) into our home environment, and to improve the comfort of home. It connects electrical products and household goods to the network, and then monitors and controls them. However, this paper takes home safety as the main axis of research. It combines the past concept of smart-home and technology of machine learning to improve the whole system of smart-home. Through systematic self-learning, it automatically figure out whether it is normal or abnormal, and reports to remind building occupants safety. At the same time, it saves the cost of human resources preservation. This paper make a set of rules table as the basic criteria first, and then classify a part of data which collected by traditional Internet of Things of smart-home by manual way, which includes the opening and closing of doors and windows, the starting and stopping of motors, the connection and interruption of the system, and the time of sending each data to label, then use Support Vector Machine(SVM) algorithm to classify and build models, and then train it. The executed model is applied to our smart-home system. Finally, we verify the Accuracy of anomaly reporting in our system.
Le, Duc C., Nur Zincir-Heywood, A..  2019.  Machine Learning Based Insider Threat Modelling and Detection. 2019 IFIP/IEEE Symposium on Integrated Network and Service Management (IM). :1–6.

Recently, malicious insider attacks represent one of the most damaging threats to companies and government agencies. This paper proposes a new framework in constructing a user-centered machine learning based insider threat detection system on multiple data granularity levels. System evaluations and analysis are performed not only on individual data instances but also on normal and malicious insiders, where insider scenario specific results and delay in detection are reported and discussed. Our results show that the machine learning based detection system can learn from limited ground truth and detect new malicious insiders with a high accuracy.

Aldairi, Maryam, Karimi, Leila, Joshi, James.  2019.  A Trust Aware Unsupervised Learning Approach for Insider Threat Detection. 2019 IEEE 20th International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration for Data Science (IRI). :89–98.

With the rapidly increasing connectivity in cyberspace, Insider Threat is becoming a huge concern. Insider threat detection from system logs poses a tremendous challenge for human analysts. Analyzing log files of an organization is a key component of an insider threat detection and mitigation program. Emerging machine learning approaches show tremendous potential for performing complex and challenging data analysis tasks that would benefit the next generation of insider threat detection systems. However, with huge sets of heterogeneous data to analyze, applying machine learning techniques effectively and efficiently to such a complex problem is not straightforward. In this paper, we extract a concise set of features from the system logs while trying to prevent loss of meaningful information and providing accurate and actionable intelligence. We investigate two unsupervised anomaly detection algorithms for insider threat detection and draw a comparison between different structures of the system logs including daily dataset and periodically aggregated one. We use the generated anomaly score from the previous cycle as the trust score of each user fed to the next period's model and show its importance and impact in detecting insiders. Furthermore, we consider the psychometric score of users in our model and check its effectiveness in predicting insiders. As far as we know, our model is the first one to take the psychometric score of users into consideration for insider threat detection. Finally, we evaluate our proposed approach on CERT insider threat dataset (v4.2) and show how it outperforms previous approaches.

Karve, Shreya, Nagmal, Arati, Papalkar, Sahil, Deshpande, S. A..  2018.  Context Sensitive Conversational Agent Using DNN. 2018 Second International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology (ICECA). :475–478.
We investigate a method of building a closed domain intelligent conversational agent using deep neural networks. A conversational agent is a dialog system intended to converse with a human, with a coherent structure. Our conversational agent uses a retrieval based model that identifies the intent of the input user query and maps it to a knowledge base to return appropriate results. Human conversations are based on context, but existing conversational agents are context insensitive. To overcome this limitation, our system uses a simple stack based context identification and storage system. The conversational agent generates responses according to the current context of conversation. allowing more human-like conversations.
Ferenc, Rudolf, Heged\H us, Péter, Gyimesi, Péter, Antal, Gábor, Bán, Dénes, Gyimóthy, Tibor.  2019.  Challenging Machine Learning Algorithms in Predicting Vulnerable JavaScript Functions. 2019 IEEE/ACM 7th International Workshop on Realizing Artificial Intelligence Synergies in Software Engineering (RAISE). :8-14.

The rapid rise of cyber-crime activities and the growing number of devices threatened by them place software security issues in the spotlight. As around 90% of all attacks exploit known types of security issues, finding vulnerable components and applying existing mitigation techniques is a viable practical approach for fighting against cyber-crime. In this paper, we investigate how the state-of-the-art machine learning techniques, including a popular deep learning algorithm, perform in predicting functions with possible security vulnerabilities in JavaScript programs. We applied 8 machine learning algorithms to build prediction models using a new dataset constructed for this research from the vulnerability information in public databases of the Node Security Project and the Snyk platform, and code fixing patches from GitHub. We used static source code metrics as predictors and an extensive grid-search algorithm to find the best performing models. We also examined the effect of various re-sampling strategies to handle the imbalanced nature of the dataset. The best performing algorithm was KNN, which created a model for the prediction of vulnerable functions with an F-measure of 0.76 (0.91 precision and 0.66 recall). Moreover, deep learning, tree and forest based classifiers, and SVM were competitive with F-measures over 0.70. Although the F-measures did not vary significantly with the re-sampling strategies, the distribution of precision and recall did change. No re-sampling seemed to produce models preferring high precision, while re-sampling strategies balanced the IR measures.

Altay, Osman, Ulas, Mustafa.  2018.  Location Determination by Processing Signal Strength of Wi-Fi Routers in the Indoor Environment with Linear Discriminant Classifier. 2018 6th International Symposium on Digital Forensic and Security (ISDFS). :1-4.

Location determination in the indoor areas as well as in open areas is important for many applications. But location determination in the indoor areas is a very difficult process compared to open areas. The Global Positioning System (GPS) signals used for position detection is not effective in the indoor areas. Wi-Fi signals are a widely used method for localization detection in the indoor area. In the indoor areas, localization can be used for many different purposes, such as intelligent home systems, locations of people, locations of products in the depot. In this study, it was tried to determine localization for with the classification method for 4 different areas by using Wi-Fi signal values obtained from different routers for indoor location determination. Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) classification was used for classification. In the test using 10k fold cross-validation, 97.2% accuracy value was calculated.

Sun, Y., Zhang, L., Zhao, C..  2018.  A Study of Network Covert Channel Detection Based on Deep Learning. 2018 2nd IEEE Advanced Information Management,Communicates,Electronic and Automation Control Conference (IMCEC). :637-641.

Information security has become a growing concern. Computer covert channel which is regarded as an important area of information security research gets more attention. In order to detect these covert channels, a variety of detection algorithms are proposed in the course of the research. The algorithms of machine learning type show better results in these detection algorithms. However, the common machine learning algorithms have many problems in the testing process and have great limitations. Based on the deep learning algorithm, this paper proposes a new idea of network covert channel detection and forms a new detection model. On the one hand, this algorithmic model can detect more complex covert channels and, on the other hand, greatly improve the accuracy of detection due to the use of a new deep learning model. By optimizing this test model, we can get better results on the evaluation index.