With the emergence of quantum computers, traditional digital signature schemes based on problems such as large integer solutions and discrete logarithms will no longer be secure, and it is urgent to find effective digital signature schemes that can resist quantum attacks. Lattice cryptography has the advantages of computational simplicity and high security. In this paper, we propose an identity-based digital signature scheme based on the rejection sampling algorithm. Unlike most schemes that use a common Gaussian distribution, this paper uses a bimodal Gaussian distribution, which improves efficiency. The identity-based signature scheme is more convenient for practical application than the traditional certificate-based signature scheme.
Security, efficiency and availability are three key factors that affect the application of searchable encryption schemes in mobile cloud computing environments. In order to meet the above characteristics, this paper proposes a certificateless public key encryption with a keyword search (CLPEKS) scheme. In this scheme, a CLPEKS generation method and a Trapdoor generation method are designed to support multiple receivers to query. Based on the elliptic curve scalar multiplication, the efficiencies of encrypting keywords, generating Trapdoors, and testing are improved. By adding a random number factor to the Trapdoor generation, the scheme can resist the internal keyword guessing attacks. Under the random oracle model, it is proved that the scheme can resist keyword guessing attacks. Theoretical analyses and implementation show that the proposed scheme is more efficient than the existing schemes.
Computer virus detection technology is an important basic security technology in the information age. The current detection technology has a high success rate for the detection of known viruses and known virus infection technologies, but the development of detection technology often lags behind the development of computer virus infection technology. Under Windows system, there are many kinds of file viruses, which change rapidly, and pose a continuous security threat to users. The research of new file virus infection technology can provide help for the development of virus detection technology. In this paper, a new virus infection technology based on dynamic binary analysis is proposed to execute file virus infection. Using the new virus infection technology, the infected executable file can be detected in the experimental environment. At the same time, this paper discusses the detection method of new virus infection technology. We hope to provide help for the development of virus detection technology from the perspective of virus design.