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Wu, Yuhao, Wang, Yujie, Zhai, Shixuan, Li, Zihan, Li, Ao, Wang, Jinwen, Zhang, Ning.  2022.  Work-in-Progress: Measuring Security Protection in Real-time Embedded Firmware. 2022 IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS). :495–498.
The proliferation of real-time cyber-physical systems (CPS) is making profound changes to our daily life. Many real-time CPSs are security and safety-critical because of their continuous interactions with the physical world. While the general perception is that the security protection mechanism deployment is often absent in real-time embedded systems, there is no existing empirical study that measures the adoption of these mechanisms in the ecosystem. To bridge this gap, we conduct a measurement study for real-time embedded firmware from both a security perspective and a real-time perspective. To begin with, we collected more than 16 terabytes of embedded firmware and sampled 1,000 of them for the study. Then, we analyzed the adoption of security protection mechanisms and their potential impacts on the timeliness of real-time embedded systems. Besides, we measured the scheduling algorithms supported by real-time embedded systems since they are also security-critical.
ISSN: 2576-3172
Yang, Di, Wang, Lianfa, Zhang, Yufeng.  2022.  Research on the Application of Computer Big Data Technology in the Health Monitoring of the Bridge Body of Cross-river Bridge. 2022 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Image Processing, Electronics and Computers (IPEC). :1516—1520.
This article proposes a health monitoring system platform for cross-river bridges based on big data. The system can realize regionalized bridge operation and maintenance management. The system has functions such as registration modification and deletion of sensor equipment, user registration modification and deletion, real-time display and storage of sensor monitoring data, and evaluation and early warning of bridge structure safety. The sensor is connected to the lower computer through the serial port, analog signal, fiber grating signal, etc. The lower computer converts a variety of signals into digital signals through the single-chip A/D sampling and demodulator, etc., and transmits it to the upper computer through the serial port. The upper computer uses ARMCortex-A9 Run the main program to realize multi-threaded network communication. The system platform is to test the validity of the model, and a variety of model verification methods are used for evaluation to ensure the reliability of the big data analysis method.
Fidalgo, Pedro, Lopes, Rui J., Faloutsos, Christos.  2022.  Star-Bridge: a topological multidimensional subgraph analysis to detect fraudulent nodes and rings in telecom networks. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data). :2239–2242.
Fraud mechanisms have evolved from isolated actions performed by single individuals to complex criminal networks. This paper aims to contribute to the identification of potentially relevant nodes in fraud networks. Whilst traditional methods for fraud detection rely on identifying abnormal patterns, this paper proposes STARBRIDGE: a new linear and scalable, ranked out, parameter free method to identify fraudulent nodes and rings based on Bridging, Influence and Control metrics. This is applied to the telecommunications domain where fraudulent nodes form a star-bridge-star pattern. Over 75% of nodes involved in fraud denote control, bridging centrality and doubled the influence scores, when compared to non-fraudulent nodes in the same role, stars and bridges being chief positions.
Yang, Jingcong, Xia, Qi, Gao, Jianbin, Obiri, Isaac Amankona, Sun, Yushan, Yang, Wenwu.  2022.  A Lightweight Scalable Blockchain Architecture for IoT Devices. 2022 IEEE 5th International Conference on Electronics Technology (ICET). :1014–1018.
With the development of Internet of Things (IoT) technology, the transaction behavior of IoT devices has gradually increased, which also brings the problem of transaction data security and transaction processing efficiency. As one of the research hotspots in the field of data security, blockchain technology has been widely applied in the maintenance of transaction records and the construction of financial payment systems. However, the proportion of microtransactions in the Internet of Things poses challenges to the coupling of blockchain and IoT devices. This paper proposes a three-party scalable architecture based on “IoT device-edge server-blockchain”. In view of the characteristics of micropayment, the verification mechanism of the execution results of the off-chain transaction is designed, and the bridge node is designed in the off-chain architecture, which ensures the finality of the blockchain to the transaction. According to system evaluation, this scalable architecture improves the processing efficiency of micropayments on blockchain, while ensuring its decentration equal to that of blockchain. Compared with other blockchain-based IoT device payment schemes, our architecture is more excellent in activity.
ISSN: 2768-6515
Herwanto, Guntur Budi, Quirchmayr, Gerald, Tjoa, A Min.  2021.  A Named Entity Recognition Based Approach for Privacy Requirements Engineering. 2021 IEEE 29th International Requirements Engineering Conference Workshops (REW). :406—411.
The presence of experts, such as a data protection officer (DPO) and a privacy engineer is essential in Privacy Requirements Engineering. This task is carried out in various forms including threat modeling and privacy impact assessment. The knowledge required for performing privacy threat modeling can be a serious challenge for a novice privacy engineer. We aim to bridge this gap by developing an automated approach via machine learning that is able to detect privacy-related entities in the user stories. The relevant entities include (1) the Data Subject, (2) the Processing, and (3) the Personal Data entities. We use a state-of-the-art Named Entity Recognition (NER) model along with contextual embedding techniques. We argue that an automated approach can assist agile teams in performing privacy requirements engineering techniques such as threat modeling, which requires a holistic understanding of how personally identifiable information is used in a system. In comparison to other domain-specific NER models, our approach achieves a reasonably good performance in terms of precision and recall.
Aumayr, Lukas, Maffei, Matteo, Ersoy, Oğuzhan, Erwig, Andreas, Faust, Sebastian, Riahi, Siavash, Hostáková, Kristina, Moreno-Sanchez, Pedro.  2021.  Bitcoin-Compatible Virtual Channels. 2021 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP). :901–918.
Current permissionless cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin suffer from a limited transaction rate and slow confirmation time, which hinders further adoption. Payment channels are one of the most promising solutions to address these problems, as they allow the parties of the channel to perform arbitrarily many payments in a peer-to-peer fashion while uploading only two transactions on the blockchain. This concept has been generalized into payment channel networks where a path of payment channels is used to settle the payment between two users that might not share a direct channel between them. However, this approach requires the active involvement of each user in the path, making the system less reliable (they might be offline), more expensive (they charge fees per payment), and slower (intermediaries need to be actively involved in the payment). To mitigate this issue, recent work has introduced the concept of virtual channels (IEEE S&P’19), which involve intermediaries only in the initial creation of a bridge between payer and payee, who can later on independently perform arbitrarily many off-chain transactions. Unfortunately, existing constructions are only available for Ethereum, as they rely on its account model and Turing-complete scripting language. The realization of virtual channels in other blockchain technologies with limited scripting capabilities, like Bitcoin, was so far considered an open challenge.In this work, we present the first virtual channel protocols that are built on the UTXO-model and require a scripting language supporting only a digital signature scheme and a timelock functionality, being thus backward compatible with virtually every cryptocurrency, including Bitcoin. We formalize the security properties of virtual channels as an ideal functionality in the Universal Composability framework and prove that our protocol constitutes a secure realization thereof. We have prototyped and evaluated our protocol on the Bitcoin blockchain, demonstrating its efficiency: for n sequential payments, they require an off-chain exchange of 9+2n transactions or a total of 3524+695n bytes, with no on-chain footprint in the optimistic case. This is a substantial improvement compared to routing payments in a payment channel network, which requires 8n transactions with a total of 3026n bytes to be exchanged.
Tao, Jing, Chen, A, Liu, Kai, Chen, Kailiang, Li, Fengyuan, Fu, Peng.  2021.  Recommendation Method of Honeynet Trapping Component Based on LSTM. 2021 IEEE Intl Conf on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, Intl Conf on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, Intl Conf on Cloud and Big Data Computing, Intl Conf on Cyber Science and Technology Congress (DASC/PiCom/CBDCom/CyberSciTech). :952—957.
With the advancement of network physical social system (npss), a large amount of data privacy has become the targets of hacker attacks. Due to the complex and changeable attack methods of hackers, network security threats are becoming increasingly severe. As an important type of active defense, honeypots use the npss as a carrier to ensure the security of npss. However, traditional honeynet structures are relatively fixed, and it is difficult to trap hackers in a targeted manner. To bridge this gap, this paper proposes a recommendation method for LSTM prediction trap components based on attention mechanism. Its characteristic lies in the ability to predict hackers' attack interest, which increases the active trapping ability of honeynets. The experimental results show that the proposed prediction method can quickly and effectively predict the attacking behavior of hackers and promptly provide the trapping components that hackers are interested in.
Hong, Zicong, Guo, Song, Li, Peng, Chen, Wuhui.  2021.  Pyramid: A Layered Sharding Blockchain System. IEEE INFOCOM 2021 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications. :1–10.
Sharding can significantly improve the blockchain scalability, by dividing nodes into small groups called shards that can handle transactions in parallel. However, all existing sharding systems adopt complete sharding, i.e., shards are isolated. It raises additional overhead to guarantee the atomicity and consistency of cross-shard transactions and seriously degrades the sharding performance. In this paper, we present Pyramid, the first layered sharding blockchain system, in which some shards can store the full records of multiple shards thus the cross-shard transactions can be processed and validated in these shards internally. When committing cross-shard transactions, to achieve consistency among the related shards, a layered sharding consensus based on the collaboration among several shards is presented. Compared with complete sharding in which each cross-shard transaction is split into multiple sub-transactions and cost multiple consensus rounds to commit, the layered sharding consensus can commit cross-shard transactions in one round. Furthermore, the security, scalability, and performance of layered sharding with different sharding structures are theoretically analyzed. Finally, we implement a prototype for Pyramid and its evaluation results illustrate that compared with the state-of-the-art complete sharding systems, Pyramid can improve the transaction throughput by 2.95 times in a system with 17 shards and 3500 nodes.
Ngow, Y T, Goh, S H, Leo, J, Low, H W, Kamoji, Rupa.  2020.  Automated nets extraction for digital logic physical failure analysis on IP-secure products. 2020 IEEE International Symposium on the Physical and Failure Analysis of Integrated Circuits (IPFA). :1—6.
GDSII layouts of IP-confidential products are heavily controlled and access is only granted to certain privileged personnel. Failure analysts are generally excluded. Without guidance from GDSII, failure analysis, specifically physical inspection based on fault isolation findings cannot proceed. To overcome this challenge, we develop an automated approach that enables image snapshots relevant to failure analysts to be furnished without compromising the confidentiality of the GDSII content in this paper. Modules built are executed to trace the suspected nets and extract them into multiple images of different pre-defined frame specifications to facilitate failure analysis.
Bao, L., Wu, S., Yu, S., Huang, J..  2020.  Client-side Security Assessment and Security Protection Scheme for Smart TV Network. 2020 IEEE 6th International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC). :573—578.

TV networks are no longer just closed networks. They are increasingly carrying Internet services, integrating and interoperating with home IoT and the Internet. In addition, client devices are becoming intelligent. At the same time, they are facing more security risks. Security incidents such as attacks on TV systems are commonplace, and there are many incidents that cause negative effects. The security protection of TV networks mainly adopts security protection schemes similar to other networks, such as constructing a security perimeter; there are few security researches specifically carried out for client-side devices. This paper focuses on the mainstream architecture of the integration of HFC TV network and the Internet, and conducts a comprehensive security test and analysis for client-side devices including EOC cable bridge gateways and smart TV Set-Top-BoX. Results show that the TV network client devices have severe vulnerabilities such as command injection and system debugging interfaces. Attackers can obtain the system control of TV clients without authorization. In response to the results, we put forward systematic suggestions on the client security protection of smart TV networks in current days.

Wang, B., Dou, Y., Sang, Y., Zhang, Y., Huang, J..  2020.  IoTCMal: Towards A Hybrid IoT Honeypot for Capturing and Analyzing Malware. ICC 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC). :1—7.

Nowadays, the emerging Internet-of-Things (IoT) emphasize the need for the security of network-connected devices. Additionally, there are two types of services in IoT devices that are easily exploited by attackers, weak authentication services (e.g., SSH/Telnet) and exploited services using command injection. Based on this observation, we propose IoTCMal, a hybrid IoT honeypot framework for capturing more comprehensive malicious samples aiming at IoT devices. The key novelty of IoTC-MAL is three-fold: (i) it provides a high-interactive component with common vulnerable service in real IoT device by utilizing traffic forwarding technique; (ii) it also contains a low-interactive component with Telnet/SSH service by running in virtual environment. (iii) Distinct from traditional low-interactive IoT honeypots[1], which only analyze family categories of malicious samples, IoTCMal primarily focuses on homology analysis of malicious samples. We deployed IoTCMal on 36 VPS1 instances distributed in 13 cities of 6 countries. By analyzing the malware binaries captured from IoTCMal, we discover 8 malware families controlled by at least 11 groups of attackers, which mainly launched DDoS attacks and digital currency mining. Among them, about 60% of the captured malicious samples ran in ARM or MIPs architectures, which are widely used in IoT devices.

Ge, K., He, Y..  2020.  Detection of Sybil Attack on Tor Resource Distribution. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Power, Intelligent Computing and Systems (ICPICS). :328–332.
Tor anonymous communication system's resource publishing is vulnerable to enumeration attacks. Zhao determines users who requested resources are unavailable as suspicious malicious users, and gradually reduce the scope of suspicious users through several stages to reduce the false positive rate. However, it takes several stages to distinguish users. Although this method successfully detects the malicious user, the malicious user has acquired many resources in the previous stages, which reduce the availability of the anonymous communication system. This paper proposes a detection method based on Integer Linear Program to detect malicious users who perform enumeration attacks on resources in the process of resource distribution. First, we need construct a bipartite graph between the unavailable resources and the users who requested for these resources in the anonymous communication system; next we use Integer Linear Program to find the minimum malicious user set. We simulate the resource distribution process through computer program, we perform an experimental analysis of the method in this paper is carried out. Experimental results show that the accuracy of the method in this paper is above 80%, when the unavailable resources in the system account for no more than 50%. It is about 10% higher than Zhao's method.
Poltronieri, F., Sadler, L., Benincasa, G., Gregory, T., Harrell, J. M., Metu, S., Moulton, C..  2018.  Enabling Efficient and Interoperable Control of IoBT Devices in a Multi-Force Environment. MILCOM 2018 - 2018 IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM). :757—762.

Efficient application of Internet of Battlefield Things (IoBT) technology on the battlefield calls for innovative solutions to control and manage the deluge of heterogeneous IoBT devices. This paper presents an innovative paradigm to address heterogeneity in controlling IoBT and IoT devices, enabling multi-force cooperation in challenging battlefield scenarios.

Mao, Zhong, Yan, Yujie, Wu, Jiahao, Hajjar, Jerome F., Padir, Taskin.  2019.  Automated Damage Assessment of Critical Infrastructure Using Online Mapping Technique with Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems. 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST). :1–5.
Rapid inspection and assessment of critical infrastructure after man-made and natural disasters is a matter of homeland security. The primary aim of this paper is to demonstrate the potential of leveraging small Unmanned Aircraft System (sUAS) in support of the rapid recovery of critical infrastructure in the aftermath of catastrophic events. We propose our data collection, detection and assessment system, using a sUAS equipped with a Lidar and a camera. This method provides a solution in fast post-disaster response and assists human responders in damage investigation.
Ahsan, Ramoza, Bashir, Muzammil, Neamtu, Rodica, Rundensteiner, Elke A., Sarkozy, Gabor.  2019.  Nearest Neighbor Subsequence Search in Time Series Data. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data). :2057—2066.
Continuous growth in sensor data and other temporal sequence data necessitates efficient retrieval and similarity search support on these big time series datasets. However, finding exact similarity results, especially at the granularity of subsequences, is known to be prohibitively costly for large data sets. In this paper, we thus propose an efficient framework for solving this exact subsequence similarity match problem, called TINN (TIme series Nearest Neighbor search). Exploiting the range interval diversity properties of time series datasets, TINN captures similarity at two levels of abstraction, namely, relationships among subsequences within each long time series and relationships across distinct time series in the data set. These relationships are compactly organized in an augmented relationship graph model, with the former relationships encoded in similarity vectors at TINN nodes and the later captured by augmented edge types in the TINN Graph. Query processing strategy deploy novel pruning techniques on the TINN Graph, including node skipping, vertical and horizontal pruning, to significantly reduce the number of time series as well as subsequences to be explored. Comprehensive experiments on synthetic and real world time series data demonstrate that our TINN model consistently outperforms state-of-the-art approaches while still guaranteeing to retrieve exact matches.
Bhat, Sriharsha, Stenius, Ivan, Bore, Nils, Severholt, Josefine, Ljung, Carl, Torroba Balmori, Ignacio.  2019.  Towards a Cyber-Physical System for Hydrobatic AUVs. OCEANS 2019 - Marseille. :1–7.
Cyber-physical systems (CPSs) encompass a network of sensors and actuators that are monitored, controlled and integrated by a computing and communication core. As autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) become more intelligent and connected, new use cases in ocean production, security and environmental monitoring become feasible. Swarms of small, affordable and hydrobatic AUVs can be beneficial in substance cloud tracking and algae farming, and a CPS linking the AUVs with multi-fidelity simulations can improve performance while reducing risks and costs. In this paper, we present a CPS concept tightly linking the AUV network in ROS to virtual validation using Simulink and Gazebo. A robust hardware-software interface using the open-source UAVCAN-ROS bridge is described for enabling hardware-in-the-loop validation. Hardware features of the hydrobatic SAM AUV are described, with a focus on subsystem integration. Results presented include pre-tuning of controllers, validation of mission plans in simulation and real time subsystem performance in tank tests. These first results demonstrate the interconnection between different system elements and offer a proof of concept.
Saeed, A., Garraghan, P., Craggs, B., Linden, D. v d, Rashid, A., Hussain, S. A..  2018.  A Cross-Virtual Machine Network Channel Attack via Mirroring and TAP Impersonation. 2018 IEEE 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD). :606–613.

Data privacy and security is a leading concern for providers and customers of cloud computing, where Virtual Machines (VMs) can co-reside within the same underlying physical machine. Side channel attacks within multi-tenant virtualized cloud environments are an established problem, where attackers are able to monitor and exfiltrate data from co-resident VMs. Virtualization services have attempted to mitigate such attacks by preventing VM-to-VM interference on shared hardware by providing logical resource isolation between co-located VMs via an internal virtual network. However, such approaches are also insecure, with attackers capable of performing network channel attacks which bypass mitigation strategies using vectors such as ARP Spoofing, TCP/IP steganography, and DNS poisoning. In this paper we identify a new vulnerability within the internal cloud virtual network, showing that through a combination of TAP impersonation and mirroring, a malicious VM can successfully redirect and monitor network traffic of VMs co-located within the same physical machine. We demonstrate the feasibility of this attack in a prominent cloud platform - OpenStack - under various security requirements and system conditions, and propose countermeasures for mitigation.

Waraich, P. S., Batra, N..  2017.  Prevention of denial of service attack over vehicle ad hoc networks using quick response table. 2017 4th International Conference on Signal Processing, Computing and Control (ISPCC). :586–591.

Secure routing over VANET is a major issue due to its high mobility environment. Due to dynamic topology, routes are frequently updated and also suffers from link breaks due to the obstacles i.e. buildings, tunnels and bridges etc. Frequent link breaks can cause packet drop and thus result in degradation of network performance. In case of VANETs, it becomes very difficult to identify the reason of the packet drop as it can also occur due to the presence of a security threat. VANET is a type of wireless adhoc network and suffer from common attacks which exist for mobile adhoc network (MANET) i.e. Denial of Services (DoS), Black hole, Gray hole and Sybil attack etc. Researchers have already developed various security mechanisms for secure routing over MANET but these solutions are not fully compatible with unique attributes of VANET i.e. vehicles can communicate with each other (V2V) as well as communication can be initiated with infrastructure based network (V2I). In order to secure the routing for both types of communication, there is need to develop a solution. In this paper, a method for secure routing is introduced which can identify as well as eliminate the existing security threat.

Liu, C., Feng, Y., Fan, M., Wang, G..  2008.  PKI Mesh Trust Model Based on Trusted Computing. 2008 The 9th International Conference for Young Computer Scientists. :1401–1405.

Different organizations or countries maybe adopt different PKI trust model in real applications. On a large scale, all certification authorities (CA) and end entities construct a huge mesh network. PKI trust model exhibits unstructured mesh network as a whole. However, mesh trust model worsens computational complexity in certification path processing when the number of PKI domains increases. This paper proposes an enhanced mesh trust model for PKI. Keys generation and signature are fulfilled in Trusted Platform Module (TPM) for higher security level. An algorithm is suggested to improve the performance of certification path processing in this model. This trust model is less complex but more efficient and robust than the existing PKI trust models.

Ge, M., Hong, J. B., Alzaid, H., Kim, D. S..  2017.  Security Modeling and Analysis of Cross-Protocol IoT Devices. 2017 IEEE Trustcom/BigDataSE/ICESS. :1043–1048.

In the Internet of Things (IoT), smart devices are connected using various communication protocols, such as Wi-Fi, ZigBee. Some IoT devices have multiple built-in communication modules. If an IoT device equipped with multiple communication protocols is compromised by an attacker using one communication protocol (e.g., Wi-Fi), it can be exploited as an entry point to the IoT network. Another protocol (e.g., ZigBee) of this IoT device could be used to exploit vulnerabilities of other IoT devices using the same communication protocol. In order to find potential attacks caused by this kind of cross-protocol devices, we group IoT devices based on their communication protocols and construct a graphical security model for each group of devices using the same communication protocol. We combine the security models via the cross-protocol devices and compute hidden attack paths traversing different groups of devices. We use two use cases in the smart home scenario to demonstrate our approach and discuss some feasible countermeasures.

Memon, A.S., Jensen, J., Cernivec, A., Benedyczak, K., Riedel, M..  2014.  Federated Authentication and Credential Translation in the EUDAT Collaborative Data Infrastructure. Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC), 2014 IEEE/ACM 7th International Conference on. :726-731.

One of the challenges in a distributed data infrastructure is how users authenticate to the infrastructure, and how their authorisations are tracked. Each user community comes with its own established practices, all different, and users are put off if they need to use new, difficult tools. From the perspective of the infrastructure project, the level of assurance must be high enough, and it should not be necessary to reimplement an authentication and authorisation infrastructure (AAI). In the EUDAT project, we chose to implement a mostly loosely coupled approach based on the outcome of the Contrail and Unicore projects. We have preferred a practical approach, combining the outcome of several projects who have contributed parts of the puzzle. The present paper aims to describe the experiences with the integration of these parts. Eventually, we aim to have a full framework which will enable us to easily integrate new user communities and new services.