While the existence of many security elements in software can be measured (e.g., vulnerabilities, security controls, or privacy controls), it is challenging to measure their relative security impact. In the physical world we can often measure the impact of individual elements to a system. However, in cyber security we often lack ground truth (i.e., the ability to directly measure significance). In this work we propose to solve this by leveraging human expert opinion to provide ground truth. Experts are iteratively asked to compare pairs of security elements to determine their relative significance. On the back end our knowledge encoding tool performs a form of binary insertion sort on a set of security elements using each expert as an oracle for the element comparisons. The tool not only sorts the elements (note that equality may be permitted), but it also records the strength or degree of each relationship. The output is a directed acyclic ‘constraint’ graph that provides a total ordering among the sets of equivalent elements. Multiple constraint graphs are then unified together to form a single graph that is used to generate a scoring or prioritization system.For our empirical study, we apply this domain-agnostic measurement approach to generate scoring/prioritization systems in the areas of vulnerability scoring, privacy control prioritization, and cyber security control evaluation.
The main intention of edge computing is to improve network performance by storing and computing data at the edge of the network near the end user. However, its rapid development largely ignores security threats in large-scale computing platforms and their capable applications. Therefore, Security and privacy are crucial need for edge computing and edge computing based environment. Security vulnerabilities in edge computing systems lead to security threats affecting edge computing networks. Therefore, there is a basic need for an intrusion detection system (IDS) designed for edge computing to mitigate security attacks. Due to recent attacks, traditional algorithms may not be possibility for edge computing. This article outlines the latest IDS designed for edge computing and focuses on the corresponding methods, functions and mechanisms. This review also provides deep understanding of emerging security attacks in edge computing. This article proves that although the design and implementation of edge computing IDS have been studied previously, the development of efficient, reliable and powerful IDS for edge computing systems is still a crucial task. At the end of the review, the IDS developed will be introduced as a future prospect.
A distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) is a malicious attempt by attackers to disrupt the normal traffic of a targeted server, service or network. This is done by overwhelming the target and its surrounding infrastructure with a flood of Internet traffic. The multiple compromised computer systems (bots or zombies) then act as sources of attack traffic. Exploited machines can include computers and other network resources such as IoT devices. The attack results in either degraded network performance or a total service outage of critical infrastructure. This can lead to heavy financial losses and reputational damage. These attacks maximise effectiveness by controlling the affected systems remotely and establishing a network of bots called bot networks. It is very difficult to separate the attack traffic from normal traffic. Early detection is essential for successful mitigation of the attack, which gives rise to a very important role in cybersecurity to detect the attacks and mitigate the effects. This can be done by deploying machine learning or deep learning models to monitor the traffic data. We propose using various machine learning and deep learning algorithms to analyse the traffic patterns and separate malicious traffic from normal traffic. Two suitable datasets have been identified (DDoS attack SDN dataset and CICDDoS2019 dataset). All essential preprocessing is performed on both datasets. Feature selection is also performed before detection techniques are applied. 8 different Neural Networks/ Ensemble/ Machine Learning models are chosen and the datasets are analysed. The best model is chosen based on the performance metrics (DEEP NEURAL NETWORK MODEL). An alternative is also suggested (Next best - Hypermodel). Optimisation by Hyperparameter tuning further enhances the accuracy. Based on the nature of the attack and the intended target, suitable mitigation procedures can then be deployed.
In recent decades, a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack is one of the most expensive attacks for business organizations. The DDoS is a form of cyber-attack that disrupts the operation of computer resources and networks. As technology advances, the styles and tools used in these attacks become more diverse. These attacks are increased in frequency, volume, and intensity, and they can quickly disrupt the victim, resulting in a significant financial loss. In this paper, it is described the significance of DDOS attacks and propose a new method for detecting and mitigating the DDOS attacks by analyzing the traffics coming to the server from the BOTNET in attacking system. The process of analyzing the requests coming from the BOTNET uses the Machine learning algorithm in the decision making. The simulation is carried out and the results analyze the DDOS attack.