This article discusses existing approaches to building regional scale networks. Authors offer a mathematical model of network growth process, on the basis of which simulation is performed. The availability characteristic is used as criterion for measuring optimality. This report describes the mechanism for measuring network availability and contains propositions to make changes to the procedure for designing of regional networks, which can improve its qualitative characteristics. The efficiency of changes is confirmed by simulation.
Mobile Ad-hoc network is decentralized and composed of various individual devices for communicating with each other. Its distributed nature and infrastructure deficiency are the way for various attacks in the network. On implementing Intrusion detection systems (IDS) in ad-hoc node securities were enhanced by means of auditing and monitoring process. This system is composed with clustering protocols which are highly effective in finding the intrusions with minimal computation cost on power and overhead. The existing protocols were linked with the routes, which are not prominent in detecting intrusions. The poor route structure and route renewal affect the cluster hardly. By which the cluster are unstable and results in maximization processing along with network traffics. Generally, the ad hoc networks are structured with battery and rely on power limitation. It needs an active monitoring node for detecting and responding quickly against the intrusions. It can be attained only if the clusters are strong with extensive sustaining capability. Whenever the cluster changes the routes also change and the prominent processing of achieving intrusion detection will not be possible. This raises the need of enhanced clustering algorithm which solved these drawbacks and ensures the network securities in all manner. We proposed CBIDP (cluster based Intrusion detection planning) an effective clustering algorithm which is ahead of the existing routing protocol. It is persistently irrespective of routes which monitor the intrusion perfectly. This simplified clustering methodology achieves high detecting rates on intrusion with low processing as well as memory overhead. As it is irrespective of the routes, it also overcomes the other drawbacks like traffics, connections and node mobility on the network. The individual nodes in the network are not operative on finding the intrusion or malicious node, it can be achieved by collaborating the clustering with the system.
The traditional network used today is unable to meet the increasing needs of technology in terms of management, scaling, and performance criteria. Major developments in information and communication technologies show that the traditional network structure is quite lacking in meeting the current requirements. In order to solve these problems, Software Defined Network (SDN) is capable of responding as it, is flexible, easier to manage and offers a new structure. Software Defined Networks have many advantages over traditional network structure. However, it also brings along many security threats due to its new architecture. For example, the DoS attack, which overloads the controller's processing and communication capacity in the SDN structure, is a significant threat. Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET), which is one of the wireless network technologies, is different from SDN technology. MANET is exposed to various attacks such as DoS due to its security vulnerabilities. The aim of the study is to reveal the security problems in SDN structure presented with a new understanding. This is based on the currently used network structures such as MANET. The study consists of two parts. First, DoS attacks against the SDN controller were performed. Different SDN controllers were used for more accurate results. Second, MANET was established and DoS attacks against this network were performed. Different MANET routing protocols were used for more accurate results. According to the scenario, attacks were performed and the performance values of the networks were tested. The reason for using two different networks in this study is to compare the performance values of these networks at the time of attack. According to the test results, both networks were adversely affected by the attacks. It was observed that network performance decreased in MANET structure but there was no network interruption. The SDN controller becomes dysfunctional and collapses as a result of the attack. While the innovations offered by the SDN structure are expected to provide solutions to many problems in traditional networks, there are still many vulnerabilities for network security.
This project enhances the security in which Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol for MANETs with the game theoretical approach. This is achieved by using public key and private key for encryption and decryption processes. Proactive and reactive method is implemented in the proposed system. Reactive method is done in identification process but in proactive method is used to identify the nodes and also block the hackers node, then change the direction of data transmission to good nodes. This application can be used in military, research, confidential and emergency circumferences.
UAANET (UAV Ad hoc Network) is defined as an autonomous system made of swarm of UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) and GCS (Ground Control Station). Compared to other types of MANET (Mobile Ad hoc network), UAANET have some unique features and bring several challenges. One of them is the design of routing protocol. It must be efficient for creating routes between nodes and dynamically adjusting to the rapidly changing topology. It must also be secure to protect the integrity of the network against malicious attackers. In this paper, we will present the architecture and the performance evaluation (based on both real-life experimental and emulation studies) of a secure routing protocol called SUAP (Secure UAV Ad hoc routing Protocol). SUAP ensures routing services between nodes to exchange real-time traffic and also guarantees message authentication and integrity to protect the network integrity. Additional security mechanisms were added to detect Wormhole attacks. Wormhole attacks represent a high level of risk for UAV ad hoc network and this is the reason why we choose to focus on this specific multi node attack. Through performance evaluation campaign, our results show that SUAP ensures the expected security services against different types of attacks while providing an acceptable quality of service for real-time data exchanges.
In this paper, an agent-based cross-layer secure service discovery scheme has been presented. Service discovery in MANET is a critical task and it presents numerous security challenges. These threats can compromise the availability, privacy and integrity of service discovery process and infrastructure. This paper highlights various security challenges prevalent to service discovery in MANET. Then, in order to address these security challenges, the paper proposes a cross-layer, agent based secure service discovery scheme for MANET based on deep neural network. The software agents will monitor the intrusive activities in the network based on an Intrusion Detection System (IDS). The service discovery operation is performed based on periodic dissemination of service, routing and security information. The QoS provisioning is achieved by encapsulating QoS information in the periodic advertisements done by service providers. The proposed approach has been implemented in JIST/ SWANS simulator. The results show that proposed approach provides improved security, scalability, latency, packet delivery ratio and service discovery success ratio, for various simulation scenarios.
With the tighter integration of power system and Information and Communication Technology (ICT), power grid is becoming a typical cyber physical system (CPS). It is important to analyze the impact of the cyber event on power system, so that it is necessary to build a co-simulation system for studying the interaction between power system and ICT. In this paper, a cyber physical power system (CPPS) co-simulation platform is proposed, which includes the hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulation function. By using flexible interface, various simulation software for power system and ICT can be interconnected into the platform to build co-simulation tools for various simulation purposes. To demonstrate it as a proof, one simulation framework for real life cyber-attack on power system control is introduced. In this case, the real life denial-of-service attack on a router in automatic voltage control (AVC) is simulated to demonstrate impact of cyber-attack on power system.
The growing use of MANETs and its vulnerability to attacks due to its fundamental characteristics make secure routing one of the most considerable challenges. In this paper, a new security scheme for mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) is presented. The proposed scheme used Trivium lightweight stream cipher algorithm in combination with HMAC to secure the routing control packets. This paper compares the performance of the AODV after implementing the security scheme in terms of throughput, delay sum (end-to-end), jitter sum (end-to-end) and packet loss ratio. The proposed scheme shows better performance than original AODV under blackhole attack.
Routing Protocol for Low power and Lossy Network (RPL) is a light weight routing protocol designed for LLN (Low Power Lossy Networks). It is a source routing protocol. Due to constrained nature of resources in LLN, RPL is exposed to various attacks such as blackhole attack, wormhole attack, rank attack, version attack, etc. IDS (Intrusion Detection System) is one of the countermeasures for detection and prevention of attacks for RPL based loT. Traditional IDS techniques are not suitable for LLN due to certain characteristics like different protocol stack, standards and constrained resources. In this paper, we have presented various IDS research contribution for RPL based routing attacks. We have also classified the proposed IDS in the literature, according to the detection techniques. Therefore, this comparison will be an eye-opening stuff for future research in mitigating routing attacks for RPL based IoT.
The Internet of things networks is vulnerable to many DOS attacks. Among them, Blackhole attack is one of the severe attacks as it hampers communication among network devices. In general, the solutions presented in the literature for Blackhole detection are not efficient. In addition, the existing approaches do not factor-in, the consumption in resources viz. energy, bandwidth and network lifetime. Further, these approaches are also insensitive to the mechanism used for selecting a parent in on Blackhole formation. Needless to say, a blackhole node if selected as parent would lead to orchestration of this attack trivially and hence it is an important factor in selection of a parent. In this paper, we propose SIEWE (Strainer based Intrusion Detection of Blackhole in 6LoWPAN for the Internet of Things) - an Intrusion detection mechanism to identify Blackhole attack on Routing protocol RPL in IoT. In contrast to the Watchdog based approaches where every node in network runs in promiscuous mode, SIEWE filters out suspicious nodes first and then verifies the behavior of those nodes only. The results that we obtain, show that SIEWE improves the Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR) of the system by blacklisting malicious Blackhole nodes.
For the past few decades, mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) have been a global trend in wireless networking technology. These kind of ad-hoc networks are infrastructure less, dynamic in topology and further doesn't have a centralized network administration which makes it easier for the intruders to launch several attacks on MANETs. In this paper, we have made a comparative analysis of the network layer attack by simulating rushing and black hole attack using NS-2 network simulator. For determining the most vulnerable attack we have considered packet delivery ratio, end to end delay and throughput as a evaluation metrices. Here, AODV routing protocol has been configured for data forwarding operations. From our Simulation result, it is evident that the black hole attack is more vulnerable when compared to the rushing attack.
Advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) is a key component in the smart grid. Transmitting data robustly and reliably between the tremendous smart meters in the AMI is one of the most crucial tasks for providing various services in smart grid. Among the many efforts for designing practical routing protocols for the AMI, the Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks (RPL) proposed by the IETF ROLL working group is considered the most consolidated candidate. Resent research has shown cyber attacks such as blackhole attack and version number attack can seriously damage the performance of the network implementing RPL. The main reason that RPL is vulnerable to these kinds of attacks is the lack an authentication mechanism. In this paper, we study the impact of blackhole attacks on the performance of the AMI network and proposed a new blackhole attack that can bypass the existing defense mechanism. Then, we propose a cuckoo filter based RPL to defend the AMI network from blackhole attacks. We also give the security analysis of the proposed method.