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Evaluating V2V Security on an SDR Testbed. IEEE INFOCOM 2021 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS). :1–3.
2021. We showcase the capabilities of V2Verifier, a new open-source software-defined radio (SDR) testbed for vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications security, to expose the strengths and vulnerabilities of current V2V security systems based on the IEEE 1609.2 standard. V2Verifier supports both major V2V technologies and facilitates a broad range of experimentation with upper- and lower-layer attacks using a combination of SDRs and commercial V2V on-board units (OBUs). We demonstrate two separate attacks (jamming and replay) against Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) and Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything (C-V2X) technologies, experimentally quantifying the threat posed by these types of attacks. We also use V2Verifier's open-source implementation to show how the 1609.2 standard can effectively mitigate certain types of attacks (e.g., message replay), facilitating further research into the security of V2V.
Security of Smart Grid Management of Smart Meter Protection. 2020 1st International Conference on Innovative Research in Applied Science, Engineering and Technology (IRASET). :1–5.
2020. The need of more secured and environmental energy is becoming a necessity and priority in an environment suffering from serious problems due to technological development. Since the Smart Grid is a promising alternative that supports green energy and enhances a better management of electricity, the security side has became one of the major and critical associated issues in building the communication network in the microgrid.In this paper we will present the Smart Grid Cyber security challenges and propose a distributed algorithm that face one of the biggest problems threatening the smart grid which is fires.
A Context-Policy-Based Approach to Access Control for Healthcare Data Protection. 2020 International Computer Symposium (ICS). :420–425.
2020. Fueled by the emergence of IoT-enabled medical sensors and big data analytics, nations all over the world are widely adopting digitalization of healthcare systems. This is certainly a positive trend for improving the entire spectrum of quality of care, but this convenience is also posing a huge challenge on the security of healthcare data. For ensuring privacy and protection of healthcare data, access control is regarded as one of the first-line-of-defense mechanisms. As none of the traditional enterprise access control models can completely cater to the need of the healthcare domain which includes a myriad of contexts, in this paper, we present a context-policy-based access control scheme. Our scheme relies on the eTRON cybersecurity architecture for tamper-resistance and cryptographic functions, and leverages a context-specific blend of classical discretionary and role-based access models for incorporation into legacy systems. Moreover, our scheme adheres to key recommendations of prominent statutory and technical guidelines including HIPAA and HL7. The protocols involved in the proposed access control system have been delineated, and a proof-of-concept implementation has been carried out - along with a comparison with other systems, which clearly suggests that our approach is more responsive to different contexts for protecting healthcare data.
The Visual Design of Network Data to Enhance Cyber Security Awareness of the Everyday Internet User. 2020 International Conference on Cyber Situational Awareness, Data Analytics and Assessment (CyberSA). :1–7.
2020. Technology and the use of online services are very prevalent across much of our everyday lives. As our digital interactions continue to grow, there is a need to improve public awareness of the risks to our personal online privacy and security. Designing for cyber security awareness has never been so important. In this work, we consider people's current impressions towards their privacy and security online. We also explore how abnormal network activity data can be visually conveyed to afford a heightened cyber security awareness. In detail, the paper documents the different effects of visual variables in an edge and node DoS visualisation to depict abnormally high volumes of traffic. The results from two studies show that people are generally becoming more concerned about their privacy and security online. Moreover, we have found that the more focus based visual techniques (i.e. blur) and geometry-based techniques (i.e. jaggedness and sketchiness) afford stronger impressions of uncertainty from abnormally high volumes of network traffic. In terms of security, these impressions and feelings alert in the end-user that something is not quite as it should be and hence develop a heightened cyber security awareness.
Technical Threat Intelligence Analytics: What and How to Visualize for Analytic Process. 2020 24th International Conference Electronics. :1–4.
2020. Visual Analytics uses data visualization techniques for enabling compelling data analysis by engaging graphical and visual portrayal. In the domain of cybersecurity, convincing visual representation of data enables to ascertain valuable observations that allow the domain experts to construct efficient cyberattack mitigation strategies and provide useful decision support. We present a survey of visual analytics tools and methods in the domain of cybersecurity. We explore and discuss Technical Threat Intelligence visualization tools using the Five Question Method. We conclude the analysis of the works using Moody's Physics of Notations, and VIS4ML ontology as a methodological background of visual analytics process. We summarize our analysis as a high-level model of visual analytics for cybersecurity threat analysis.
Personal Trusted Platform Module for the Multi-Core System of 5G Security and Privacy. 2020 ELEKTRO. :1–4.
2020. The article is devoted to the choice of personal means of the 5G defense in dependence of hard- and software available to the user. The universal module MS 127.04 and its software compatible unit can be universally configured for use. An intelligent hardware and software platform is proposed for multi-core setting of policies for the automatic encryption of confidential data and selective blocking related to the implementation of computing security and confidentiality of data transfer, using such additional specially. A platform that resists the external influences is described. The platform is based on a universal module MS 127.05 (produced in Russia), that is a heterogeneous multiprocessor system on a chip), the system features 16 processor cores (NeuroMatrix Core 4) and five ARM Cortex-A5 units (ULSI 1879VM8Ya.
Smart Grid Security: Attack Modeling from a CPS Perspective. 2020 IEEE Computing, Communications and IoT Applications (ComComAp). :1–6.
2020. With the development of smart grid technologies and the fast adoption of household IoT devices in recent years, new threats, attacks, and security challenges arise. While a large number of vulnerabilities, threats, attacks and controls have been discussed in the literature, there lacks an abstract and generalizable framework that can be used to model the cyber-physical interactions of attacks and guide the design of defense mechanisms. In this paper, we propose a new modeling approach for security attacks in smart grids and IoT devices using a Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) perspective. The model considers both the cyber and physical aspects of the core components of the smart grid system and the household IoT devices, as well as the interactions between the components. In particular, our model recognizes the two parallel attack channels via the cyber world and the physical world, and identifies the potential crossing routes between these two attack channels. We further discuss all possible attack surfaces, attack objectives, and attack paths in this newly proposed model. As case studies, we examine from the perspective of this new model three representative attacks proposed in the literature. The analysis demonstrates the applicability of the model, for instance, to assist the design of detection and defense mechanisms against smart grid cyber-attacks.
A Method to Construct Vulnerability Knowledge Graph Based on Heterogeneous Data. 2020 16th International Conference on Mobility, Sensing and Networking (MSN). :740–745.
2020. In recent years, there are more and more attacks and exploitation aiming at network security vulnerabilities. It is effective for us to prevent criminals from exploiting vulnerabilities for attacks and help security analysts maintain equipment security that knows vulnerabilities and threats on time. With the knowledge graph, we can organize, manage, and utilize the massive information effectively in cyberspace. In this paper we construct the vulnerability ontology after analyzing multi-source heterogeneous databases. And the vulnerability knowledge graph is established. Experimental results show that the accuracy of entity recognition for extracting vendor names reaches 89.76%. The more rules used in entity recognition, the higher the accuracy and the lower the error rate.
Network Security Posture Prediction Based on SAPSO-Elman Neural Networks. 2020 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Engineering (ICAICE). :533–537.
2020. With the increasing popularity of the Internet, mobile Internet and the Internet of Things, the current network environment continues to become more complicated. Due to the increasing variety and severity of cybersecurity threats, traditional means of network security protection have ushered in a huge challenge. The network security posture prediction can effectively predict the network development trend in the future time based on the collected network history data, so this paper proposes an algorithm based on simulated annealing-particle swarm algorithm to optimize improved Elman neural network parameters to achieve posture prediction for network security. Taking advantage of the characteristic that the value of network security posture has periodicity, a simulated annealing algorithm is introduced along with an improved particle swarm algorithm to solve the problem that neural network training is prone to fall into a local optimal solution and achieve accurate prediction of the network security posture. Comparison of the proposed scheme with existing prediction methods validates that the scheme has a good posture prediction accuracy.
Cross Platform IoT-Malware Family Classification Based on Printable Strings. 2020 IEEE 19th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom). :775–784.
2020. In this era of rapid network development, Internet of Things (IoT) security considerations receive a lot of attention from both the research and commercial sectors. With limited computation resource, unfriendly interface, and poor software implementation, legacy IoT devices are vulnerable to many infamous mal ware attacks. Moreover, the heterogeneity of IoT platforms and the diversity of IoT malware make the detection and classification of IoT malware even more challenging. In this paper, we propose to use printable strings as an easy-to-get but effective cross-platform feature to identify IoT malware on different IoT platforms. The discriminating capability of these strings are verified using a set of machine learning algorithms on malware family classification across different platforms. The proposed scheme shows a 99% accuracy on a large scale IoT malware dataset consisted of 120K executable fils in executable and linkable format when the training and test are done on the same platform. Meanwhile, it also achieves a 96% accuracy when training is carried out on a few popular IoT platforms but test is done on different platforms. Efficient malware prevention and mitigation solutions can be enabled based on the proposed method to prevent and mitigate IoT malware damages across different platforms.
Malware Family Classification Using Active Learning by Learning. 2020 22nd International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT). :590–595.
2020. In the past few years, the malware industry has been thriving. Malware variants among the same malware family shared similar behavioural patterns or signatures reflecting their purpose. We propose an approach that combines support vector machine (SVM) classifiers and active learning by learning (ALBL) techniques to deal with insufficient labeled data in terms of the malware classification tasks. The proposed approach is evaluated with the malware family dataset from Microsoft Malware Classification Challenge (BIG 2015) on Kaggle. The results show that ALBL techniques can effectively boost the performance of our machine learning models and improve the quality of labeled samples.
Using Federated Learning on Malware Classification. 2020 22nd International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT). :585–589.
2020. In recent years, everything has been more and more systematic, and it would generate many cyber security issues. One of the most important of these is the malware. Modern malware has switched to a high-growth phase. According to the AV-TEST Institute showed that there are over 350,000 new malicious programs (malware) and potentially unwanted applications (PUA) be registered every day. This threat was presented and discussed in the present paper. In addition, we also considered data privacy by using federated learning. Feature extraction can be performed based on malware. The proposed method achieves very high accuracy ($\approx$0.9167) on the dataset provided by VirusTotal.
A framework for automated dynamic malware analysis for Linux. 2020 28th Telecommunications Forum (℡FOR). :1–4.
2020. Development of malware protection tools requires a more advanced test environment comparing to safe software. This kind of development includes a safe execution of many malware samples in order to evaluate the protective power of the tool. The host machine needs to be protected from the harmful effects of malware samples and provide a realistic simulation of the execution environment. In this paper, a framework for automated malware analysis on Linux is presented. Different types of malware analysis methods are discussed, as well as the properties of a good framework for dynamic malware analysis.
Endpoint Cloud Terminal as an Approach to Secure the Use of an Enterprise Private Cloud. 2020 International Scientific and Technical Conference Modern Computer Network Technologies (MoNeTeC). :1–4.
2020. Practical activities usually require the ability to simultaneously work with internal, distributed information resources and access to the Internet. The need to solve this problem necessitates the use of appropriate administrative and technical methods to protect information. Such methods relate to the idea of domain isolation. This paper considers the principles of implementation and properties of an "Endpoint Cloud Terminal" that is general-purpose software tool with built-in security instruments. This apparatus solves the problem by combining an arbitrary number of isolated and independent workplaces on one hardware unit, a personal computer.
Analytical Framework for National Cyber-Security and Corresponding Critical Infrastructure: A Pragmatistic Approach. 2020 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI). :127–130.
2020. Countries are putting cyber-security at the forefront of their national issues. With the increase in cyber capabilities and infrastructure systems becoming cyber-enabled, threats now have a physical impact from the cyber dimension. This paper proposes an analytical framework for national cyber-security profiling by taking national governmental and technical threat modeling simulations. Applying thematic analysis towards national cybersecurity strategy helps further develop understanding, in conjunction with threat modeling methodology simulation, to gain insight into critical infrastructure threat impact.
With Great Complexity Comes Great Vulnerability: From Stand-Alone Fixes to Reconfigurable Security. IEEE Security Privacy. 18:57–66.
2020. The increasing complexity of modern computing devices has rendered security architectures vulnerable to recent side-channel and transient-execution attacks. We discuss the most relevant defenses as well as their drawbacks and how to overcome them for next-generation secure processor design.
Conference Name: IEEE Security Privacy
Security Analysis of a Certificateless Signcryption Mechanism without Bilinear Mapping. 2020 IEEE 4th Information Technology, Networking, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (ITNEC). 1:2431–2434.
2020. Certificateless signcryption mechanism can not only provide security services, such as message integrity, non-repudiation and confidentiality, but also solve the problems of public key certificate management and key escrow. Zhou et al. proposed a certificateless signcryption mechanism without bilinear mapping and gave its security proof under the discrete logarithm problem and the computational Diffie Hellman problem in the random oracle model. However, the analysis show that this scheme has security flaws. That is, attackers can forge legitimate signatures of any messages. Finally, we give the specific attack process.
Anomaly Detection for Science DMZs Using System Performance Data. 2020 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC). :492—496.
2020. Science DMZs are specialized networks that enable large-scale distributed scientific research, providing efficient and guaranteed performance while transferring large amounts of data at high rates. The high-speed performance of a Science DMZ is made viable via data transfer nodes (DTNs), therefore they are a critical point of failure. DTNs are usually monitored with network intrusion detection systems (NIDS). However, NIDS do not consider system performance data, such as network I/O interrupts and context switches, which can also be useful in revealing anomalous system performance potentially arising due to external network based attacks or insider attacks. In this paper, we demonstrate how system performance metrics can be applied towards securing a DTN in a Science DMZ network. Specifically, we evaluate the effectiveness of system performance data in detecting TCP-SYN flood attacks on a DTN using DBSCAN (a density-based clustering algorithm) for anomaly detection. Our results demonstrate that system interrupts and context switches can be used to successfully detect TCP-SYN floods, suggesting that system performance data could be effective in detecting a variety of attacks not easily detected through network monitoring alone.
Development of IoT Security Exercise Contents for Cyber Security Exercise System. 2020 13th International Conference on Human System Interaction (HSI). :1—6.
2020. In this paper, we discuss the development of the IoT security exercise content and the implementation of it to the CyExec. While the Internet of Things (IoT) devices are becoming more popular, vulnerability countermeasures are insufficient, and many incidents have occurred. It is because there is insufficient protection against vulnerabilities specific to IoT equipment. Also, the developers and users have low awareness of IoT devices against vulnerabilities from the past. Therefore, the importance of security education on IoT devices is increasing. However, the enormous burden of introduction and operation costs limited the use of commercial cybersecurity exercise systems. CyExec (Cyber Security Exercise System), consisting of a virtual environment using VirtualBox and Docker, is a low-cost and flexible cybersecurity exercise system, which we have proposed for the dissemination of security education. And the content of the exercises for CyExec is composed of the Basic exercises and Applied exercises.
A Systematic State-of-the-Art Analysis of Multi-Agent Intrusion Detection. IEEE Access. 8:180184–180209.
2020. Multi-agent architectures have been successful in attaining considerable attention among computer security researchers. This is so, because of their demonstrated capabilities such as autonomy, embedded intelligence, learning and self-growing knowledge-base, high scalability, fault tolerance, and automatic parallelism. These characteristics have made this technology a de facto standard for developing ambient security systems to meet the open and dynamic nature of today's online communities. Although multi-agent architectures are increasingly studied in the area of computer security, there is still not enough empirical evidence on their performance in intrusions and attacks detection. The aim of this paper is to report the systematic literature review conducted in the context of specific research questions, to investigate multi-agent IDS architectures to highlight the issues that affect their performance in terms of detection accuracy and response time. We used pertinent keywords and terms to search and retrieve the most recent research studies, on multi-agent IDS architectures, from the major research databases and digital libraries such as SCOPUS, Springer, and IEEE Explore. The search processes resulted in a number of studies; among them, there were journal articles, book chapters, conference papers, dissertations, and theses. The obtained studies were assessed and filtered out, and finally, there were over 71 studies chosen to answer the research questions. The results of this study have shown that multi-agent architectures include several advantages that can help in the development of ambient IDS. However, it has been found that there are several issues in the current multi-agent IDS architectures that may degrade the accuracy and response time of intrusions and attacks detection. Based on our findings, the issues of multi-agent IDS architectures include limitations in the techniques, mechanisms, and schemes used for multi-agent IDS adaptation and learning, load balancing, scalability, fault-tolerance, and high communication overhead. It has also been found that new measurement metrics are required for evaluating multi-agent IDS architectures.
Design of Quantum Key Fusion Model for Power Multi-terminal. 2020 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Information Systems and Computer Aided Education (ICISCAE). :196—199.
2020. With the construction of State Grid informatization, professional data such as operation inspection, marketing, and regulation have gradually shifted from offline to online. In recent years, cyberspace security incidents have occurred frequently, and national and group cybersecurity threats have emerged. As the next-generation communication system, quantum security has to satisfy the security requirements. Also, it is especially important to build the fusion application of energy network quantum private communication technology and conventional network, and to form a safe and reliable quantum-level communication technology solution suitable for the power grid. In this paper, from the perspective of the multi-terminal quantum key application, combined with a mature electricity consumption information collection system, a handheld meter reading solution based on quantum private communication technology is proposed to effectively integrate the two and achieve technological upgrading. First, from the technical theory and application fields, the current situation of quantum private communication technology and its feasibility of combining with classical facilities are introduced and analyzed. Then, the hardware security module and handheld meter reading terminal equipment are taken as typical examples to design and realize quantum key shared storage, business security process application model; finally, based on the overall environment of quantum key distribution, the architecture design of multi-terminal quantum key application verification is implemented to verify the quantum key business application process.
Research on Cyber Security Test Method for GNSS of Intelligent Connected Vehicle. 2020 International Conference on Computer Information and Big Data Applications (CIBDA). :200—203.
2020. Intelligent connected vehicle cyber security has attracted widespread attention this year. The safety of GNSS information is related to the safety of cars and has become a key technology. This paper researches the cyber security characteristics of intelligent connected vehicle navigation and positioning by analyzing the signal receiving mode of navigation and positioning on the vehicle terminal. The article expounds the principles of deceiving and interfering cyber security that lead to the safety of GNSS information. This paper studies the key causes of cyber security. Based on key causes, the article constructs a GNSS cyber security test method by combining a navigation signal simulator and an interference signal generator. The results shows that the method can realize the security test of the GNSS information of the vehicle terminal. This method provides a test method for the navigation terminal defense cyber security capability for a vehicle terminal, and fills a gap in the industry for the vehicle terminal information security test.
Taking advantage of unsupervised learning in incident response. 2020 12th International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence (ECAI). :1–6.
2020. This paper looks at new ways to improve the necessary time for incident response triage operations. By employing unsupervised K-means, enhanced by both manual and automated feature extraction techniques, the incident response team can quickly and decisively extrapolate malicious web requests that concluded to the investigated exploitation. More precisely, we evaluated the benefits of different visualization enhancing methods that can improve feature selection and other dimensionality reduction techniques. Furthermore, early tests of the gross framework have shown that the necessary time for triage is diminished, more so if a hybrid multi-model is employed. Our case study revolved around the need for unsupervised classification of unknown web access logs. However, the demonstrated principals may be considered for other applications of machine learning in the cybersecurity domain.
Cyber Resilience using State Estimation Updates Based on Cyber Attack Matrix Classification. 2020 IEEE Kansas Power and Energy Conference (KPEC). :1—6.
2020. Cyber-physical systems (CPS) maintain operation, reliability, and safety performance using state estimation and control methods. Internet connectivity and Internet of Things (IoT) devices are integrated with CPS, such as in smart grids. This integration of Operational Technology (OT) and Information Technology (IT) brings with it challenges for state estimation and exposure to cyber-threats. This research establishes a state estimation baseline, details the integration of IT, evaluates the vulnerabilities, and develops an approach for detecting and responding to cyber-attack data injections. Where other approaches focus on integration of IT cyber-controls, this research focuses on development of classification tools using data currently available in state estimation methods to quantitatively determine the presence of cyber-attack data. The tools may increase computational requirements but provide methods which can be integrated with existing state estimation methods and provide for future research in state estimation based cyber-attack incident response. A robust cyber-resilient CPS includes the ability to detect and classify a cyber-attack, determine the true system state, and respond to the cyber-attack. The purpose of this paper is to establish a means for a cyber aware state estimator given the existence of sub-erroneous outlier detection, cyber-attack data weighting, cyber-attack data classification, and state estimation cyber detection.
Q-Learning for Securing Cyber-Physical Systems : A survey. 2020 International Congress on Human-Computer Interaction, Optimization and Robotic Applications (HORA). :1–13.
2020. A cyber-physical system (CPS) is a term that implements mainly three parts, Physical elements, communication networks, and control systems. Currently, CPS includes the Internet of Things (IoT), Internet of Vehicles (IoV), and many other systems. These systems face many security challenges and different types of attacks, such as Jamming, DDoS.CPS attacks tend to be much smarter and more dynamic; thus, it needs defending strategies that can handle this level of intelligence and dynamicity. Last few years, many researchers use machine learning as a base solution to many CPS security issues. This paper provides a survey of the recent works that utilized the Q-Learning algorithm in terms of security enabling and privacy-preserving. Different adoption of Q-Learning for security and defending strategies are studied. The state-of-the-art of Q-learning and CPS systems are classified and analyzed according to their attacks, domain, supported techniques, and details of the Q-Learning algorithm. Finally, this work highlight The future research trends toward efficient utilization of Q-learning and deep Q-learning on CPS security.