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Mailloux, Logan O., Grimaila, Michael.  2018.  Advancing Cybersecurity: The Growing Need for a Cyber-Resiliency Workforce. IT Professional. 20:23—30.
As the world becomes more dependent on connected cyber-physical systems, the cybersecurity workforce must adapt to meet these growing needs. The authors present the notion of a cyber-resiliency workforce to prepare the next generation of cybersecurity professionals.
Wang, Jinbao, Cai, Zhipeng, Yu, Jiguo.  2020.  Achieving Personalized \$k\$-Anonymity-Based Content Privacy for Autonomous Vehicles in CPS. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 16:4242–4251.
Enabled by the industrial Internet, intelligent transportation has made remarkable achievements such as autonomous vehicles by carnegie mellon university (CMU) Navlab, Google Cars, Tesla, etc. Autonomous vehicles benefit, in various aspects, from the cooperation of the industrial Internet and cyber-physical systems. In this process, users in autonomous vehicles submit query contents, such as service interests or user locations, to service providers. However, privacy concerns arise since the query contents are exposed when the users are enjoying the services queried. Existing works on privacy preservation of query contents rely on location perturbation or k-anonymity, and they suffer from insufficient protection of privacy or low query utility incurred by processing multiple queries for a single query content. To achieve sufficient privacy preservation and satisfactory query utility for autonomous vehicles querying services in cyber-physical systems, this article proposes a novel privacy notion of client-based personalized k-anonymity (CPkA). To measure the performance of CPkA, we present a privacy metric and a utility metric, based on which, we formulate two problems to achieve the optimal CPkA in term of privacy and utility. An approach, including two modules, to establish mechanisms which achieve the optimal CPkA is presented. The first module is to build in-group mechanisms for achieving the optimal privacy within each content group. The second module includes linear programming-based methods to compute the optimal grouping strategies. The in-group mechanisms and the grouping strategies are combined to establish optimal CPkA mechanisms, which achieve the optimal privacy or the optimal utility. We employ real-life datasets and synthetic prior distributions to evaluate the CPkA mechanisms established by our approach. The evaluation results illustrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the established mechanisms.
Conference Name: IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
Sethia, Divyashikha, Sahu, Raj, Yadav, Sandeep, Kumar, Ram.  2021.  Attribute Revocation in ECC-Based CP-ABE Scheme for Lightweight Resource-Constrained Devices. 2021 International Conference on Communication, Control and Information Sciences (ICCISc). 1:1–6.
Ciphertext Policy Attribute-Based Encryption (CPABE) has gained popularity in the research area among the many proposed security models for providing fine-grained access control of data. Lightweight ECC-based CP-ABE schemes can provide feasible selective sharing from resource-constrained devices. However, the existing schemes lack support for a complete revocation mechanism at the user and attribute levels. We propose a novel scheme called Ecc Proxy based Scalable Attribute Revocation (EPSAR-CP-ABE) scheme. It extends an existing ECC-based CP-ABE scheme for lightweight IoT and smart-card devices to implement scalable attribute revocation. The scheme does not require re-distribution of secret keys and re-encryption of ciphertext. It uses a proxy server to furnish a proxy component for decryption. The dependency of the proposed scheme is minimal on the proxy server compared to the other related schemes. The storage and computational overhead due to the attribute revocation feature are negligible. Hence, the proposed EPSAR-CP-ABE scheme can be deployed practically for resource-constrained devices.
Ammari, Habib M..  2021.  Achieving Physical Security through K-Barrier Coverage in Three-Dimensional Stealthy Lattice Wireless Sensor Networks. 2021 IEEE 18th International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Smart Systems (MASS). :306–314.
Physical security is essential to safeguarding critical areas. Here, we focus on the physical security problem in three-dimensional (3D) stealthy lattice wireless sensor networks using a 3D sensor belt around a critical space. Specifically, we propose a theoretical framework to investigate the 3D k-barrier coverage problem, where any path crossing this belt intersects with the sensing range of at least k sensors. Precisely, we study this problem from a tiling viewpoint, where the sensing ranges of the sensors are touching (or kissing) each other. We analyze various 3D deterministic sensor deployment methods yielding simple cubic, body centered cubic, face centered cubic, and hexagonal close-packed lattice wireless sensor networks. First, using the concept of the unit cell covered volume ratio, we prove that none of these 3D lattices guarantee k-barrier coverage. Second, to remedy this problem, we consider the great rhombicuboctahedron (GR), a polyhedral space-filler. We introduce the concept of intruder's abstract paths along a 3D k-barrier covered belt, and compute their number. Also, we propose a polynomial representation for all abstract paths. In addition, we compute the number of sensors deployed over a 3D k-barrier covered belt using GR. Third, we corroborate our analysis with numerical and simulation results.
Disawal, Shekhar, Suman, Ugrasen.  2021.  An Analysis and Classification of Vulnerabilities in Web-Based Application Development. 2021 8th International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom). :782–785.
Nowadays, web vulnerability is a critical issue in web applications. Web developers develop web applications, but sometimes they are not very well-versed with security concerns, thereby creating loopholes for the vulnerabilities. If a web application is developed without considering security, it is harmful for the client and the company. Different types of vulnerabilities encounter during the web application development process. Therefore, vulnerability identification is a crucial and critical task from a web application development perspective. It is vigorous to secure them from the earliest development life cycle process. In this paper, we have analyzed and classified vulnerabilities related to web application security during the development phases. Here, the concern is to identify a weakness, countermeasure, confidentiality impact, access complexity, and severity level, which affect the web application security.
Kang, Ji, Sun, Yi, Xie, Hui, Zhu, Xixi, Ding, Zhaoyun.  2021.  Analysis System for Security Situation in Cyberspace Based on Knowledge Graph. 2021 7th International Conference on Big Data and Information Analytics (BigDIA). :385–392.
With the booming of Internet technology, the continuous emergence of new technologies and new algorithms greatly expands the application boundaries of cyberspace. While enjoying the convenience brought by informatization, the society is also facing increasingly severe threats to the security of cyberspace. In cyber security defense, cyberspace operators rely on the discovered vulnerabilities, attack patterns, TTPs, and other knowledge to observe, analyze and determine the current threats to the network and security situation in cyberspace, and then make corresponding decisions. However, most of such open-source knowledge is distributed in different data sources in the form of text or web pages, which is not conducive to the understanding, query and correlation analysis of cyberspace operators. In this paper, a knowledge graph for cyber security is constructed to solve this problem. At first, in the process of obtaining security data from multi-source heterogeneous cyberspaces, we adopt efficient crawler to crawl the required data, paving the way for knowledge graph building. In order to establish the ontology required by the knowledge graph, we abstract the overall framework of security data sources in cyberspace, and depict in detail the correlations among various data sources. Then, based on the \$$\backslash$mathbfOWL +$\backslash$mathbfSWRL\$ language, we construct the cyber security knowledge graph. On this basis, we design an analysis system for situation in cyberspace based on knowledge graph and the Snort intrusion detection system (IDS), and study the rules in Snort. The system integrates and links various public resources from the Internet, including key information such as general platforms, vulnerabilities, weaknesses, attack patterns, tactics, techniques, etc. in real cyberspace, enabling the provision of comprehensive, systematic and rich cyber security knowledge to security researchers and professionals, with the expectation to provide a useful reference for cyber security defense.
Shi, Guowei, Hao, Huajie, Lei, Jianghui, Zhu, Yuechen.  2021.  Application Security System Design of Internet of Things Based on Blockchain Technology. 2021 International Conference on Computer, Internet of Things and Control Engineering (CITCE). :134–137.
In view of the current status of Internet of Things applications and related security problems, the architecture system of Internet of Things applications based on block chain is introduced. First, it introduces the concepts related to blockchain technology, introduces the architecture system of iot application based on blockchain, and discusses its overall architecture design, key technologies and functional structure design. The product embodies the whole process of the Internet of Things platform on the basis of blockchain, which builds an infrastructure based on the Internet of Things and solves the increasingly serious security problems in the Internet of Things through the technical characteristics of decentralization.
Li, Jie, Liu, Hui, Zhang, Yinbao, Su, Guojie, Wang, Zezhong.  2021.  Artificial Intelligence Assistant Decision-Making Method for Main Amp; Distribution Power Grid Integration Based on Deep Deterministic Network. 2021 IEEE 4th International Electrical and Energy Conference (CIEEC). :1–5.
This paper studies the technology of generating DDPG (deep deterministic policy gradient) by using the deep dual network and experience pool network structure, and puts forward the sampling strategy gradient algorithm to randomly select actions according to the learned strategies (action distribution) in the continuous action space, based on the dispatching control system of the power dispatching control center of a super city power grid, According to the actual characteristics and operation needs of urban power grid, The developed refined artificial intelligence on-line security analysis and emergency response plan intelligent generation function realize the emergency response auxiliary decision-making intelligent generation function. According to the hidden danger of overload and overload found in the online safety analysis, the relevant load lines of the equipment are searched automatically. Through the topology automatic analysis, the load transfer mode is searched to eliminate or reduce the overload or overload of the equipment. For a variety of load transfer modes, the evaluation index of the scheme is established, and the optimal load transfer mode is intelligently selected. Based on the D5000 system of Metropolitan power grid, a multi-objective and multi resource coordinated security risk decision-making assistant system is implemented, which provides integrated security early warning and decision support for the main network and distribution network of city power grid. The intelligent level of power grid dispatching management and dispatching operation is improved. The state reality network can analyze the joint state observations from the action reality network, and the state estimation network uses the actor action as the input. In the continuous action space task, DDPG is better than dqn and its convergence speed is faster.
Lingga, Patrick, Kim, Jeonghyeon, Bartolome, Jorge David Iranzo, Jeong, Jaehoon.  2021.  Automatic Data Model Mapper for Security Policy Translation in Interface to Network Security Functions Framework. 2021 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC). :882–887.
The Interface to Network Security Functions (I2NSF) Working Group in Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) provides data models of interfaces to easily configure Network Security Functions (NSF). The Working Group presents a high-level data model and a low-level data model for configuring the NSFs. The high-level data model is used for the users to manipulate the NSFs configuration easily without any security expertise. But the NSFs cannot be configured using the high-level data model as it needs a low-level data model to properly deploy their security operation. For that reason, the I2NSF Framework needs a security policy translator to translate the high-level data model into the corresponding low-level data model. This paper improves the previously proposed Security Policy Translator by adding an Automatic Data Model Mapper. The proposed mapper focuses on the mapping between the elements in the high-level data model and the elements in low-level data model to automate the translation without the need for a security administrator to create a mapping table.
Liu, Dongqi, Wang, Zhou, Liang, Haolan, Zeng, Xiangjun.  2021.  Artificial Immune Technology Architecture for Electric Power Equipment Embedded System. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Mechatronics Technology (ICEEMT). :485–490.
This paper proposes an artificial immune information security protection technology architecture for embedded system of Electric power equipment. By simulating the three functions of human immunity, namely "immune homeostasis", "immune surveillance" and "immune defense", the power equipment is endowed with the ability of human like active immune security protection. Among them, "immune homeostasis" is constructed by trusted computing technology components to establish a trusted embedded system running environment. Through fault-tolerant component construction, "immune surveillance" and "immune defense" realize illegal data defense, business logic legitimacy check and equipment status evaluation, realize real-time perception and evaluation of power equipment's own security status, as well as fault emergency handling and event backtracking record, so that power equipment can realize self recovery from abnormal status. The proposed technology architecture is systematic, scientific and rich in scalability, which can significantly improve the information security protection ability of electric power equipment.
Bichhawat, Abhishek, Fredrikson, Matt, Yang, Jean.  2021.  Automating Audit with Policy Inference. 2021 IEEE 34th Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF). :1—16.
The risk posed by high-profile data breaches has raised the stakes for adhering to data access policies for many organizations, but the complexity of both the policies themselves and the applications that must obey them raises significant challenges. To mitigate this risk, fine-grained audit of access to private data has become common practice, but this is a costly, time-consuming, and error-prone process.We propose an approach for automating much of the work required for fine-grained audit of private data access. Starting from the assumption that the auditor does not have an explicit, formal description of the correct policy, but is able to decide whether a given policy fragment is partially correct, our approach gradually infers a policy from audit log entries. When the auditor determines that a proposed policy fragment is appropriate, it is added to the system's mechanized policy, and future log entries to which the fragment applies can be dealt with automatically. We prove that for a general class of attribute-based data policies, this inference process satisfies a monotonicity property which implies that eventually, the mechanized policy will comprise the full set of access rules, and no further manual audit is necessary. Finally, we evaluate this approach using a case study involving synthetic electronic medical records and the HIPAA rule, and show that the inferred mechanized policy quickly converges to the full, stable rule, significantly reducing the amount of effort needed to ensure compliance in a practical setting.
Sedano, Wadlkur Kurniawan, Salman, Muhammad.  2021.  Auditing Linux Operating System with Center for Internet Security (CIS) Standard. 2021 International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT). :466—471.
Linux is one of the operating systems to support the increasingly rapid development of internet technology. Apart from the speed of the process, security also needs to be considered. Center for Internet Security (CIS) Benchmark is an example of a security standard. This study implements the CIS Benchmark using the Chef Inspec application. This research focuses on building a tool to perform security audits on the Ubuntu 20.04 operating system. 232 controls on CIS Benchmark were successfully implemented using Chef Inspec application. The results of this study were 87 controls succeeded, 118 controls failed, and 27 controls were skipped. This research is expected to be a reference for information system managers in managing system security.
Khurat, Assadarat, Sangkhachantharanan, Phirawat.  2021.  An Automatic Networking Device Auditing Tool Based on CIS Benchmark. 2021 18th International Conference on Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ECTI-CON). :409—412.
Security has become an important issue in an IT system of an organization. Each IT component has to be configured correctly, otherwise the risk of attack could increase. An important component is networking device such as router and switch. To avoid this misconfiguration, a well-known process called audit is used. There are several auditing tools both commercial and open-source. However, none of the existing tools that are open-source can automatically audit the security settings of networking device based on standard e.g., CIS benchmark. We, thus propose a tool that can verify the networking device automatically based on best practices so that auditors can conveniently check as well as issue a report.
Kumar Gupta, Lalit, Singh, Aniket, Kushwaha, Abhishek, Vishwakarma, Ashish.  2021.  Analysis of Image Steganography Techniques for Different Image Format. 2021 International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Computing, Communication and Sustainable Technologies (ICAECT). :1—6.
Steganography is the method of hiding one type of information into other type of information, hiding a secret a message in a cover so that others can't know the presence of the secret information. It provides an extra layer of security in communication and information sharing. Security is an important aspect of the communication process; everyone want security in communication. The main purpose of this paper is to introduce security of information that people share among them. In this paper we are presenting different methods of substitution techniques of image steganography and their comparison. Least significant bit and most significant bit substitution techniques are used. Information is hidden in an image file and then decoded back for the secret message. Hiding the presence of any hidden information makes this more secure. This implementation can be used by secret service agencies and also common people for secure communication.
Boucenna, Fateh, Nouali, Omar, Adi, Kamel, Kechid, Samir.  2021.  Access Pattern Hiding in Searchable Encryption. 2021 8th International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud (FiCloud). :107—114.
Cloud computing is a technology that provides users with a large storage space and an enormous computing power. For privacy purpose, the sensitive data should be encrypted before being outsourced to the cloud. To search over the outsourced data, searchable encryption (SE) schemes have been proposed in the literature. An SE scheme should perform searches over encrypted data without causing any sensitive information leakage. To this end, a few security constraints were elaborated to guarantee the security of the SE schemes, namely, the keyword privacy, the trapdoor unlinkability, and the access pattern. The latter is very hard to be respected and most approaches fail to guarantee the access pattern constraint when performing a search. This constraint consists in hiding from the server the search result returned to the user. The non respect of this constraint may cause sensitive information leakage as demonstrated in the literature. To fix this security lack, we propose a method that allows to securely request and receive the needed documents from the server after performing a search. The proposed method that we call the access pattern hiding (APH) technique allows to respect the access pattern constraint. An experimental study is conducted to validate the APH technique.
Li, Yuan, Wang, Haiyan, Wang, Shulan, Ding, Yong.  2021.  Attribute-Based Searchable Encryption Scheme Supporting Efficient Range Search in Cloud Computing. 2021 IEEE Conference on Dependable and Secure Computing (DSC). :1—8.
With the widespread application of cloud computing technology, data privacy security problem becomes more serious. The recent studies related to searchable encryption (SE) area have shown that the data owners can share their private data with efficient search function and high-strength security. However, the search method has yet to be perfected, compared with the plaintext search mechanism. In this paper, based LSSS matrix, we give a new searchable algorithm, which is suitable for many search method, such as exact search, Boolean search and range search. In order to improve the search efficiency, the 0, 1-coding theory is introduced in the process of ciphertext search. Meanwhile it is shown that multi-search mechanism can improve the efficiency of data sharing. Finally, the performance analysis is presented, which prove our scheme is secure, efficient, and human-friendly.
Khlobystova, Anastasiia O., Abramov, Maxim V..  2021.  Adaptation of the Multi-pass social Engineering Attack Model Taking into Account Informational Influence. 2021 XXIV International Conference on Soft Computing and Measurements (SCM). :49–51.
One of the measures to prevent multi-pass social engineering attacks is to identify the chains of user, which are most susceptible to such attacks. The aim of the study is to combine a mathematical model for estimating the probability of success of the propagation of a multi-pass social engineering attack between users with a model for calculating information influence. Namely, it is proposed to include in estimating the intensity of interactions between users (which used in the model of the propagation of a multi-pass social engineering attack) estimating of power of influence actions of agents. The scientific significance of the work consists in the development of a mathematical structure for modeling the actions of an attacker-social engineer and creating a foundation for the subsequent analysis of the social graph of the organization's employees. The practical significance lies in the formation of opportunities for decision-makers. Therefore, they will be able to take more precise measures for increase the level of security as individual employees as the organization generally.
Yaning, Guo, Qianwen, Wang.  2021.  Analysis of Collaborative Co-Governance Path of Public Crisis Emergency Management in An All-Media Environment: —Theoretical Research Based on Multi-Agent. 2021 International Conference on Management Science and Software Engineering (ICMSSE). :235–238.
Multi-Agent system has the advantages of information sharing, knowledge accumulation and system stability, which is consistent with the concept of collaborative co-governance of public crisis management, and provides support for dealing with sudden public crises. Based on the background of the all-media environment, this study introduces the Internet-driven mass data management (“ crowdsourcing” crisis management) as a part of the crisis response system to improve the quality of information resource sharing. Crowdsourcing crisis management and Multi-Agent collaborative co-governance mechanism are combined with each other, so as to achieve a higher level of joint prevention and control mechanism, and explore how to effectively share information resources and emergency management resources across regions and departments in public crisis events.
Xi, Lanlan, Xin, Yang, Luo, Shoushan, Shang, Yanlei, Tang, Qifeng.  2021.  Anomaly Detection Mechanism Based on Hierarchical Weights through Large-Scale Log Data. 2021 International Conference on Computer Communication and Artificial Intelligence (CCAI). :106—115.
In order to realize Intelligent Disaster Recovery and break the traditional reactive backup mode, it is necessary to forecast the potential system anomalies, and proactively backup the real-time datas and configurations. System logs record the running status as well as the critical events (including errors and warnings), which can help to detect system performance, debug system faults and analyze the causes of anomalies. What's more, with the features of real-time, hierarchies and easy-access, log data can be an ideal source for monitoring system status. To reduce the complexity and improve the robustness and practicability of existing log-based anomaly detection methods, we propose a new anomaly detection mechanism based on hierarchical weights, which can deal with unstable log data. We firstly extract semantic information of log strings, and get the word-level weights by SIF algorithm to embed log strings into vectors, which are then feed into attention-based Long Short-Term Memory(LSTM) deep learning network model. In addition to get sentence-level weight which can be used to explore the interdependence between different log sequences and improve the accuracy, we utilize attention weights to help with building workflow to diagnose the abnormal points in the execution of a specific task. Our experimental results show that the hierarchical weights mechanism can effectively improve accuracy of perdition task and reduce complexity of the model, which provides the feasibility foundation support for Intelligent Disaster Recovery.
Kummerow, André, Rösch, Dennis, Nicolai, Steffen, Brosinsky, Christoph, Westermann, Dirk, Naumann, é.  2021.  Attacking dynamic power system control centers - a cyber-physical threat analysis. 2021 IEEE Power Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT). :01—05.

In dynamic control centers, conventional SCADA systems are enhanced with novel assistance functionalities to increase existing monitoring and control capabilities. To achieve this, different key technologies like phasor measurement units (PMU) and Digital Twins (DT) are incorporated, which give rise to new cyber-security challenges. To address these issues, a four-stage threat analysis approach is presented to identify and assess system vulnerabilities for novel dynamic control center architectures. For this, a simplified risk assessment method is proposed, which allows a detailed analysis of the different system vulnerabilities considering various active and passive cyber-attack types. Qualitative results of the threat analysis are presented and discussed for different use cases at the control center and substation level.

Altunay, Hakan Can, Albayrak, Zafer, Özalp, Ahmet Nusret, Çakmak, Muhammet.  2021.  Analysis of Anomaly Detection Approaches Performed Through Deep Learning Methods in SCADA Systems. 2021 3rd International Congress on Human-Computer Interaction, Optimization and Robotic Applications (HORA). :1—6.
Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems are used with monitoring and control purposes for the process not to fail in industrial control systems. Today, the increase in the use of standard protocols, hardware, and software in the SCADA systems that can connect to the internet and institutional networks causes these systems to become a target for more cyber-attacks. Intrusion detection systems are used to reduce or minimize cyber-attack threats. The use of deep learning-based intrusion detection systems also increases in parallel with the increase in the amount of data in the SCADA systems. The unsupervised feature learning present in the deep learning approaches enables the learning of important features within the large datasets. The features learned in an unsupervised way by using deep learning techniques are used in order to classify the data as normal or abnormal. Architectures such as convolutional neural network (CNN), Autoencoder (AE), deep belief network (DBN), and long short-term memory network (LSTM) are used to learn the features of SCADA data. These architectures use softmax function, extreme learning machine (ELM), deep belief networks, and multilayer perceptron (MLP) in the classification process. In this study, anomaly-based intrusion detection systems consisting of convolutional neural network, autoencoder, deep belief network, long short-term memory network, or various combinations of these methods on the SCADA networks in the literature were analyzed and the positive and negative aspects of these approaches were explained through their attack detection performances.
Staniloiu, Eduard, Nitu, Razvan, Becerescu, Cristian, Rughiniş, Razvan.  2021.  Automatic Integration of D Code With the Linux Kernel. 2021 20th RoEduNet Conference: Networking in Education and Research (RoEduNet). :1—6.
The Linux kernel is implemented in C, an unsafe programming language, which puts the burden of memory management, type and bounds checking, and error handling in the hands of the developer. Hundreds of buffer overflow bugs have compromised Linux systems over the years, leading to endless layers of mitigations applied on top of C. In contrast, the D programming language offers automated memory safety checks and modern features such as OOP, templates and functional style constructs. In addition, interoper-ability with C is supported out of the box. However, to integrate a D module with the Linux kernel it is required that the needed C header files are translated to D header files. This is a tedious, time consuming, manual task. Although a tool to automate this process exists, called DPP, it does not work with the complicated, sometimes convoluted, kernel code. In this paper, we improve DPP with the ability to translate any Linux kernel C header to D. Our work enables the development and integration of D code inside the Linux kernel, thus facilitating a method of making the kernel memory safe.
Sun, Xinyi, Gu, Shushi, Zhang, Qinyu, Zhang, Ning, Xiang, Wei.  2021.  Asynchronous Coded Caching Strategy With Nonuniform Demands for IoV Networks. 2021 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC). :352—357.
The Internet of Vehicles (IoV) can offer safe and comfortable driving experiences with the cooperation communications between central servers and cache-enabled road side units (RSUs) as edge severs, which also can provide high-speed, high-quality and high-stability communication access for vehicle users (VUs). However, due to the huge popular traffic volume, the burden of backhaul link will be seriously enlarged, which will greatly degrade the service experience of the IoV. In order to alleviate the backhaul load of IoV network, in this paper, we propose an asynchronous coded caching strategy composed of two phases, i.e., content placement and asynchronous coded transmission. The asynchronous request and request deadline are closely considered to design our asynchronous coded transmission algorithm. Also, we derive the close-form expression of average backhaul load under the nonuniform demands of IoV users. Finally, we formulate an optimization problem of minimizing average backhaul load and obtain the optimized content placement vector. Simulation results verify the feasibility of our proposed strategy under the asynchronous situation.
Killough, Brian, Rizvi, Syed, Lubawy, Andrew.  2021.  Advancements in the Open Data Cube and the Use of Analysis Ready Data in the Cloud. 2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS. :1793—1795.
The Open Data Cube (ODC), created and facilitated by the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS), is an open source software architecture that continues to gain global popularity through the integration of analysis-ready data (ARD) on cloud computing frameworks. In 2021, CEOS released a new ODC sandbox that provides global users with a free and open programming interface connected to Google Earth Engine datasets. The open source toolset allows users to run application algorithms using a Google Colab Python notebook environment. This tool demonstrates rapid creation of science products anywhere in the world without the need to download and process the satellite data. Basic operation of the tool will support many users but can also be scaled in size and scope to support enhanced user needs. The creation of the ODC sandbox was prompted by the migration of many CEOS ARD satellite datasets to the cloud. The combination of these datasets in an interoperable data cube framework will inspire the creation of many new application products and advance open science.
Ozan, Şükrü, Taşar, D. Emre.  2021.  Auto-tagging of Short Conversational Sentences using Natural Language Processing Methods. 2021 29th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU). :1—4.
In this study, we aim to find a method to autotag sentences specific to a domain. Our training data comprises short conversational sentences extracted from chat conversations between company's customer representatives and web site visitors. We manually tagged approximately 14 thousand visitor inputs into ten basic categories, which will later be used in a transformer-based language model with attention mechanisms for the ultimate goal of developing a chatbot application that can produce meaningful dialogue.We considered three different stateof- the-art models and reported their auto-tagging capabilities. We achieved the best performance with the bidirectional encoder representation from transformers (BERT) model. Implementation of the models used in these experiments can be cloned from our GitHub repository and tested for similar auto-tagging problems without much effort.