Disawal, Shekhar, Suman, Ugrasen.
An Analysis and Classification of Vulnerabilities in Web-Based Application Development. 2021 8th International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom). :782–785.
Nowadays, web vulnerability is a critical issue in web applications. Web developers develop web applications, but sometimes they are not very well-versed with security concerns, thereby creating loopholes for the vulnerabilities. If a web application is developed without considering security, it is harmful for the client and the company. Different types of vulnerabilities encounter during the web application development process. Therefore, vulnerability identification is a crucial and critical task from a web application development perspective. It is vigorous to secure them from the earliest development life cycle process. In this paper, we have analyzed and classified vulnerabilities related to web application security during the development phases. Here, the concern is to identify a weakness, countermeasure, confidentiality impact, access complexity, and severity level, which affect the web application security.
Kang, Ji, Sun, Yi, Xie, Hui, Zhu, Xixi, Ding, Zhaoyun.
Analysis System for Security Situation in Cyberspace Based on Knowledge Graph. 2021 7th International Conference on Big Data and Information Analytics (BigDIA). :385–392.
With the booming of Internet technology, the continuous emergence of new technologies and new algorithms greatly expands the application boundaries of cyberspace. While enjoying the convenience brought by informatization, the society is also facing increasingly severe threats to the security of cyberspace. In cyber security defense, cyberspace operators rely on the discovered vulnerabilities, attack patterns, TTPs, and other knowledge to observe, analyze and determine the current threats to the network and security situation in cyberspace, and then make corresponding decisions. However, most of such open-source knowledge is distributed in different data sources in the form of text or web pages, which is not conducive to the understanding, query and correlation analysis of cyberspace operators. In this paper, a knowledge graph for cyber security is constructed to solve this problem. At first, in the process of obtaining security data from multi-source heterogeneous cyberspaces, we adopt efficient crawler to crawl the required data, paving the way for knowledge graph building. In order to establish the ontology required by the knowledge graph, we abstract the overall framework of security data sources in cyberspace, and depict in detail the correlations among various data sources. Then, based on the \$$\backslash$mathbfOWL +$\backslash$mathbfSWRL\$ language, we construct the cyber security knowledge graph. On this basis, we design an analysis system for situation in cyberspace based on knowledge graph and the Snort intrusion detection system (IDS), and study the rules in Snort. The system integrates and links various public resources from the Internet, including key information such as general platforms, vulnerabilities, weaknesses, attack patterns, tactics, techniques, etc. in real cyberspace, enabling the provision of comprehensive, systematic and rich cyber security knowledge to security researchers and professionals, with the expectation to provide a useful reference for cyber security defense.
Shi, Guowei, Hao, Huajie, Lei, Jianghui, Zhu, Yuechen.
Application Security System Design of Internet of Things Based on Blockchain Technology. 2021 International Conference on Computer, Internet of Things and Control Engineering (CITCE). :134–137.
In view of the current status of Internet of Things applications and related security problems, the architecture system of Internet of Things applications based on block chain is introduced. First, it introduces the concepts related to blockchain technology, introduces the architecture system of iot application based on blockchain, and discusses its overall architecture design, key technologies and functional structure design. The product embodies the whole process of the Internet of Things platform on the basis of blockchain, which builds an infrastructure based on the Internet of Things and solves the increasingly serious security problems in the Internet of Things through the technical characteristics of decentralization.
Li, Jie, Liu, Hui, Zhang, Yinbao, Su, Guojie, Wang, Zezhong.
Artificial Intelligence Assistant Decision-Making Method for Main Amp; Distribution Power Grid Integration Based on Deep Deterministic Network. 2021 IEEE 4th International Electrical and Energy Conference (CIEEC). :1–5.
This paper studies the technology of generating DDPG (deep deterministic policy gradient) by using the deep dual network and experience pool network structure, and puts forward the sampling strategy gradient algorithm to randomly select actions according to the learned strategies (action distribution) in the continuous action space, based on the dispatching control system of the power dispatching control center of a super city power grid, According to the actual characteristics and operation needs of urban power grid, The developed refined artificial intelligence on-line security analysis and emergency response plan intelligent generation function realize the emergency response auxiliary decision-making intelligent generation function. According to the hidden danger of overload and overload found in the online safety analysis, the relevant load lines of the equipment are searched automatically. Through the topology automatic analysis, the load transfer mode is searched to eliminate or reduce the overload or overload of the equipment. For a variety of load transfer modes, the evaluation index of the scheme is established, and the optimal load transfer mode is intelligently selected. Based on the D5000 system of Metropolitan power grid, a multi-objective and multi resource coordinated security risk decision-making assistant system is implemented, which provides integrated security early warning and decision support for the main network and distribution network of city power grid. The intelligent level of power grid dispatching management and dispatching operation is improved. The state reality network can analyze the joint state observations from the action reality network, and the state estimation network uses the actor action as the input. In the continuous action space task, DDPG is better than dqn and its convergence speed is faster.
Lingga, Patrick, Kim, Jeonghyeon, Bartolome, Jorge David Iranzo, Jeong, Jaehoon.
Automatic Data Model Mapper for Security Policy Translation in Interface to Network Security Functions Framework. 2021 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC). :882–887.
The Interface to Network Security Functions (I2NSF) Working Group in Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) provides data models of interfaces to easily configure Network Security Functions (NSF). The Working Group presents a high-level data model and a low-level data model for configuring the NSFs. The high-level data model is used for the users to manipulate the NSFs configuration easily without any security expertise. But the NSFs cannot be configured using the high-level data model as it needs a low-level data model to properly deploy their security operation. For that reason, the I2NSF Framework needs a security policy translator to translate the high-level data model into the corresponding low-level data model. This paper improves the previously proposed Security Policy Translator by adding an Automatic Data Model Mapper. The proposed mapper focuses on the mapping between the elements in the high-level data model and the elements in low-level data model to automate the translation without the need for a security administrator to create a mapping table.