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API Security in Large Enterprises: Leveraging Machine Learning for Anomaly Detection. 2021 International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC). :1–6.
2021. Large enterprises offer thousands of micro-services applications to support their daily business activities by using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). These applications generate huge amounts of traffic via millions of API calls every day, which is difficult to analyze for detecting any potential abnormal behaviour and application outage. This phenomenon makes Machine Learning (ML) a natural choice to leverage and analyze the API traffic and obtain intelligent predictions. This paper proposes an ML-based technique to detect and classify API traffic based on specific features like bandwidth and number of requests per token. We employ a Support Vector Machine (SVM) as a binary classifier to classify the abnormal API traffic using its linear kernel. Due to the scarcity of the API dataset, we created a synthetic dataset inspired by the real-world API dataset. Then we used the Gaussian distribution outlier detection technique to create a training labeled dataset simulating real-world API logs data which we used to train the SVM classifier. Furthermore, to find a trade-off between accuracy and false positives, we aim at finding the optimal value of the error term (C) of the classifier. The proposed anomaly detection method can be used in a plug and play manner, and fits into the existing micro-service architecture with little adjustments in order to provide accurate results in a fast and reliable way. Our results demonstrate that the proposed method achieves an F1-score of 0.964 in detecting anomalies in API traffic with a 7.3% of false positives rate.
Adopting Trusted Types in ProductionWeb Frameworks to Prevent DOM-Based Cross-Site Scripting: A Case Study. 2021 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops (EuroS PW). :60–73.
2021. Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a common security vulnerability found in web applications. DOM-based XSS, one of the variants, is becoming particularly more prevalent with the boom of single-page applications where most of the UI changes are achieved by modifying the DOM through in-browser scripting. It is very easy for developers to introduce XSS vulnerabilities into web applications since there are many ways for user-controlled, unsanitized input to flow into a Web API and get interpreted as HTML markup and JavaScript code. An emerging Web API proposal called Trusted Types aims to prevent DOM XSS by making Web APIs secure by default. Different from other XSS mitigations that mostly focus on post-development protection, Trusted Types direct developers to write XSS-free code in the first place. A common concern when adopting a new security mechanism is how much effort is required to refactor existing code bases. In this paper, we report a case study on adopting Trusted Types in a well-established web framework. Our experience can help the web community better understand the benefits of making web applications compatible with Trusted Types, while also getting to know the related challenges and resolutions. We focused our work on Angular, which is one of the most popular web development frameworks available on the market.
APIScanner - Towards Automated Detection of Deprecated APIs in Python Libraries. 2021 IEEE/ACM 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering: Companion Proceedings (ICSE-Companion). :5–8.
2021. Python libraries are widely used for machine learning and scientific computing tasks today. APIs in Python libraries are deprecated due to feature enhancements and bug fixes in the same way as in other languages. These deprecated APIs are discouraged from being used in further software development. Manually detecting and replacing deprecated APIs is a tedious and time-consuming task due to the large number of API calls used in the projects. Moreover, the lack of proper documentation for these deprecated APIs makes the task challenging. To address this challenge, we propose an algorithm and a tool APIScanner that automatically detects deprecated APIs in Python libraries. This algorithm parses the source code of the libraries using abstract syntax tree (ASTs) and identifies the deprecated APIs via decorator, hard-coded warning or comments. APIScanner is a Visual Studio Code Extension that highlights and warns the developer on the use of deprecated API elements while writing the source code. The tool can help developers to avoid using deprecated API elements without the execution of code. We tested our algorithm and tool on six popular Python libraries, which detected 838 of 871 deprecated API elements. Demo of APIScanner:\_ugf-iek. Documentation, tool, and source code can be found here:
Artificial Noise Projection Matrix Optimization Method for Secure Multi-Cast Wireless Communication. 2020 IEEE 8th International Conference on Information, Communication and Networks (ICICN). :33–37.
2020. Transmit beamforming and artificial noise (AN) methods have been widely employed to achieve wireless physical layer (PHY) secure transmissions. While most works focus on transmit beamforming optimization, little attention is paid to the design of artificial noise projection matrix (ANPM). In this paper, compared with traditional ANPM obtained by zero-forcing method, which only makes AN power uniform distribution in free space outside legitimate users (LU) locations, we design ANPM to maximize the interference on eavesdroppers without interference on LUs for multicast directional modulation (MCDM) scenario based on frequency diverse array (FDA). Furthermore, we extend our approach to the case of with imperfect locations of Eves. Finally, simulation results show that Eves can be seriously affected by the AN with perfect/imperfect locations, respectively.
An Anti-Quantum Signature Scheme over Ideal Lattice in Blockchain. 2020 International Symposium on Computer Engineering and Intelligent Communications (ISCEIC). :218–226.
2020. Blockchain is a decentralized technology that provides untampered and anonymous security service to users. Without relying on trusted third party, it can establish the value transfer between nodes and reduce the transaction costs. Mature public key cryptosystem and signature scheme are important basis of blockchain security. Currently, most of the public key cryptosystems are based on classic difficult problems such as RSA and ECC. However, the above asymmetric cryptosystems are no longer secure with the development of quantum computing technology. To resist quantum attacks, researchers have proposed encryption schemes based on lattice recently. Although existing schemes have theoretical significance in blockchain, they are not suitable for the practical application due to the large size of key and signature. To tackle the above issues, this paper proposes an anti-quantum signature scheme over ideal lattice in blockchain. First, we transfer the signature scheme from the standard lattice to the ideal lattice, which reduces the size of public key. Afterwards, a novel signature scheme is proposed to reduce both the size of the private and public key significantly. Finally, we theoretically prove the security of our ideal lattice-based signature scheme with a reduction to the hardness assumption of Ideal Small Integer Sulotion problem which can resist quantum attacks. The efficiency analysis demonstrates that our signature scheme can be practically used in blockchain.
Analyzing Cryptographic API Usages for Android Applications Using HMM and N-Gram. 2020 International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering (TASE). :153–160.
2020. A recent research shows that 88 % of Android applications that use cryptographic APIs make at least one mistake. For this reason, several tools have been proposed to detect crypto API misuses, such as CryptoLint, CMA, and CogniCryptSAsT. However, these tools depend heavily on manually designed rules, which require much cryptographic knowledge and could be error-prone. In this paper, we propose an approach based on probabilistic models, namely, hidden Markov model and n-gram model, to analyzing crypto API usages in Android applications. The difficulty lies in that crypto APIs are sensitive to not only API orders, but also their arguments. To address this, we have created a dataset consisting of crypto API sequences with arguments, wherein symbolic execution is performed. Finally, we have also conducted some experiments on our models, which shows that ( i) our models are effective in capturing the usages, detecting and locating the misuses; (ii) our models perform better than the ones without symbolic execution, especially in misuse detection; and (iii) compared with CogniCryptSAsT, our models can detect several new misuses.
An Architecture for National Information Sharing and Alerting System. 2020 10th International Symposium onTelecommunications (IST). :217–221.
2020. Protecting critical infrastructure from cyber threats is one of the most important obligations of governments to ensure the national and social security of the society. Developing national cyber situational awareness platform provides a protection of critical infrastructures. In such a way, each infrastructure, independently, generates its own situational awareness and shares it with other infrastructures through a national sharing and alerting center. The national information sharing and alerting center collects cyber information of infrastructures and draws a picture of national situational awareness by examining the potential effects of received threats on other infrastructures and predicting the national cyber status in near future. This paper represents the conceptual architecture for such national sharing system and suggests some brief description of its implementation.
An Acoustic Resonator with Electromechanical Coupling of 16% and Low TCF at 5.4 GHz. 2021 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). :1–4.
2021. In this paper, an acoustic resonator with frequency \textbackslashtextgreater 5 GHz is designed, implemented, and measured with electromechanical coupling exceeding 15% and low temperature dependence compared to conventional Lamb-wave resonators. The acoustic resonator is optimized for the S4 mode Lamb waves in a bi-morph composed of Lithium Niobate and Silicon Dioxide. The resonator optimization is based on adjusting the thickness of different materials in the bimorph to maximize the coupling and minimize temperature dependence simultaneously. The achieved specifications are adequate for 5G sub-6 GHz frequency band n46 in addition to Wi-Fi new bands between 5 and 6 GHz.
Acoustic Analysis and Dataset of Transitions Between Coupled Rooms. ICASSP 2021 - 2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). :481–485.
2021. The measurement of room acoustics plays a wide role in audio research, from physical acoustics modelling and virtual reality applications to speech enhancement. While vast literature exists on position-dependent room acoustics and coupling of rooms, little has explored the transition from one room to its neighbour. This paper presents the measurement and analysis of a dataset of spatial room impulse responses for the transition between four coupled room pairs. Each transition consists of 101 impulse responses recorded using a fourth-order spherical microphone array in 5 cm intervals, both with and without a continuous line-of-sight between the source and microphone. A numerical analysis of the room transitions is then presented, including direct-to-reverberant ratio and direction of arrival estimations, along with potential applications and uses of the dataset.
Acoustic Structural Coupling In A Silicon Based Vibrating Mesh Nebulizer. 2021 21st International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers). :615–618.
2021. We present results from a vibrating mesh nebulizer for which the mesh is a micro-machined silicon membrane perforated with up to a thousand micron-sized, pyramidal holes. Finite element modelling is used to better understand the measured results of the nebulizer when tested in the dry state as well as when loaded with a liquid. In particular, we found that the frequency response of the system is well represented by the superposition of the frequency response of its two main subcomponents: the piezo driving unit and the silicon membrane. As such, the system is found to have resonance peaks for which the complete assembly flexes in addition to peaks that correspond to the flexural resonance modes of the silicon membrane on its own. Similarly, finite element modelling was used to understand differences observed between the frequency response measured on the nebulizer in the dry condition compared to its wet or liquid loaded operation. It was found that coupling between the structural and the acoustic domains shifts the resonance peaks significantly to the left of the frequency plot. In fact, it was found that at the operating frequency of the nebulizer, the system resonates in a (0,3) when the membrane is loaded with a liquid compared with a (0,2) resonance mode when it is operating in the dry state.
Analysis of Frequency Offset for Satellite Navigation Receiver Using Carrier-Aided Code Tracking Loop. 2020 IEEE 20th International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT). :627–630.
2020. Carrier-aided code tracking loop is widely used in satellite navigation receivers. This kind of loop structure can reduce code tracking noise by narrowing the bandwidth of code tracking loop. The performance of carrier-aided code tracking loop in receivers is affected by frequency deviation of reference clock source. This paper analyzes the influence of carrier frequency offset and sampling frequency offset on carrier-aided code tracking loop due to reference clock offset. The results show that large frequency offset can cause code tracking loop lose lock, code tracking loop is more sensitive to sampling frequency deviation and increasing the loop bandwidth can reduce the effects of frequency offset. This analysis provides reference for receiver tracking loop design.
Analysis of Encrypted Traffic with time-based features and time frequency analysis. 2020 Global Internet of Things Summit (GIoTS). :1–5.
2020. The classification of encrypted traffic has received increased attention by the research community in the cyber-security domains and network management domains. Classification of encrypted traffic can also expose privacy threats as the activities of an user can be detected and identified. This paper investigates the novel application of Time Frequency analysis to encrypted traffic classification. Features extracted from encrypted traffic are normalized and transformed to time series on which different time frequency transforms are applied. In particular, the constant-Q transform (CQT), the Continuous Wavelet Transform and the Wigner-Ville distribution are used. Then, different machine learning algorithms are applied to identify the different types of traffic. This approach is validated with the public ISCX VPN-nonVPN traffic dataset with time-based features extracted from the encrypted traffic. The results show the superior classification performance (evaluated using identification, precision and recall metrics) of the time frequency approach across different machine learning algorithms. Because analysis of encrypted traffic can also generate privacy threats, a technique to obfuscate the time based features and reduce the classification performance is also applied and successfully validated.
The Adversarial UFP/UFN Attack: A New Threat to ML-based Fake News Detection Systems? 2020 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI). :1523–1527.
2020. In this paper, we propose two new attacks: the Adversarial Universal False Positive (UFP) Attack and the Adversarial Universal False Negative (UFN) Attack. The objective of this research is to introduce a new class of attack using only feature vector information. The results show the potential weaknesses of five machine learning (ML) classifiers. These classifiers include k-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), Naive Bayes (NB), Random Forrest (RF), a Support Vector Machine (SVM) with a Radial Basis Function (RBF) Kernel, and XGBoost (XGB).
AI Augmentation for Trustworthy AI: Augmented Robot Teleoperation. 2020 13th International Conference on Human System Interaction (HSI). :155–161.
2020. Despite the performance of state-of-the-art Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems, some sectors hesitate to adopt AI because of a lack of trust in these systems. This attitude is prevalent among high-risk areas, where there is a reluctance to remove humans entirely from the loop. In these scenarios, Augmentation provides a preferred alternative over complete Automation. Instead of replacing humans, AI Augmentation uses AI to improve and support human operations, creating an environment where humans work side by side with AI systems. In this paper, we discuss how AI Augmentation can provide a path for building Trustworthy AI. We exemplify this approach using Robot Teleoperation. We lay out design guidelines and motivations for the development of AI Augmentation for Robot Teleoperation. Finally, we discuss the design of a Robot Teleoperation testbed for the development of AI Augmentation systems.
Assurance for CyberPhysical Systems: Addressing Supply Chain Challenges to Trustworthy Software-Enabled Things. 2020 IEEE Systems Security Symposium (SSS). :1–5.
2020. Software is playing a pivotal role in most enterprises, whether they realize it or not, and with the proliferation of Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) and other CyberPhysical systems across our society and critical infrastructure and our collective love affair with automation, optimization, and ``smart'' devices, the role of these types of systems is only going to increase. This talk addresses the myriad of issues that underlie unsafe, insecure, and unreliable software and provides the insights of the Industrial Internet Consortium and other government and industry efforts on how to conquer them and pave the way to a marketplace of trustworthy software-enabled connected things. As the experience of several sectors has shown, the dependence on connected software needs to be met with a strong understanding of the risks to the overall trustworthiness of our software-based capabilities that we, our enterprises, and our world utilize. In many of these new connected systems issues of safety, reliability, and resilience rival or dominate concerns for security and privacy, the long-time focus of many in the IT world. Without a scalable and efficient method for managing these risks so our enterprises can continue to benefit from these advancements that powers our military, commercial industries, cities, and homes to new levels of efficiency, versatility, and cost effectiveness we face the potential for harm, death, and destructiveness. In such a marketplace, creating, exchanging, and integrating components that are trustworthy as well as entering into value-chain relationships with trustworthy partners and service suppliers will be common if we can provide a method for explicitly defining what is meant by the word trustworthy. The approach being pursued by these groups for applying Software Assurance to these systems and their Supply Chains by leveraging Structured Assurance Cases (the focus of this paper), Software Bill of Materials, and secure development practices applied to the evolving Agile and DevSecOps methodologies, is to explicitly identify the detailed requirements ``about what we need to know about something for it to be worthy of our trust'' and to do that in a way that we can convey that basis of trust to others that: can scale; is consistent within different workflows; is flexible to differing sets of hazards and environments; and is applicable to all sectors, domains, and industries.
ADobf: Obfuscated Detection Method against Analog Trojans on I2C Master-Slave Interface. 2020 IEEE 63rd International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS). :1064–1067.
2020. Hardware Trojan war is expanding from digital world to analog domain. Although hardware Trojans in digital integrated circuits have been extensively investigated, there still lacks study on the Trojans crossing the boundary between digital and analog worlds. This work uses Inter-integrated Circuit (I2C) as an example to demonstrate the potential security threats on its master-slave interface. Furthermore, an obfuscated Trojan detection method is proposed to monitor the abnormal behaviors induced by analog Trojans on the I2C interface. Experimental results confirm that the proposed method has a high sensitivity to the compromised clock signal and can mitigate the clock mute attack with a success rate of over 98%.
Age-Based Scheduling Policy for Federated Learning in Mobile Edge Networks. ICASSP 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). :8743–8747.
2020. Federated learning (FL) is a machine learning model that preserves data privacy in the training process. Specifically, FL brings the model directly to the user equipments (UEs) for local training, where an edge server periodically collects the trained parameters to produce an improved model and sends it back to the UEs. However, since communication usually occurs through a limited spectrum, only a portion of the UEs can update their parameters upon each global aggregation. As such, new scheduling algorithms have to be engineered to facilitate the full implementation of FL. In this paper, based on a metric termed the age of update (AoU), we propose a scheduling policy by jointly accounting for the staleness of the received parameters and the instantaneous channel qualities to improve the running efficiency of FL. The proposed algorithm has low complexity and its effectiveness is demonstrated by Monte Carlo simulations.
Attribute-Based Data Security with Obfuscated Access Policy for Smart Grid Applications. 2020 International Conference on COMmunication Systems NETworkS (COMSNETS). :503–506.
2020. Smart grid employs intelligent transmission and distribution networks for effective and reliable delivery of electricity. It uses fine-grained electrical measurements to attain optimized reliability and stability by sharing these measurements among different entities of energy management systems of the grid. There are many stakeholders like users, phasor measurement units (PMU), and other entities, with changing requirements involved in the sharing of the data. Therefore, data security plays a vital role in the correct functioning of a power grid network. In this paper, we propose an attribute-based encryption (ABE) for secure data sharing in Smart Grid architectures as ABE enables efficient and secure access control. Also, the access policy is obfuscated to preserve privacy. We use Linear Secret Sharing (LSS) Scheme for supporting any monotone access structures, thereby enhancing the expressiveness of access policies. Finally, we also analyze the security, access policy privacy and collusion resistance properties along with efficiency analysis of our cryptosystem.
An Anti-Collusion Fingerprinting based on CFF Code and RS Code. 2020 International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery (CyberC). :56–63.
2020. Data security is becoming more and more important in data exchange. Once the data is leaked, it will pose a great threat to the privacy and property security of users. Copyright authentication and data provenance have become an important requirement of the information security defense mechanism. In order to solve the collusion leakage of the data distributed by organization and the low efficiency of tracking the leak provenance after the data is destroyed, this paper proposes a concatenated-group digital fingerprint coding based on CFF code and Reed-solomon (RS) that can resist collusion attacks and corresponding detection algorithm. The experiments based on an asymmetric anti-collusion fingerprint protocol show that the proposed method has better performance to resist collusion attacks than similar non-grouped fingerprint coding and effectively reduces the percentage of misjudgment, which verifies the availability of the algorithm and enriches the means of organization data security audit.
Accelerated Verification of Parametric Protocols with Decision Trees. 2020 IEEE 38th International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD). :397–404.
2020. Within a framework for verifying parametric network protocols through induction, one needs to find invariants based on a protocol instance of a small number of nodes. In this paper, we propose a new approach to accelerate parameterized verification by adopting decision trees to represent the state space of a protocol instance. Such trees can be considered as a knowledge base that summarizes all behaviors of the protocol instance. With this knowledge base, we are able to efficiently construct an oracle to effectively assess candidates of invariants of the protocol, which are suggested by an invariant finder. With the discovered invariants, a formal proof for the correctness of the protocol can be derived in the framework after proper generalization. The effectiveness of our method is demonstrated by experiments with typical benchmarks.
Applying Privacy-Aware Policies in IoT Devices Using Privacy Metrics. 2020 International Conference on Communications, Computing, Cybersecurity, and Informatics (CCCI). :1–5.
2020. In recent years, user's privacy has become an important aspect in the development of Internet of Things (IoT) devices. However, there has been comparatively little research so far that aims to understanding user's privacy in connection with IoT. Many users are worried about protecting their personal information, which may be gathered by IoT devices. In this paper, we present a new method for applying the user's preferences within the privacy-aware policies in IoT devices. Users can prioritize a set of extendable privacy policies based on their preferences. This is achieved by assigning weights to these policies to form ranking criteria. A privacy-aware index is then calculated based on these ranking. In addition, IoT devices can be clustered based on their privacy-aware index value. In this paper, we present a new method for applying the user's preferences within the privacy-aware policies in IoT devices. Users can prioritize a set of extendable privacy policies based on their preferences. This is achieved by assigning weights to these policies to form ranking criteria. A privacy-aware index is then calculated based on these ranking. In addition, IoT devices can be clustered based on their privacy-aware index value.
Attack on Grid Event Cause Analysis: An Adversarial Machine Learning Approach. 2020 IEEE Power Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT). :1–5.
2020. With the ever-increasing reliance on data for data-driven applications in power grids, such as event cause analysis, the authenticity of data streams has become crucially important. The data can be prone to adversarial stealthy attacks aiming to manipulate the data such that residual-based bad data detectors cannot detect them, and the perception of system operators or event classifiers changes about the actual event. This paper investigates the impact of adversarial attacks on convolutional neural network-based event cause analysis frameworks. We have successfully verified the ability of adversaries to maliciously misclassify events through stealthy data manipulations. The vulnerability assessment is studied with respect to the number of compromised measurements. Furthermore, a defense mechanism to robustify the performance of the event cause analysis is proposed. The effectiveness of adversarial attacks on changing the output of the framework is studied using the data generated by real-time digital simulator (RTDS) under different scenarios such as type of attacks and level of access to data.
An Analysis of Post Attack Impacts and Effects of Learning Parameters on Vulnerability Assessment of Power Grid. 2020 IEEE Power Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT). :1–5.
2020. Due to the increasing number of heterogeneous devices connected to electric power grid, the attack surface increases the threat actors. Game theory and machine learning are being used to study the power system failures caused by external manipulation. Most of existing works in the literature focus on one-shot process of attacks and fail to show the dynamic evolution of the defense strategy. In this paper, we focus on an adversarial multistage sequential game between the adversaries of the smart electric power transmission and distribution system. We study the impact of exploration rate and convergence of the attack strategies (sequences of action that creates large scale blackout based on the system capacity) based on the reinforcement learning approach. We also illustrate how the learned attack actions disrupt the normal operation of the grid by creating transmission line outages, bus voltage violations, and generation loss. This simulation studies are conducted on IEEE 9 and 39 bus systems. The results show the improvement of the defense strategy through the learning process. The results also prove the feasibility of the learned attack actions by replicating the disturbances created in simulated power system.
ATPG-Guided Fault Injection Attacks on Logic Locking. 2020 IEEE Physical Assurance and Inspection of Electronics (PAINE). :1–6.
2020. Logic Locking is a well-accepted protection technique to enable trust in the outsourced design and fabrication processes of integrated circuits (ICs) where the original design is modified by incorporating additional key gates in the netlist, resulting in a key-dependent functional circuit. The original functionality of the chip is recovered once it is programmed with the secret key, otherwise, it produces incorrect results for some input patterns. Over the past decade, different attacks have been proposed to break logic locking, simultaneously motivating researchers to develop more secure countermeasures. In this paper, we propose a novel stuck-at fault-based differential fault analysis (DFA) attack, which can be used to break logic locking that relies on a stored secret key. This proposed attack is based on self-referencing, where the secret key is determined by injecting faults in the key lines and comparing the response with its fault-free counterpart. A commercial ATPG tool can be used to generate test patterns that detect these faults, which will be used in DFA to determine the secret key. One test pattern is sufficient to determine one key bit, which results in at most \textbackslashtextbarK\textbackslashtextbar test patterns to determine the entire secret key of size \textbackslashtextbarK\textbackslashtextbar. The proposed attack is generic and can be extended to break any logic locked circuits.
Attack Detection on the Software Defined Networking Switches. 2020 6th IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft). :262–266.
2020. Software Defined Networking (SDN) is disruptive networking technology which adopts a centralised framework to facilitate fine-grained network management. However security in SDN is still in its infancy and there is need for significant work to deal with different attacks in SDN. In this paper we discuss some of the possible attacks on SDN switches and propose techniques for detecting the attacks on switches. We have developed a Switch Security Application (SSA)for SDN Controller which makes use of trusted computing technology and some additional components for detecting attacks on the switches. In particular TPM attestation is used to ensure that switches are in trusted state during boot time before configuring the flow rules on the switches. The additional components are used for storing and validating messages related to the flow rule configuration of the switches. The stored information is used for generating a trusted report on the expected flow rules in the switches and using this information for validating the flow rules that are actually enforced in the switches. If there is any variation to flow rules that are enforced in the switches compared to the expected flow rules by the SSA, then, the switch is considered to be under attack and an alert is raised to the SDN Administrator. The administrator can isolate the switch from network or make use of trusted report for restoring the flow rules in the switches. We will also present a prototype implementation of our technique.