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Wang, Qing, Zhang, Lizhe, Lu, Xin, Wang, Kenian.  2022.  A Multi-authority CP-ABE Scheme based on Cloud-Chain Fusion for SWIM. 2022 IEEE Intl Conf on Parallel & Distributed Processing with Applications, Big Data & Cloud Computing, Sustainable Computing & Communications, Social Computing & Networking (ISPA/BDCloud/SocialCom/SustainCom). :213—219.
SWIM (System Wide Information Management) has become the development direction of A TM (Air Traffic Management) system by providing interoperable services to promote the exchange and sharing of data among various stakeholders. The premise of data sharing is security, and the access control has become the key guarantee for the secure sharing and exchange. The CP-ABE scheme (Ciphertext Policy Attribute-Based Encryption) can realize one-to-many access control, which is suitable for the characteristics of SWIM environment. However, the combination of the existing CP-ABE access control and SWIM has following constraints. 1. The traditional single authority CP-ABE scheme requires unconditional trust in the authority center. Once the authority center is corrupted, the excessive authority of the center may lead to the complete destruction of system security. So, SWIM with a large user group and data volume requires multiple authorities CP-ABE when performing access control. 2. There is no unified management of users' data access records. Lack of supervision on user behavior make it impossible to effectively deter malicious users. 3. There are a certain proportion of lightweight data users in SWIM, such as aircraft, users with handheld devices, etc. And their computing capacity becomes the bottleneck of data sharing. Aiming at these issues above, this paper based on cloud-chain fusion basically proposes a multi-authority CP-ABE scheme, called the MOV ATM scheme, which has three advantages. 1. Based on a multi-cloud and multi-authority CP-ABE, this solution conforms to the distributed nature of SWIM; 2. This scheme provides outsourced computing and verification functions for lightweight users; 3. Based on blockchain technology, a blockchain that is maintained by all stakeholders of SWIM is designed. It takes user's access records as transactions to ensure that access records are well documented and cannot be tampered with. Compared with other schemes, this scheme adds the functions of multi-authority, outsourcing, verifiability and auditability, but do not increase the decryption cost of users.
O'Neill, S., Appelbe, B., Chittenden, J..  2022.  Modeling Burn Physics in a Magnetized ICF Plasma. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS). :1–1.
The pre-magnetization of inertial confinement fusion capsules is a promising avenue for reaching hotspot ignition, as the magnetic field reduces electron thermal conduction losses during hotspot formation. However, in order to reach high yields, efficient burn-up of the cold fuel is vital. Suppression of heat flows out of the hotspot due to magnetization can restrict the propagation of burn and has been observed to reduce yields in previous studies [1] . This work investigates the potential suppression of burn in a magnetized plasma utilizing the radiation-MHD code ‘Chimera’ in a planar geometry.. This code includes extended-MHD effects, such as the Nernst term, and a Monte-Carlo model for magnetized alpha particle transport and heating. We observe 3 distinct regimes of magnetized burn in 1D as initial magnetization is increased: thermal conduction driven; alpha driven; and suppressed burn. Field transport due to extended-MHD is also observed to be important, enhancing magnetization near the burn front. In higher dimensions, burn front instabilities have the potential to degrade burn even more severely. Magneto-thermal type instabilities (previously observed in laser-heated plasmas [2] ) are of particular interest in this problem.
ISSN: 2576-7208
Hallajiyan, Mohammadreza, Doustmohammadi, Ali.  2022.  Min-Max-Based Resilient Consensus of Networked Control Systems. 2022 8th International Conference on Control, Instrumentation and Automation (ICCIA). :1–5.
In this paper, we deal with the resilient consensus problem in networked control systems in which a group of agents are interacting with each other. A min-max-based resilient consensus algorithm has been proposed to help normal agents reach an agreement upon their state values in the presence of misbehaving ones. It is shown that the use of the developed algorithm will result in less computational load and fast convergence. Both synchronous and asynchronous update schemes for the network have been studied. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm has been evaluated through numerical examples.
Matsubayashi, Masaru, Koyama, Takuma, Tanaka, Masashi, Okano, Yasushi, Miyajima, Asami.  2022.  Message Source Identification in Controller Area Network by Utilizing Diagnostic Communications and an Intrusion Detection System. 2022 IEEE 96th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2022-Fall). :1–6.
International regulations specified in WP.29 and international standards specified in ISO/SAE 21434 require security operations such as cyberattack detection and incident responses to protect vehicles from cyberattacks. To meet these requirements, many vehicle manufacturers are planning to install Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) in the Controller Area Network (CAN), which is a primary component of in-vehicle networks, in the coming years. Besides, many vehicle manufacturers and information security companies are developing technologies to identify attack paths related to IDS alerts to respond to cyberattacks appropriately and quickly. To develop the IDSs and the technologies to identify attack paths, it is essential to grasp normal communications performed on in-vehicle networks. Thus, our study aims to develop a technology that can easily grasp normal communications performed on in-vehicle networks. In this paper, we propose the first message source identification method that easily identifies CAN-IDs used by each Electronic Control Unit (ECU) connected to the CAN for message transmissions. We realize the proposed method by utilizing diagnostic communications and an IDS installed in the CAN (CAN-IDS). We evaluate the proposed method using an ECU installed in an actual vehicle and four kinds of simulated CAN-IDSs based on typical existing intrusion detection methods for the CAN. The evaluation results show that the proposed method can identify the CAN-ID used by the ECU for CAN message transmissions if a suitable simulated CAN-IDS for the proposed method is connected to the vehicle.
ISSN: 2577-2465
Shubham, Kumar, Venkatesan, Laxmi Narayen Nagarajan, Jayagopi, Dinesh Babu, Tumuluri, Raj.  2022.  Multimodal Embodied Conversational Agents: A discussion of architectures, frameworks and modules for commercial applications. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality (AIVR). :36–45.
With the recent advancements in automated communication technology, many traditional businesses that rely on face-to-face communication have shifted to online portals. However, these online platforms often lack the personal touch essential for customer service. Research has shown that face-to- face communication is essential for building trust and empathy with customers. A multimodal embodied conversation agent (ECA) can fill this void in commercial applications. Such a platform provides tools to understand the user’s mental state by analyzing their verbal and non-verbal behaviour and allows a human-like avatar to take necessary action based on the context of the conversation and as per social norms. However, the literature to understand the impact of ECA agents on commercial applications is limited because of the issues related to platform and scalability. In our work, we discuss some existing work that tries to solve the issues related to scalability and infrastructure. We also provide an overview of the components required for developing ECAs and their deployment in various applications.
ISSN: 2771-7453
Jawdeh, Shaya Abou, Choi, Seungdeog, Liu, Chung-Hung.  2022.  Model-Based Deep Learning for Cyber-Attack Detection in Electric Drive Systems. 2022 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC). :567–573.
Modern cyber-physical systems that comprise controlled power electronics are becoming more internet-of-things-enabled and vulnerable to cyber-attacks. Therefore, hardening those systems against cyber-attacks becomes an emerging need. In this paper, a model-based deep learning cyber-attack detection to protect electric drive systems from cyber-attacks on the physical level is proposed. The approach combines the model physics with a deep learning-based classifier. The combination of model-based and deep learning will enable more accurate cyber-attack detection results. The proposed cyber-attack detector will be trained and simulated on a PM based electric drive system to detect false data injection attacks on the drive controller command and sensor signals.
ISSN: 2470-6647
Zhu, Yuwen, Yu, Lei.  2022.  A Modeling Method of Cyberspace Security Structure Based on Layer-Level Division. 2022 IEEE 5th International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering Technology (CCET). :247–251.
As the cyberspace structure becomes more and more complex, the problems of dynamic network space topology, complex composition structure, large spanning space scale, and a high degree of self-organization are becoming more and more important. In this paper, we model the cyberspace elements and their dependencies by combining the knowledge of graph theory. Layer adopts a network space modeling method combining virtual and real, and level adopts a spatial iteration method. Combining the layer-level models into one, this paper proposes a fast modeling method for cyberspace security structure model with network connection relationship, hierarchical relationship, and vulnerability information as input. This method can not only clearly express the individual vulnerability constraints in the network space, but also clearly express the hierarchical relationship of the complex dependencies of network individuals. For independent network elements or independent network element groups, it has flexibility and can greatly reduce the computational complexity in later applications.
Naik, Badavath Shravan, Tripathy, Somanath, Mohanty, Susil Kumar.  2022.  MuSigRDT: MultiSig Contract based Reliable Data Transmission in Social Internet of Vehicle. GLOBECOM 2022 - 2022 IEEE Global Communications Conference. :1763–1768.
Social Internet of Vehicle (SIoV) has emerged as one of the most promising applications for vehicle communication, which provides safe and comfortable driving experience. It reduces traffic jams and accidents, thereby saving public resources. However, the wrongly communicated messages would cause serious issues, including life threats. So it is essential to ensure the reliability of the message before acting on considering that. Existing works use cryptographic primitives like threshold authentication and ring signatures, which incurs huge computation and communication overheads, and the ring signature size grew linearly with the threshold value. Our objective is to keep the signature size constant regardless of the threshold value. This work proposes MuSigRDT, a multisignature contract based data transmission protocol using Schnorr digital signature. MuSigRDT provides incentives, to encourage the vehicles to share correct information in real-time and participate honestly in SIoV. MuSigRDT is shown to be secure under Universal Composability (UC) framework. The MuSigRDT contract is deployed on Ethereum's Rinkeby testnet.
Wu, Min-Hao, Huang, Jian-Hung, Chen, Jian-Xin, Wang, Hao-Jyun, Chiu, Chen-Yu.  2022.  Machine Learning to Identify Bitcoin Mining by Web Browsers. 2022 2nd International Conference on Computation, Communication and Engineering (ICCCE). :66—69.
In the recent development of the online cryptocurrency mining platform, Coinhive, numerous websites have employed “Cryptojacking.” They may need the unauthorized use of CPU resources to mine cryptocurrency and replace advertising income. Web cryptojacking technologies are the most recent attack in information security. Security teams have suggested blocking Cryptojacking scripts by using a blacklist as a strategy. However, the updating procedure of the static blacklist has not been able to promptly safeguard consumers because of the sharp rise in “Cryptojacking kidnapping”. Therefore, we propose a Cryptojacking identification technique based on analyzing the user's computer resources to combat the assault technology known as “Cryptojacking kidnapping.” Machine learning techniques are used to monitor changes in computer resources such as CPU changes. The experiment results indicate that this method is more accurate than the blacklist system and, in contrast to the blacklist system, manually updates the blacklist regularly. The misuse of online Cryptojacking programs and the unlawful hijacking of users' machines for Cryptojacking are becoming worse. In the future, information security undoubtedly addresses the issue of how to prevent Cryptojacking and abduction. The result of this study helps to save individuals from unintentionally becoming miners.
Al-Qanour, Fahd bin Abdullah, Rajeyyagari, Sivaram.  2022.  Managing Information and Network Security using Chaotic Bio Molecular Computing Technique. 2022 6th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS). :893–896.
Requirement Elicitation is a key phase in software development. The fundamental goal of security requirement elicitation is to gather appropriate security needs and policies from stakeholders or organizations. The majority of systems fail due to incorrect elicitation procedures, affecting development time and cost. Security requirement elicitation is a major activity of requirement engineering that requires the attention of developers and other stakeholders. To produce quality requirements during software development, the authors suggested a methodology for effective requirement elicitation. Many challenges surround requirement engineering. These concerns can be connected to scope, preconceptions in requirements, etc. Other difficulties include user confusion over technological specifics, leading to confusing system aims. They also don't realize that the requirements are dynamic and prone to change. To protect the privacy of medical images, the proposed image cryptosystem uses a CCM-generated chaotic key series to confuse and diffuse them. A hexadecimal pre-processing technique is used to increase the security of color images utilising a hyper chaos-based image cryptosystem. Finally, a double-layered security system for biometric photos is built employing chaos and DNA cryptography.
ISSN: 2768-5330
Barakat, Ghena, Al-Duwairi, Basheer, Jarrah, Moath, Jaradat, Manar.  2022.  Modeling and Simulation of IoT Botnet Behaviors Using DEVS. 2022 13th International Conference on Information and Communication Systems (ICICS). :42–47.
The ubiquitous nature of the Internet of Things (IoT) devices and their wide-scale deployment have remarkably attracted hackers to exploit weakly-configured and vulnerable devices, allowing them to form large IoT botnets and launch unprecedented attacks. Modeling the behavior of IoT botnets leads to a better understanding of their spreading mechanisms and the state of the network at different levels of the attack. In this paper, we propose a generic model to capture the behavior of IoT botnets. The proposed model uses Markov Chains to study the botnet behavior. Discrete Event System Specifications environment is used to simulate the proposed model.
ISSN: 2573-3346
Gong, Dehao, Liu, Yunqing.  2022.  A Mechine Learning Approach for Botnet Detection Using LightGBM. 2022 3rd International Conference on Computer Vision, Image and Deep Learning & International Conference on Computer Engineering and Applications (CVIDL & ICCEA). :829–833.
The botnet-based network assault are one of the most serious security threats overlay the Internet this day. Although significant progress has been made in this region of research in recent years, it is still an ongoing and challenging topic to virtually direction the threat of botnets due to their continuous evolution, increasing complexity and stealth, and the difficulties in detection and defense caused by the limitations of network and system architectures. In this paper, we propose a novel and efficient botnet detection method, and the results of the detection method are validated with the CTU-13 dataset.
Boche, Holger, Cai, Minglai, Wiese, Moritz.  2022.  Mosaics of Combinatorial Designs for Semantic Security on Quantum Wiretap Channels. 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT). :856–861.
We study semantic security for classical-quantum channels. Our security functions are functional forms of mosaics of combinatorial designs. We extend methods in [25] from classical channels to classical-quantum channels to demonstrate that mosaics of designs ensure semantic security for classical-quantum channels, and are also capacity achieving coding schemes. An advantage of these modular wiretap codes is that we provide explicit code constructions that can be implemented in practice for every channel, given an arbitrary public code.
ISSN: 2157-8117
Tarmissi, Khaled, Shalan, Atef, Al Shahrani, Abdullah, Alsulamy, Rayan, Alotaibi, Saud S., Al-Shareef, Sarah.  2022.  Mitigating Security Threats of Bitcoin Network by Reducing Message Broadcasts During Transaction Dissemination. 2022 14th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks (CICN). :772–777.
Propagation delay in blockchain networks is a major impairment of message transmission and validation in the bitcoin network. The transaction delay caused by message propagation across long network chains can cause significant threats to the bitcoin network integrity by allowing miners to find blocks during the message consensus process. Potential threats of slow transaction dissemination include double-spending, partitions, and eclipse attacks. In this paper, we propose a method for minimizing propagation delay by reducing non-compulsory message broadcasts during transaction dissemination in the underlying blockchain network. Our method will decrease the propagation delay in the bitcoin network and consequently mitigate the security threats based on message dissemination delay. Our results show improvement in the delay time with more effect on networks with a large number of nodes.
ISSN: 2472-7555
Bassit, Amina, Hahn, Florian, Veldhuis, Raymond, Peter, Andreas.  2022.  Multiplication-Free Biometric Recognition for Faster Processing under Encryption. 2022 IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB). :1–9.

The cutting-edge biometric recognition systems extract distinctive feature vectors of biometric samples using deep neural networks to measure the amount of (dis-)similarity between two biometric samples. Studies have shown that personal information (e.g., health condition, ethnicity, etc.) can be inferred, and biometric samples can be reconstructed from those feature vectors, making their protection an urgent necessity. State-of-the-art biometrics protection solutions are based on homomorphic encryption (HE) to perform recognition over encrypted feature vectors, hiding the features and their processing while releasing the outcome only. However, this comes at the cost of those solutions' efficiency due to the inefficiency of HE-based solutions with a large number of multiplications; for (dis-)similarity measures, this number is proportional to the vector's dimension. In this paper, we tackle the HE performance bottleneck by freeing the two common (dis-)similarity measures, the cosine similarity and the squared Euclidean distance, from multiplications. Assuming normalized feature vectors, our approach pre-computes and organizes those (dis-)similarity measures into lookup tables. This transforms their computation into simple table-lookups and summation only. We study quantization parameters for the values in the lookup tables and evaluate performances on both synthetic and facial feature vectors for which we achieve a recognition performance identical to the non-tabularized baseline systems. We then assess their efficiency under HE and record runtimes between 28.95ms and 59.35ms for the three security levels, demonstrating their enhanced speed.

ISSN: 2474-9699

Islam, Raisa, Hossen, Mohammad Sahinur, Shin, Dongwan.  2022.  A Mapping Study on Privacy Attacks in Big Data and IoT. 2022 13th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC). :1158–1163.
Application domains like big data and IoT require a lot of user data collected and analyzed to extract useful information, and those data might include user's sensitive and personal information. Hence, it is strongly required to ensure the privacy of user data before releasing them in the public space. Since the fields of IoT and big data are constantly evolving with new types of privacy attacks and prevention mechanisms, there is an urgent need for new research and surveys to develop an overview of the state-of-art. We conducted a systematic mapping study on selected papers related to user privacy in IoT and big data, published between 2010 to 2021. This study focuses on identifying the main privacy objectives, attacks and measures taken to prevent the attacks in the two application domains. Additionally, a visualized classification of the existing attacks is presented along with privacy metrics to draw similarities and dissimilarities among different attacks.
ISSN: 2162-1241
Savoie, Marc, Shan, Jinjun.  2022.  Monte Carlo Study of Jiles-Atherton Parameters on Hysteresis Area and Remnant Displacement. 2022 IEEE 31st International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE). :1017–1022.
In this study, the parameters of the Jiles-Atherton (JA) model are investigated to determine suitable solution candidates for hysteresis models of a piezoelectric actuator (PEA). The methodology of this study is to perform Monte Carlo experiments on the JA model by randomly selecting parameters that generate hysteresis curves. The solution space is then restrained such that their normalized area and remnant displacements are comparable to those of the PEA. The data resulting from these Monte Carlo simulations show trends in the parameter space that can be used to further restrain parameter selection windows to find suitable JA parameters to model PEAs. In particular, the results show that selection of the reversibility coefficient and the pinning factor strongly affect both of the hysteresis characteristics studied. A large density of solutions is found in certain parameter distributions for both the area and the remnant displacement, but the remnant displacement generates the densest distributions. These results can be used to more effectively find suitable hysteresis models for modeling purposes.
ISSN: 2163-5145
Qi, Chao, Nagai, Keita, Ji, Ming, Miyahara, Yu, Sugita, Naohiro, Shinshi, Tadahiko, Nakano, Masaki, Sato, Chiaki.  2022.  A Magnetic Actuator Using PLD-made FePt Thick Film as a Permanent Magnet and Membrane Material for Bi-directional Micropumps. 2022 21st International Conference on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications (PowerMEMS). :309–310.
This paper proposes a magnetic actuator using a partially magnetized FePt thick film as a permanent magnet and membrane material for bi-directional micropumps. The magnetized areas act as flux sources, while the magnetized and unmagnetized areas play a role of the membrane part. The mechanical and magnetic characterization results show FePt has a large tensile strength and a lower Young’s modulus than Si crystal, and a comparable remanence to NdFeB. A magnetic pattern transfer technique with a post thermal demagnetization is proposed and experimentally verified to magnetize the FePt partially. Using the proposed magnetic actuator with partially magnetized FePt film is beneficial to simplify the complicated structure and fabrication process of the bi-directional magnetic micropump besides other magnetic MEMS devices.
Silva, M. D., Eriksson, S..  2022.  On the Mitigation of Leakage Flux in Spoke Type Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines. 2022 International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM). :302–308.
The use of rare-earth elements in permanent magnets rises economic, environmental and supply-chain related concerns. Instead, ferrite magnets have been researched as an alternative. The magnetic flux concentration capacity of the Spoke Type Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM) and the low magnetic remanence of the ferrite magnet make them complementary strategies towards the desirable performance. However, if restricted to conventional manufacturing processes and materials, the mechanical design is a challenging step of the development of these machines. This paper explores how mechanical constraints impact electromagnetic performance. To access the interdependency of the performance and the mechanical constraints, finite element analyses are done both in the mechanical and electromagnetic domain. The results show that the mechanical constraints have an impact on the performance, although it is possible to reduce it by adapting the design to the electromagnetic and mechanical properties of the electrical steel.
ISSN: 2381-4802
Fuhui, Li, Decheng, Kong, Xiaowei, Meng, Yikun, Fang, Ketai, He.  2022.  Magnetic properties and optimization of AlNiCo fabricated by additive manufacturing. 2022 IEEE 17th Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA). :354–358.
In this paper, we use selective laser melting (SLM) technology to fabricate AlNiCo magnetic materials, and the effects of laser processing parameters on the density and mechanical properties of AlNiCo magnetic materials were studied. We tested the magnetic properties of the heat-treated magnets. The results show that both laser power and scanning speed affect the forming. In this paper, the influence of laser power on the density of samples far exceeds the scanning speed. Through the experiment, we obtained the optimal range of process parameters: laser power (150 170W) and laser scanning speed (800 1000mm/s). Although the samples formed within this range have higher density, there are still many cracks, further research work should be done.
ISSN: 2158-2297
Webb, Susan J., Knight, Jasper, Grab, Stefan, Enslin, Stephanie, Hunt, Hugh, Maré, Leonie.  2022.  Magnetic evidence for lightning strikes on mountains in Lesotho as an important denudation agent. 2022 36th International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP). :500–503.
Contrary to previous opinion, ‘frost shattering’ is not the only major contributor to rock weathering at mid latitudes and high elevations, more specifically along edges of bedrock escarpments. Lightning is also a significant contributor to land surface denudation. We can show this as lightning strikes on outcrops can dramatically alter the magnetic signature of rocks and is one of the main sources of noise in paleomagnetic studies. Igneous rocks in the highlands of Lesotho, southern Africa (\textgreater 3000 m elevation) provide an ideal study location, as flow lavas remain as prominent ridges that are relatively resistant to weathering. It is well known that lightning strikes can cause large remanent magnetization in rocks with little resultant variation in susceptibility. At two adjoining peaks in the Lesotho highlands, mapped freshly fractured rock correlates with areas of high magnetic intensity (remanent component), but little variation in susceptibility (related to the induced field), and is therefore a clear indicator of lightning damage. The majority of these mapped strike sites occur at the edges of topographic highs. Variations in magnetic intensity are correlated with the much lower resolution national lightning strikes dataset. These data confirm that high elevation edges of peak scarps are the focus of previous lightning strikes. This method of magnetic surveying compared with lightning strike data is a new method of confirming the locations of lightning strikes, and reduces the need for intensive paleomagnetic studies of the area to confirm remanence.
ELMansy, Hossam, Metwally, Khaled, Badran, Khaled.  2022.  MPTCP-based Security Schema in Fog Computing. 2022 13th International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEENG). :134–138.

Recently, Cloud Computing became one of today’s great innovations for provisioning Information Technology (IT) resources. Moreover, a new model has been introduced named Fog Computing, which addresses Cloud Computing paradigm issues regarding time delay and high cost. However, security challenges are still a big concern about the vulnerabilities to both Cloud and Fog Computing systems. Man- in- the- Middle (MITM) is considered one of the most destructive attacks in a Fog Computing context. Moreover, it’s very complex to detect MiTM attacks as it is performed passively at the Software-Defined Networking (SDN) level, also the Fog Computing paradigm is ideally suitable for MITM attacks. In this paper, a MITM mitigation scheme will be proposed consisting of an SDN network (Fog Leaders) which controls a layer of Fog Nodes. Furthermore, Multi-Path TCP (MPTCP) has been used between all edge devices and Fog Nodes to improve resource utilization and security. The proposed solution performance evaluation has been carried out in a simulation environment using Mininet, Ryu SDN controller and Multipath TCP (MPTCP) Linux kernel. The experimental results showed that the proposed solution improves security, network resiliency and resource utilization without any significant overheads compared to the traditional TCP implementation.

Grebenyuk, Konstantin A..  2021.  Motivation Generator: An Empirical Model of Intrinsic Motivation for Learning. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology & Education (TALE). :1001–1005.
In present research, an empirical model for building and maintaining students' intrinsic motivation to learn is proposed. Unlike many other models of motivation, this model is not based on psychological theories but is derived directly from empirical observations made by experienced learners and educators. Thanks to empirical nature of the proposed model, its application to educational practice may be more straightforward in comparison with assumptions-based motivation theories. Interestingly, the structure of the proposed model resembles to some extent the structure of the oscillator circuit containing an amplifier and a positive feedback loop.
ISSN: 2470-6698
Ding, Haihao, Zhao, Qingsong.  2022.  Multilayer Network Modeling and Stability Analysis of Internet of Battlefield Things. 2022 IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon). :1—6.
Intelligent service network under the paradigm of the Internet of Things (IoT) uses sensor and network communication technology to realize the interconnection of everything and real-time communication between devices. Under the background of combat, all kinds of sensor devices and equipment units need to be highly networked to realize interconnection and information sharing, which makes the Internet of Things technology hopeful to be applied in the battlefield to interconnect these entities to form the Internet of Battlefield Things (IoBT). This paper analyzes the related concepts of IoBT, and constructs the IoBT multilayer dependency network model according to the typical characteristics and topology of IoBT, then constructs the weighted super-adjacency matrix according to the coupling weights within and between different layers, and the stability model of IoBT is analyzed and derived. Finally, an example of IoBT network is given to provide a reference for analyzing the stability factors of IoBT network.
Sikder, Md Nazmul Kabir, Batarseh, Feras A., Wang, Pei, Gorentala, Nitish.  2022.  Model-Agnostic Scoring Methods for Artificial Intelligence Assurance. 2022 IEEE 29th Annual Software Technology Conference (STC). :9–18.
State of the art Artificial Intelligence Assurance (AIA) methods validate AI systems based on predefined goals and standards, are applied within a given domain, and are designed for a specific AI algorithm. Existing works do not provide information on assuring subjective AI goals such as fairness and trustworthiness. Other assurance goals are frequently required in an intelligent deployment, including explainability, safety, and security. Accordingly, issues such as value loading, generalization, context, and scalability arise; however, achieving multiple assurance goals without major trade-offs is generally deemed an unattainable task. In this manuscript, we present two AIA pipelines that are model-agnostic, independent of the domain (such as: healthcare, energy, banking), and provide scores for AIA goals including explainability, safety, and security. The two pipelines: Adversarial Logging Scoring Pipeline (ALSP) and Requirements Feedback Scoring Pipeline (RFSP) are scalable and tested with multiple use cases, such as a water distribution network and a telecommunications network, to illustrate their benefits. ALSP optimizes models using a game theory approach and it also logs and scores the actions of an AI model to detect adversarial inputs, and assures the datasets used for training. RFSP identifies the best hyper-parameters using a Bayesian approach and provides assurance scores for subjective goals such as ethical AI using user inputs and statistical assurance measures. Each pipeline has three algorithms that enforce the final assurance scores and other outcomes. Unlike ALSP (which is a parallel process), RFSP is user-driven and its actions are sequential. Data are collected for experimentation; the results of both pipelines are presented and contrasted.