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Bolbol, Noor, Barhoom, Tawfiq.  2021.  Mitigating Web Scrapers using Markup Randomization. 2021 Palestinian International Conference on Information and Communication Technology (PICICT). :157—162.

Web Scraping is the technique of extracting desired data in an automated way by scanning the internal links and content of a website, this activity usually performed by systematically programmed bots. This paper explains our proposed solution to protect the blog content from theft and from being copied to other destinations by mitigating the scraping bots. To achieve our purpose we applied two steps in two levels, the first one, on the main blog page level, mitigated the work of crawler bots by adding extra empty articles anchors among real articles, and the next step, on the article page level, we add a random number of empty and hidden spans with randomly generated text among the article's body. To assess this solution we apply it to a local project developed using PHP language in Laravel framework, and put four criteria that measure the effectiveness. The results show that the changes in the file size before and after the application do not affect it, also, the processing time increased by few milliseconds which still in the acceptable range. And by using the HTML-similarity tool we get very good results that show the symmetric over style, with a few bit changes over the structure. Finally, to assess the effects on the bots, scraper bot reused and get the expected results from the programmed middleware. These results show that the solution is feasible to be adopted and use to protect blogs content.

Pandey, Manish, Kwon, Young-Woo.  2021.  Middleware for Edge Devices in Mobile Edge Computing. 2021 36th International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC). :1—4.
In mobile edge computing, edge devices collect data, and an edge server performs computational or data processing tasks that need real-time processing. Depending upon the requested task's complexity, an edge server executes it locally or remotely in the cloud. When an edge server needs to offload its computational tasks, there could be a sudden failure in the cloud or network. In this scenario, we need to provide a flexible execution model to edge devices and servers for the continuous execution of the task. To that end, in this paper, we induced a middleware system that allows an edge server to execute a task on the edge devices instead of offloading it to a cloud server. Edge devices not only send data to an edge server for further processing but also execute edge services by utilizing nearby edge devices' computing resources. We extend the concept of service-oriented architecture and integrate a decentralized peer-to-peer network architecture to achieve reusability, location-specific security, and reliability. By following our methodology, software developers can enhance their application in a collaborative environment without worrying about low-level implementation.
Kroeger, Trevor, Cheng, Wei, Guilley, Sylvain, Danger, Jean-Luc, Karimi, Nazhmeh.  2021.  Making Obfuscated PUFs Secure Against Power Side-Channel Based Modeling Attacks. 2021 Design, Automation Test in Europe Conference Exhibition (DATE). :1000–1005.
To enhance the security of digital circuits, there is often a desire to dynamically generate, rather than statically store, random values used for identification and authentication purposes. Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs) provide the means to realize this feature in an efficient and reliable way by utilizing commonly overlooked process variations that unintentionally occur during the manufacturing of integrated circuits (ICs) due to the imperfection of fabrication process. When given a challenge, PUFs produce a unique response. However, PUFs have been found to be vulnerable to modeling attacks where by using a set of collected challenge response pairs (CRPs) and training a machine learning model, the response can be predicted for unseen challenges. To combat this vulnerability, researchers have proposed techniques such as Challenge Obfuscation. However, as shown in this paper, this technique can be compromised via modeling the PUF's power side-channel. We first show the vulnerability of a state-of-the-art Challenge Obfuscated PUF (CO-PUF) against power analysis attacks by presenting our attack results on the targeted CO-PUF. Then we propose two countermeasures, as well as their hybrid version, that when applied to the CO-PUFs make them resilient against power side-channel based modeling attacks. We also provide some insights on the proper design metrics required to be taken when implementing these mitigations. Our simulation results show the high success of our attack in compromising the original Challenge Obfuscated PUFs (success rate textgreater 98%) as well as the significant improvement on resilience of the obfuscated PUFs against power side-channel based modeling when equipped with our countermeasures.
Pedroza, Gabriel, Muntés-Mulero, Victor, Mart\'ın, Yod Samuel, Mockly, Guillaume.  2021.  A Model-Based Approach to Realize Privacy and Data Protection by Design. 2021 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops (EuroS PW). :332–339.
Telecommunications and data are pervasive in almost each aspect of our every-day life and new concerns progressively arise as a result of stakes related to privacy and data protection [1]. Indeed, systems development becomes data-centric leading to an ecosystem where a variety of players intervene (citizens, industry, regulators) and where the policies regarding data usage and utilization are far from consensual. The new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) enacted by the European Commission in 2018 has introduced new provisions including principles for lawfulness, fairness, transparency, etc. thus endorsing data subjects with new rights in regards to their personal data. In this context, a growing need for approaches that conceptualize and help engineers to integrate GDPR and privacy provisions at design time becomes paramount. This paper presents a comprehensive approach to support different phases of the design process with special attention to the integration of privacy and data protection principles. Among others, it is a generic model-based approach that can be specialized according to the specifics of different application domains.
Jenkins, Chris, Vugrin, Eric, Manickam, Indu, Troutman, Nicholas, Hazelbaker, Jacob, Krakowiak, Sarah, Maxwell, Josh, Brown, Richard.  2021.  Moving Target Defense for Space Systems. 2021 IEEE Space Computing Conference (SCC). :60—71.
Space systems provide many critical functions to the military, federal agencies, and infrastructure networks. Nation-state adversaries have shown the ability to disrupt critical infrastructure through cyber-attacks targeting systems of networked, embedded computers. Moving target defenses (MTDs) have been proposed as a means for defending various networks and systems against potential cyber-attacks. MTDs differ from many cyber resilience technologies in that they do not necessarily require detection of an attack to mitigate the threat. We devised a MTD algorithm and tested its application to a real-time network. We demonstrated MTD usage with a real-time protocol given constraints not typically found in best-effort networks. Second, we quantified the cyber resilience benefit of MTD given an exfiltration attack by an adversary. For our experiment, we employed MTD which resulted in a reduction of adversarial knowledge by 97%. Even when the adversary can detect when the address changes, there is still a reduction in adversarial knowledge when compared to static addressing schemes. Furthermore, we analyzed the core performance of the algorithm and characterized its unpredictability using nine different statistical metrics. The characterization highlighted the algorithm has good unpredictability characteristics with some opportunity for improvement to produce more randomness.
Gao, Chungang, Wang, Yongjie, Xiong, Xinli, Zhao, Wendian.  2021.  MTDCD: an MTD Enhanced Cyber Deception Defense System. 2021 IEEE 4th Advanced Information Management, Communicates, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (IMCEC). 4:1412—1417.
Advanced persistent threat (APT) attackers usually conduct a large number of network reconnaissance before a formal attack to discover exploitable vulnerabilities in the target network and system. The static configuration in traditional network systems provides a great advantage for adversaries to find network targets and launch attacks. To reduce the effectiveness of adversaries' continuous reconnaissance attacks, this paper develops a moving target defense (MTD) enhanced cyber deception defense system based on software-defined networks (SDN). The system uses virtual network topology to confuse the target network and system information collected by adversaries. Also Besides, it uses IP address randomization to increase the dynamics of network deception to enhance its defense effectiveness. Finally, we implemented the system prototype and evaluated it. In a configuration where the virtual network topology scale is three network segments, and the address conversion cycle is 30 seconds, this system delayed the adversaries' discovery of vulnerable hosts by an average of seven times, reducing the probability of adversaries successfully attacking vulnerable hosts by 83%. At the same time, the increased system overhead is basically within 10%.
Qiu, Yihao, Wu, Jun, Mumtaz, Shahid, Li, Jianhua, Al-Dulaimi, Anwer, Rodrigues, Joel J. P. C..  2021.  MT-MTD: Muti-Training based Moving Target Defense Trojaning Attack in Edged-AI network. ICC 2021 - IEEE International Conference on Communications. :1—6.
The evolution of deep learning has promoted the popularization of smart devices. However, due to the insufficient development of computing hardware, the ability to conduct local training on smart devices is greatly restricted, and it is usually necessary to deploy ready-made models. This opacity makes smart devices vulnerable to deep learning backdoor attacks. Some existing countermeasures against backdoor attacks are based on the attacker’s ignorance of defense. Once the attacker knows the defense mechanism, he can easily overturn it. In this paper, we propose a Trojaning attack defense framework based on moving target defense(MTD) strategy. According to the analysis of attack-defense game types and confrontation process, the moving target defense model based on signaling game was constructed. The simulation results show that in most cases, our technology can greatly increase the attack cost of the attacker, thereby ensuring the availability of Deep Neural Networks(DNN) and protecting it from Trojaning attacks.
Vakili, Ramin, Khorsand, Mojdeh.  2021.  Machine-Learning-based Advanced Dynamic Security Assessment: Prediction of Loss of Synchronism in Generators. 2020 52nd North American Power Symposium (NAPS). :1–6.
This paper proposes a machine-learning-based advanced online dynamic security assessment (DSA) method, which provides a detailed evaluation of the system stability after a disturbance by predicting impending loss of synchronism (LOS) of generators. Voltage angles at generator buses are used as the features of the different random forest (RF) classifiers which are trained to consecutively predict LOS of the generators as a contingency proceeds and updated measurements become available. A wide range of contingencies for various topologies and operating conditions of the IEEE 118-bus system has been studied in offline analysis using the GE positive sequence load flow analysis (PSLF) software to create a comprehensive dataset for training and testing the RF models. The performances of the trained models are evaluated in the presence of measurement errors using various metrics. The results reveal that the trained models are accurate, fast, and robust to measurement errors.
Kumar, S. Ratan, Kumari, V. Valli, Raju, K. V. S. V. N..  2021.  Multi-Core Parallel Processing Technique to Prepare the Time Series Data for the Early Detection of DDoS Flooding Attacks. 2021 8th International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom). :540—545.
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks pose a considerable threat to Cloud Computing, Internet of Things (IoT) and other services offered on the Internet. The victim server receives terabytes of data per second during the DDoS attack. It may take hours to examine them to detect a potential threat, leading to denial of service to legitimate users. Processing vast volumes of traffic to mitigate the attack is a challenging task for network administrators. High-performance techniques are more suited for processing DDoS attack traffic compared to Sequential Processing Techniques. This paper proposes a Multi-Core Parallel Processing Technique to prepare the time series data for the early detection of DDoS flooding attacks. Different time series analysis methods are suggested to detect the attack early on. Producing time series data using parallel processing saves time and further speeds up the detection of the attack. The proposed method is applied to the benchmark data set CICDDoS2019 for generating four different time series to detect TCP-based flooding attacks, namely TCP-SYN, TCP-SYN-ACK, TCP-ACK, and TCP-RST. The implementation results show that the proposed method can give a speedup of 2.3 times for processing attack traffic compared to sequential processing.
Jha, Prabhat Kumar, Prajapat, Ganesh P., Bansal, S. K., Solanki, Urmila.  2020.  Mode Identification and Small Signal Stability Analysis of Variable Speed Wind Power Systems. 2020 International Conference on Power Electronics IoT Applications in Renewable Energy and its Control (PARC). :286–291.
The high penetration of wind power generation into the grid evokes all the concerns for the deep understanding of its behavior and impact on the existing power system. This paper investigates the optimal operation of the Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) for the maximum power point tracking in deep with modal analysis. The grid connected DFIG system has been examined in two cases viz. open-loop case and closed-loop case where closed-loop case consists the system with the Flux Magnitude Angle Control (FMAC) and Direct Torque Control (DTC) approach. Various modes of the oscillation and their damping factor has been found in both the cases for the examination of the internal behavior of the system. Further, the effectiveness of the all the employed controls along with MPPT when the system is subjected to a stepped wind speed disturbance and voltage-dip have been confirmed. It was found from the simulation and the modal analysis that the frequency of the various oscillating modes is lesser while the damping is improved in the case of DTC control.
Weng, Jui-Hung, Chi, Po-Wen.  2021.  Multi-Level Privacy Preserving K-Anonymity. 2021 16th Asia Joint Conference on Information Security (AsiaJCIS). :61–67.
k-anonymity is a well-known definition of privacy, which guarantees that any person in the released dataset cannot be distinguished from at least k-1 other individuals. In the protection model, the records are anonymized through generalization or suppression with a fixed value of k. Accordingly, each record has the same level of anonymity in the published dataset. However, different people or items usually have inconsistent privacy requirements. Some records need extra protection while others require a relatively low level of privacy constraint. In this paper, we propose Multi-Level Privacy Preserving K-Anonymity, an advanced protection model based on k-anonymity, which divides records into different groups and requires each group to satisfy its respective privacy requirement. Moreover, we present a practical algorithm using clustering techniques to ensure the property. The evaluation on a real-world dataset confirms that the proposed method has the advantages of offering more flexibility in setting privacy parameters and providing higher data utility than traditional k-anonymity.
Abdel-Fattah, Farhan, AlTamimi, Fadel, Farhan, Khalid A..  2021.  Machine Learning and Data Mining in Cybersecurty. 2021 International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT). :952–956.
A wireless technology Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) that connects a group of mobile devices such as phones, laptops, and tablets suffers from critical security problems, so the traditional defense mechanism Intrusion Detection System (IDS) techniques are not sufficient to safeguard and protect MANET from malicious actions performed by intruders. Due to the MANET dynamic decentralized structure, distributed architecture, and rapid growing of MANET over years, vulnerable MANET does not need to change its infrastructure rather than using intelligent and advance methods to secure them and prevent intrusions. This paper focuses essentially on machine learning methodologies and algorithms to solve the shortage of the first line defense IDS to overcome the security issues MANET experience. Threads such as black hole, routing loops, network partition, selfishness, sleep deprivation, and denial of service (DoS), may be easily classified and recognized using machine learning methodologies and algorithms. Also, machine learning methodologies and algorithms help find ways to reduce and solve mischievous and harmful attacks against intimidation and prying. The paper describes few machine learning algorithms in detail such as Neural Networks, Support vector machine (SVM) algorithm and K-nearest neighbors, and how these methodologies help MANET to resolve their security problems.
Singh, Shirish, Kaiser, Gail.  2021.  Metamorphic Detection of Repackaged Malware. 2021 IEEE/ACM 6th International Workshop on Metamorphic Testing (MET). :9–16.
Machine learning-based malware detection systems are often vulnerable to evasion attacks, in which a malware developer manipulates their malicious software such that it is misclassified as benign. Such software hides some properties of the real class or adopts some properties of a different class by applying small perturbations. A special case of evasive malware hides by repackaging a bonafide benign mobile app to contain malware in addition to the original functionality of the app, thus retaining most of the benign properties of the original app. We present a novel malware detection system based on metamorphic testing principles that can detect such benign-seeming malware apps. We apply metamorphic testing to the feature representation of the mobile app, rather than to the app itself. That is, the source input is the original feature vector for the app and the derived input is that vector with selected features removed. If the app was originally classified benign, and is indeed benign, the output for the source and derived inputs should be the same class, i.e., benign, but if they differ, then the app is exposed as (likely) malware. Malware apps originally classified as malware should retain that classification, since only features prevalent in benign apps are removed. This approach enables the machine learning model to classify repackaged malware with reasonably few false negatives and false positives. Our training pipeline is simpler than many existing ML-based malware detection methods, as the network is trained end-to-end to jointly learn appropriate features and to perform classification. We pre-trained our classifier model on 3 million apps collected from the widely-used AndroZoo dataset.1 We perform an extensive study on other publicly available datasets to show our approach's effectiveness in detecting repackaged malware with more than 94% accuracy, 0.98 precision, 0.95 recall, and 0.96 F1 score.
Priyadarshan, Pradosh, Sarangi, Prateek, Rath, Adyasha, Panda, Ganapati.  2021.  Machine Learning Based Improved Malware Detection Schemes. 2021 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science Engineering (Confluence). :925–931.
In recent years, cyber security has become a challenging task to protect the networks and computing systems from various types of digital attacks. Therefore, to preserve these systems, various innovative methods have been reported and implemented in practice. However, still more research work needs to be carried out to have malware free computing system. In this paper, an attempt has been made to develop simple but reliable ML based malware detection systems which can be implemented in practice. Keeping this in view, the present paper has proposed and compared the performance of three ML based malware detection systems applicable for computer systems. The proposed methods include k-NN, RF and LR for detection purpose and the features extracted comprise of Byte and ASM. The performance obtained from the simulation study of the proposed schemes has been evaluated in terms of ROC, Log loss plot, accuracy, precision, recall, specificity, sensitivity and F1-score. The analysis of the various results clearly demonstrates that the RF based malware detection scheme outperforms the model based on k-NN and LR The efficiency of detection of proposed ML models is either same or comparable to deep learning-based methods.
Elbahadır, Hamza, Erdem, Ebubekir.  2021.  Modeling Intrusion Detection System Using Machine Learning Algorithms in Wireless Sensor Networks. 2021 6th International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (UBMK). :401–406.
Wireless sensor networks (WSN) are used to perceive many data such as temperature, vibration, pressure in the environment and to produce results; it is widely used, including in critical fields such as military, intelligence and health. However, because of WSNs have different infrastructure and architecture than traditional networks, different security measures must be taken. In this study, an intrusion detection system (IDS) is modeled to ensure WSN security. Since the signature, misuse and anomaly based detection methods for intrusion detection systems are insufficient to provide security alone, a hybrid model is proposed in which these methods are used together. In the hybrid model, anomaly rules were defined for attack detection, and machine learning algorithms BayesNet, J48 and Random Forest were used to classify normal and abnormal traffic. Unlike the studies in the literature, CSE-CIC-IDS2018, the most up-to-date data set, was used to create attack profiles. Considering both hardware constraints and battery capacities of WSNs; the data was pre-processed in accordance with data mining principles. The results showed that the developed model has high accuracy and low false alarm rate.
Kita, Kouhei, Uda, Ryuya.  2021.  Malware Subspecies Detection Method by Suffix Arrays and Machine Learning. 2021 55th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS). :1–6.
Malware such as metamorphic virus changes its codes and it cannot be detected by pattern matching. Such malware can be detected by surface analysis, dynamic analysis or static analysis. We focused on surface analysis since neither virtual environments nor high level engineering is required. A representative method in surface analysis is n-gram with machine learning. On the other hand, important features are sometimes cut off by n-gram since n is not variable in some existing methods. Hence, scores of malware detection methods are not perfect. Moreover, creating n-gram features takes long time for comparing files. Furthermore, in some n-gram methods, invisible malware can be created when the methods are known to attackers. Therefore, we proposed a new malware subspecies detection method by suffix arrays and machine learning. We evaluated the method with four real malware subspecies families and succeeded to classify them with almost 100% accuracy.
Lakhdhar, Yosra, Rekhis, Slim.  2021.  Machine Learning Based Approach for the Automated Mapping of Discovered Vulnerabilities to Adversial Tactics. 2021 IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW). :309–317.
To defend networks against security attacks, cyber defenders have to identify vulnerabilities that could be exploited by an attacker and fix them. However, vulnerabilities are constantly evolving and their number is rising. In addition, the resources required (i.e., time and cost) to patch all the identified vulnerabilities and update the affected assets are not always affordable. For these reasons, the defender needs to have a set of metrics that could be used to automatically map new discovered vulnerabilities to potential attack tactics. Using such a mapping to attack tactics, will allow security solutions to better respond inline to any vulnerabilities exploitation tentatives, by selecting and prioritizing suitable response strategy. In this work, we provide a multilabel classification approach to automatically map a detected vulnerability to the MITRE Adversarial Tactics that could be used by the attacker. The proposed approach will help cyber defenders to prioritize their defense strategies, ensure a rapid and efficient investigation process, and well manage new detected vulnerabilities. We evaluate a set of machine learning algorithms (BinaryRelevance, LabelPowerset, ClassifierChains, MLKNN, BRKNN, RAkELd, NLSP, and Neural Networks) and found out that ClassifierChains with RandomForest classifier is the best method in our experiment.
Yuhua, Lu, Wenqiang, Wang, Zhenjiang, Pang, Yan, Li, Binbin, Xue, Shan, Ba.  2021.  A Method and System for Program Management of Security Chip Production. 2021 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Image Processing, Electronics and Computers (IPEC). :461–464.
This paper analyzes the current situation and shortcomings of traditional security chip production program management, then proposes a management approach of a chip issue program management method and develope a management system based on Webservice technology. The program management method and system of chip production proposed in this paper simplifies the program management process of chip production and improves the working efficiency of chip production management.
Biswas, Ananda, Dee, Timothy M., Guo, Yunxi, Li, Zelong, Tyagi, Akhilesh.  2021.  Multi-Granularity Control Flow Anomaly Detection with Hardware Counters. 2021 IEEE 7th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT). :449—454.
Hardware counters are included in processors to count microarchitecture level events affecting performance. When control flow anomalies caused by attacks such as buffer overflow or return oriented programming (ROP) occur, they leave a microarchitectural footprint. Hardware counters reflect such footprints to flag control flow anomalies. This paper is geared towards buffer overflow and ROP control flow anomaly detection in embedded programs. The targeted program entities are main event loops and task/event handlers. Embedded systems also have enhanced need for variable anomaly detection time in order to meet the system response time requirements. We propose a novel repurposing of Patt-Yeh two level branch predictor data structure for abstracting/hashing HW counter signatures to support such variable anomaly detection times. The proposed anomaly detection mechanism is evaluated on some generic benchmark programs and ArduPilot - a popular autopilot software. Experimental evaluation encompasses both Intel X86 and ARM Cortex M processors. DWT within Cortex M provides sufficiently interesting program level event counts to capture these control flow anomalies. We are able to achieve 97-99%+ accuracy with 1-10 micro-second time overhead per anomaly check.
Da Veiga, Tomás, Chandler, James H., Pittiglio, Giovanni, Lloyd, Peter, Holdar, Mohammad, Onaizah, Onaizah, Alazmani, Ali, Valdastri, Pietro.  2021.  Material Characterization for Magnetic Soft Robots. 2021 IEEE 4th International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft). :335–342.
Magnetic soft robots are increasingly popular as they provide many advantages such as miniaturization and tetherless control that are ideal for applications inside the human body or in previously inaccessible locations.While non-magnetic elastomers have been extensively characterized and modelled for optimizing the fabrication of soft robots, a systematic material characterization of their magnetic counterparts is still missing. In this paper, commonly employed magnetic materials made out of Ecoflex™ 00-30 and Dragon Skin™ 10 with different concentrations of NdFeB microparticles were mechanically and magnetically characterized. The magnetic materials were evaluated under uniaxial tensile testing and their behavior analyzed through linear and hyperelastic model comparison. To determine the corresponding magnetic properties, we present a method to determine the magnetization vector, and magnetic remanence, by means of a force and torque load cell and large reference permanent magnet; demonstrating a high level of accuracy. Furthermore, we study the influence of varied magnitude impulse magnetizing fields on the resultant magnetizations. In combination, by applying improved, material-specific mechanical and magnetic properties to a 2-segment discrete magnetic robot, we show the potential to reduce simulation errors from 8.5% to 5.4%.
Xu, Chengtao, Song, Houbing.  2021.  Mixed Initiative Balance of Human-Swarm Teaming in Surveillance via Reinforcement learning. 2021 IEEE/AIAA 40th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC). :1—10.
Human-machine teaming (HMT) operates in a context defined by the mission. Varying from the complexity and disturbance in the cooperation between humans and machines, a single machine has difficulty handling work with humans in the scales of efficiency and workload. Swarm of machines provides a more feasible solution in such a mission. Human-swarm teaming (HST) extends the concept of HMT in the mission, such as persistent surveillance, search-and-rescue, warfare. Bringing the concept of HST faces several scientific challenges. For example, the strategies of allocation on the high-level decision making. Here, human usually plays the supervisory or decision making role. Performance of such fixed structure of HST in actual mission operation could be affected by the supervisor’s status from many aspects, which could be considered in three general parts: workload, situational awareness, and trust towards the robot swarm teammate and mission performance. Besides, the complexity of a single human operator in accessing multiple machine agents increases the work burdens. An interface between swarm teammates and human operators to simplify the interaction process is desired in the HST.In this paper, instead of purely considering the workload of human teammates, we propose the computational model of human swarm interaction (HSI) in the simulated map surveillance mission. UAV swarm and human supervisor are both assigned in searching a predefined area of interest (AOI). The workload allocation of map monitoring is adjusted based on the status of the human worker and swarm teammate. Workload, situation awareness ability, trust are formulated as independent models, which affect each other. A communication-aware UAV swarm persistent surveillance algorithm is assigned in the swarm autonomy portion. With the different surveillance task loads, the swarm agent’s thrust parameter adjusts the autonomy level to fit the human operator’s needs. Reinforcement learning is applied in seeking the relative balance of workload in both human and swarm sides. Metrics such as mission accomplishment rate, human supervisor performance, mission performance of UAV swarm are evaluated in the end. The simulation results show that the algorithm could learn the human-machine trust interaction to seek the workload balance to reach better mission execution performance. This work inspires us to leverage a more comprehensive HST model in more practical HMT application scenarios.
Huang, Chao, Luo, Wenhao, Liu, Rui.  2021.  Meta Preference Learning for Fast User Adaptation in Human-Supervisory Multi-Robot Deployments. 2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). :5851—5856.
As multi-robot systems (MRS) are widely used in various tasks such as natural disaster response and social security, people enthusiastically expect an MRS to be ubiquitous that a general user without heavy training can easily operate. However, humans have various preferences on balancing between task performance and safety, imposing different requirements onto MRS control. Failing to comply with preferences makes people feel difficult in operation and decreases human willingness of using an MRS. Therefore, to improve social acceptance as well as performance, there is an urgent need to adjust MRS behaviors according to human preferences before triggering human corrections, which increases cognitive load. In this paper, a novel Meta Preference Learning (MPL) method was developed to enable an MRS to fast adapt to user preferences. MPL based on meta learning mechanism can quickly assess human preferences from limited instructions; then, a neural network based preference model adjusts MRS behaviors for preference adaption. To validate method effectiveness, a task scenario "An MRS searches victims in an earthquake disaster site" was designed; 20 human users were involved to identify preferences as "aggressive", "medium", "reserved"; based on user guidance and domain knowledge, about 20,000 preferences were simulated to cover different operations related to "task quality", "task progress", "robot safety". The effectiveness of MPL in preference adaption was validated by the reduced duration and frequency of human interventions.
Baumann, Lukas, Heftrig, Elias, Shulman, Haya, Waidner, Michael.  2021.  The Master and Parasite Attack. 2021 51st Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN). :141—148.
We explore a new type of malicious script attacks: the persistent parasite attack. Persistent parasites are stealthy scripts, which persist for a long time in the browser's cache. We show to infect the caches of victims with parasite scripts via TCP injection. Once the cache is infected, we implement methodologies for propagation of the parasites to other popular domains on the victim client as well as to other caches on the network. We show how to design the parasites so that they stay long time in the victim's cache not restricted to the duration of the user's visit to the web site. We develop covert channels for communication between the attacker and the parasites, which allows the attacker to control which scripts are executed and when, and to exfiltrate private information to the attacker, such as cookies and passwords. We then demonstrate how to leverage the parasites to perform sophisticated attacks, and evaluate the attacks against a range of applications and security mechanisms on popular browsers. Finally we provide recommendations for countermeasures.
Bergmans, Lodewijk, Schrijen, Xander, Ouwehand, Edwin, Bruntink, Magiel.  2021.  Measuring source code conciseness across programming languages using compression. 2021 IEEE 21st International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM). :47–57.
It is well-known, and often a topic of heated debates, that programs in some programming languages are more concise than in others. This is a relevant factor when comparing or aggregating volume-impacted metrics on source code written in a combination of programming languages. In this paper, we present a model for measuring the conciseness of programming languages in a consistent, objective and evidence-based way. We present the approach, explain how it is founded on information theoretical principles, present detailed analysis steps and show the quantitative results of applying this model to a large benchmark of diverse commercial software applications. We demonstrate that our metric for language conciseness is strongly correlated with both an alternative analytical approach, and with a large scale developer survey, and show how its results can be applied to improve software metrics for multi-language applications.
Hehenberger, Simon, Tripathi, Veenu, Varma, Sachit, Elmarissi, Wahid, Caizzone, Stefano.  2021.  A Miniaturized All-GNSS Bands Antenna Array Incorporating Multipath Suppression for Robust Satellite Navigation on UAV Platforms. 2021 15th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP). :1—4.
Nowadays, an increasing trend to use autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) for applications like logistics as well as security and surveillance can be recorded. Autonomic UAVs require robust and precise navigation to ensure efficient and safe operation even in strong multipath environments and (intended) interference. The need for robust navigation on UAVs implies the necessary integration of low-cost, lightweight, and compact array antennas as well as structures for multipath mitigation into the UAV platform. This article investigates a miniaturized antenna array mounted on top of vertical choke rings for robust navigation purposes. The array employs four 3D printed elements based on dielectric resonators capable of operating in all GNSS bands while compact enough for mobile applications such as UAV.