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White, E. M. H., Kassen, A. G., Simsek, E., Tang, W., Ott, R. T., Anderson, I. E..  2017.  Net Shape Processing of Alnico Magnets by Additive Manufacturing. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 53:1–6.

Alternatives to rare earth permanent magnets, such as alnico, will reduce supply instability, increase sustainability, and could decrease the cost of permanent magnets, especially for high-temperature applications, such as traction drive motors. Alnico magnets with moderate coercivity, high remanence, and relatively high-energy product are conventionally processed by directional solidification and (significant) final machining, contributing to increased costs and additional material waste. Additive manufacturing (AM) is developing as a cost effective method to build net-shape 3-D parts with minimal final machining and properties comparable to wrought parts. This paper describes initial studies of net-shape fabrication of alnico magnets by AM using a laser engineered net shaping (LENS) system. High-pressure gas atomized pre-alloyed powders of two different modified alnico “8” compositions, with high purity and sphericity, were built into cylinders using the LENS process, and followed by heat treatment. The magnetic properties showed improvement over their cast and sintered counterparts. The resulting alnico permanent magnets were characterized using scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive spectroscopy, electron backscatter diffraction, and hysteresisgraph measurements. These results display the potential for net-shape processing of alnico permanent magnets for use in next generation traction-drive motors and other applications requiring high temperatures and/or complex engineered part geometries.

Wu, T. Y., Tseng, Y. M., Huang, S. S., Lai, Y. C..  2017.  Non-Repudiable Provable Data Possession Scheme With Designated Verifier in Cloud Storage Systems. IEEE Access. 5:19333–19341.

In cloud storage systems, users can upload their data along with associated tags (authentication information) to cloud storage servers. To ensure the availability and integrity of the outsourced data, provable data possession (PDP) schemes convince verifiers (users or third parties) that the outsourced data stored in the cloud storage server is correct and unchanged. Recently, several PDP schemes with designated verifier (DV-PDP) were proposed to provide the flexibility of arbitrary designated verifier. A designated verifier (private verifier) is trustable and designated by a user to check the integrity of the outsourced data. However, these DV-PDP schemes are either inefficient or insecure under some circumstances. In this paper, we propose the first non-repudiable PDP scheme with designated verifier (DV-NRPDP) to address the non-repudiation issue and resolve possible disputations between users and cloud storage servers. We define the system model, framework and adversary model of DV-NRPDP schemes. Afterward, a concrete DV-NRPDP scheme is presented. Based on the computing discrete logarithm assumption, we formally prove that the proposed DV-NRPDP scheme is secure against several forgery attacks in the random oracle model. Comparisons with the previously proposed schemes are given to demonstrate the advantages of our scheme.

Balakrishnan, Nikilesh, Carata, Lucian, Bytheway, Thomas, Sohan, Ripduman, Hopper, Andy.  2017.  Non-repudiable Disk I/O in Untrusted Kernels. Proceedings of the 8th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems. :24:1–24:6.
It is currently impossible for an application to verify that the data it passes to the kernel for storage is actually submitted to an underlying device or that the data returned to an application by the kernel has actually originated from an underlying device. A compromised or malicious OS can silently discard data written by the application or return fabricated data during a read operation. This is a serious data integrity issue for use-cases where verifiable storage and retrieval of data is a necessary precondition for ensuring correct operation, for example with secure logging, APT monitoring and compliance. We outline a solution for verifiable data storage and retrieval by providing a trustworthy mechanism, based on Intel SGX, to authenticate and verify request data at both the application and storage device endpoints. Even in the presence of a malicious OS our design ensures the authenticity and integrity of data while performing disk I/O and detects any data loss attributable to the untrusted OS fabricating or discarding read and write requests respectively. We provide a nascent prototype implementation for the core system together with an evaluation highlighting the temporal overheads imposed by this mechanism.
Markman, Chen, Wool, Avishai, Cardenas, Alvaro A..  2017.  A New Burst-DFA Model for SCADA Anomaly Detection. Proceedings of the 2017 Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems Security and PrivaCy. :1–12.

In Industrial Control Systems (ICS/SCADA), machine to machine data traffic is highly periodic. Past work showed that in many cases, it is possible to model the traffic between each individual Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) and the SCADA server by a cyclic Deterministic Finite Automaton (DFA), and to use the model to detect anomalies in the traffic. However, a recent analysis of network traffic in a water facility in the U.S, showed that cyclic-DFA models have limitations. In our research, we examine the same data corpus; our study shows that the communication on all of the channels in the network is done in bursts of packets, and that the bursts have semantic meaning---the order within a burst depends on the messages. Using these observations, we suggest a new burst-DFA model that fits the data much better than previous work. Our model treats the traffic on each channel as a series of bursts, and matches each burst to the DFA, taking the burst's beginning and end into account. Our burst-DFA model successfully explains between 95% and 99% of the packets in the data-corpus, and goes a long way toward the construction of a practical anomaly detection system.

Douros, V. G., Riihijärvi, J., Mähönen, P..  2017.  Network economics of SDN-based infrastructures: Can we unlock value through ICN multicast? 2017 IEEE 28th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC). :1–5.

Software-defined networking (SDN) is enabling radically easier deployment of new routing infrastructures in enterprise and operator networks. However, it is not clear how to best exploit this flexibility, when also considering the migration costs. In this paper, we use tools from network economics to study a recent proposal of using information-centric networking (ICN) principles on an SDN infrastructure for improving the delivery of Internet Protocol (IP) services. The key value proposition of this IP-over-ICN approach is to use the native and lightweight multicast service delivery enabled by the ICN technology to reduce network load by removing redundant data. Our analysis shows that for services where IP multicast delivery is technically feasible, IP-over-ICN deployments are economically sensible if only few users will access the given service simultaneously. However, for services where native IP multicast is not a technically feasible option, such as for dynamically generated or personalized content, IP-over-ICN significantly outperforms IP.

Al-Salhi, Y. E. A., Lu, S..  2017.  New Steganography Scheme to Conceal a Large Amount of Secret Messages Using an Improved-AMBTC Algorithm Based on Hybrid Adaptive Neural Networks. 2017 Ieee 3rd International Conference on Big Data Security on Cloud (Bigdatasecurity), Ieee International Conference on High Performance and Smart Computing (Hpsc), and Ieee International Conference on Intelligent Data and Security (Ids). :112–121.

The term steganography was used to conceal thesecret message into other media file. In this paper, a novel imagesteganography is proposed, based on adaptive neural networkswith recycling the Improved Absolute Moment Block TruncationCoding algorithm, and by employing the enhanced five edgedetection operators with an optimal target of the ANNS. Wepropose a new scheme of an image concealing using hybridadaptive neural networks based on I-AMBTC method by thehelp of two approaches, the relevant edge detection operators andimage compression methods. Despite that, many processes in ourscheme are used, but still the quality of concealed image lookinggood according to the HVS and PVD systems. The final simulationresults are discussed and compared with another related researchworks related to the image steganography system.

Boroumand, Mehdi, Fridrich, Jessica.  2017.  Nonlinear Feature Normalization in Steganalysis. Proceedings of the 5th ACM Workshop on Information Hiding and Multimedia Security. :45–54.

In this paper, we propose a method for normalization of rich feature sets to improve detection accuracy of simple classifiers in steganalysis. It consists of two steps: 1) replacing random subsets of empirical joint probability mass functions (co-occurrences) by their conditional probabilities and 2) applying a non-linear normalization to each element of the feature vector by forcing its marginal distribution over covers to be uniform. We call the first step random conditioning and the second step feature uniformization. When applied to maxSRMd2 features in combination with simple classifiers, we observe a gain in detection accuracy across all tested stego algorithms and payloads. For better insight, we investigate the gain for two image formats. The proposed normalization has a very low computational complexity and does not require any feedback from the stego class.

Schmidt, Sabine S., Mazurczyk, Wojciech, Keller, Jörg, Caviglione, Luca.  2017.  A New Data-Hiding Approach for IP Telephony Applications with Silence Suppression. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security. :83:1–83:6.

Even if information hiding can be used for licit purposes, it is increasingly exploited by malware to exfiltrate data or to coordinate attacks in a stealthy manner. Therefore, investigating new methods for creating covert channels is fundamental to completely assess the security of the Internet. Since the popularity of the carrier plays a major role, this paper proposes to hide data within VoIP traffic. Specifically, we exploit Voice Activity Detection (VAD), which suspends the transmission during speech pauses to reduce bandwidth requirements. To create the covert channel, our method transforms a VAD-activated VoIP stream into a non-VAD one. Then, hidden information is injected into fake RTP packets generated during silence intervals. Results indicate that steganographically modified VAD-activated VoIP streams offer a good trade-off between stealthiness and steganographic bandwidth.

Djedjig, N., Tandjaoui, D., Medjek, F., Romdhani, I..  2017.  New Trust Metric for the RPL Routing Protocol. 2017 8th International Conference on Information and Communication Systems (ICICS). :328–335.

Establishing trust relationships between routing nodes represents a vital security requirement to establish reliable routing processes that exclude infected or selfish nodes. In this paper, we propose a new security scheme for the Internet of things and mainly for the RPL (Routing Protocol for Low-power and Lossy Networks) called: Metric-based RPL Trustworthiness Scheme (MRTS). The primary aim is to enhance RPL security and deal with the trust inference problem. MRTS addresses trust issue during the construction and maintenance of routing paths from each node to the BR (Border Router). To handle this issue, we extend DIO (DODAG Information Object) message by introducing a new trust-based metric ERNT (Extended RPL Node Trustworthiness) and a new Objective Function TOF (Trust Objective Function). In fact, ERNT represents the trust values for each node within the network, and TOF demonstrates how ERNT is mapped to path cost. In MRTS all nodes collaborate to calculate ERNT by taking into account nodes' behavior including selfishness, energy, and honesty components. We implemented our scheme by extending the distributed Bellman-Ford algorithm. Evaluation results demonstrated that the new scheme improves the security of RPL.

Yang, Y., Wu, L., Zhang, X., He, J..  2017.  A Novel Hardware Trojan Detection with Chip ID Based on Relative Time Delays. 2017 11th IEEE International Conference on Anti-Counterfeiting, Security, and Identification (ASID). :163–167.

This paper introduces a hardware Trojan detection method using Chip ID which is generated by Relative Time-Delays (RTD) of sensor chains and the effectiveness of RTD is verified by post-layout simulations. The rank of time-delays of the sensor chains would be changed in Trojan-inserted chip. RTD is an accurate approach targeting to all kinds of Trojans, since it is based on the RELATIVE relationship between the time-delays rather than the absolute values, which are hard to be measured and will change with the fabricate process. RTD needs no golden chip, because the RELATIVE values would not change in most situations. Thus the genuine ID can be generated by simulator. The sensor chains can be inserted into a layout utilizing unused spaces, so RTD is a low-cost solution. A Trojan with 4x minimum NMOS is placed in different places of the chip. The behavior of the chip is obtained by using transient based post-layout simulation. All the Trojans are detected AND located, thus the effectiveness of RTD is verified.

Meyer, D., Haase, J., Eckert, M., Klauer, B..  2017.  New Attack Vectors for Building Automation and IoT. IECON 2017 - 43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. :8126–8131.

In the past the security of building automation solely depended on the security of the devices inside or tightly connected to the building. In the last years more devices evolved using some kind of cloud service as a back-end or providers supplying some kind of device to the user. Also, the number of building automation systems connected to the Internet for management, control, and data storage increases every year. These developments cause the appearance of new threats on building automation. As Internet of Thing (IoT) and building automation intertwine more and more these threats are also valid for IoT installations. The paper presents new attack vectors and new threats using the threat model of Meyer et al.[1].

Yousefi, M., Mtetwa, N., Zhang, Y., Tianfield, H..  2017.  A Novel Approach for Analysis of Attack Graph. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI). :7–12.

Attack graph technique is a common tool for the evaluation of network security. However, attack graphs are generally too large and complex to be understood and interpreted by security administrators. This paper proposes an analysis framework for security attack graphs for a given IT infrastructure system. First, in order to facilitate the discovery of interconnectivities among vulnerabilities in a network, multi-host multi-stage vulnerability analysis (MulVAL) is employed to generate an attack graph for a given network topology. Then a novel algorithm is applied to refine the attack graph and generate a simplified graph called a transition graph. Next, a Markov model is used to project the future security posture of the system. Finally, the framework is evaluated by applying it on a typical IT network scenario with specific services, network configurations, and vulnerabilities.

Alom, M. Z., Taha, T. M..  2017.  Network Intrusion Detection for Cyber Security on Neuromorphic Computing System. 2017 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). :3830–3837.

In the paper, we demonstrate a neuromorphic cognitive computing approach for Network Intrusion Detection System (IDS) for cyber security using Deep Learning (DL). The algorithmic power of DL has been merged with fast and extremely power efficient neuromorphic processors for cyber security. In this implementation, the data has been numerical encoded to train with un-supervised deep learning techniques called Auto Encoder (AE) in the training phase. The generated weights of AE are used as initial weights for the supervised training phase using neural networks. The final weights are converted to discrete values using Discrete Vector Factorization (DVF) for generating crossbar weight, synaptic weights, and thresholds for neurons. Finally, the generated crossbar weights, synaptic weights, threshold, and leak values are mapped to crossbars and neurons. In the testing phase, the encoded test samples are converted to spiking form by using hybrid encoding technique. The model has been deployed and tested on the IBM Neurosynaptic Core Simulator (NSCS) and on actual IBM TrueNorth neurosynaptic chip. The experimental results show around 90.12% accuracy for network intrusion detection for cyber security on the physical neuromorphic chip. Furthermore, we have investigated the proposed system not only for detection of malicious packets but also for classifying specific types of attacks and achieved 81.31% recognition accuracy. The neuromorphic implementation provides incredible detection and classification accuracy for network intrusion detection with extremely low power.

Yusof, M., Saudi, M. M., Ridzuan, F..  2017.  A New Mobile Botnet Classification Based on Permission and API Calls. 2017 Seventh International Conference on Emerging Security Technologies (EST). :122–127.

Currently, mobile botnet attacks have shifted from computers to smartphones due to its functionality, ease to exploit, and based on financial intention. Mostly, it attacks Android due to its popularity and high usage among end users. Every day, more and more malicious mobile applications (apps) with the botnet capability have been developed to exploit end users' smartphones. Therefore, this paper presents a new mobile botnet classification based on permission and Application Programming Interface (API) calls in the smartphone. This classification is developed using static analysis in a controlled lab environment and the Drebin dataset is used as the training dataset. 800 apps from the Google Play Store have been chosen randomly to test the proposed classification. As a result, 16 permissions and 31 API calls that are most related with mobile botnet have been extracted using feature selection and later classified and tested using machine learning algorithms. The experimental result shows that the Random Forest Algorithm has achieved the highest detection accuracy of 99.4% with the lowest false positive rate of 16.1% as compared to other machine learning algorithms. This new classification can be used as the input for mobile botnet detection for future work, especially for financial matters.

Liu, W., Chen, F., Hu, H., Cheng, G., Huo, S., Liang, H..  2017.  A Novel Framework for Zero-Day Attacks Detection and Response with Cyberspace Mimic Defense Architecture. 2017 International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery (CyberC). :50–53.

In cyberspace, unknown zero-day attacks can bring safety hazards. Traditional defense methods based on signatures are ineffective. Based on the Cyberspace Mimic Defense (CMD) architecture, the paper proposes a framework to detect the attacks and respond to them. Inputs are assigned to all online redundant heterogeneous functionally equivalent modules. Their independent outputs are compared and the outputs in the majority will be the final response. The abnormal outputs can be detected and so can the attack. The damaged executive modules with abnormal outputs will be replaced with new ones from the diverse executive module pool. By analyzing the abnormal outputs, the correspondence between inputs and abnormal outputs can be built and inputs leading to recurrent abnormal outputs will be written into the zero-day attack related database and their reuses cannot work any longer, as the suspicious malicious inputs can be detected and processed. Further responses include IP blacklisting and patching, etc. The framework also uses honeypot like executive module to confuse the attacker. The proposed method can prevent the recurrent attack based on the same exploit.

Al Nahas, Beshr, Duquennoy, Simon, Landsiedel, Olaf.  2017.  Network-Wide Consensus Utilizing the Capture Effect in Low-Power Wireless Networks. Proceedings of the 15th ACM Conference on Embedded Network Sensor Systems. :1:1–1:14.

In low-power wireless networking, new applications such as cooperative robots or industrial closed-loop control demand for network-wide consensus at low-latency and high reliability. Distributed consensus protocols is a mature field of research in a wired context, but has received little attention in low-power wireless settings. In this paper, we present A2: Agreement in the Air, a system that brings distributed consensus to low-power multi-hop networks. A2 introduces Synchrotron, a synchronous transmissions kernel that builds a robust mesh by exploiting the capture effect, frequency hopping with parallel channels, and link-layer security. A2 builds on top of this reliable base layer and enables the two- and three-phase commit protocols, as well as network services such as group membership, hopping sequence distribution and re-keying. We evaluate A2 on four public testbeds with different deployment densities and sizes. A2 requires only 475 ms to complete a two-phase commit over 180 nodes. The resulting duty cycle is 0.5% for 1-minute intervals. We show that A2 achieves zero losses end-to-end over long experiments, representing millions of data points. When adding controlled failures, we show that two-phase commit ensures transaction consistency in A2 while three-phase commit provides liveness at the expense of inconsistency under specific failure scenarios.

Razi, Afsaneh, Hua, Kien A., Majidi, Akbar.  2017.  NQ-GPLS: N-Queen Inspired Gateway Placement and Learning Automata-Based Gateway Selection in Wireless Mesh Network. Proceedings of the 15th ACM International Symposium on Mobility Management and Wireless Access. :41–44.

This paper discusses two issues with multi-channel multi-radio Wireless Mesh Networks (WMN): gateway placement and gateway selection. To address these issues, a method will be proposed that places gateways at strategic locations to avoid congestion and adaptively learns to select a more efficient gateway for each wireless router by using learning automata. This method, called the N-queen Inspired Gateway Placement and Learning Automata-based Selection (NQ-GPLS), considers multiple metrics such as loss ratio, throughput, load at the gateways and delay. Simulation results from NS-2 simulator demonstrate that NQ-GPLS can significantly improve the overall network performance compared to a standard WMN.

Pundir, N., Hazari, N. A., Amsaad, F., Niamat, M..  2017.  A Novel Hybrid Delay Based Physical Unclonable Function Immune to Machine Learning Attacks. 2017 IEEE National Aerospace and Electronics Conference (NAECON). :84–87.

In this paper, machine learning attacks are performed on a novel hybrid delay based Arbiter Ring Oscillator PUF (AROPUF). The AROPUF exhibits improved results when compared to traditional Arbiter Physical Unclonable Function (APUF). The challenge-response pairs (CRPs) from both PUFs are fed to the multilayered perceptron model (MLP) with one hidden layer. The results show that the CRPs generated from the proposed AROPUF has more training and prediction errors when compared to the APUF, thus making it more difficult for the adversary to predict the CRPs.

Dion, Yap L., Joshua, Abigail A., Brohi, Sarfraz N..  2017.  Negation of Ransomware via Gamification and Enforcement of Standards. Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence. :203–208.

With the continued advancement of the internet and relevant programs, the number of exploitable loopholes in security systems increases. One such exploit that is plaguing the software scene is ransomware, a type of malware that weaves its way through these security loopholes and denies access to intellectual property and documents via encryption. The culprits will then demand a ransom as a price for data decryption. Many businesses face the issue of not having stringent security measures that are sufficient enough to negate the threat of ransomware. This jeopardizes the availability of sensitive data as corporations and individuals are at threat of losing data crucial to business or personal operations. Although certain countermeasures to deal with ransomware exist, the fact that a plethora of new ransomware cases keeps appearing every year points to the problem that they aren't effective enough. This paper aims to conceptualize practical solutions that can be used as foundations to build on in hope that more effective and proactive countermeasures to ransomware can be developed in the future.

Liu, R., Verbi\v c, G., Xu, Y..  2017.  A New Reliability-Driven Intelligent System for Power System Dynamic Security Assessment. 2017 Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC). :1–6.

Dynamic security assessment provides system operators with vital information for possible preventive or emergency control to prevent security problems. In some cases, power system topology change deteriorates intelligent system-based online stability assessment performance. In this paper, we propose a new online assessment scheme to improve classification performance reliability of dynamic transient stability assessment. In the new scheme, we use an intelligent system consisting an ensemble of neural networks based on extreme learning machine. A new feature selection algorithm combining filter type method RRelief-F and wrapper type method Sequential Floating Forward Selection is proposed. Boosting learning algorithm is used in intelligent system training process which leads to higher classification accuracy. Moreover, we propose a new classification rule using weighted outputs of predictors in the ensemble helps to achieve 100% transient stability prediction in our case study.

Liu, R., Verbi\v c, G., Xu, Y..  2017.  A New Reliability-Driven Intelligent System for Power System Dynamic Security Assessment. 2017 Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC). :1–6.

Dynamic security assessment provides system operators with vital information for possible preventive or emergency control to prevent security problems. In some cases, power system topology change deteriorates intelligent system-based online stability assessment performance. In this paper, we propose a new online assessment scheme to improve classification performance reliability of dynamic transient stability assessment. In the new scheme, we use an intelligent system consisting an ensemble of neural networks based on extreme learning machine. A new feature selection algorithm combining filter type method RRelief-F and wrapper type method Sequential Floating Forward Selection is proposed. Boosting learning algorithm is used in intelligent system training process which leads to higher classification accuracy. Moreover, we propose a new classification rule using weighted outputs of predictors in the ensemble helps to achieve 100% transient stability prediction in our case study.

Alzubaidi, Mahmood, Anbar, Mohammed, Hanshi, Sabri M..  2017.  Neighbor-Passive Monitoring Technique for Detecting Sinkhole Attacks in RPL Networks. Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence. :173–182.
Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) over Low-power Wireless Personal Area Networks (6LoWPAN) is extensively used in wireless sensor networks due to its capability to transmit IPv6 packets with low bandwidth and limited resources. 6LoWPAN has several operations in each layer. Most existing security challenges are focused on the network layer, which is represented by the Routing Protocol for Low-power and Lossy Networks (RPL). 6LoWPAN, with its routing protocol (RPL), usually uses nodes that have constrained resources (memory, power, and processor). In addition, RPL messages are exchanged among network nodes without any message authentication mechanism, thereby exposing the RPL to various attacks that may lead to network disruptions. A sinkhole attack utilizes the vulnerabilities in an RPL and attracts considerable traffic by advertising falsified data that change the routing preference for other nodes. This paper proposes the neighbor-passive monitoring technique (NPMT) for detecting sinkhole attacks in RPL-based networks. The proposed technique is evaluated using the COOJA simulator in terms of power consumption and detection accuracy. Moreover, NPMT is compared with popular detection mechanisms.
Peeters, Roel, Hermans, Jens, Maene, Pieter, Grenman, Katri, Halunen, Kimmo, Häikiö, Juha.  2017.  n-Auth: Mobile Authentication Done Right. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Computer Security Applications Conference. :1–15.
Weak security, excessive personal data collection for user profiling, and a poor user experience are just a few of the many problems that mobile authentication solutions suffer from. Despite being an interesting platform, mobile devices are still not being used to their full potential for authentication. n-Auth is a firm step in unlocking the full potential of mobile devices in authentication, by improving both security and usability whilst respecting the privacy of the user. Our focus is on the combined usage of several strong cryptographic techniques with secure HCI design principles to achieve a better user experience. We specified and built n-Auth, for which robust Android and iOS apps are openly available through the official stores.
Alom, M. Z., Taha, T. M..  2017.  Network Intrusion Detection for Cyber Security Using Unsupervised Deep Learning Approaches. 2017 IEEE National Aerospace and Electronics Conference (NAECON). :63–69.

In the paper, we demonstrate novel approach for network Intrusion Detection System (IDS) for cyber security using unsupervised Deep Learning (DL) techniques. Very often, the supervised learning and rules based approach like SNORT fetch problem to identify new type of attacks. In this implementation, the input samples are numerical encoded and applied un-supervised deep learning techniques called Auto Encoder (AE) and Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM) for feature extraction and dimensionality reduction. Then iterative k-means clustering is applied for clustering on lower dimension space with only 3 features. In addition, Unsupervised Extreme Learning Machine (UELM) is used for network intrusion detection in this implementation. We have experimented on KDD-99 dataset, the experimental results show around 91.86% and 92.12% detection accuracy using unsupervised deep learning technique AE and RBM with K-means respectively. The experimental results also demonstrate, the proposed approach shows around 4.4% and 2.95% improvement of detection accuracy using RBM with K-means against only K-mean clustering and Unsupervised Extreme Learning Machine (USELM) respectively.

Stefanova, Z., Ramachandran, K..  2017.  Network Attribute Selection, Classification and Accuracy (NASCA) Procedure for Intrusion Detection Systems. 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST). :1–7.

With the progressive development of network applications and software dependency, we need to discover more advanced methods for protecting our systems. Each industry is equally affected, and regardless of whether we consider the vulnerability of the government or each individual household or company, we have to find a sophisticated and secure way to defend our systems. The starting point is to create a reliable intrusion detection mechanism that will help us to identify the attack at a very early stage; otherwise in the cyber security space the intrusion can affect the system negatively, which can cause enormous consequences and damage the system's privacy, security or financial stability. This paper proposes a concise, and easy to use statistical learning procedure, abbreviated NASCA, which is a four-stage intrusion detection method that can successfully detect unwanted intrusion to our systems. The model is static, but it can be adapted to a dynamic set up.