Visible to the public Demagnetization of a Complete Superconducting Radiofrequency Cryomodule: Theory and Practice

TitleDemagnetization of a Complete Superconducting Radiofrequency Cryomodule: Theory and Practice
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsChandrasekaran, S. K., Crawford, A. C.
JournalIEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity
Keywordsassembling, average magnetic flux density, Cavity resonators, compositionality, cryogenic electronics, Cryomodule, demagnetisation, Demagnetization, magnetic field management, Magnetic flux, Magnetic flux density, Magnetic shielding, Magnetization, pubcrawl, remanence, resilience, Resiliency, superconducting devices, superconducting radio frequency (SRF), superconducting radiofrequency cavity, superconducting radiofrequency cryomodule

A significant advance in magnetic field management in a fully assembled superconducting radiofrequency cryomodule has been achieved and is reported here. Demagnetization of the entire cryomodule after assembly is a crucial step toward the goal of average magnetic flux density less than 0.5 mT at the location of the superconducting radio frequency cavities. An explanation of the physics of demagnetization and experimental results are presented.

Citation Keychandrasekaran_demagnetization_2017