Visible to the public Constraining Attacker Capabilities Through Actuator Saturation

TitleConstraining Attacker Capabilities Through Actuator Saturation
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsKafash, S. H., Giraldo, J., Murguia, C., Cárdenas, A. A., Ruths, J.
Conference Name2018 Annual American Control Conference (ACC)
Keywordsactuator saturation, actuator security, actuators, artificial limits, attacker capabilities, composability, computer simulations, control system synthesis, dangerous states, Ellipsoids, Engines, Human Behavior, linear matrix inequalities, Linear systems, LTI control systems, mathematical tools, Metrics, Optimization, outer ellipsoidal bounds, physical limits, pubcrawl, reachability analysis, reachable sets, Resiliency, road vehicles, security, System performance, Tools, vehicles platoon
AbstractFor LTI control systems, we provide mathematical tools - in terms of Linear Matrix Inequalities - for computing outer ellipsoidal bounds on the reachable sets that attacks can induce in the system when they are subject to the physical limits of the actuators. Next, for a given set of dangerous states, states that (if reached) compromise the integrity or safe operation of the system, we provide tools for designing new artificial limits on the actuators (smaller than their physical bounds) such that the new ellipsoidal bounds (and thus the new reachable sets) are as large as possible (in terms of volume) while guaranteeing that the dangerous states are not reachable. This guarantees that the new bounds cut as little as possible from the original reachable set to minimize the loss of system performance. Computer simulations using a platoon of vehicles are presented to illustrate the performance of our tools.
Citation Keykafash_constraining_2018