Visible to the public Cyber Physical Sensors System Security: Threats, Vulnerabilities, and Solutions

TitleCyber Physical Sensors System Security: Threats, Vulnerabilities, and Solutions
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsEssa, A., Al-Shoura, T., Nabulsi, A. Al, Al-Ali, A. R., Aloul, F.
Conference Name2018 2nd International Conference on Smart Grid and Smart Cities (ICSGSC)
Date Publishedaug
ISBN Number978-1-5386-8102-2
Keywordscloud computing, composability, computing platform, control center, CPSS threats, cryptography, cyber physical SENSOR Systems, cyber physical sensors system security, cyber security, cyber security threats, Cyber-physical systems, Data collection, enterprise command, Human Behavior, human factors, Humidity, Indexes, Intelligent sensors, local real-time control activities, physical object, process algorithm, pubcrawl, Resiliency, security of data, Sensor systems, Servers, smart cities, Smart grid, Smart Grid Sensors, Smart Sensor, vulnerabilities, wireless access points

A Cyber Physical Sensor System (CPSS) consists of a computing platform equipped with wireless access points, sensors, and actuators. In a Cyber Physical System, CPSS constantly collects data from a physical object that is under process and performs local real-time control activities based on the process algorithm. The collected data is then transmitted through the network layer to the enterprise command and control center or to the cloud computing services for further processing and analysis. This paper investigates the CPSS' most common cyber security threats and vulnerabilities and provides countermeasures. Furthermore, the paper addresses how the CPSS are attacked, what are the leading consequences of the attacks, and the possible remedies to prevent them. Detailed case studies are presented to help the readers understand the CPSS threats, vulnerabilities, and possible solutions.

Citation Keyessa_cyber_2018