Visible to the public Privacy Preserving Distributed Computation of Private Attributes for Collaborative Privacy Aware Usage Control Systems

TitlePrivacy Preserving Distributed Computation of Private Attributes for Collaborative Privacy Aware Usage Control Systems
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsCostantino, G., Marra, A. La, Martinelli, F., Mori, P., Saracino, A.
Conference Name2018 IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP)
Date PublishedJune 2018
ISBN Number978-1-5386-4705-9
KeywordsAuthorization, Buildings, collaborative privacy aware usage control systems, collaborative smart services, composability, Computer architecture, control systems, data privacy, distributed multitier framework, energy consumption, groupware, Human Behavior, Internet of Things, IoT security, Metrics, power engineering computing, privacy, privacy preserving distributed computation, privacy sensitive data, private attributes, pubcrawl, secure multiparty computation, Smart grid, Smart Grid Privacy, smart power grids, smart-environment management, smart-grid use case, usage control

Collaborative smart services provide functionalities which exploit data collected from different sources to provide benefits to a community of users. Such data, however, might be privacy sensitive and their disclosure has to be avoided. In this paper, we present a distributed multi-tier framework intended for smart-environment management, based on usage control for policy evaluation and enforcement on devices belonging to different collaborating entities. The proposed framework exploits secure multi-party computation to evaluate policy conditions without disclosing actual value of evaluated attributes, to preserve privacy. As reference example, a smart-grid use case is presented.

Citation Keycostantino_privacy_2018