Visible to the public Keystroke Based User Authentication Using Modified Differential Evolution

TitleKeystroke Based User Authentication Using Modified Differential Evolution
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsKrishna, Gutha Jaya, Ravi, Vadlamani
Conference NameTENCON 2019 - 2019 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON)
Date Publishedoct
ISBN Number978-1-7281-1895-6
Keywordsanomaly detection, authentication, Human Behavior, human factors, keystroke analysis, keystroke dynamics, Metrics, Modified Differential Evolution, password, Presses, pubcrawl, Subspace Anomaly Detection, Task Analysis, Timing, Training, user authentication

User Authentication is a difficult problem yet to be addressed accurately. Little or no work is reported in literature dealing with clustering-based anomaly detection techniques for user authentication for keystroke data. Therefore, in this paper, Modified Differential Evolution (MDE) based subspace anomaly detection technique is proposed for user authentication in the context of behavioral biometrics using keystroke dynamics features. Thus, user authentication is posed as an anomaly detection problem. Anomalies in CMU's keystroke dynamics dataset are identified using subspace-based and distance-based techniques. It is observed that, among the proposed techniques, MDE based subspace anomaly detection technique yielded the highest Area Under ROC Curve (AUC) for user authentication problem. We also performed a Wilcoxon Signed Rank statistical test to corroborate our results statistically.

Citation Keykrishna_keystroke_2019