Visible to the public Design of Software Rejuvenation for CPS Security Using Invariant Sets

TitleDesign of Software Rejuvenation for CPS Security Using Invariant Sets
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsRomagnoli, Raffaele, Krogh, Bruce H., Sinopoli, Bruno
Conference Name2019 American Control Conference (ACC)
Date Publishedjul
KeywordsCollaboration, control engineering computing, control-theoretic perspective, cps security, Cyber Attacks, Cyber-physical systems, data protection, Human Behavior, human factors, invariance, invariant sets, Lyapunov function, Lyapunov methods, malicious modifications, Metrics, online software, policy-based governance, pubcrawl, quadrotor system, resilience, Resiliency, run-time code, run-time system, Safe Coding, security of data, software engineering, software rejuvenation design

Software rejuvenation has been proposed as a strategy to protect cyber-physical systems (CSPs) against unanticipated and undetectable cyber attacks. The basic idea is to refresh the system periodically with a secure and trusted copy of the online software so as to eliminate all effects of malicious modifications to the run-time code and data. This paper considers software rejuvenation design from a control-theoretic perspective. Invariant sets for the Lyapunov function for the safety controller are used to derive bounds on the time that the CPS can operate in mission control mode before the software must be refreshed. With these results it can be guaranteed that the CPS will remain safe under cyber attacks against the run-time system. The approach is illustrated using simulation of the nonlinear dynamics of a quadrotor system. The concluding section discusses directions for further research.

Citation Keyromagnoli_design_2019