Visible to the public Interest Flooding Attack Mitigation in Named Data Networking Based VANETs

TitleInterest Flooding Attack Mitigation in Named Data Networking Based VANETs
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsSattar, Muhammad Umar, Rehman, Rana Asif
Conference Name2019 International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology (FIT)
ISBN Number978-1-7281-6625-4
KeywordsAd Hoc, CCN, computer network security, content distribution, conventional IP based system, data fetching, data privacy, Flooding, Human Behavior, ICN, IFAMS scheme, Information Centric Network, Interest, interest flooding attack mitigation scheme, Internet, IP based Internet, IP networks, mobility management, Named Data Network Security, named data networking, NDN, network applications, poisoning cache attack, privacy violation, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Scalability, security susceptibilities, storage management, telecommunication network routing, VANETs, vehicular, vehicular ad hoc networks, Vehicular Named Data Network, VNDN

Nowadays network applications have more focus on content distribution which is hard to tackle in IP based Internet. Information Centric Network (ICN) have the ability to overcome this problem for various scenarios, specifically for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs). Conventional IP based system have issues like mobility management hence ICN solve this issue because data fetching is not dependent on a particular node or physical location. Many initial investigations have performed on an instance of ICN commonly known as Named Data Networking (NDN). However, NDN exposes the new type of security susceptibilities, poisoning cache attack, flooding Interest attack, and violation of privacy because the content in the network is called by the name. This paper focused on mitigation of Interest flooding attack by proposing new scheme, named Interest Flooding Attack Mitigation Scheme (IFAMS) in Vehicular Named Data Network (VNDN). Simulation results depict that proposed IFAMS scheme mitigates the Interest flooding attack in the network.

Citation Keysattar_interest_2019