Title | Towards a TRansparent I/O Solution |
Publication Type | Conference Paper |
Year of Publication | 2018 |
Authors | Nikolaidis, Fotios, Kossifidis, Nick, Leibovici, Thomas, Zertal, Soraya |
Conference Name | 2018 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW) |
Date Published | may |
Keywords | application behaviors, complex storage solutions, composability, cost reduction, custom code, data distribution, data lands, Encryption, graph chain, In transit engine, in-transit processing, infrastructure level, infrastructure setup, infrastructure-related changes, Libraries, Logic gates, management code, metadata, middleware, middleware security, policy-based governance, preceding graph, pubcrawl, Regulated I/O, resilience, Resiliency, reusable components, security, security of data, Semantics, software reusability, source code, source code (software), storage back-end, storage platforms, Strips, Transparent I/O, transparent I/O solution, Web service scenario security, web services, workload diversity |
Abstract | The benefits of data distribution to multiple storage platforms with different characteristics have been widely acknowledged. Such systems are more tolerant to outages and bottlenecks and allow for more flexible policies regarding cost reduction, security and workload diversity. To leverage platforms simultaneously additional orchestration steps are needed. Existing approaches either implement such steps in the application's source code, resulting to minimum reusability across applications, or handle them at the infrastructure level. The latter usually involves over-engineering to handle different application behaviors and binds the system to a specific infrastructure. In this paper we present a middle-ware that decouples the I/O path from the application's source code and performs in-transit processing before data lands on the storage platforms. Abstracting the I/O process as a graph of reusable components allows the developers to easily implement complex storage solutions without the burden of writing custom code. Similarly, the administrators can create their own graph that reflects the infrastructure setup and append it to the preceding graph, so that various policies and infrastructure-related changes can be performed transparently to the application. Users can also extend the graph chain to enhance the application's functionality by using plug-ins. Our approach eliminates the need for custom I/O management code and allows for the applications to evolve independently of the storage back-end. To evaluate our system we employed a secure web service scenario that was seamlessly adapted to the changes in its storage back-end. |
DOI | 10.1109/IPDPSW.2018.00189 |
Citation Key | nikolaidis_towards_2018 |